882 research outputs found

    Aportaciones a la distribución y ecología de las carofíceas de la provincia de Valencia

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    Contributions to the distribution and ecology of the Charophyceae of the Valencia province. As result of the study of 88 places, data on distribution and ecology of the Charophyceae in the Valencia province are given. Fifteen taxa have been surveyed. Chara canescens, C. connivens and C. galioides are new provincial records. The main physical-chemical characteristics of water for each species are presented.Se aporta información sobre la distribución y ecología de las carofíceas de la provincia de Valencia, a partir del estudio de 88 localidades distintas. De los 15 táxones registrados, Chara canescens, C. connivens y C. galioides corresponden a nuevas citas provinciales. Se presentan los principales parámetros físicoquímicos del agua para cada especie

    La organización pública estatal del deporte en España

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    junto a la organización deportiva privada existe una organización deportiva pública. Esta última conlleva el análisis en función de la distribución territorial del Estado español. En la organización estatal, la única que se aborda en esta ocasión, destaca el CSD y los distintos órganos adscritos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El sistema deportivo español

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    Descripción del sistema jurídico-deportivo españolUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Existence of periodic solutions for a scalar differential equation modelling optical conveyor belts

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    We study a one-dimensional ordinary differential equation modelling optical conveyor belts, showing in particular cases of physical interest that periodic solutions exist. Moreover, under rather general assumptions it is proved that the set of periodic solutions is bounded

    Identidad étnica y redes personales entre jóvenes de Sarajevo

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    After fieldwork conducted among young people in Sarajevo, we found a relation between the discourses sustained by them and the ethnic categories they use to classify people and to identify themselves. Also we have found that people self-affiliated as "Bosnians" play an important role in the network of multiethnic relationships, in which strong ties, surprisingly, are still very important. Finally we found a relationship between the composition of personal networks and the ethnic discourses that are maintained.Después de un trabajo de campo realizado con un grupo de jóvenes en Sarajevo, hemos constatado la existencia de una relación entre los discursos que sostienen y las categorías étnicas que utilizan tanto para clasificar a los demás como para auto-identificarse. Asimismo hemos encontrado que los jóvenes que se autodenominan "Bosnios" juegan un rol importante en la red de relaciones multiétnicas, en la que los lazos fuertes, sorprendentemente, son muy importantes. Finalmente hemos hallado una relación entre la composición de las redes personales y los discursos étnicos que se sostienen. Vivimos, o creemos vivir, en múltiples "comunidades", imaginadas o no. Al mismo tiempo, el individuo y no el lugar, la familia o el grupo, se sitúa en el centro de la vida social y de las comunicaciones (Cf. Wellman, 2001). En este contexto, inducido por el avance del capitalismo flexible (Castells, 1996), pensamos que para entender adecuadamente la identidad o identidades postuladas por los individuos es necesario estudiar las redes personales y su dinámica. Desde esta perspectiva no podemos hablar de "etnias" o "multietnicidad" sin más precisiones, pues son conceptos basados en una concepción esencialista y estática de la identidad individual. El concepto de "sociedad multiétnica" es utilizado de una manera engañosamente progresista y objetiva, pues lo que en realidad legitima es la existencia de diferencias esenciales entre personas, alejando en lugar de acercar. Sin embargo, somos plenamente conscientes que los discursos esencialistas de la identidad étnica son omnipresentes, con enormes efectos políticos e individuales. Que planteemos que la concepción esencialista de la identidad sea inapropiada desde un punto de vista académico, no significa que ésta no se utilice políticamente y por lo tanto tenga consecuencias formidables en las relaciones sociales. Precisamente el estudio de las redes personales nos permite situarnos en una perspectiva que no utiliza con pretensiones analíticas conceptos "folk", como son los de "etnia", "pueblo" o "nación", sino que los sitúa en el terreno de los discursos sustentados por los actores (y los estados y medios de comunicación) y nos permite contextualizarlos mediante conceptos etic, es decir, impuestos por los investigadores. Sólo así podemos superar las tautologías que abundan en los discursos étnicos

    Multi-agency cooperation and mental health care for children and adolescents in residential care : a systematic literature review & qualitative focus group content analysis

