164 research outputs found

    Structuring functional groups of aquatic insects along the resistance/resilience axis when facing water flow changes

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    Understanding how differences in intensity and frequency of hydrological disturbances affect the resistance and resilience of aquatic organisms is key to manage aquatic systems in a fast-changing world. Some aquatic insects have strategies that improve the permanence (resistance), while others use strategies that favor recolonization (resilience). Therefore, we carried out a manipulative experiment to understand the influence of functional characteristics of aquatic insects in their permanence and recolonization against hydrological disturbances in streams in the biodiversity hotspot of the Cerrado of Brazil. We placed 200 artificial substrates in five streams and submitted them to changing water flow regimes that differed both in frequency and intensity, and we observed the response of the aquatic community for 39 days. We used a hierarchical Bayesian approach to estimate the probabilities of permanence and recolonization of each life strategy group (nine groups). We observed that the most intense changes in the water flow tended to affect the permanence of almost all groups, but the intensity of this effect reduced over time. On the other hand, less frequent disturbances, regardless of intensity, tended to reduce the permanence of most groups of aquatic insects over time. The different effects of disturbance intensity may have been related to a greater recolonization capacity of some groups. The results we present are worrisome in a scenario of reduced riparian vegetation around streams and with the expectation of precipitation becoming more concentrated in shorter periods of time due to climate change in the Cerrado hotspot, reducing the occurrence of many groups of aquatic insects in their habitat, particularly those with traits associated with resistance against hydrological disturbance

    Common National Curricular Base, Natural Sciences at the final years of elementary school and the myths about Science, Technology, and Society

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    Assumindo a perspectiva CTS (Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade), questões sociocientíficas e alfabetização científica como posições contra-hegemônicas na área da pesquisa em educação em ciências, buscou-se identificar, no documento da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) dos anos finais do ensino fundamental, como tais perspectivas críticas são sustentadas e se são interpeladas por visões tradicionais que recaem nos chamados mitos CTS: a superioridade do modelo de decisões tecnocráticas, a concepção salvacionista da ciência e da tecnologia e o determinismo tecnológico. Como procedimento metodológico, foi adotado um método misto que relaciona a análise metalinguística bakhtiniana e a técnica de mineração de texto (text mining). Os resultados indicam que o documento curricular analisado não consegue superar perspectivas curriculares tradicionais, revisitando um discurso que reforça os mitos CTS na educação em ciências.Taking the STS (Science, Technology and Society) perspective, sociocientific issues and scientific literacy as counter-hegemonic positions in the research for science education, we seek to identify, in the legal document Base Nacional Comum Curricular aimed at the final years of Elementary School, how such critical perspectives are sustained and whether they are questioned by traditional views that fall under so-called STS myths: the superiority of the technocratic decisionmaking model, the salvationist perspective of science and technology, and technological determinism. As methodological procedures, we employ a mixed method that relates Bakhtinian metalinguistic analysis and text-mining technique. The results indicate that the curricular document analyzed could not overcome traditional curricular perspectives, once again using a discourse that reinforces STS myths in science education

    A Base Nacional Comum Curricular como revocalizadora de vozes dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais : o currículo Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade na educação científica para os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental

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    Frente ao cenário de aprovação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) para os anos finais do Ensino fundamental, consideramos relevante entender relações entre o discurso científico trazido como novo e os enunciados que já eram veiculados desde o século passado pelos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Articulando a filosofia da linguagem do círculo de Bakhtin com a técnica de Text Mining,buscamos identificar e comparar perspectivas CTS veiculadas nos PCN e na BNCC, uma vez que são vozes alinhadas auma perspectiva crítica de currículo para o Ensino e/ou Educação em Ciências, comprometida com a emancipação dos sujeitos. Observamos que enunciados da nova BNCC podem ser considerados revocalizadores dos enunciados dos PCN, uma vez que ambos os documentos, ainda que veiculem vozes oriundas do currículo CTS, acabam por não superar perspectivas alinhadas à neutralidade do conhecimento científico e tecnológico.In face of the National Curricular Common Base (NCCB) approval scenario for the middle school, we consider relevant to understand the relationship between the scientific discourse brought as new and utterances that were already published since the last century by the National Curriculum Parameters (NCP). Articulating the Bakhtin’s philosophy of language to Text Mining procedures, we look to identify and compare perspectives on the STS conveyed in the NCP and NCCB, since they are voices aligned with a critical curriculum perspective for Science Teaching and/or Education, committed to the emancipation of the subjects. We observed that utterances vehiculated in the new NCCB can be considered as revoiced utterances from the NCP, since both documents, even thoughthey convey voices from the STS curriculum, end up not surpassing perspectives aligned to the neutrality of scientific and technological knowledg


