3,924 research outputs found
Coupling single molecule magnets to quantum circuits
In this work we study theoretically the coupling of single molecule magnets
(SMMs) to a variety of quantum circuits, including microwave resonators with
and without constrictions and flux qubits. The main results of this study is
that it is possible to achieve strong and ultrastrong coupling regimes between
SMM crystals and the superconducting circuit, with strong hints that such a
coupling could also be reached for individual molecules close to constrictions.
Building on the resulting coupling strengths and the typical coherence times of
these molecules (of the order of microseconds), we conclude that SMMs can be
used for coherent storage and manipulation of quantum information, either in
the context of quantum computing or in quantum simulations. Throughout the work
we also discuss in detail the family of molecules that are most suitable for
such operations, based not only on the coupling strength, but also on the
typical energy gaps and the simplicity with which they can be tuned and
oriented. Finally, we also discuss practical advantages of SMMs, such as the
possibility to fabricate the SMMs ensembles on the chip through the deposition
of small droplets.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure
Optical Waste Identifier Using Google’s Vision AI and MQTT Protocol
This project was developed with the intention of providing a tool that helps users to manage waste generated at home. The development was based on the use of two microcontrollers: one in charge of managing the activation of actuators and indicators, as well as the physical interaction with the user. The second was used to carry out the image processing by creating a connection to Google's Vision AI. Both boards were connected wirelessly via the MQTT protocol. The outcome regarding the use of Vision AI helps the reader to understand the ease of use of this tool, as well as its versatility, leading to an easy incorporation in different projects related to image processing. On the other hand, the results referring to the MQTT protocol demonstrate why it should be one of the first considerations when the objective is to create a stable and scalable wireless connection between two or more clients through the same server. The results obtained adduce the basis for future research, which should provide scalability to the project and take it to be a commercial product that will help any user who is seeking to perform greener practices at home.ITESO, A. C
Unveiling quantum entanglement degradation near a Schwarzschild black hole
We analyze the entanglement degradation provoked by the Hawking effect in a
bipartite system Alice-Rob when Rob is in the proximities of a Schwarzschild
black hole while Alice is free falling into it. We will obtain the limit in
which the tools imported from the Unruh entanglement degradation phenomenon can
be used properly, keeping control on the approximation. As a result, we will be
able to determine the degree of entanglement as a function of the distance of
Rob to the event horizon, the mass of the black hole, and the frequency of
Rob's entangled modes. By means of this analysis we will show that all the
interesting phenomena occur in the vicinity of the event horizon and that the
presence of event horizons do not effectively degrade the entanglement when Rob
is far off the black hole. The universality of the phenomenon is presented:
There are not fundamental differences for different masses when working in the
natural unit system adapted to each black hole. We also discuss some aspects of
the localization of Alice and Rob states. All this study is done without using
the single mode approximation.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, revtex4. Added Journal referenc
Efecto de la memoria de trabajo y la distancia anafórica en el procesamiento de anáforos pronominales en niños con trastorno específico del lenguaje
155 p.Los niños con trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL) suelen presentar dificultades en diversos aspectos del discurso, tales como en los elementos de cohesión que marcan relaciones entre los textos. Los anáforos pronominales son una entidad discursiva que entregan cohesión y coherencia a un texto. El procesamiento de los anáforos pronominales puede ser afectado por una serie de factores. El propósito de este estudio es justamente identificar algunos de los factores que afectan el procesamiento de los anáforos pronominales en niños con TEL y determinar si existen diferencias entre estos niños y aquellos con desarrollo típico del lenguaje. En una muestra de 63 niños de edades comprendidas entre los 53,05 y 67,18 meses, divididos en 3 grupos, niños con TEL, niños típicos con misma edad cronológica y niños típicos con misma edad lingüística, se estudió el procesamiento de anáforos pronominales, considerando la distancia anafórica y la carga cognitiva como variables independientes. Los resultados indican que los niños con TEL presentan un rendimiento significativamente inferior al de los niños típicos con la misma edad cronológica y similar a los niños con misma edad lingüística. Además, el procesamiento de anáforos pronominales no es afectado por la carga cognitiva sino más bien por la distancia que existe entre el pronombre y su referente.Palabras claves: anáfora pronominal, distancia anafórica, carga cognitiva, trastorno específico del lenguaje./ABSTRACT:Children with specific language impairment (SLI) often have difficulties in various aspects of discourse, such as those cohesive elements that mark relations between texts. The pronominal anaphora is a discursive entity that gives cohesion and coherence to a text. Besides, the pronominal anaphora processing can be affected by a number of factors. The purpose of this study is precisely to