195 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Green Banking Disclosure dengan Mekanisme Kontrol sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja keuangan terhadap Green banking Dislosure, dengan mekanisme control sebagai variabel moderasi. Mekanisme control yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Dewan Komisaris, Komite Audit dan Kepemilikan Publik. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan melakukan analisis konten terhadap item-item Green banking Dislosure berdasarkan Green banking Disclosure Index (GBDI) yang dikembangkan oleh Bose at al. (2018) , sementara teknik regresi moderasi digunakan dalam melakukan pengujian statistik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh bank yang terdaftar di BEI selama tahun 2017-2019 dengan memberikan kriteria pada sampel yang diambil.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara langsung kinerja keuangan berpengaruh positif terhadap Green banking Dislosure. Dari tiga elemen mekanisme control, hanya varibel Kepemilikan Publik yang memoderasi pengaruh positif Kinerja terhadap Green banking Dislosure. Sedangkan Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Audit tidak memoderasi pengaruh kinerja keuangan terhadap Green banking Dislosure pada perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di BEI selama periode penelitian.This study aims to determine the effect of Financial Performance on Green banking Disclosures, with a control mechanism as a moderating variable. The control mechanisms used in this study are the Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee and Public Ownership. The method used is content analysis of 21 items of Green Banking Disclosure based on the Green Banking Disclosure Index (GBDI) developed by Bose at al. (2018). Model Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA) using SPSS software. The population in this study were all banks listed on the IDX during 2017-2019 and reported Green Banking Disclosures respectively.  The results showed that financial performance directly had a positive effect on Green Banking Disclosure. Of the three elements of the control mechanism, only Public Ownership variables moderate the positive effect of Financial Performance on Green banking Disclosures. Meanwhile, the Board of Commissioners and the Audit Committee failed to moderate the effect of financial performance on Green Banking Disclosures. However, together these three control mechanism variables significantly moderate the positive influence of financial performance on Green Banking Disclosures in banking companies listed on the IDX during the study period


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    Semakin banyaknya festival musik metal di Kota Bandung, mendorong meningkatnya kebutuhan akan fasilitas pertunjukan para musisi metal tersebut, sedangkan dalam pertunjukan musik metal terdapat prilaku yang berbeda dari penikmat music metal dan juga music yang dihasilkan mempunyai distorsi music yang berbeda, sehingga dibutuhkan gedung pertunjukan yang khusus yang mampu mewadahi warna khusus dalam pertunjukan music metal. “Gedung Pertunjukan Musik Metal Ujungberung” merupakan fasilitas bagi perkembangan musik metal di Kota Bandung. Proyek ini berada di wilayah Ujungberung, yang merupakan pusat komunitas metal di Kota Bandung, baik musisi metal indie maupun pelaku ekonomi kreatif dibidang musik metal. Penerapan arsitektur dekonstruksi pada proyek ini merupakan perwujudan dari karakter music metal yang menentang terhadap lingkungan social yang dinilai kapitalis. Dalam hal ini, arsitektur dekonstruksi menggambarkan gairah musik metal dan karakter keras dalam distorsi musik metal. ---------- The increasing number of festival metal music in Bandung, encourage increased demand for facilities performing the metal musicians that, while in the performance of metal music are different behaviors of music lovers metal and also music that is produced has a distortion of music is different, so it takes theater special which is able to accommodate special color in metal music performances. "Theater Music Metal Ujungberung" is a facility for the development of metal music in Bandung. This project is in the region Ujungberung, which is the center of the metal community in Bandung, both metal indie musicians and creative economic actors in the field of metal music. Application of the deconstruction architecture of this project is the embodiment of character metal music opposed to the social environment are assessed capitalist. In this case, the deconstruction architecture depicting the passion of metal music and loud character in the distortion of metal music


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    PuspitaIdriLugina. 2016. WORKING AS A FRONT OFFICE ATTENDANT AT KUSUMA SAHID PRINCE HOTEL SOLO. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, SebelasMaret University. This project report is based on my job training evaluation which was undertaken at KusumaSahid Prince Hotel Solo, a five star heritage hotel which is located on Jl. Sugiyopranoto no. 20, Surakarta near Mangkunegaran Palace. This palace is one of the heritage sites in Surakarta. The objectives of this project report are to describe the Front Office Department of KusumaSahid Prince Hotel Solo, the activities at the Front Office Department especially as a trainee receptionist, and the crucial problem I found when I undertook the job training as a trainee receptionist. The crucial problem is about the English quality of Front Office Department especially the receptionist. I think that their English is poor. They can’t communicate well when they get some foreign guests. They just could answer some yes or no questions. Therefore, several solutions are proposed to solve the problems such as hiring someone who has a good English quality to be a receptionist or giving some English training program to all receptionists in KusumaSahid Prince Hotel Solo


