821 research outputs found

    Genetic control of purothionins in wheat: problems of the aneuploid analysis when searching for regulatory genes

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    The study of the genetic control of purothionins in wheat endosperm illustrates some of the problems and pitfalls faced in aneuploid analysis of regulatory effects. Biochemical and genetic evidence is presented indicating that the possible regulatory effect of genes located in group 5 chromosomes on the expression of the purothionin structural genes located in group 1 chromosomes is not actually operating "in vivo"

    Effects of flooding on mental health: a case-control study

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    3rd International Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology & Treatment guidance (May 30th - June 2nd, 2013)Background: Post-disaster mental health problems may affect population in different ways. Population exposure to a natural disaster has been associated with psychological distress, in particular, in the development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Most people experience distress after their exposure to an extreme event. For people with good psychosocial resilience and access to social support, mental health problems can be relatively less important since supporting relationships and inner capabilities may begin the adaptation processes. Mental disorders occur often, but less commonly than dis-tress, and in some cases they may require intensive and long term continuing interventions and treatment

    Optimization of a portable NIR device for the optical supervision of milk coagulation process

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    The coagulation of milk is the fundamental process in cheese-making, which is based on a gel formation as consequence of physicochemical changes taking place in the casein micelles. Monitoring the whole process of milk curd formation is a dedicated process for dairy researchers and cheese companies. In addition to advances in composition-based applications by means of NIR spectroscopy, researchers are pursuing dynamic applications that show promise especially with regard to tracking a sample in situ during processing The objective of this work is to propose an original portable NIR equipment to supervise the milk coagulation process. The experiments have been carried out on sheep and goat milk, by immersion of the probe directly in the liquid and acquiring spectrum each 1 minute during the 30 minutes of coagulation process. The increasing values of transflected light registered allow identifying, based on PCA analysis, the different kinetics that occur along the gel formation and the time to reach the optimal gel firmness to cut the cur

    Bioequivalence Study of Two Long-Acting Formulations of Oxytetracycline Following Intramuscular Administration in Bovines

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioequivalence of two commercial long-acting formulations based on oxytetracycline (OTC) hydrochloride between the reference formulation (Terramycin LA, Pfizer) and a test formulation (Cyamicin LA, Fort Dodge Saude Animal). Both formulations were administered in a single intramuscular route at a dose of 20 mg OTC/kg of body weight in clinically healthy bovines. The study was carried out according to a one-period parallel design. Plasma samples were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography. The limit of quantitation was 0.050 μg/mL with an accuracy of 101.67% with a coefficient of variation of 13.15%. Analysis of variance and 90% confidence interval tests were used to compare the bioavailability parameters (maximum plasma concentration, Cmax, and the area under the concentration-versus-time curve extrapolated to infinity, AUC0–∞) of both products. In the case of the time to maximum concentration (Tmax), non-parametric tests based on Wilcoxon’s signed rank test were preferred. The comparison of the mean AUC0–∞ values did not reveal any significant differences (311.40 ± 93.05 μg h/mL and 287.71 ± 45.31 μg h/mL, respectively). The results were similar for the Tmax (3.58 ± 0.90 h versus 3.42 ± 0.51 h). However, when comparing the mean Cmax some significant differences were found (8.73 ± 3.66 μg/mL and 10.43 ± 3.84 μg/mL, respectively). The 90% confidence intervals for the ratio of AUC0–∞ and Tmax values for the reference and test product are within the interval 80–125%, but the 90% confidence intervals for the ratio of Cmax falls outside the proposed interval. It was concluded that Cmax of test product are not within the 20% of those of the reference, thus suggesting that test OTC is not bioequivalent to the reference formulation.FarmaciaMedicin

