3,971 research outputs found

    Teaching ethics to employees of a state public utilities company in a developing country: A case study

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    Cette étude de cas est issue d’un module final de formation pour les employés du service public d’une agence de l’eau. Nous explorons les résultats de plusieurs stratégies utilisées pour souligner le besoin de changement dans les comportements individuels et institutionnels en vue d’améliorer les services aux clients. En particulier, nous explorons certaines manières d’ouvrir la discussion sur les pratiques de corruption de manière non-triviale sans offenser les sensibilités ou provoquer l’indifférence. Comme point de départ, il est demandé aux participants de relever les problèmes institutionnels qu’ils caractérisent comme éthiques, même si d’autres problèmes appartiennent à d’autres catégories identifiées plus tard. Pour éviter une approche purement théorique des devoirs et obligations envers les clients, ils sont dérivés de la mission de l’agence telle que définit par la loi qui l’a créée.In this case study of an ethics seminar, taught as the final module in a graduate program for public employees of a water works agency, we explore the results of several strategies used to emphasize the need for changes in personal and institutional behavior in order to improve service to customers. In particular, we explore some ways to openly discuss corrupt practices in a non-trivial manner without offending sensibilities or provoking indifference. As a starting point, participants are asked to point out institutional problems which they characterize as ethical, although some of them are seen later to belong in other categories. To avoid a purely theoretical approach to duties and obligations towards customers, these are derived from the mission of the agency as stated by the law which created it

    El subdesarrollo como vulnerabilidad

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    Although there are several models that seek to understand development, few authors try to characterize underdevelopment under an all-encompassing concept. This is why the notion of vulnerability, as exposed by Goulet in The Cruel Choice (1971), continues to be useful in the analysis of underdevelopment. Firstly, it aids us to understand underdevelopment, but also to see the relationship between development and underdevelopment. In particular, it is important to analyze Goulet's idea of vulnerability of those who have power as a necessary condition for the development of both the powerless and the powerful

    Life satisfaction in adolescents:the role of individual and social health assets

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    The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between adolescents’ life satisfaction and individual and social health assets. A nationally representative sample of 3,494 Portuguese adolescents (mean age = 14.94 ± 1.30 years; 53.6% girls) completed the Health Behavior in School-aged Children survey measuring a variety of health behaviors and beliefs. A sequential regression analysis was conducted with gender, individual assets (academic achievement, social competence, self-regulation and life objectives) and social assets (family support, peer support, parental monitoring and school connectedness) entered in separate steps. A second regression analysis was conducted with social assets entered before individual assets. The final model explained 18.3% of life satisfaction. School connectedness (β = .198, p < .001) and family support (β = .154, p < .001) were the strongest predictors of adolescents’ life satisfaction followed by social competence (β = .152, p < .001), academic achievement (β = .116, p < .001) and self-regulation (β = .064, p < .001). Social assets explained a larger variance of life satisfaction than individual assets when entered first in the regression (r2 = .134 and r2 = .119, respectively, p < .001). When entered last step in the regression analysis, social assets added more to life satisfaction’s variance than when individual assets were added in the last step (r2 = .060 and r2 = .045, respectively, p < .001). These results reinforce the role social interaction and social capital models in the promotion of well-being

    Environmental Policy Instruments: Technology Adoption Incentives with Imperfect Compliance

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    In this paper, we study the incentives to adopt advanced abatement technologies in the presence of imperfect compliance. Surprisingly, incentives to adopt advanced abatement technologies remain intact under emission taxes and pollution abatement subsidies when compared to the perfect compliance scenario. However, under emission standards imperfect compliance increases firms’ incentives to invest under certain assumptions, whereas under an emission permit mechanism investment incentives decrease only if widespread non-compliance induces a (sufficient) reduction in the permit price. Our results are valid for fairly general characteristics of the monitoring and enforcement strategies commonly found in both, theoretical and empirical applications.environmental policy; technology adoption; monitoring; non-compliance

    Linfadenitis en perro y gato

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    Plan de negocios para la creación de dos canchas de fútbol sala en grama sintética en la localidad Usaquén en la Ciudad De Bogotá

