449 research outputs found

    Sequential pattern mining of price interactions

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    Conferência realizada em Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, de 9-12 de Setembro de 2013The computational analysis of large quantities of data is an important asset for the economic study of interactions among social agents. However, most of available frequent pattern discovery techniques result in a huge number of rules and scalability problems that end up requiring unnecessary subjectivity in data interpretation. This work presents Ramex-Forum, a visualization technique that can highlight important relations often hidden in economic data. A case study using recent asset prices on global economic data confi rm the usefulness of the approach for expressing economic influence cues as poly-trees

    Ramex-forum: sequential patterns of prices in the petroleum production chain

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    We present a sensibility analysis and new visualizations using an improved version of the Ramex-Forum algorithm applied to the study of the petroleum production chain. Di erent combinations of parameters and new ways to visualize data will be used. Results will highlight the importance of Ramex-Forum and its proper parameterizations for analyzing relevant relations among price variations in petroleum and other similar markets.This research is supported by the GoBusiness Research project (http://www. gobusinessfinance.ch/en/research). The authors would like to thank GoB- usiness Finance for providing the data, nancial knowledge and funds for the present work

    Ramex-Forum: a tool for displaying and analysing complex sequential patterns of financial products

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    Financial data provides a valuable up‐to‐date knowledge of the world economy. However, it is presented in extremely large data volumes, in diverse formats, and is constantly being updated at a high speed. The Ramex‐Forum algorithm is oriented to guide financial experts in finding new and relevant information.We present a sensitivity analysis and newvisualizations using an improved version of the Ramex‐Forum algorithm. The proposed algorithm is applied to two case studies – the petroleum production chain and the European financial institutions risk analysis. Different combinations of parameters and new ways to visualize data are used. Results highlight the importance of Ramex‐Forum for analysing relevant relationships in price variations in financial markets.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Percepção de incongruências no contorno entonacional de frases e de melodias por crianças com, ou sem, treino musical

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    A prosódia está relacionada com a materialização da linguagem enquanto estímulo acústico. Constituem aspectos da prosódia a entoação, o ritmo, a intensidade e as pausas linguísticas (Ladefoged, 1982). Alguns destes aspectos são comuns à música. No caso da entoação da fala, esta é análoga à melodia em música. A prosódia de uma frase falada e a melodia de um trecho musical apresentam componentes estruturais muito semelhantes. O presente estudo aborda esta questão do ponto de vista psicológico. Trata-se de um estudo sobre a percepção de melodias e de prosódia, realizado no seguimento de Schön et al (2002), cuja problemática está centrada no contorno da frequência fundamental ( fo) da entoação em fala e da melodia em música. Pretendese averiguar se há ou não uma correlação entre a percepção prosódica e a percepção melódica; e se a aprendizagem musical pode potenciar o desenvolvimento da capacidade de percepção prosódica, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao contorno entonacional. A metodologia empregue é comportamental (medida dos tempos de reacção, percentagem de repostas correctas e sensibilidade, d’). Os participantes do estudo são dois grupos de crianças do 4.º ano de escolaridade: um com aprendizagem musical desde o 1.º ano de escolaridade e outro sem aprendizagem musical formal. Os resultados indicaram que não existem diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos de crianças. Contudo, as crianças com melhor performance na tarefa musical, independentemente do grupo a que pertencem, são as que têm melhor performance na tarefa de linguagem. Este facto pode ser indicador de uma predisposição musical que pode influenciar o desenvolvimento da percepção das características entonacionais da linguagem

    Dicionário virtual de ornitologia e ecologia: as novas tecnologias de informação ao serviço do ensino da Biologia e Ecologia

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    1º Encontro de Observadores de Aves das Arribas do Douro, Solar dos Marcos, Bemposta, Mogadouro, 26-27 Julho 2003.Este artigo apresenta o projeto “Dicionário Virtual de Ornitologia e Ecologia”, que pretende tirar partido do veículo de divulgação por excelência que é a Internet para divulgar informação científica, nas áreas da Ornitologia e Ecologia. Na sequência de um trabalho anterior, e com o apoio do ministério da educação, através do programa Nónio Século XXII e PRODEP III, foi possível constituir um consórcio que reúne as competências necessárias e suficientes para a concepção, implementação e manutenção do projeto. De facto, a junção da competência técnica do Centro de Computação Gráfica aos conhecimentos científicos do Instituto do Mar e à qualidade das ilustrações científicas da empresa Gradientes e Texturas, permitiu a implementação de um portal com as funcionalidades necessárias para reunir à sua volta uma comunidade mundial de amantes da natureza, e da ornitologia em particular. São as principais características deste portal que se apresentam ao longo deste artigo, bem como algumas conclusões que foi possível formular desde que ficou oficialmente online

