684 research outputs found

    How A Newly Established Company Realises The Benefits Of ERP Implementation: A Palestinian Case Study

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    Many organisations adopt large-scale enterprise information systems (EIS), because they are looking for more comprehensive benefits than those available from small, off-the-shelf software applications. However, adoption of EIS has often proved to be challenging and expensive. This work is designed as an inductive case study using a retrospective investigation to understand the process that allows a newly established company to obtain substantial benefits from an ERP system. The main contribution of this work is an improved understanding of how a successful implementation for the ERP system that incorporates some activities of benefits management framework but, without explicit adoption of these benefits managements techniques, can help organizations realise substantial benefits from the system. The results of this study also suggest that broad expectations and wide-ranging objectives are determined in the early stage, without detailed specification of the benefits. The findings also emphasise that a low level of customisation can lead to improved realisation of benefits

    Developing business advantages from the technological possibilities of enterprise information systems

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    Organizations are increasingly implementing Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in particular. Despite the notable studies on the advantages of an EIS, many organizations are not satisfied with the benefits or advantages gained. At the same time, it is assumed that such systems with increasing innovations and technological enhancements would generate abundant business advantages, if organizations exploited these opportunities. The investigation in this work drew on the sociomateriality perspective, using imbrication notion, and focused on a telecomm case study to examine how organizations can exploit the technological possibilities of an EIS to create business benefits. The study findings suggest that business benefits can be achieved when the EIS as a technical system is interwoven with the organizational work in which both dynamically change in practice (not from the technical features of the system), when the system provides interesting and beneficial technological possibilities that attract organizations, and when the firm has the organizational capabilities to translate these possibilities into real business benefits


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    Sebelum datangnya agama Islam, wanita sangat memiliki nasib yang sangat buruk, pada zaman jahiliyah wanita sangat di injak-injak atau bahkan sama sekali tidak mempunyai harga diri di hadapan laki-laki. Seringkali mendapatkan perlakuan tidak berkemanusiaan pada saat zaman itu. Dengan datangnya Islam dan di utusnya Nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai nabi/Rosul terakhir datang membawa perubahan, wanita memiliki kedudukan dan hak yang sama dengan laki-laki atau bahkan wanita menjadi memiliki kemuliaan di hadapan laki-laki. Tulisan ini akan membahas seputar tentang kondisi dan kedudukan wanita sebelum dan sesudahnya datang agama Islam yang bertujuan agar seluruh manusia khususnya laki-laki supaya tidak ada kasus untuk merendahkan, melecehkan dan lain sebagainya terhadap wanita, begitu juga sebaliknya terhadap wanita agar memakai pakaian yang sopan dan terhormat. Metode ini menggunakan library research dan juga berupaya untuk menjelaskan secara detail tentang kondisi wanita pada zaman jahiliyah dan juga setelah datangnya agama islam dan diutusnya Nabi Muhammad SAW menjadi Nabi dan Rosul terakhir

    Efficient Blind Source Separation Algorithms with Applications in Speech and Biomedical Signal Processing

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    Blind source separation/extraction (BSS/BSE) is a powerful signal processing method and has been applied extensively in many fields such as biomedical sciences and speech signal processing, to extract a set of unknown input sources from a set of observations. Different algorithms of BSS were proposed in the literature, that need more investigations, related to the extraction approach, computational complexity, convergence speed, type of domain (time or frequency), mixture properties, and extraction performances. This work presents a three new BSS/BSE algorithms based on computing new transformation matrices used to extract the unknown signals. Type of signals considered in this dissertation are speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals. The first algorithm, named as the BSE-parallel linear predictor filter (BSE-PLP), computes a transformation matrix from the the covariance matrix of the whitened data. Then, use the matrix as an input to linear predictor filters whose coefficients being the unknown sources. The algorithm has very fast convergence in two iterations. Simulation results, using speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals, show that the model is capable of extracting the unknown source signals and removing noise when the input signal to noise ratio is varied from -20 dB to 80 dB. The second algorithm, named as the BSE-idempotent transformation matrix (BSE-ITM), computes its transformation matrix in iterative form, with less computational complexity. The proposed method is tested using speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm significantly separate the source signals with better performance measures as compared with other approaches used in the dissertation. The third algorithm, named null space idempotent transformation matrix (NSITM) has been designed using the principle of null space of the ITM, to separate the unknown sources. Simulation results show that the method is successfully separating speech, Gaussian, and ECG signals from their mixture. The algorithm has been used also to estimate average FECG heart rate. Results indicated considerable improvement in estimating the peaks over other algorithms used in this work

    Developing business advantages from the technological possibilities of enterprise information systems

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    Organizations are increasingly implementing Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in particular. Despite the notable studies on the advantages of an EIS, many organizations are not satisfied with the benefits or advantages gained. At the same time, it is assumed that such systems with increasing innovations and technological enhancements would generate abundant business advantages, if organizations exploited these opportunities. The investigation in this work drew on the sociomateriality perspective, using imbrication notion, and focused on a telecomm case study to examine how organizations can exploit the technological possibilities of an EIS to create business benefits. The study findings suggest that business benefits can be achieved when the EIS as a technical system is interwoven with the organizational work in which both dynamically change in practice (not from the technical features of the system), when the system provides interesting and beneficial technological possibilities that attract organizations, and when the firm has the organizational capabilities to translate these possibilities into real business benefits

    Evaluation of Post-Operative Complications of Subcondylar Fractures Treated with Conservative Method

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    الهدف: إن الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تقييم مدى فعالية أسلوب المغلقة في علاج كسور اللقمة من خلال تقييم المضاعفات المحتملة. تم علاج 20 مريضا مع كسر اللقمة من جانب واحد بالطريقة المغلقة بواسطة الاسلاك المعدنية من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ، ومن ثم تقييم المضاعفات المحتملة بعد اتمام مدة الربط ورفع الاسلاك ومتابعة الفحوصات السريرية بما في ذلك، الوظيفية منها مثل مدى القدرة على فتح الفم، وفحص الرقائق الشعاعية،  وقياس شدة الألم  بواسطة مقياس خاص يدعى analoque  (VAS ) لفترة (6) أشهر، تتضمن (6) زيارات (أسبوع واحد، أسبوعين، شهر واحد، شهرين، ثلاثة أشهر، وستة أشهر) بعد إزالة التثبيت. النتائج: إن السبب الأكثر شيوعا ل كسر اللقمة هو حوادث الطريق (RTA) . بالنسبة لقياس الانحراف في الفك الاسفل بعد اتمام العلاج وحسب الأشعة السينية، فأن (70 ٪) من المرضى يكون الانحراف ليس كبير (< 3 ٪) [أي الانحراف ليس واضحا سريريا على الرغم من انه موجود في الواقع حسب الأشعة السينية ] ، في (15 ٪) من المرضى تكون نسبة الانحراف   (> 3 ٪) [ الانحراف موجود شعاعيا و سريريا ايضا لكنه قليل] ، وعدم وجود انحراف في الباقي (15٪) من المرضى اي متناظر (0 ٪) . مقياس analoque  (VAS) لقياس شدة الألم يبين ان هناك فروقات ذات دلالة احصائية متعلقة بالجنس، فالألم هو أعلى في الإناث ومع ذلك، فإنه ينخفض ​​في كلا الجنسين مع الوقت . هناك ارتباط كبير وقوي بصوره عكسيه بين الألم ومدى فتحة الفم فكلما قل الالم زاد اتساع فتحة الفم وبالعكس. وأخيرا، فإن مدى اتساع فتحة الفم ليست متعلقة بالجنس، والعمر، الانحراف، أو سبب الكسر. الاستنتاج: النتائج منطقيه، سريريا الاطباق بعد العملية مقنع ومقبول من قبل المريض والانحراف في الفك الاسفل لاوجود له سريريا على الرغم من أنها موجودة بالفعل شعاعيا.The aim: The aim of this prospective study is to evaluate the scope of conservative method effectiveness in the treatment of sub-condylar fracture of the mandible through the assessment the possible complications. Materials and method: 20 patients with unilateral sub-condylar fracture were treated with conservative method by arch bar and stainless steel wires, and then evaluate the possible post-operative complications, the follow up examinations, including clinical, radiographic measurements, and subjective parameter like pain by visual analogue scale (VAS) for   period of (4) months, including (6) visits . Results: Post-operatively, regarding deviation, radiographically, in (70%) of the patients, the deviation is not significant (<3%) [i.e. the deviation not clear clinically, although it indeed radiographically exist],in (15%) of the patients is significant (>3%) [clinically mild deviation],and the others (15%)of the patients are symmetrical (0%). The visual analogue scale (VAS) of pain shows significant mean difference related to sex (p=0.031), the pain is higher in female, however, it decreases in both sexes with the time. There is a significant indirect strong correlation (p=0.001) between pain and mouth opening limitation. Lastly, the limitation of mouth opening is not significant to sex ,age, deviation, or the  cause of  fracture. Conclusion: The adjustment of occlusion during IMF for patient with subcondylar fracture treated with closed reduction, play an important role in minimizing the possible post-operative facial asymmetry. Most patients with subcondylar fracture, especially those with mild or moderate displacement (less than 45 degrees) can be successfully treated with closed reduction with minimal post-operative complications