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    Litterfall production contributes to the flow models and carbon content essential for ecosystem dynamics. The objective of the present study was to assess litterfall production rates in the Costinha mangrove forests, São Francisco River Estuary, Sergipe state, Brazil. To this end, litterfall production in the study area was monitored in five stratified stations (A, B, C, D and E) using the same channels as dividers. Ten (10) 0.25 m2 litter collectors, totaling 120 litterbags, were allocated to each forest station for monthly monitoring lasting two years. The collected material was separated into fractions: leaf, flower, fruit, branch and twig, stipule and miscellaneous, and leaves and fruits were separated by species. The average litterfall production was 13.53 ton ha-1.year-1 in the first year and 13.21 ton ha-1.year-1 in the second year, with no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between the years during the evaluation period. Generally, litterfall production in fractions presented the following descending order: leaves > branches and twigs > stipules > fruits and propagules > miscellaneous > flowers, with the leaf fractions accounting for 71.46% of the production. The Costinha mangrove forest showed variable litterfall production rates throughout the study period, but there was an increasing trend in leaf fall in warmer seasons

    Interpretative quantitative methods in science education : approaches to multivariate data analysis

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    A área de pesquisa em Educação em Ciências ainda sofre influências do positivismo, materializadas no delineamento de estudos tanto quantitativos como qualitativos. Os métodos quantitativos tradicionais se mostram como fortes agentes da perspectiva positivista de pesquisa, principalmente pela ingênua interpretação de que os dados numéricos representam a realidade dos fatos. Na intenção de se afastar dessa visão, observou-se um avanço na direção do desenvolvimento dos chamados métodos mistos, principalmente quanto à análise quantitativa interpretativa, que incentiva uma variedade maior de métodos analíticos para poder melhor compreender o objeto de estudo. Assim, objetiva-se discutir, nesse artigo, o Escalonamento Multidimensional (Multidimensional Scaling - EMD) e a Análise de Correspondência (Correspondence Analysis - AC), que se configuram como possibilidades de métodos quantitativos interpretativos recorrentemente utilizados na análise multivariada de dados, além de apresentar exemplos de aplicação em pesquisas na área de Educação em Ciências. O resultado da nossa apresentação é que métodos quantitativos interpretativos devidamente fundamentados e refletidos podem se afastar do paradigma positivista que ainda permeia a área de Educação em Ciências.The field of research in Science Education still lives in the shadow of positivism, which hides in methodologies both quantitative and qualitative. Tradicional quantitative methods are shown to be strong agents of the positivist perspective of research, mainly due to the naive interpretation that the numerical data represent the reality of the facts. In order to move away from this positivist view, there was an advance in the direction of the development of so-called mixed methods, especially in the quantitative interpretive analysis, which encourages a greater variety of analytical methods in order to better understand the object of study. Thus, the objective of this paper is to discuss Multidimensional Scaling (EMD) and Correspondence Analysis (AC), which are configured as possibilities of interpretative quantitative methods that are routinely used in the multivariate analysis of data, as well as examples applied in research in the area of Science Education. The result of our presentation is that duly substantiated and reflected interpretative quantitative methods can move away from the positivist paradigm that still permeates the area of Science Education