    Un nou enfocament en el lideratge del segle XXI

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    La noció segons la qual algunes persones poden ser primus inter pares (primer/a entre iguals) és potser el pilar fonamental de la nostra societat actual. La pregunta sobre qui hauria de ser el primer ha estat font de curiositat i inspiració per a religions, filòsofs i artistes. Malgrat això, la veritable pregunta no és tan sols qui ha de ser el primer, sinó també quines qualitats, valors o creences permeten que algú es destaque sobre els altres per guiar-los. En aquest treball desenvolupem teòricament certes característiques dels líders i de les organitzacions i l'impacte que tenen en la salut psicològica dels individus, i tot seguit presentem alternatives teòriques en funció dels avanços en la literatura acadèmica, específicament el model del lideratge autènticThe notion that some people may be primus inter pares (first among peers) is perhaps the cornerstone of our society. The question of who should be the first has been source of curiosity and inspiration for religions, philosophers and artists. However, the real question is not only who should be first, but which qualities, values or beliefs allow someone leading people. This paper theoretically develop certain characteristics of leaders and organizations and their impact on the psychological health of individuals, and then present theoretical alternatives based on developments in the academic literature, specifically the model of authentic leadership

    sta-1 is repressed by mir-58 family in Caenorhabditis elegans.

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    The miR-58 family comprises 6 microRNAs with largely shared functions, and with an overall high expression, because one of its members, miR-58, is the most abundant microRNA in Caenorhabditis elegans. We recently found that 2 TGF-β signaling pathways, Sma/Mab and Dauer, responsible for body size and dauer formation respectively, among other phenotypes, are downregulated by the miR-58 family. Here, we further explore this family by showing that it also acts through the sta-1 3'UTR. sta-1 encodes a transcription factor, homologous to mammalian STATs, that inhibits dauer formation in association with the TGF-β Dauer pathway. We also observe that mutants with a constitutively active TGF-β Dauer pathway express higher levels of sta-1 mRNA. Our results reinforce the view of the miR-58 family and STA-1 as regulators of dauer formation in coordination with the TGF-β Dauer pathway.This work was funded by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI08/642 and PI11/120 to E.L.). E.L., M.P.L. and A.G.S. were supported by programs Ramón y Cajal, Formación de Profesorado Universitario and Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, respectively, all of them from the Spanish Government. C. elegans strains were provided by CGC, which is funded by NIH Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (P40 OD010440).S

    Diagnósticos de Enfermería en Úlceras Por Presión.

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    Las Úlceras Por Presión (UPP), en la actualidad siguen suponiendo en España un gran problema de salud, que afecta a todos los niveles asistenciales a pesar de los avances que han sufrido las ciencias de la salud, la evolución del Sistema Sanitario y de la introducción de la evidencia científica y la investigación a la práctica enfermera. La labor de enfermería en éste campo es fundamental para mejorar la prevención y tratamiento de dichas lesiones, por lo tanto somos responsables de aplicar el proceso enfermero correctamente, basándose en la evidencia científica más actualizada, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de los cuidados y disminuir la prevalencia de las UPP. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar los diagnósticos enfermeros que se trabajan más frecuentemente desde las Guías de Práctica Clínica, y como novedad, aportar un plan de cuidados para un diagnóstico recientemente actualizado por la NANDA. Para ello se hace una revisión bibliográfica, de los 10 últimos años, hasta Junio de 2016 y para la discusión se utilizan 6 Guías de Práctica. En éste trabajo se refleja, que los cuidados de enfermería hasta la fecha van encaminados al cuidado directamente del problema y su prevención, estableciendo los diagnósticos de enfermería según la etiqueta diagnóstica sin actuar sobre los factores relacionados, al igual que cuando se habla de las actividades es hacia el profesional de enfermería hacia los que se dirigen, sin tener en cuenta los conocimientos del cuidador y del paciente.Grado en Enfermerí

    Desarrollo de materiales online de apoyo para la realización del Trabajo de Fin de Grado

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    Depto. de Trabajo Social y Servicios SocialesFac. de Trabajo SocialFALSEsubmitte

    Nothobranchius as a model for aging studies. A review

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    In recent decades, the increase in human longevity has made it increasingly important to expand our knowledge on aging. To accomplish this, the use of animal models is essential, with the most common being mouse (phylogenetically similar to humans, and a model with a long life expectancy) and Caenorhabditis elegans (an invertebrate with a short life span, but quite removed from us in evolutionary terms). However, some sort of model is needed to bridge the differences between those mentioned above, achieving a balance between phylogenetic distance and life span. Fish of the genus Nothobranchius were suggested 10 years ago as a possible alternative for the study of the aging process. In the meantime, numerous studies have been conducted at different levels: behavioral (including the study of the rest-activity rhythm), populational, histochemical, biochemical and genetic, among others, with very positive results. This review compiles what we know about Nothobranchius to date, and examines its future prospects as a true alternative to the classic models for studies on aging

