949 research outputs found

    Blood feeding patterns of mosquitoes: random or structured?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The foraging behavior of blood-sucking arthropods is the defining biological event shaping the transmission cycle of vector-borne parasites. It is also a phenomenon that pertains to the realm of community ecology, since blood-feeding patterns of vectors can occur across a community of vertebrate hosts. Although great advances in knowledge of the genetic basis for blood-feeding choices have been reported for selected vector species, little is known about the role of community composition of vertebrate hosts in determining such patterns.</p> <p>Methods & Results</p> <p>Here, we present an analysis of feeding patterns of vectors across a variety of locations, looking at foraging patterns of communities of mosquitoes, across communities of hosts primarily comprised of mammals and birds. Using null models of species co-occurrence, which do not require ancillary information about host abundance, we found that blood-feeding patterns were aggregated in studies from multiple sites, but random in studies from a single site. This combination of results supports the idea that mosquito species in a community may rely primarily on host availability in a given landscape, and that contacts with specific hosts will be influenced more by the presence/absence of hosts than by innate mosquito choices. This observation stresses the importance of blood-feeding plasticity as a key trait explaining the emergence of many zoonotic mosquito transmitted diseases.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>From an epidemiological perspective our observations support the idea that phenomena promoting synchronization of vectors and hosts can promote the emergence of vector-borne zoonotic diseases, as suggested by observations on the linkages between deforestation and the emergence of several human diseases.</p

    Polaritons in layered two-dimensional materials

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    In recent years, enhanced light-matter interactions through a plethora of dipole-type polaritonic excitations have been observed in two-dimensional (2D) layered materials. In graphene, electrically tunable and highly confined plasmon-polaritons were predicted and observed, opening up opportunities for optoelectronics, bio-sensing and other mid-infrared applications. In hexagonal boron nitride, low-loss infrared-active phonon-polaritons exhibit hyperbolic behaviour for some frequencies, allowing for ray-like propagation exhibiting high quality factors and hyperlensing effects. In transition metal dichalcogenides, reduced screening in the 2D limit leads to optically prominent excitons with large binding energy, with these polaritonic modes having been recently observed with scanning near-field optical microscopy. Here, we review recent progress in state-of-the-art experiments, and survey the vast library of polaritonic modes in 2D materials, their optical spectral properties, figures of merit and application space. Taken together, the emerging field of 2D material polaritonics and their hybrids provide enticing avenues for manipulating light-matter interactions across the visible, infrared to terahertz spectral ranges, with new optical control beyond what can be achieved using traditional bulk materials.T.L. acknowledges financial support by DARPA grant award FA8650-16-2-7640. A.C. acknowledges support by CNPq, through the PRONEX/FUNCAP and Science Without Borders programs. J.D.C. acknowledges financial support from the Office of Naval Research that was administered by the NRL Nanoscience Institute. A.K. and N.X.F. acknowledge the financial support by AFOSR MURI (Award No. FA9550-12-1-0488). L.M.M. acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under project MAT2014-53432-C5-1-R. F.K. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (SEV-2015-0522), support by Fundacio Cellex Barcelona, the European Union H2020 Programme under grant agreement no 604391 Graphene Flagship’, the ERC starting grant (307806, CarbonLight), and project GRASP (FP7-ICT-2013-613024-GRASP).Peer Reviewe