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    EmprendimientoEn el trabajo se desarrollar un plan de Negocios para la creación de unas canchas en grama sintética, en donde el cliente será el centro de nuestro de negocio, capturando las oportunidades existentes, en un entorno de alta rentabilidad para nuestros inversionistas todo esto a partir de cuatro puntos críticos que seránobjeto de estudio durante la realización del mismo, los cuales son: Estudio de mercados para determinar mercado objetivo, luego se hace toda la documentación necesaria para cumplir con el marco legal en la creación de empresa. Seguido establecer los recursos físicos, técnicos y tecnológicos necesarios para la realización del proyecto y finalmente se estudia financieramente el comportamiento que tendría el funcionamiento de la empresa para concluir si es rentable y asegurar su continuo funcionamiento en una proyección futura.INTRODUCCIÓN 1.GENERALIDADES 2.ANÁLISIS DEL MERCADO 3.ESTUDIO TÉCNICO 4.ESTRATEGIA ORGANIZACIONAL Y MARCO LEGAL 5.ESTUDIO FINANCIERO 6.CONCLUSIONES 7.RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero Industria

    The uncanny auditorium: Sound aesthetic in artgames

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    Los videojuegos se empiezan a erigir como el género artístico predominante del siglo XXI. Con un lenguaje ya maduro y una estética propia, aquellas limitaciones que tenían otrora se han convertido en grandes herramientas estéticas y semióticas con las que desencadenar distintos procesos emocionales. El sonido y la música han conseguido tener sus propias funciones dentro de los artgames, diferenciadas de las de otros medios audiovisuales, y lo más importante, se ha creado una sonoridad-signo, un simulacro baudrillardiano asociado al medio videolúdico: el auditorio inquietanteArtgames are progressively turning into the main artistic genre of the 21st century. With its own mature language and aesthetic, the old videogame limitations have become a great semiotic tool that triggers different emotional processes. Sound and music have obtained their own roles inside the artgames, different from the rest of audiovisual media and which is more important, they have created a sign-sound, a Baudrillard-type simulacrum asociated to artgames media: the uncanny auditoriu

    Polyelectrolyte Building Blocks for Nanotechnology: Atomic Force Microscopy Investigations of Polyelectrolyte-Lipid Interactions, Polyelectrolyte Brushes and Viral Cages