identify some of the factors that affect the pronominal anaphora processing in children with SLI and identify if there are differences between groups. In a sample of 63 children aged between 53.05 and 67.18 months, divided into 3 groups, children with SLI, typical children with same chronological age and typical children with the same linguistic age, the pronominal anaphora processing was studied considering the anaphoric distance and cognitive load. The results indicate that children with SLI have significantly lower performance than typical children with same chronological age and similar to the children with same linguistic age, additionally the pronominal anaphora processing is not affected by cognitive load but rather by the distance between the pronoun and its referent. Keywords: pronominal anaphora, anaphoric distance, cognitive load, specific language impairmen
Los últimos hornos morunos para yeso de Ciempozuelos, Madrid
Con motivo del proyecto de investigación de la Consejería de Educación y Cultura de la Comunidad de Madrid (en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales): "Arqueología Industrial: Conservación del Patrimonio Minero-Metalúrgico madrileño (III)" hemos identificado decenas de hornos antiguos de yeso, en el Mioceno de la cuenca de Madrid, tal es el caso de Aranjuez, Brea deTajo, Ciempozuelos,Colmenar de Oreja, Chinchón, Nuevo Baztán, Pezuela de lasTorres,Tielmes,Valderacete,Valdemoro,Villar del Olmo.Villarejo de Salvanés, etc.También hemos encontrado algún vestigio en relación con los yesos cretáceos (hasta hace poco considerados de! Paleógeno) del sinclinal de Torrelaguna. Esto ha venido acompañado de entrevistas a antiguos productores, todos muy mayores, en Colmenar de Oreja, Pezuela de las Torres, Villarejo de Salvanés o, como es este caso, Ciempozuelos. Esto nos ha permitido recuperar una serie de datos que se perderán cuando ellos fallezcan, que por su edad no será dentro de mucho. Los procesos de industrialización del país, en los años del desarrollismo, hicieron que industrias minero-metalúrgicas artesanas, algunas funcionando desde épocas inmemorables, desaparecieran para dejar paso a procesos mecanizados modernos, donde se reducían tiempos y costes de producción, generando la falta de rentabilidad de fábricas históricas
El magnífico paisaje subterráneo de la mina Consuelo, Chinchón (Madrid): un paisaje cultural
La mina Consuelo, Chinchón, constituye uno de los más bonitos paisajes subterráneos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Su génesis es artificial, se debe al laboreo de minas, por tanto constituye un paisaje cultural (cultural landscape) según la definición UNESCO de 1992 (PUCHE RIART, 2004). En el marco del Proyecto de Investigación de la Consejería de Educación y Cultura de la Comunidad de Madrid:"Arqueología Industrial: Conservación del Patrimonio Minero-Metalúrgico madrileño (III)" hemos querido incluir entre los bienes patrimoniales inventariados al paisaje minero de mina Consuelo, por su singularidad y espectacularidad. No sólo describimos aspectos estéticos, sino también la historia, técnicas productivas y demás valores patrimoniales que consideremos de interés
Ac magnetic susceptibility of a molecular magnet submonolayer directly patterned onto a microSQUID sensor
We report the controlled integration, via Dip Pen Nanolithography, of
monolayer dots of ferritin-based CoO nanoparticles (12 Bohr magnetons) into the
most sensitive areas of a microSQUID sensor. The nearly optimum flux coupling
between these nanomagnets and the microSQUID improves the achievable
sensitivity by a factor 100, enabling us to measure the linear susceptibility
of the molecular array down to very low temperatures (13 mK). This method opens
the possibility of applying ac susceptibility experiments to characterize
two-dimensional arrays of single molecule magnets within a wide range of
temperatures and frequencies.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure
Evaluation of the carbapenem inactivation method (CIM) for detecting carbapenemase activity in enterobacteria
The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the CIM test in the detection of carbapenemase activity in 124 strains of Enterobacteriaceae.
A panel of 124 previously characterized Enterobacteriaceae was tested: 77 strains producing the following carbapenemase families: KPC (n = 14), GES (n = 22), NDM (n = 19), VIM (n = 4), IMP (n = 4) and OXA-48 (n = 14) and 47 non-carbapenemase producers. For the CIM method, an active susceptibility meropenem disc was exposed to a bacterial suspension of a test strain; when a carbapenemase is produced, the antibiotic is inactivated allowing uninhibited growth of an indicator strain after overnight incubation. A clear inhibition zone (?20 mm) was considered indicative of no-carbapenemase activity.
All KPC, NDM, VIM, IMP or OXA-48 producing strains were unequivocally detected with the CIM test. CIM false negative results were obtained with eleven Enterobacter cloacae producing GES-6. Two other E. cloacae not producing carbapenemase (one with SHV-12, one hyperproducing AmpC) were positive by the test. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay compared to those of molecular methods were 85.7% and 95.7%, respectively.
The CIM method proved to be inexpensive and easy to interpret. It provided less than optimal results in the detection of GES-6 activity
Molecular prototypes for spin-based CNOT quantum gates
We show that a chemically engineered structural asymmetry in [Tb2] molecular
clusters renders the two weakly coupled Tb3+ spin qubits magnetically
inequivalent. The magnetic energy level spectrum of these molecules meets then
all conditions needed to realize a universal CNOT quantum gate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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