    Local impact of temperature and precipitation on West Nile virus infection in Culex species mosquitoes in northeast Illinois, USA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Models of the effects of environmental factors on West Nile virus disease risk have yielded conflicting outcomes. The role of precipitation has been especially difficult to discern from existing studies, due in part to habitat and behavior characteristics of specific vector species and because of differences in the temporal and spatial scales of the published studies. We used spatial and statistical modeling techniques to analyze and forecast fine scale spatial (2000 m grid) and temporal (weekly) patterns of West Nile virus mosquito infection relative to changing weather conditions in the urban landscape of the greater Chicago, Illinois, region for the years from 2004 to 2008.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Increased air temperature was the strongest temporal predictor of increased infection in <it>Culex pipiens </it>and <it>Culex restuans </it>mosquitoes, with cumulative high temperature differences being a key factor distinguishing years with higher mosquito infection and higher human illness rates from those with lower rates. Drier conditions in the spring followed by wetter conditions just prior to an increase in infection were factors in some but not all years. Overall, 80% of the weekly variation in mosquito infection was explained by prior weather conditions. Spatially, lower precipitation was the most important variable predicting stronger mosquito infection; precipitation and temperature alone could explain the pattern of spatial variability better than could other environmental variables (79% explained in the best model). Variables related to impervious surfaces and elevation differences were of modest importance in the spatial model.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Finely grained temporal and spatial patterns of precipitation and air temperature have a consistent and significant impact on the timing and location of increased mosquito infection in the northeastern Illinois study area. The use of local weather data at multiple monitoring locations and the integration of mosquito infection data from numerous sources across several years are important to the strength of the models presented. The other spatial environmental factors that tended to be important, including impervious surfaces and elevation measures, would mediate the effect of rainfall on soils and in urban catch basins. Changes in weather patterns with global climate change make it especially important to improve our ability to predict how inter-related local weather and environmental factors affect vectors and vector-borne disease risk.</p> <p>Local impact of temperature and precipitation on West Nile virus infection in <it>Culex </it>species mosquitoes in northeast Illinois, USA.</p

    Unforeseen Costs of Cutting Mosquito Surveillance Budgets

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    A budget proposal to stop the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funding in surveillance and research for mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and West Nile virus has the potential to leave the country ill-prepared to handle new emerging diseases and manage existing ones. In order to demonstrate the consequences of such a measure, if implemented, we evaluated the impact of delayed control responses to dengue epidemics (a likely scenario emerging from the proposed CDC budget cut) in an economically developed urban environment. We used a mathematical model to generate hypothetical scenarios of delayed response to a dengue introduction (a consequence of halted mosquito surveillance) in the City of Cairns, Queensland, Australia. We then coupled the results of such a model with mosquito surveillance and case management costs to estimate the cumulative costs of each response scenario. Our study shows that halting mosquito surveillance can increase the management costs of epidemics by up to an order of magnitude in comparison to a strategy with sustained surveillance and early case detection. Our analysis shows that the total costs of preparedness through surveillance are far lower than the ones needed to respond to the introduction of vector-borne pathogens, even without consideration of the cost in human lives and well-being. More specifically, our findings provide a science-based justification for the re-assessment of the current proposal to slash the budget of the CDC vector-borne diseases program, and emphasize the need for improved and sustainable systems for vector-borne disease surveillance

    Association between long term exposure to particulate matter and incident hypertension in Spain

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    Exposure to air particulate matter has been linked with hypertension and blood pressure levels. The metabolic risks of air pollution could vary according to the specific characteristics of each area, and has not been sufficiently evaluated in Spain. We analyzed 1103 individuals, participants in a Spanish nationwide population based cohort study ([email protected]), who were free of hypertension at baseline (2008-2010) and completed a follow-up exam of the cohort (2016-2017). Cohort participants were assigned air pollution concentrations for particulate matter < 10 mu m (PM10) and < 2.5 mu m (PM2.5) during follow-up (2008-2016) obtained through modeling combined with measurements taken at air quality stations (CHIMERE chemistry-transport model). Mean and SD concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 were 20.17 +/- 3.91 mu g/m(3) and 10.83 +/- 2.08 mu g/m(3) respectively. During follow-up 282 cases of incident hypertension were recorded. In the fully adjusted model, compared with the lowest quartile of PM10, the multivariate weighted ORs (95% CIs) for developing hypertension with increasing PM10 exposures were 0.82 (0.59-1.14), 1.28 (0.93-1.78) and 1.45 (1.05-2.01) in quartile 2, 3 and 4 respectively (p for a trend of 0.003). The corresponding weighted ORs according to PM2.5 exposures were 0.80 (0.57-1.13), 1.11 (0.80-1.53) and 1.48 (1.09-2.00) (p for trend 0.004). For each 5-mu g/m(3) increment in PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations, the odds for incident hypertension increased 1.22 (1.06-1.41) p = 0.007 and 1.39 (1.07-1.81) p = 0.02 respectively. In conclusion, our study contributes to assessing the impact of particulate pollution on the incidence of hypertension in Spain, reinforcing the need for improving air quality as much as possible in order to decrease the risk of cardiometabolic disease in the population