    Paramentos y paneles modulares prefabricados con paja para la construcción de viviendas y rehabilitación energética de edificaciones

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    Straw is compressed with low technology tools into bales, with a density of more than 90 kg/m3 and acquires special properties as a building material by its compactness and insulating capacity. In the last 4 years have tripled buildings made with straw bale in Europe, from over 2000 in 2010 to over 6000 today (FASBA 2013). In countries as Austria and Germany, the use of this material is regulated in technical building codes. Contemporary buildings with straw comply effectively energy efficiency standards such as passivhaus. Cereal straw as an agro-fiber has been discovered in recent years either by the industry of biopolymers as by the building industry. Until now it had given prominence to biofibres from flax, jute, hemp or cotton, however for the use of these materials are necessary plantations and specific controls, while cereal straw is resulted from the agricultural residues sector. Cereal cultivation worldwide covers 697,678.673 hectares (World Bank Group, 2013), the most of them are rice and wheat, each ton of grain produces 1.5 t of straw, because the high silicates content, straw cannot be used for animal feed, therefore must be destroyed each year, causing environmental disasters for instance through incineration. With the research and development of building with straw, there are several proposals for serial production of prefabricated elements; ecococon.lt, eco-fab.co.uk, modcell.com, pailletech.be, strawbalehouse.co.uk, systemhausbau.at, strohTec (baubiologie.at), etc. A team of students from the School of Building Engineering of the Valencia Technological University and the natural building company okambuva.coop have developed modules made from straw bales and wooden structures, which are being applied successfully in building of houses. An important aspect, along the performance of this material is the possible activation of the local economy through social and ecological solutions, thanks the use of local resources with low investment technologies.La paja comprimida en balas o pacas, con una densidad mayor a los 90kg/m3, como es habitual en la agricultura contemporánea, con aperos de tecnología convencional, adquiere unas propiedades especiales como material de construcción, por su compacidad y capacidad aislante. En los últimos 4 años se han triplicado en Europa las edificaciones realizadas con muros de balas de paja, de más de 2.000 en 2010 a más de 6.000 actualmente (FASBA 2013). En países como Austria o Alemania, este material está recogido en sus Códigos Técnicos de la Edificación. Las edificaciones contemporáneas con paja cumplen eficazmente con estándares de eficiencia energética como el de passivhaus. La paja de cereales como agro-fibra ha sido descubierta en los últimos años tanto por la industria de los biopolímeros como por la construcción. Hasta ahora se le había dado protagonismo a biofibras procedentes del lino, yute, cáñamo o algodón. Sin embargo para el uso de estos materiales son necesarias plantaciones y controles específicos, mientras que la paja de cereales constituye un residuo de la industria agroalimentaria. En el mundo se cultivan 697.678.673 hectáreas de cereales, (Banco Mundial, 2013), de ellas la mayoría de arroz y trigo, cada tonelada de cereal produce 1,5 t de paja que por su alto contenido en silicatos no puede ser usada apenas para la alimentación animal, por tanto tiene que ser destruida cada año, provocando, en parte, desastres ambientales, con su incineración, por ejemplo. Junto a la investigación y desarrollo de la construcción con paja, existen varias propuestas para la producción en serie de elementos prefabricados; ecococon.lt, eco-fab.co.uk, modcell.com, pailletech.be, strawbalehouse.co.uk, systemhausbau.at, strohTec (baubiologie.at), etc. En un equipo formado por estudiantes de la ETSIE y la empresa bioconstructora okambuva.coop hemos desarrollado módulos elaborados con balas de paja y estructuras de madera, que se están aplicando en construcciones de viviendas unifamiliares con éxito. Un aspecto importante, junto a las prestaciones de este material acorde a las nuevas normativas referentes a la eficiencia energética, es la posibilidad de activar la economía local a través de soluciones sociales y ecológicas, ya que hacen posible el uso de recursos locales con tecnologías de baja inversión