    Effects of applying a training program on basketball shooting in young players

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    The main aim of this study was to determine the effects of the application of a strength program in the accuracy of basketball shooting in young female players. Twenty female basketball players, (mean ± standard deviation: 12.08 ± 0.42 years; 1.55 ± 0.08 height; 44.4 ± 5.54 body mass) participated in the study. The participants were divided into two groups, the Control Group (GC) and the Experimental Group (GE), and were evaluated in 4 throwing exercises before (Pre-Test), after the application of a 6-week strength program (Post-Test), as well as after 4 weeks of detraining. The applied training program includes four exercises: i) Jump with Counter-Movement; ii) Throwing of the Medicinal Ball; iii) Sit-ups; iv) Push-ups. The results suggest that application of the 6-week training program had a positive effect on performance in two the four throwing exercises. In addiction 4 weeks of detraining, did not cause significant changes in the performance of the different throwing exercises compared to the Post-test period. It was concluded that a strength training program with a duration of 6 weeks was sufficient to obtain positive effects in the effectiveness of 2 Point throwing exercises in young female basketball players.This work is supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project UID04045/2020

    Effects of Different Recovery Times on Internal and External Load During Small-Sided Games in Soccer

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    Background: The ability to maintain a high intensity of exercise over several repetitions depends on recovery from previous exercises. This study aimed to identify the effects of different recovery times on internal and external load during small-sided soccer games. Hypothesis: An increase in recovery time will increase the external training load and decrease the internal exercise load, which will result in a greater physical impact of the exercise. Study design: Cross-sectional study. Level of evidence: Level 2. Methods: Twenty male semiprofessional soccer players participated in the present study. They performed the same exercise (5-a-side game format) continuously (1 × 18 minutes) and repeatedly/fractionated (3 × 6 minutes) with different recovery times (30 seconds, 1 minute, 1.5 minutes, and 2 minutes). Their internal load (ie, average heart rate (HR) and maximum HR) and external load (ie, total distance, maximum speed, and ratio meters) were measured using an HR band and an inertial device equipped with a global positioning system, respectively. Results: The manipulation of recovery times induced differences in the internal and external load. For the same total duration, the external and internal load indicators exhibited higher values during the fractionated method, particularly with short recovery periods. Conclusion: The application of small-sided soccer games with different recovery times induced varying responses in training load. To maintain high physical performance and high training load, the fractional method with short recovery periods (ie, 30 seconds) should be used. In contrast, to carefully manage players' efforts and decrease response to training load, continuous or fractional methods with longer recovery periods (ie, 1-2 minutes) should be used. Clinical relevance: The proper prescription of recovery time between exercises facilitates enhanced training efficiency and optimized performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of stress-strain behavior of surface treated steels by X-ray diffraction

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    X-ray diffraction assisted four-point bending method (XRDABM) enables to analyze the evolution of surface stress with the strain during bending of specimens. This experimental methodology was used to characterize the stressstrain behavior of two plasma nitriding steels, DIN 40 Cr Mn Mo 7 and DIN 32 Cr Mo V 13, with gradients of mechanical properties across the surface layers, allowing the characterization of the in-depth evolution of the local yield strength in the nitrided layer. The results show a significantly increase of the yield strength of the nitride layers and a good agreement between the in-depth evolution of the yield strength and the XRD peak breadth for the two nitrided steels

    Hybrid structures made of polyurethane/graphene nanocomposite foams embedded within aluminum opencell foam

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    This paper focuses on the development of hybrid structures containing two different classes of porous materials, nanocomposite foams made of polyurethane combined with graphene-based materials, and aluminum open-cell foams (Al-OC). Prior to the hybrid structures preparation, the nanocomposite foam formulation was optimized. The optimization consisted of studying the effect of the addition of graphene oxide (GO) and graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) at different loadings (1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 wt%) during the polyurethane foam (PUF) formation, and their effect on the final nanocomposite properties. Globally, the results showed enhanced mechanical, acoustic and fire-retardant properties of the PUF nanocomposites when compared with pristine PUF. In a later step, the hybrid structure was prepared by embedding the Al-OC foam with the optimized nanocomposite formulation (prepared with 2.5 wt% of GNPs (PUF/GNPs2.5)). The process of filling the pores of the Al-OC was successfully achieved, with the resulting hybrid structure retaining low thermal conductivity values, around 0.038 W∙m−1∙K−1, and presenting an improved sound absorption coefficient, especially for mid to high frequencies, with respect to the individual foams. Furthermore, the new hybrid structure also displayed better mechanical properties (the stress corresponding to 10% of deformation was improved in more than 10 and 1.3 times comparatively to PUF/GNPs2.5 and Al-OC, respectively).publishe

    Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Physical Education Class and the Differences between Two Educational Pathways

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    This study aimed to determine the most and least important reasons for engaging in physical education classes among students in two educational pathways within the context of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Forty-one students participated in the study (25 males and 16 females; mean age = 16.37 ± 0.829). The sample was divided based on two class types: regular education and professional education. All students answered a questionnaire that aimed to verify the most and least important reasons for students to engage in physical education classes concerning intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.  Indicated that both regular education and professional education classes had intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The results also revealed that the participation of students was based essentially on their intrinsic motivation, but for different reasons when comparing the two educational pathways. Both types of the class were intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to participate in physical education classes