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    The total of minors placed in substitute care in Finland in 2011 was of 17409, many of them exhibiting behavioral and mental health problems in different degree. Child welfare and mental health services often must work in parallel to address the needs of those minors in residential care. As a consequence, a number of problems arise when both services have to coordinate their work, which often results in neglecting children and adolescents’ needs and in a loss of effectiveness in addressing their problems. The studies presented in this paper have been produced under the European initiative RESME, which addresses the issue of mental health problems of minors in residential care settings and collaboration between child welfare and mental health services. The first one, a systematic literature review which tries to find in precedent literature good practices in addressing residential care users' needs referred to mental and behavioral problems. The second study, a focus group content analysis examines the content of an interview to four mental health professionals, their views about the problems associated to collaboration of mental health and child welfare services, and their suggestions to improve actual practices. As a result of both works, different problematic aspects of residential care and collaboration between services were identified, as well as a number of practices oriented to address such problems, and recommendations are made by the authors based on the findings.Vuonna 2011 kaikkiaan 17409 lasta ja nuorta oli sijoitettuna muualle kuin omaan kotiinsa ja monella heistä ilmeni eriasteisia mielenterveydellisiä ongelmia sekä ongelmakäyttäytymistä. Usein lastensuojelun ja mielenterveyspalvelujen tulee tehdä yhteistyötä, jotta sijoitettujen lasten tarpeet tulevat huomioiduiksi. Tämän seurauksena syntyy monenlaisia ongelmia, kun erillään olevat laitokset organisoivat toimintaansa molemmat omilla tahoillaan. Monesti tämä johtaa lasten ja nuorten tarpeiden laiminlyöntiin sekä tehottomuuteen heidän ongelmiensa esille tuomisessa. Tämän opinnäytetyön kaksi tutkimusta ovat tehty RESME- projektille, joka on Euroopan Unionin rahoittama kansainvälinen projekti, jonka tarkoituksena on kehittää eurooppalaista lastenkotityön ammatillista osaamista kasvatus- ja mielenterveystyön rajapinnoilla. Ensimmäinen tutkimus on systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka pyrkii löytämään jo käytössä olevia hyviä toimintamalleja laitoksissa asuvien lasten mielenterveydellisten ongelmien kohtaamiseen. Toinen tutkimus on laadullinen ryhmähaastattelun analyysi, jossa psykiatrisen hoitohenkilökunnan haastattelussa (neljä haastateltavaa) selvitetään heidän kokemuksiaan yhteistyöstä lastensuojelulaitosten kanssa sekä heidän ehdotuksiaan yhteistyön parantamiseksi. Tutkimustuloksista on löydettävissä sekä erilaisia ongelmakohtia niin lastensuojelulaitoksien sisällä kuin eri laitosten välisessä kanssakäymisessäkin, mutta myös useita jo käytössä olevia toimintatapoja sekä uusia ehdotuksia, jotka tähtäävät näiden ongelmien esiin saattamiseen ja korjaamiseen

    Hyperchaos, intermittency, noise and disorder in modified semiconductor superlattices

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    Weakly coupled semiconductor superlattices under dc voltage bias are nonlinear systems with many degrees of freedom whose nonlinearity is due to sequential tunneling of electrons. They may exhibit spontaneous chaos at room temperature and act as fast physical random number generator devices. Here we present a general sequential transport model with different voltage drops at quantum wells and barriers that includes noise and fluctuations due to the superlattice epitaxial growth. Excitability and oscillations of the current in superlattices with identical periods are due to nucleation and motion of charge dipole waves that form at the emitter contact when the current drops below a critical value. Insertion of wider wells increases superlattice excitability by allowing wave nucleation at the modified wells and more complex dynamics. Then hyperchaos and different types of intermittent chaos are possible on extended dc voltage ranges. Intrinsic shot and thermal noises and external noises produce minor effects on chaotic attractors. However, random disorder due to growth fluctuations may suppress any regular or chaotic current oscillations. Numerical simulations show that more than 70\% of samples remain chaotic when the standard deviation of their fluctuations due to epitaxial growth is below 0.024 nm (10\% of a single monolayer) whereas for 0.015 nm disorder suppresses chaos.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Maximum Entropy Closure of Balance Equations for Miniband Semiconductor Superlattices

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    Charge transport in nanosized electronic systems is described by semiclassical or quantum kinetic equations that are often costly to solve numerically and difficult to reduce systematically to macroscopic balance equations for densities, currents, temperatures and other moments of macroscopic variables. The maximum entropy principle can be used to close the system of equations for the moments but its accuracy or range of validity are not always clear. In this paper, we compare numerical solutions of balance equations for nonlinear electron transport in semiconductor superlattices. The equations have been obtained from Boltzmann-Poisson kinetic equations very far from equilibrium for strong fields, either by the maximum entropy principle or by a systematic Chapman-Enskog perturbation procedure. Both approaches produce the same current-voltage characteristic curve for uniform fields. When the superlattices are DC voltage biased in a region where there are stable time periodic solutions corresponding to recycling and motion of electric field pulses, the differences between the numerical solutions produced by numerically solving both types of balance equations are smaller than the expansion parameter used in the perturbation procedure. These results and possible new research venues are discussed.This work has been supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad grant MTM2014-56948-C2-2-P

    Filtering of pulses from particle detectors by means of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

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    This paper presents a novel methodology to filter pulses coming from particle detectors. It is based on variable-in-time convolutions in which one of the operands is the input pulse and the other is a vector that changes with every convolution step. This is equivalent to multiply every incoming pulse by a filtering matrix. The coefficients of this matrix are computed by applying a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) factorization over a set of training pulses. A detailed explanation of this SVD-filtering methodology, a noise filtering analysis, simulations and filtering of pulses coming from a neutron monitor were carried out to verify its feasibility.Agencia Estatal de Investigació