341 research outputs found

    API de serviços web e extensão para software de webanalytics/adserving

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    Estágio realizado na Auditmark e orientado pelo Eng.º Rui RibeiroTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Major de Telecomunicações). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Reabilitação e Autenticidade - Consequências no Tecido Urbano

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    Este trabalho reflete uma abordagem mais específica que encara o conceito de reabilitação em edifícios antigos associado ao de “Autenticidade”. Na prática a reabilitação além de não se cingir aos edifícios antigos, podendo inclusive abranger outros aspetos, designadamente infraestruturas urbanas, é mais abrangente, na medida em que se traduz num conjunto de ações destinadas a tornar funcional um edifício ou conjunto urbano envolvendo frequentemente melhoramentos e como tal pode incorrer em situações que envolvem operações bastante intrusivas e, até mesmo, em “fachadismos”4, que reduzem os edifícios originais ao seu invólucro ou a parte dele. Por outro lado, tentou-se orientar o trabalho para uma perspetiva mais voltada para a reabilitação urbana entendida como uma “(…) Nova política urbana que procura a requalificação da cidade existente, mediante estratégias e ações destinadas a potenciar os valores socioeconómicos, ambientais e funcionais de determinadas áreas urbanas para elevar a qualidade de vida das populações residentes, melhorando as condições físicas do parque edificado, os níveis de habitabilidade e equipamentos comunitários, infraestruturas, instalações e espaços livres (…).”5 A abordagem é sintética e enquadra-se mais no campo analítico, de qualquer forma abrange a análise urbana desenvolvendo alguns dos estudos associados a metodologias ensaiadas em planos, que incidem em zonas antigas, influenciados pela corrente italiana que, a partir da década de sessenta do séc. XX, ao adotar esta nova forma de encarar a “cidade histórica” em contextos urbanos carregados de testemunhos culturais, transforma-se numa referência internacional, difundindo novos métodos de análise/diagnóstico que reforçam a consistência da intervenção urbana em áreas sensíveis espalhadas por vários países, que possuem um património rico mas frágil que exige um particular cuidado na sua gestão. Concludentemente, a reabilitação é aqui encarada numa perspetiva conservacionista filiada na Carta de Veneza [Carta Internacional sobre a Conservação e o Restauro de Monumentos e Sítios (1964)] e nas recomendações do ICOMOS6, referências estas, indissociáveis dos contornos que a cultura arquitetónica italiana assume nesse período.This work displays a specific approach to the concept of rehabilitation in older buildings associated with the concept of authenticity. In practice rehabilitation is not limited to older buildings and can include other aspects such as urban infrastructure and in a broader view, can encompass a series of actions designed to render a building or a series of buildings functional often involving improvements that can run the risk of intrusive interventions including fachadism that reduce the original buildings to partial or total shells. The work is oriented towards an understanding of urban rehabilitation as a “new urban policy that seeks the re-qualification of the existing city through strategies and actions focused on improving the socioeconomic and environmental conditions and functionality of urban areas as well as bettering the quality of life for residents through improved physical conditions of building construction, common spaces, infrastructure, installation and public spaces.” A more analytic and synthetic approach is adopted embracing the urban analysis developed in previous studies associated with methodologies tested in urban plans that were focused on older areas and influenced by Italian movements of the 1960s which adopted new ways of looking at the “historical city” in a culturally charged urban context to become an international reference. Also considered are new methods of analysis and diagnosis that strengthen the consistency of intervention in sensitive urban areas dispersed across various countries which have a rich but fragile heritage and that require particular care in its management. Rehabilitation is perceived as outlined in the 1964 Charter of Venice and the recommendations given by ICOMOS. These references are inseparable from the prevailing Italian architectural culture of the period and we use the urbanization plan of Tolosa to focus on aspects related to the urban evolution and morph-typological characteristics to show how this type of analysis is reflected in the proposals of the plan which is based on an understanding of existing house types and their classification into groups. In addition, the plan attempts to clarify some of the regulatory guidelines emphasizing particularities associated with the building types studied and reflects constructive and structural characteristics (construction system/traditional materials). This phase will be accompanied by a series of technical recommendations, supported by the above mentioned principles, focusing on the use of traditional materials or in some cases, adequately tested contemporary materials that guarantee the aforementioned principles of reversibility, compatibility and minimal intervention and take into account elements intended to replace the affected parts which must integrate harmoniously and simultaneously be distinguishable in order not to distort the perception of reality. And lastly we collate the previous analysis with small scale architectural projects, primarily housing, in which the starting point is the safe guarding and valorization of a building's architectural type and its relation with its surroundings, respecting the evolutionary process associated with each architectural type, without abdicating the modernization of the building, creating a peaceful relation with the existing. The end result will be a product with a contemporary stamp that benefits from the dialogue with the preexisting that enriches the intervention

