1,991 research outputs found

    Fabrication of Air-Bridges for Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits

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    High frequencies and sub-micron geometries inherent in today’s millimeter wave integrated circuits mandate utilization of low capacitance cross-over structures such as the air-bridge. A silicon based aluminum air-bridge fabrication process is described. The structure and capacitances associated with these aluminum air-bridges was evaluated for potential use in the fabrication of integrated circuit acoustical disturbance sensors

    Organic Carbon Burial following the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the central - western Tethys

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    We present trace metal geochemistry and stable isotope records for the middle Eocene Alano di Piave section, NE Italy, deposited during magnetochron C18n in the marginal Tethys Ocean. We identify a \sim 500 kyr long carbon isotope perturbation event we infer to be the middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) confirming the northern hemisphere expression and global occurrence of MECO. Interpreted peak climatic conditions are followed by the rapid deposition of two organic rich intervals (\le3\% TOC) and contemporaneous positive δ13\delta^{13}C excursions. These two intervals are associated with increases in the concentration of sulphur and redox-sensitive trace metals, and low concentrations of Mn, as well as coupled with the occurrence of pyrite. Together these changes imply low, possibly dysoxic, bottom water O2_{2} conditions promoting increased organic carbon burial. We hypothesize that this rapid burial of organic carbon lowered global {\it p}CO2_{2} following the peak warming and returned the climate system to the general Eocene cooling trend

    Juventud en dictadura : Representaciones, políticas y experiencias juveniles en Rosario (1976-1983)

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    El libro propone deconstruir las representaciones que se gestaron en la relación entre juventud y la dictadura argentina en el período 1976-1983. La autora señala que la juventud es una representación que se construye históricamente y que, en contextos históricos específicos, las sociedades definen y redefinen qué es ser joven. A partir de esta conceptualización, la investigación discurre por dos caminos paralelos. Por un lado, visualiza y analiza las representaciones que se construyen en torno a la juventud en el espacio rosarino durante la dictadura. Representaciones que se anclaron en discursos y prácticas políticas específicas que las dotaron de sentido histórico. Aborda también el estudio respecto de las vivencias juveniles que esas prácticas y discursos acumularon. Es decir, cómo esas políticas se inscribieron en la vida cotidiana juvenil, proceso que no fue ni direccional ni homogéneo. Por otro lado, el texto indaga sobre la emergencia de experiencias autónomas que se constituyeron en alternativas a los modos hegemónicos de concebir a los jóvenes.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Sea-level rise along the Emilia-Romagna coast (Northern Italy) in 2100: scenarios and impacts

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    As a consequence of climate change and land subsidence, coastal zones are directly impacted by sea-level rise. In some particular areas, the effects on the ecosystem and urbanisation are particularly enhanced. We focus on the Emilia-Romagna (E-R) coastal plain in Northern Italy, bounded by the Po river mouth to the north and by the Apennines to the south. The plain is  ∼ 130 km long and is characterised by wide areas below mean sea level, in part made up of reclaimed wetlands. In this context, several morphodynamic factors make the shore and back shore unstable. During next decades, the combined effects of land subsidence and of the sea-level rise as a result of climate change are expected to enhance the shoreline instability, leading to further retreat. The consequent loss of beaches would impact the economy of the region, which is tightly connected with tourism infrastructures. Furthermore, the loss of wetlands and dunes would threaten the ecosystem, which is crucial for the preservation of life and the environment. These specific conditions show the importance of a precise definition of the possible local impacts of the ongoing and future climate variations. The aim of this work is the characterisation of vulnerability in different sectors of the coastal plain and the recognition of the areas in which human intervention is urgently required. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) sea-level scenarios are merged with new high-resolution terrain models, current data for local subsidence and predictions of the flooding model in_CoastFlood in order to develop different scenarios for the impact of sea-level rise projected to year 2100. First, the potential land loss due to the combined effect of subsidence and sea-level rise is extrapolated. Second, the increase in floodable areas as a result of storm surges is quantitatively determined. The results are expected to support the regional mitigation and adaptation strategies designed in response to climate change

    Movimiento estudiantil y juventud en Brasil.: Una mirada desde la sociología de Marialice Mencarini Foracchi

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    Durante la década de 1960 la emergenciade los jóvenes en el escenario social y políti-co se manifestó como uno de los signos decambios en América Latina. Este fenómeno,que se acompasaba con procesos de movili-zaciones juveniles producidos en Europa yNorteamérica, fue analizado por los cientis-tas sociales contemporáneos. Este artículopretende recuperar la mirada de la sociólogabrasileña Marialice Mencarini Foracchi res-pecto del movimiento juvenil y estudiantil,enfatizando un análisis que comprenda suobra tanto en los paradigmas teóricos de lasociología latinoamericana de los años se-senta como en el contexto de movilizaciónestudiantil de Brasil

    Reduction of multidrug-resistant (Mdr) bacterial infections during the covid-19 pandemic: a retrospective study

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    Multidrug-resistant (MDR) organisms are emerging as some of the main healthcare prob-lems worldwide. During the COVID-19 pandemic, several Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) measures have been adopted to reduce nosocomial microorganism transmission. We performed a case–control study to identify if the incidence of MDR bacterial infections while using pandemic-related preventive measures is lower than in previous years. From 2017 to 2020, we monitored hospital discharges over a four-month period (P #) (1 March to 30 June) in St. Andrea Hospital, Rome. In total, we reported 1617 discharges. Pearson’s chi-squared test was used to identify significant differences. A value of p ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. A significant reduction in the incidence of total MDR bacterial infections was observed during the pandemic compared to in prepandemic years (p < 0.05). We also found a significantly higher incidence of MDR bacterial infections in COVID-19 departments compared with other medical departments (29% and 19%, respectively), with extended-spectrum β-lactamase Klebsiella pneumoniae as the pathogens presenting the highest increase. This study demonstrates that maintaining a high level of preventive measures could help tackle an important health problem such as that of the spread of MDR bacteria

    Criteria for the Evaluation of Italian Scientific Institutes for Research, Hospitalization and Healthcare (IRCCS): Comparison with European Standards and Certification Models

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    The definition of the title 'Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico' (IRCCS) and how this title is given by the Italian Ministry of Health is presented. Specifically, the first assessment of a commission concerning the essential information for the accreditation process is introduced. Moreover, the two years review process that aims to collect last updated information of the IRCCS, to identify level of excellence and critical aspects, is also explained. The present Italian forms and international manuals like Joint Commission, OECI and HCERES were schematized using UML diagrams. The current IRCCS accreditation forms are presented with the suggested updates organized in some levels of structuring. We compared the Italian forms with the manuals required to obtain international certifications (Joint Commission and OECI) and we analyzed the criteria for the evaluation of research units in France (the HCERES standards). Although it is a preliminary study, the use of UML diagrams allows to schematize a new accreditation model, in line with European guidelines and the most important international certifications