    An Intelligent Multicriteria Model for Diagnosing Dementia in People Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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    Hybrid models to detect dementia based on Machine Learning can provide accurate diagnoses in individuals with neurological disorders and cognitive complications caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. This study proposes a hybrid approach, using Machine Learning algorithms associated with the multicriteria method of Verbal Decision Analysis (VDA). Dementia, which affects many HIV-infected individuals, refers to neurodevelopmental and mental disorders. Some manuals standardize the information used in the correct detection of neurological disorders with cognitive complications. Among the most common manuals used are the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition) of the American Psychiatric Association and the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10)—both published byWorld Health Organization (WHO). The model is designed to explore the predictive of specific data. Furthermore, a well-defined database data set improves and optimizes the diagnostic models sought in the research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This study presented data on helminth fauna of two gecko lizards, Hemidactylus agrius and Lygodactylus klugei, from Caatinga biome in northeastern Brazil. It was found four helminth species parasitizing H. agrius, cistacanth of Centrorhynchidae (Acanthocephala) and the nematodes Physalopteridae (larvae), Parapharyngodon alvarengai (Pharyngodonidae) and Skrjabinelazia sp. (Seuratidade). The host Lygodactylus klugei presented two helminth species, one individual of Mesocoelium monas (Trematoda: Mesocoeliidae) in the small intestine and one encysted larvae of Physalopteridae (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) attached at stomach wall. The lizard species showed a low prevalence and low richness of helminths. Moreover, H. agrius presented a low intensity of infection. The foraging mode, arboreal habit and a restricted composition of diet could favoring the low prevalence, low infection rates and low richness of helminths found in these geckonid host species.Este estudio presenta datos sobre la fauna de helmintos de dos lagartos geconídeos, Hemidactylus agrius y Lygodactylus klugei, en el bioma caatinga en el noreste del Brasil. Hay cuatro especies de helmintos parásitos de H. agrius, cistacanto de Centrorhynchidae (Acanthocephala) y nematodos Physalopteridae (estadios larvarios), Parapharyngodon alvarengai (Pharyngodonidae) y Skrjabinelazia sp. (Seuratidade). El hospedador Lygodactylus klugei presentó dos especies de helmintos, un individuo de Mesocoelium monas (Trematoda: Mesocoeliidae) en el intestino delgado y una larva enquistada de Physalopteridae (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) adjunta a la pared del estómago. Las especies de lagarto mostraron una baja prevalencia y baja riqueza de helmintos. Además, H. agrius mostró una baja intensidad de infección. El modo de búsqueda de alimento, el hábito arbóreo y la composición de una dieta restringida pudieran haber favorecido la baja prevalencia, las bajas tasas de infección y riqueza baja de helmintos que se encontraron en las especies hospedadoras


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    Foram realizadas visitas periódicas ao município de Salinópolis (PA) para o levantamento de dados referentes às embarcações atuantes na captura da serra, espécie comercialmente importante nos desembarques pesqueiros, e demais dados de produção. As embarcações catalogadas (49) são de madeira com baixa autonomia e poucos equipamentos de comunicação e localização de cardumes. As capturas são feitas por meio de redes 'serreiras' que é o principal petrecho utilizado, esta por sua vez possui panagem confeccionada em poliamida monofilamento e cabos de boia e pesos em polietileno multifilamento, grande parte das redes atuam na superfície da água. Adicionalmente, foram adquiridos mensalmente 30 indivíduos da presente espécie oriundos das capturas supracitadas. Dentre os exemplares mensurados as fêmeas apresentaram comprimento e peso total superiores aos dos machos. As alometrias morfométricas foram negativas em grande parte. O L50 encontrado através do comprimento padrão foi de 40,07 cm. Os estágios gonadais apresentaram indivíduos em sua maioria maturos e desovados. Foi predominante o numero de fêmeas em relação aos machos. Observa-se uma redução no tamanho de primeira maturação ao longo da costa Norte-Nordeste. De forma positiva, as capturas comerciais que desembarcam no município de Salinópolis atuam em grande parte sobre os indivíduos adultos de serra, entretanto, esta assertiva deve ser tratada com cautela, uma vez que em médio e longo prazos pode levar à sobrepesca de recrutamento.Palavras-chave: Scombridae, Salinópolis, rede serreira, pesca artesanal. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18561/2179-5746/biotaamazonia.v5n2p99-10