    O ‘amálgama’ de saberes docentes

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    A epistemologia é a ciência que explica a origem do conhecimento pela identificação reflexiva de conceitos teóricos, atentando-se ao modo como o docente lida, incorpora, aplica, produz e transforma saberes profissionais. Assim, o estudo primou por evocar o caráter plural e heterogêneo das epistemologias da prática docente, oriundas das três grandes teorias do conhecimento: a inatista e empirista, de cunho racionalista, e a interacionista, motriz do paradigma emergente, a partir da aplicação de um questionário diagnóstico, entrevistas semiestruturadas e observações de aulas, registradas em um diário de campo, de dois professores de educação física escolar. À luz das três teorias epistemológicas e suas abordagens pedagógicas derivadas, o estudo identificou certas disjunturas entre discursos e prática, justificadas pela diversidade e ambiguidade dos saberes profissionais, o processo de constituição das identidades docentes, bem como a necessidade em atingir demandas imediatas no contexto educacional. É plausível, assim, admitir que o ensino é uma prática social complexa, havendo necessidade de constante problematização das ações docentes e relações estabelecidas entre as intencionalidades pedagógicas no campo da Educação Física e as epistemologias que sustentam as práticas e saberes profissionais

    systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Funding Information: The present publication was funded by Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, IP national support through CHRC (UIDP/04923/2020). Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).This meta-analysis aims to determine the clinical outcomes, complications, and fusion rates in endoscopic assisted intra-foraminal lumbar interbody fusion (iLIF) and minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MI-TLIF) for lumbar degenerative diseases. The MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases were searched. The inclusion criteria were: five or more consecutive patients who underwent iLIF or MI-TLIF for lumbar degenerative diseases; description of the surgical technique; clinical outcome measures, complications and imaging assessment; minimum follow-up of 12 months. Surgical time, blood loss, and length of hospital stay were extracted. Mean outcome improvements were pooled and compared with minimal clinically important differences (MCID). Pooled and direct meta-analysis were evaluated. We identified 42 eligible studies. The iLIF group had significantly lower mean intra-operative blood loss, unstandardized mean difference (UMD) 110.61 mL (95%CI 70.43; 150.80; p value 1.16; MCID VAS leg > 1.36; MCID > 12.40). There was no significant difference in complication nor fusion rates between both cohorts. Interbody fusion using either iLIF or MI-TLIF leads to significant and clinically important improvements in clinical outcomes for lumbar degenerative diseases. Both procedures provide high rates of fusion at 12 months or later, without significant difference in complication rates. iLIF is associated with significantly less intraoperative blood loss and length of hospital stay. Study registration: PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic reviews: Registration No. CRD42020180980, accessible at https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/ April 2020.publishersversionpublishe