    Fine-Scale Variation in Vector Host Use and Force of Infection Drive Localized Patterns of West Nile Virus Transmission

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    The influence of host diversity on multi-host pathogen transmission and persistence can be confounded by the large number of species and biological interactions that can characterize many transmission systems. For vector-borne pathogens, the composition of host communities has been hypothesized to affect transmission; however, the specific characteristics of host communities that affect transmission remain largely unknown. We tested the hypothesis that vector host use and force of infection (i.e., the summed number of infectious mosquitoes resulting from feeding upon each vertebrate host within a community of hosts), and not simply host diversity or richness, determine local infection rates of West Nile virus (WNV) in mosquito vectors. In suburban Chicago, Illinois, USA, we estimated community force of infection for West Nile virus using data on Culex pipiens mosquito host selection and WNV vertebrate reservoir competence for each host species in multiple residential and semi-natural study sites. We found host community force of infection interacted with avian diversity to influence WNV infection in Culex mosquitoes across the study area. Two avian species, the American robin (Turdus migratorius) and the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), produced 95.8% of the infectious Cx. pipiens mosquitoes and showed a significant positive association with WNV infection in Culex spp. mosquitoes. Therefore, indices of community structure, such as species diversity or richness, may not be reliable indicators of transmission risk at fine spatial scales in vector-borne disease systems. Rather, robust assessment of local transmission risk should incorporate heterogeneity in vector host feeding and variation in vertebrate reservoir competence at the spatial scale of vector-host interaction

    Response of the photosynthetic apparatus to a flowering-inductive period by water stress in Citrus

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    The photosynthetic responses to a flowering-inductive water-stress period and recovery were studied and compared in two Citrus species. Under greenhouse conditions, Fino lemon and Owari satsuma trees were subjected to moderate (-2 MPa at predawn) and severe (-3 MPa) water stress levels and were re-watered after 60 days. Vegetative growth was inhibited during the stress assays, and strong defoliation levels were reported, especially in Fino lemon. In both species, bud sprouting was induced after re-watering. Flowers and vegetative shoots developed in Owari satsuma after a drought period, and the development was independent of the stress level. In Fino lemon, vegetative shoots and flowers were primarily formed after moderate and severe stress, respectively. The photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance were reduced by water stress, and a marked increase in water-use efficiency at the moderate water deficit level was observed. Nevertheless, the photosynthetic apparatus was not damaged, since the maximum quantum yield, photosynthetic pigment concentrations and Rubisco level and activity did not change. Furthermore, the measured malonyldialdehyde (MDA) and peroxidase activity indicated that oxidative stress was not specifically triggered by water stress in our study. Therefore, the gas exchange, fluorescence and biochemical parameters suggested that diffusional limitations to photosynthesis predominated in both of the studied Citrus species, and explained the rapid recovery of the photosynthetic parameters after rehydration. The net CO 2 fixation rate and stomatal conductance were recovered within 24 h in Fino lemon, whereas 3 days were required in Owari satsuma. This suggests the presence of some metabolic limitations in the latter species. Furthermore, the sensibility of the defoliation rates, the accumulation of proline and the stomatal behaviour in response to water stress indicated a higher drought tolerance of Fino lemon, according to its better acclimation to hot climates. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.The authors thank Dr. J. Moreno and co-workers from the Departamento de Bioquimica of the Universidad de Valencia for his help and support in the Rubisco assays, and Dr. F. Fornes, Dr. A. Calatayud and Dr. E. Primo-Millo for the critical review of the manuscript. This work was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain (Ayudas para primeros proyectos de investigacion PAID06-06).Ávila Reséndiz, C.; Guardiola Barcena, JL.; González Nebauer, S. (2012). Response of the photosynthetic apparatus to a flowering-inductive period by water stress in Citrus. Trees - Structure and Function. 26(3):833-840. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-011-0657-4S833840263Addicott FT (1982) Abscission. 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    Association between exposure to air pollution and blood lipids in the general population of Spain.

