640 research outputs found

    Integrated optical directional coupler biosensor

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    We present measurements on biomolecular binding reactions, using a new type of integrated optical biosensor based on a planar directional coupler structure. The device is fabricated by Ag+-Na+ ion-exchange in glass and definition of the sensing region is achieved by use of transparent fluoropolymer isolation layers formed by thermal evaporation. The suitability of the sensor for application to the detection of environmental pollutants is considered

    Roundtable: Antecedents of 2019: 1949

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    Roundtable: Antecedents of 2019: 1969

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    Dealing with mobility: Understanding access anytime, anywhere

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    The rapid and accelerating move towards the adoption and use of mobile technologies has increasingly provided people and organisations with the ability to work away from the office and on the move. The new ways of working afforded by these technologies are often characterised in terms of access to information and people ‘anytime, anywhere’. This paper presents a study of mobile workers that highlights different facets of access to remote people and information, and different facets of anytime, anywhere. Four key factors in mobile work are identified from the study: the role of planning, working in ‘dead time’, accessing remote technological and informational resources, and monitoring the activities of remote colleagues. By reflecting on these issues, we can better understand the role of technology and artefact use in mobile work and identify the opportunities for the development of appropriate technological solutions to support mobile workers

    Integrated optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer as simazine immunoprobe

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    Immunoassay has become a versatile tool in several fields of analytical chemistry. We describe the characterization and the application of different integrated optical channel waveguide Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZIs) as label-free immunoprobes. The performance of the classical MZI is compared with that of a modified structure which incorporates a 3x3 coupler. Characterization of the devices demonstrates a dramatic improvement gained by using the 3x3 coupler. Two main advantages are achieved by the modified device. First, the possibility of referencing the output signal allows the elimination of signal fluctuations due to coupling and light-source instabilities. An increase of the signal-to-noise ratio by a factor of up to 10 is achieved. Secondly, the phase shift between the three outputs allows unambiguous detection with optimum sensitivity. For the detection of the herbicide simazine, the functional properties of the transducer surface are optimized by an appropriate chemical modification. Using this improved device, a simazine immunoassay has been carried out with a test midpoint of 0.3 ppb and a detection limit of approximately 0.1 ppb. The excellent performance, established manufacturing techniques and the potential for simplification and parallelization make the device attractive for further development

    Recent Decisions

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    Comments on recent decisions by Joseph P. Summers, William J. Luff, Jr., Thomas Kavadas, Jr., Joseph A. Marino, James J. Harrington, Cornelius J. Collins, George P. McAndrews, Richard M. Bies, George A. Pelletier, Jr., Thomas M. Clusserath, and Rocco L. Puntureri

    CD1d expression demarcates CDX4+ hemogenic mesoderm with definitive hematopoietic potential

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    To achieve efficient, reproducible differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) towards specific hematopoietic cell-types, a comprehensive understanding of the necessary cell signaling and developmental trajectories involved is required. Previous studies have identified the mesodermal progenitors of extra-embryonic-like and intra-embryonic-like hemogenic endothelium (HE), via stage-specific WNT and ACTIVIN/NODAL, with GYPA/GYPB (CD235a/b) expression serving as a positive selection marker for mesoderm harboring exclusively extra-embryonic-like hemogenic potential. However, a positive mesodermal cell-surface marker with exclusively intra-embryonic-like hemogenic potential has not been identified. Recently, we reported that early mesodermal expression of CDX4 critically regulates definitive HE specification, suggesting that CDX4 may act in a cell-autonomous manner during hematopoietic development. To identify CDX4+ mesoderm, we performed single cell (sc)RNAseq on hPSC-derived mesodermal cultures, revealing CDX