    Mapeamento de qualidade em pastagens do Cerrado por meio de imagens Sentinel 2

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    Mappings of land use evolution are increasingly widespread and relevant in the context of Geographic Information Science. Mapping pasture, especially, the quality of it in the Cerrado, requires the development of computational approaches and accurate data. From this perspective, the current study aimed to improve the mapping of quality pastures techniques. To that end, we used data from the Sentinel 2 Satellite and MSI sensor, and calculated the average of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), from a set of 4 images, along the seasons of the year, and compared them with field data as well. According to the results, it was possible to identify 3 levels of degradation: "Moderate", "Low" and "None". NDVI values of 0.37 indicate moderately degraded pastures; those corresponding to the interval between 0.37 and 0.43 can be considered as having a “Low” degradation level and 0.43 indices represent not degraded pastures. By using the intervals for mapping the quality of pastures in the Ribeirão Douradinho River basin, we identified a very good accuracy, corresponding to the Kappa Index of 0.72.Os mapeamentos de evolução do uso da terra são cada vez mais difundidos e relevantes no âmbito da Ciência da Informação Geográfica. Mapear as pastagens e, sobretudo, a qualidade das pastagens do Cerrado, exige o desenvolvimento de abordagens computacionais e dados precisos. Nessa perspectiva, este estudo tem por objetivo aprimorar técnicas de mapeamento de qualidade em pastagens. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados do Satélite Sentinel 2, sensor MSI, e calculada a média do Índice de Vegetação da Diferença Normalizada (NDVI) de um conjunto de 4 imagens, ao longo das estações do ano, e realizada comparação com dados de campo. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, foi possível identificar 3 níveis de degradação: “Moderado”, “Baixo” e “Nenhum”. Valores de NDVI < 0,37 indicam pastagens moderadamente degradadas, aqueles correspondentes ao intervalo entre 0,37 e 0,43 podem ser considerados com nível de degradação “Baixo” e valores de NDVI > 0,43 representam pastagens não degradadas. Ao utilizar os intervalos para mapear a qualidade das pastagens da Sub-bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão Douradinho, obteve-se uma acurácia muito boa, correspondente ao Índice Kappa de 0,78

    Oral squamous cell carcinoma in young people with human papilomavirus / Carcinoma de Células Escamosas oral em pessoas jovens com papilomavírus humano

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    Introduction: The growth of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in positive human papillomavirus (HPV) patients is observed. The epidemiological profile is: young men, non-smokers and non-alcoholics. This is attributed to changes in promiscuous sexual practice. Objective: To understand HPV carcinogenesis, epidemiological and preventive implications. Methods: An integrative review of the literature was carried out in March 2018 in the PubMed and Science Direct databases. The descriptors used were: SCC, Young, HPV and Staging, combined by the AND modulator. Inclusion criteria were articles published in the last 10 years, related to the thematic and in the English, Portuguese and Spanish languages. In the PubMed were found 75 articles, after the application of the inclusion criteria were selected 64 articles for study. In the Science Direct were found 8 articles, after applying the selection criteria was selected 1 article for analysis. Results: HPV subtypes 16 and 18 are the most virulent. HPV is carcinogenic through the E6 and E7 genes. E6 inactivates the tumor suppressor gene p53. E7 inactivates the tumor suppressor gene pRb, resulting in overexpression of the p16 tumor suppressor protein that is associated with a better prognosis. The impact of TNM staging changed over time, the effect of N staging on mortality reduced, while the impact of T staging increased. Conclusion: Protected sexual practice and vaccination are efficient measures for the control of SCC, HPV positive. Therefore, the campaigns should be extended to the male audience. In addition, the staging of the disease should be updated for a better prognosis

    O Que Desencadeia o Sucesso em Alunos com Baixo Rendimento Escolar, no Projeto Fénix

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    © Copyright – Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti; Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Port

    Relation of happiness, hope and affection with quality of life in patients with heart failure

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    Introduction: Meeting the actual role of positive psychology, begins to be recognized the relation of positive variables with health. Objective: To know the relation of happiness, hope and affection with quality of life in individuals with heart failure. Population and Methodology: 128 individuals with heart failure, 98 men and 30 women, 61.9±12,1 years of age, 6,6±3,9 years in school and 74,2% retired because of this disease. 56,3% were in Class III of New York Heart Association, with poor left ventricular ejection fraction (25,3±6,2%). The clinical history was of 9,4±8,5 years for this heart disease and had at least one hospitalization due to heart failure with 51,6% having ischemic heart disease