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    The work presented here has a multidisciplinary character, having as a common factor the characterization of self-assembled nanostructures through force spectroscopy. Exploring AFM as a tool for characterizing self-assembly and interaction forces in soft matter nanostructures, three different Bio and nonbiological systems where investigated, all of them share the common characteristic of being soft matter molecular structures at the nanoscale. The studied systems in question are: a) Polyelectrolyte – lipid nanocomposites. Single polyelectrolyte adsorption-desorption from supported lipid bilayers, b) Polyelectrolyte brushes and c) Virus-Like particles (VLPs). The scientific interest and industrial applications for each of these different nanostructures is broad, and their potential uses in the near future ranges from smart nanocontainers for drug and gene delivery, surface platforms for molecular recognition to the development of new nanodevices with ultrasensitive external stimuli responsiveness. These nano-structures are constructed following assembly of smaller subunits and belong to representative examples of soft matter in modern nanotechnology. The stability, behavior, properties and long term durability of these self-organized structures depends strongly on the environmental conditions to which they are exposed since their building mechanism is a balance between attractive noncovalent interactions and momentum transmitted collisions due Brownian motion of the solvent molecules. For example a set of long chain molecules firmly attached to one end to a surface will alter their conformation as the space between them is reduced or the environmental conditions are modified (i.e. ionic strength, pH or temperature). For a highly packed condition, this fuzzy surface known as a polyelectrolyte brush will then behave as a responsive material with tunable responsiveness. Thus the objective in the present case was to investigate the change in morphology and the mechanical response of a polyelectrolyte brush to external forces by application of AFM nanoindentations under different ionic strength conditions. The degree of penetration of the AFM tip through the brush will provide insights into the forces exerted by the brush against the tip. Compressions on the brush should aid to characterize its changes in compressibility for different salt concentrations. For the second chosen system, the interaction between two assembled interfaces was investigated at the single molecular level. A multilayered film formed by the consecutive assembly of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes and subsequently coated with a lipid membrane represents a fascinating soft composite material resembling more than a few structural components emerging in living organisms. The fluid bilayer, thus provide a biocompatible interface where additional functionalities can further be integrated (fusion peptides for instance). The smooth polymer cushion confers not only structural flexibility but also adaptability of the chosen substrate properties to be coated. This type of interface could be useful in the development of novel molecular biosensors with single molecule recognition capacities or in the fabrication of assays against pathogenic agents. The aim of this project was to study the molecular binding mechanism between the last polyelectrolyte layer and the lipid head group of the lower lipid leaflet. Understanding this adsorption mechanism between both interfaces, should likewise contribute to improve the fabrication of lipid coated polymeric nano/micro capsules with targeting properties. For example this could be critical in the field of nonviral gene therapy, where the improvement in the design of condensates of nucleic acids and other polymers with lipids (lipoplexes) are of main interest for its posterior use as delivery vectors. Finally, viral capsids were investigated. These naturally occurring assembled nanocontainers within living organisms stand for a remarkable example of nature’s morphological designs. These structures self-assemble from a small number of different proteins occurring in identical copies. The capsid as a self-assembled structure carries multiple functions: compaction of the genome, protection against external chemical threats, target recognition, structural support and finally facilitating the release of the genome into the host cell. It is highly interesting how these different functions are organized within the capsid which consists, for example, in the case of the norovirus of 180 identical copies of one single protein. Therefore, the mechanical stability and elastic properties of virus-like particles of Rubella and Norovirus were investigated by external application of loading forces with an AFM tip. The measurements were performed under conditions relevant for the virus infection mechanism. The applied compressions on these protein shells at pH values mimicking the virus life cycle will aid to learn about possible internal transitions among proteins which may be important for switching between the various functions of the capsid. The choice of two unrelated viral systems with different entry pathways into the cell and with different morphological architectures is expected to reveal crucial information about the stability and mechanical resistance to deformation of these empty membrane-coated and bare viral capsids. This last might provide clues on the stage of particle disassembly and cargo release during the final step of the infection process

    Profit Analysis of Papaya Crops under Greenhouses as an Alternative to Traditional Intensive Horticulture in Southeast Spain

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    The high-yield agricultural model in Almería is based on eight different crops. Having led fruit and vegetable exports in Spain for more than 50 years, a decrease in melon and watermelon growing areas in Almería caused a change in supply that affected the model’s profit. Papaya cultivation could reactivate the profit of the agricultural model in Almería and also improve the available product range. The papaya crop needs greenhouse infrastructures high enough to contain the growth and size of the plants during a cycle crop, which is possible in most of the greenhouses of the Horticultural production model of Almería. The papaya harvests obtained in the region meet the quality requirements demanded by European markets. Furthermore, yields obtained are equal or higher than yields obtained by other producing countries. This crop improves profit compared with the profit obtained from the rotation of other horticultural crops that have been traditionally grown in the region

    A Robust Constrained Reference Governor Approach using Linear Matrix Inequalities

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine and provide a solution to the output reference tracking problem for uncertain systems subject to input saturation. As well-known, input saturation and modelling errors are very common problems at industry, where control schemes are implemented without accounting for such problems. In many cases, it is sometimes difficult to modify the existing implemented control schemes being necessary to provide them with external supervisory control approaches in order to tackle problems with constraints and modelling errors. In this way, a cascade structure is proposed, combining an inner loop containing any proper controller with an outer loop where a generalized predictive controller (GPC) provides adequate references for the inner loop considering input saturations and uncertainties. Therefore, the contribution of this paper consists in providing a state space representation for the inner loop and using linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to obtain a predictive state-vector feedback in such a way that the input reference for the inner loop is calculated to satisfy robust tracking specifications considering input saturations. Hence, the final proposed solution consists in solving a regulation problem to a fixed reference value subjected to a set of constraints described by several LMI and bilinear matrix inequalities (BMI). The main contribution of the paper is that the proposed solution is a non-linear setpoint tracking approach, that is, it is allowed that the system goes into saturation facing the problem of setpoint tracking instead of regulating to the origin. An illustrative numerical example is presented.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2004-07444-C04-01/0