    Real-Time and Low-Cost Sensing Technique Based on Photonic Bandgap Structures

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    This paper was published in OPTICS LETTERS and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.36.002707. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law[EN] A technique for the development of low-cost and high-sensitivity photonic biosensing devices is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In this technique, a photonic bandgap structure is used as transducer, but its readout is performed by simply using a broadband source, an optical filter, and a power meter, without the need of obtaining the transmission spectrum of the structure; thus, a really low-cost system and real-time results are achieved. Experimental results show that it is possible to detect very low refractive index variations, achieving a detection limit below 2 x 10(-6) refractive index units using this low-cost measuring technique. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America[This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) under contracts TEC2008-06333, JCI-009-5805, and TEC2008-05490. Support by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia through program PAID-06-09 and the Conselleria d'Educacio through program GV-2010-031 is acknowledged.GarcĂ­a CastellĂł, J.; Toccafondo, V.; PĂ©rez MillĂĄn, P.; SĂĄnchez Losilla, N.; Cruz, JL.; Andres, MV.; GarcĂ­a-RupĂ©rez, J. (2011). Real-Time and Low-Cost Sensing Technique Based on Photonic Bandgap Structures. Optics Letters. 36(14):2707-2709. https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.36.002707S270727093614Fan, X., White, I. M., Shopova, S. I., Zhu, H., Suter, J. D., & Sun, Y. (2008). Sensitive optical biosensors for unlabeled targets: A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, 620(1-2), 8-26. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2008.05.022Homola, J., Yee, S. S., & Gauglitz, G. (1999). Surface plasmon resonance sensors: review. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 54(1-2), 3-15. doi:10.1016/s0925-4005(98)00321-9Kersey, A. D., Davis, M. A., Patrick, H. J., LeBlanc, M., Koo, K. P., Askins, C. G., 
 Friebele, E. J. (1997). Fiber grating sensors. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 15(8), 1442-1463. doi:10.1109/50.618377De Vos, K., Bartolozzi, I., Schacht, E., Bienstman, P., & Baets, R. (2007). Silicon-on-Insulator microring resonator for sensitive and label-free biosensing. Optics Express, 15(12), 7610. doi:10.1364/oe.15.007610Iqbal, M., Gleeson, M. A., Spaugh, B., Tybor, F., Gunn, W. G., Hochberg, M., 
 Gunn, L. C. (2010). Label-Free Biosensor Arrays Based on Silicon Ring Resonators and High-Speed Optical Scanning Instrumentation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16(3), 654-661. doi:10.1109/jstqe.2009.2032510Xu, D.-X., Vachon, M., Densmore, A., Ma, R., DelĂąge, A., Janz, S., 
 Schmid, J. H. (2010). Label-free biosensor array based on silicon-on-insulator ring resonators addressed using a WDM approach. Optics Letters, 35(16), 2771. doi:10.1364/ol.35.002771Skivesen, N., TĂȘtu, A., Kristensen, M., Kjems, J., Frandsen, L. H., & Borel, P. I. (2007). Photonic-crystal waveguide biosensor. Optics Express, 15(6), 3169. doi:10.1364/oe.15.003169Lee, M. R., & Fauchet, P. M. (2007). Nanoscale microcavity sensor for single particle detection. Optics Letters, 32(22), 3284. doi:10.1364/ol.32.003284GarcĂ­a-RupĂ©rez, J., Toccafondo, V., Bañuls, M. J., CastellĂł, J. G., Griol, A., Peransi-Llopis, S., & Maquieira, Á. (2010). Label-free antibody detection using band edge fringes in SOI planar photonic crystal waveguides in the slow-light regime. Optics Express, 18(23), 24276. doi:10.1364/oe.18.024276Toccafondo, V., GarcĂ­a-RupĂ©rez, J., Bañuls, M. J., Griol, A., CastellĂł, J. G., Peransi-Llopis, S., & Maquieira, A. (2010). Single-strand DNA detection using a planar photonic-crystal-waveguide-based sensor. Optics Letters, 35(21), 3673. doi:10.1364/ol.35.003673Luff, B. J., Wilson, R., Schiffrin, D. J., Harris, R. D., & Wilkinson, J. S. (1996). Integrated-optical directional coupler biosensor. Optics Letters, 21(8), 618. doi:10.1364/ol.21.000618SepĂșlveda, B., RĂ­o, J. S. del, Moreno, M., Blanco, F. J., Mayora, K., DomĂ­nguez, C., & Lechuga, L. M. (2006). Optical biosensor microsystems based on the integration of highly sensitive Mach–Zehnder interferometer devices. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 8(7), S561-S566. doi:10.1088/1464-4258/8/7/s41Densmore, A., Vachon, M., Xu, D.-X., Janz, S., Ma, R., Li, Y.-H., 
 Schmid, J. H. (2009). Silicon photonic wire biosensor array for multiplexed real-time and label-free molecular detection. Optics Letters, 34(23), 3598. doi:10.1364/ol.34.003598Povinelli, M. L., Johnson, S. G., & Joannopoulos, J. D. (2005). Slow-light, band-edge waveguides for tunable time delays. Optics Express, 13(18), 7145. doi:10.1364/opex.13.007145Garcia, J., Sanchis, P., Martinez, A., & Marti, J. (2008). 1D periodic structures for slow-wave induced non-linearity enhancement. Optics Express, 16(5), 3146. doi:10.1364/oe.16.003146PĂ©rez-MillĂĄn, P., Torres-PeirĂł, S., Cruz, J. L., & AndrĂ©s, M. V. (2008). Fabrication of chirped fiber Bragg gratings by simple combination of stretching movements. Optical Fiber Technology, 14(1), 49-53. doi:10.1016/j.yofte.2007.07.00