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    This research is aimed to handle the main problem; it is students are having poor critical thinking in learning social sciences. Students are having poor interest in reading various information sources because of that problem, either digital or conventional, students are having poor ability in sorting valid information source, students are having poor analytic ability in relating various surrounding problems with the values of learning social sciences, students’ ability in using technology as learning media in order to develop critical thinking ability are poor, students are having poor interest in examine various corruption problems, students also are having poor ability in propound an idea based on critical thinking framework. Therefore, it needs learning innovation which could improve students’ critical thinking ability. By using corruption news and canva info graphic, students are asked to search and analyze various informations which related to the value of learning social sciences which is relevant with its corruption news. Classroom action research method which is used in this research is Kemmis and Taggart model with three cycles. Observation, interview and documentation study were done to collect the data. The research subject is 32 students of class VIII B SMP Kartika XIX-2 Bandung in social sciences subject. The use of corruption news and canva info graphic shows the difference of students’ critical thinking ability in learning social sciences. The conclusion came from the asessesment of students'critical thinking in knowledge level. at the first cycle the average scores were “C” or enough. At the second cycle, the scored increased into “SB” or excellent. And the third cycle the scores were “SB” or excellent. In the assesment of product, the first cycle the average scores are “B” or good. At the second cycle, the scored increased into “SB” or excellent. And the third cycle the scores were “SB” or excellent. According to the result of this study can be concluded that the usage of corruption news with canva infograpics could improve students' critical thinking ability in learning social science subject. Keywords: corruption news, canva infographic, critical thinking, social sciences learnin


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    ABSTRAK Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode random sampling sehingga sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 34 (169 x 25%) dari 169 populasi. Subjek Penelitian ini adalah PT Toyota Astra Motor. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang berasal dari kuisoner (angket) yang disebar di perusahaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara simultan Just In Time dan Total Quality Management berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efektivitas penentuan harga pokok produksi. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan terhadap penelitian ini secara simultan diketahui bahwa Just In Time dan Total Quality Management berpengaruh signifikan karena Fhitung (23,996) lebih besar dibanding Ftabel (3,305). Sedangkan dari pengujian secara parsialnya diketahui bahwa, dikarenakan nilai thitung > ttabel (3,536 > 2,037), sehingga pada tingkat kekeliruan 5% diputuskan Ho ditolak, artinya Just In Time berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efektfitas penentuan harga pokok produksi. Sedangkan Total Quality Management diperoleh thitung > ttabel (4,022 > 2,037), sehingga pada tingkat kekeliruan 5% diputuskan Ho ditolak, artinya Total Quality Management berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Efektifitas Penentuan Harga Pokok Poduksi. Keyword: Efektivitas Penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi, Just In Time, Total Quality Management

    Pengaruh strategi pengelolaan anggaran, investasi publik, dan manajemen keuangan publik dalam mewujudkan bonus demografis di Jawa Barat

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    The province of West Java is projected to see a demographic boost between the years 2015 and 2045. The concept of a demographic bonus refers to a situation in which the working-age population holds a significant majority within a certain population. This phenomenon may provide both advantageous and potentially detrimental implications for the region of West Java. The aim of this study is to present a comprehensive analysis of the impact of independent variables, such as public budget allocation strategies, public investment, and public financial management, on the dependent variable of Economic growth in West Java. The ultimate goal is to harness the demographic bonus in the region. The present study employs a quantitative methodology, using secondary data obtained from many sources. The findings of this research suggest that economic development is influenced by regional financial management techniques, public investment, and local government financial management. This study illustrates the substantial influence of the government in the allocation of budgets, with a focus on directing resources towards appropriate sectors. Additionally, public investment in infrastructure is identified as a key factor in facilitating community mobility. Furthermore, the effective management of finances is deemed critical in endeavors to bolster economic growth within the framework of the demographic bonus