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    Background and Aims: We aimed to assess the associations of exposure to air pollutants and standard and advanced lipoprotein measures, in a nationwide sample representative of the adult population of Spain.Methods: We included 4647 adults (>18 years), participants in the national, cross- sectional, population- based [email protected] study, conducted in 2008– 2010. Standard lipid measurements were analysed on an Architect C8000 Analyzer (Abbott Laboratories SA). Lipoprotein analysis was made by an advanced 1H- NMR lipoprotein test (Liposcale®). Participants were assigned air pollution con-centrations for particulate matter <10 μm (PM10), <2.5 μm (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), corresponding to the health examination year, obtained by mod-elling combined with measurements taken at air quality stations (CHIMERE chemistry- transport model).Results: In multivariate linear regression models, each IQR increase in PM10, PM2.5 and NO2 was associated with 3.3%, 3.3% and 3% lower levels of HDL- c and 1.3%, 1.4% and 1.1% lower HDL particle (HDL- p) concentrations (p< .001 for all associations). In multivariate logistic regression, there was a significant associa-tion between PM10, PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations and the odds of presenting low HDL- c (<40 mg/dL), low HDL- p (<p25) and higher LDL particle (LDL- p) concentrations (≥p75). In subgroup analyses there were stronger associations be-tween PM10 and NO2 and low HDL- p in men (p for interaction .008 and .034), and between NO2 and low HDL- p in individuals with obesity (p for interaction .015).Conclusions: Our study shows an association between the exposure to air pol-lutants and blood lipids in the general population of Spain, suggesting a link to atherosclerosisFunding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Relationships between body growth indices and environmental factors on the reproductive cycle of the Gymnodactylus geckoides Spix, 1825 (Squamata, Gymnophthalmidae) in Northeast Brazil

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    In this study, we analyzed the energy and reproductive cycles of female and male Gymnodactylus geckoides in the Caatinga area of northeast Brazil. We investigated whether these proxies of body condition, such as reproductive cells maturation and cellular structures changed in response to variation in abiotic and biotic factors (i.e., humidity, temperature, seasonality, body temperature, growing rate and gonad volume), using individuals stored under scientific conditions collected between September 2018 and December 2021. The condition factor showed an isometric growth pattern in the population studied. Meanwhile, the lipid, hepatic, and gonad factors correlated with body growth and showed monthly and seasonal variations, as well as reproductive cell maturation and cellular structure morphology. The cycles displayed constant replacement of energy reserves and mature reproductive cells, indicating constant and acyclic reproduction in G. geckoides. Energy reserves appear to be used for many reproductive activities, including meeting, gestation, and egg laying that occur at different frequencies during different periods in the dry and rainy seasons. Therefore, the reproductive cycle is likely to be strongly controlled by biotic factors, which are modeled using abiotic factors and environmental conditions (environmental patterns which proportionate greater resource availability). Our study is the first to investigate energy cycles and reproductive strategies in G. geckoides. It has shown that this species stores greater amounts of energy during the rainy season and then depletes these reserves during the dry period, since the rainy season correspond to the increase in energy consumption, mainly because of gestation and egg laying.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin