790 research outputs found

    Lower and upper solutions for even order boundary value problems

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    In this paper, we prove the existence of solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems of arbitrary even order using the lower and upper solutions method. In particular, we point out the fact that the existence of a pair of lower and upper solutions of a considered problem could imply the existence of solution of another one with different boundary conditions. We consider Neumann, Dirichlet, mixed and periodic boundary conditionsThe authors were partially supported by Xunta de Galicia (Spain), project EM2014/032 and AIE, Spain and FEDER, grant MTM2016-75140-PS

    The right to be forgotten: approach to its regulation and exercise

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    Trabajo de Fin Máster del Título Propio de la USAL "Máster en acceso a la abogacía". Curso 2016-2018[ES]El desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías y su introducción en la sociedad han favorecido la proliferación de nuevas formas de comunicación. Internet se configura como el escenario principal de difusión de información y los motores de búsqueda facilitan la búsqueda de información asociada a datos personales. En este sentido, el derecho al olvido trata de proteger de las posibles vulneraciones que se puedan producir en los derechos de la personalidad en relación con la protección de datos por la exposición continua de la información en la red. Sin embargo, su reconocimiento entra en conflicto con otros derechos fundamentales como la libertad de expresión e información, lo que hace necesaria de una ponderación de derechos.[EN]The development of new technologies and their introduction into society have favored the proliferation of new ways to communicate. The Internet is the main stage for the spread of information and search engines provide the means of searching for information associated with personal data. In this way, the right to be forgotten seeks to protect against possible violations of an individual's rights connected to data protection by the perpetual exposure of information on the net. However, this recognition conflicts with other essential rights, such as freedom of expression and freedom of information, which makes necessary a weighing of such rights

    La estrategia de comunicación de los movimientos de alimentación saludables: El éxito de lo saludable

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    La oferta del mercado se ha adaptado a las necesidades de un nuevo consumidor preocupado por la salud y altamente influenciado por los movimientos de alimentación saludables que se propagan ágilmente en las redes sociales y medios de comunicación de masas. En este proyecto de fin de grado nos centramos en conocer en profundidad como el factor tendencial de estos movimientos ha influido en la creación de nuevas estrategias de marketing, en la modificación de una nueva oferta en el mercadeo, en la información difundida por los medios de comunicación y redes sociales y en la configuración de un nuevo consumidor. Esta investigación da a conocer la importancia de las nuevas tecnologías de la información a la hora de crear una comunidad de consumidores que atienden a diferentes criterios sociales y éticos en las decisiones de compra. Las nuevas tecnologías también han sido precursoras y el germen en la creación de estos movimientos de alimentación saludable y en la aparición de nuevas herramientas de marketing.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Aportación de la citometría de flujo en el estudio de los linfomas no Hodgkin: análisis de la infiltración de médula ósea y caracterización inmunofenotípica de síndromes linfoproliferativos crónicos con expresión leucémica

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    [ES]Los síndromes linfoproliferativos (SLP) forman un grupo heterogéneo de neoplasias que se desarrollan a partir de una célula linfoide B, T o NK. Engloban a los Linfomas de Hodgkin (LH) y a los Linfomas no Hodgkin (LNH), en los últimos nos centraremos en el presente trabajo. Centraremos nuestra atención en la técnica clásica histo-morfológica para detección de infiltración medular, teniendo en cuenta el interés que pueden tener posibles resultados contradictorios cuando se utiliza muestra doble de BO para el estudio histológico, la validez del estudio inmunofenotípico por CMF del aspirado de MO extraído del área de punción de la primera BO y la importancia de su aportación en la detección de infiltración medular en LNH. Determinaremos si realmente es necesario o no extraer una doble muestra de BO cuando está disponible el estudio inmunofenotípico del aspirado y la muestra histológica cumple criterios para ser representativa. Intentaremos establecer en cada caso la importancia de las dos técnicas y su aplicabilidad en el estudio de rutina de síndromes linfoproliferativos tipo LNH. Por otro lado, planteamos un estudio centrado en uno de los subtipos histológicos de linfoma, concretamente en linfoma de células del manto (LCM) o síndromes linfoproliferativos con con expresión de inmunofenotipo del manto, centrando nuestro interés en la posibilidad de determinar si la CMF nos puede orientar sobre el comportamiento clínico del linfoma: como ya se ha descrito previamente, existe un subgrupo de pacientes con un curso clínico indolente, comportamiento más sugerente de proceso linfoproliferativo crónico leucemizado que de linfoma agresivo y que sería interesante poder identificar a la hora de tomar una decisión terapeútica adecuada

    Impact of working capital management on profitability for Spanish fish canning companies

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    Credit restrictions, such as those happening in the current context shaped by the crisis derived from COVID-19, make working capital management (WCM) a driving force behind SME performance. This paper analyses whether WCM policies affect the economic and financial profitability of Spanish companies in the fish canning industry. Spain leads the EU’s production of canned seafood and the seafood industry is a key sector for the Spanish economy. To assess the WCM-profitability relationship, we applied a dynamic panel data methodology in a sample consisting of 377 companies during the period 2010–2018. We can conclude that the economic profitability of fish canning companies is related to the collection period (Days Sales Outstanding or DSO) and the inventory conversion period (Days Inventory Outstanding or DIO). Moreover, empirical evidence reveals the existence of an optimal level of receivables that balances the benefits of increasing sales and the opportunity costs of customer funding. The findings also identify a convex relationship between investment in inventory and economic profitabilityS

    Robotics for social welfare

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    Supported by developments in the field of social robotics, virtual worlds and ICT tools it is possible to build new solutions in health and welfare. Two projects are described in this article. They are intended to improve efficiency and quality of current therapeutic procedures. The ESTIMULO project improves emotional and cognitive status of people with dementia using a reactive pet-robot. The ELDERTOY project modifies the classical concept from the toy industry to develop a new solution for the aged people. ELDERTOY involves a double purpose, fun and therapeutic. In a complementary way, these projects aim to be an example of the breaking of the technology gap both of seniors and of people with disabilities. Therefore, the ultimate goal is to promote and adapt scientific and technological knowledge to be applied to improve significantly the standard of quality of life in society

    The influence of sociability over non-mortgage debt

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    In recent years, especially after the recent economic downturn, household debt has increased in importance, due to its influence on the economy in general and on households’ wellbeing in particular. Therefore, the study of household debt turns out to be necessary in order to know what leads to its demand, and thus to avoid situations of over-indebtedness. In this regard, previous research has analysed debt decisions from different approaches, however, the effect of individuals’ sociability has been neglected in literature. To this end, the aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of sociability on the Europeans’ decision to incur non-mortgage debt. The study sample, taken from the sixth wave (year 2015) of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, consists of 68,231 people from 18 European countries and also Israel. After applying probit binomial models, empirical evidence confirms the non-negligible effect of sociability on households’ non-mortgage debts. However, this effect depends on the underlying mechanisms through which sociability operates. Thus, when the sociability variable reflects learning based on the transmission of information (or 'word of mouth'), its influence over non-mortgage debt is positive, whereas when sociability reflects learning based on observation, the effect is negativeS

    Production and utilization performance of a glycerol derived additive for diesel engines

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    ABSTRACT: Oxygenated additives have been the subject of much research because they notably improve the fuel characteristics and combustion performance. Moreover, there is a tendency to use oxygenated additives derived from biomass. In the case of glycerol, previous studies have shown that oxygenated compounds are generated by dehydration, decomposition and isomerization reactions from glycerol and its intermediaries, where the selected route of these reactions depends on the type of catalyst used. In this work, the liquid phase obtained during the catalytic glycerol decomposition at 400 °C using a basic catalyst was characterized by GC and GC–MS. This phase is constituted mostly by highly oxygenated compounds of known energetic use. After a drying process, the effect of the glycerol condensates as an additive in diesel–biodiesel (B5) engines at the 0.2% (v/v) concentration was evaluated. The physical properties of the fuel and the mechanic, thermodynamic, and environmental performance of the stationary diesel engine were analyzed in the current study. The presence of the additive decreased the pour point of diesel and the amount of particulate matter generated during combustion

    Association between neighborhood physical characteristics and mental health among older adults in Spain

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    The aim was to assess the impact of neighborhood physical environment on mental health among non-institutionalized older adults. A cross-sectional analysis was conducted over a representative sample of 5,071 people 65 years from the Spanish National Health Survey. The survey included nine items addressing the self-perceived degree of discomfort due to neighborhood physical problems. Participants were categorized into groups with “no problems”, “some problems” (somewhat discomfort on 1 4 items) and “many problems” (somewhat discomfort on 5 items or very much discomfort on 1 item). Mental health status was assessed using the General Health Questionnaire, consisting of 12 items assessing the severity of a psychological distress over the past few weeks. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using logistic regressions. A dose-response association (p-trend<0.001) was found between living in neighborhoods with some (OR: 1.41; 95% CI: 1.14 1.75) or many problems (OR: 1.93; 95% CI: 1.55 2.42) affecting the physical environment with poor mental health of community dwelling older adults. Integrating and articulating health considerations into public policymaking regarding housing and the residential environment can have broad implications for healthy agin

    Does self-control constitute a driver of millennials’ financial behaviors and attitudes?

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    [Abstract] Millennials are currently facing particular financial challenges that will condition the future financial well-being of the society as a whole, and the decision-making process happening in worse circumstances than those of preceding generations. However, few studies to date have deeply analyzed millennials’ financial behaviors, and particularly, how self-control operationalizes their financial choices. Using data from the 2017 Survey of Financial Competences of Spanish individuals, this paper analyzes how self-control influences different financial behaviors and attitudes and whether this effect differs between millennials and older generations. The results indicate that self-control does influence the individuals’ financial attitudes regardless of generation, whereas in the case of financial behaviors, only those millennials exhibiting the highest levels of self-control are affected by it when deciding on a saving account or a personal loan. These outcomes have numerous significant implications, in addition to providing recommendations to policy makers aimed at engaging millennials in healthier financial behaviors