    Consumerism Indicator Construction: A portrait of household food consumption patterns in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    This study departs as a critical attempt to study the relations between national economic resilience and the fundamental character of Indonesia’s economy. In general, it studies factors influencing Indonesian national economic resilience, i.e. configuration of capitalism at the global level – in this case, post-Fordist capitalist paradigm, and on the other hand, at the national level, the phenomenon of consumerism practiced by the society. This study gives attention to economic dynamics at the micro level that are missed by government statistical mapping. It tries to understand the characteristics and nature of Indonesian domestic economics by relating it to the phenomenon of consumption, especially consumerism. The argument is that the dynamics of consumerism is the key to Indonesian national economic resilience in facing the global economic crisis. This study also tries to understand the consumerism phenomenon within the global context of contemporary global capitalism. In this study, consumerism is understood as a societal pattern of consumption – particularly food consumption – consisting of households in which food consumption patterns are influenced by three dimensions, namely: first, the cultural dimension or cultural elements influencing the activity of consuming food by individuals or the household, second, the economic dimensions or elements affecting the activity of consuming food by individuals or the household, and third, the social dimension or social elements that are also able to affect the activity of consuming food by individuals or the household. This study describes part of the results of a survey conducted in two regions of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, namely the Sub-Districts of Kelapa Gading (North Jakarta) and Lebak Bulus (South Jakarta). The survey aims to apply the developed instrument of consumerism indicators that include the dimensions of culture, economics, and social, and their derivative indicators. The survey is conducted at the household level, covering 240 households representing the social strata of low, middle, and high in each research area. This study aims to describe the relationship between social strata and food consumption patterns of households in the two study areas. The consumption patterns in this study include three types of consumption, namely staples, additional food and recreational food. Keywords: commodity, consumerism, food consumption pattern


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    This paper is entitled "Depiction of feminism concept in Disney animated movie: Encanto 2021". The goal of this paper is to describe how the concept of Feminism is portrayed and which feminisms appear in the Disney animated film Encanto. As a result, the concept of Feminism is the object of this research. In this regard, the data used in this study are those related to the concept of feminism, and they are taken from a conversation between characters in the film. The movie script transcription is used to qualify this study in addition to the conversation transcription. The qualitative-descriptive method is used to describe data and analysis in a structured manner. The qualitative research method is used to generate descriptive data in the form of sentences and paragraphs. Based on the analysis, Encanto’s women characters are identified as independent woman and has a several feminism values in themselves, such as liberal feminism value, ecofeminism value, and also socialist feminism value. Keywords: Animated movie, Encanto, Feminis

    Reakcja Unii Europejskiej na wybory prezydenta Ukrainy w 2010 r.

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    The paper presents the attitude of the EU to the Presidential elections in Ukraine which took place this year. It discusses the statements of leading EU politicians related to Brussels–Kiev relations at the time, the impact of the elections on the further development of cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, as well as the activities of the European Parliament intended to support the pro-European policy of Ukraine, headed by the recently elected President Viktor Yanukovich. The paper also presents articles that reported the campaign and its results published in the main European newspapers, such as „SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung”, „Spiegel”, „The Economist”, „The Financial Times”, „Liberation”,„Corriere della Sera” and others, which exerted a significant influence on shaping EU public opinion on presidential elections in Ukraine. The author pays particular attention to the analysis of the first visit of the new Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukowich, to Brussels. It resulted in the key priorities of the EU-Ukrainian cooperation under the new political circumstances being established.The paper presents the attitude of the EU to the Presidential elections in Ukraine which took place this year. It discusses the statements of leading EU politicians related to Brussels–Kiev relations at the time, the impact of the elections on the further development of cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, as well as the activities of the European Parliament intended to support the pro-European policy of Ukraine, headed by the recently elected President Viktor Yanukovich. The paper also presents articles that reported the campaign and its results published in the main European newspapers, such as „SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung”, „Spiegel”, „The Economist”, „The Financial Times”, „Liberation”,„Corriere della Sera” and others, which exerted a significant influence on shaping EU public opinion on presidential elections in Ukraine. The author pays particular attention to the analysis of the first visit of the new Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukowich, to Brussels. It resulted in the key priorities of the EU-Ukrainian cooperation under the new political circumstances being established
