228 research outputs found

    Class mutation operators for C++ object-oriented systems

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    Mutation testing is a fault injection testing technique around which a great variety of studies and tools for different programming languages have been developed. Nevertheless, the mutation testing research with respect to C++ is pending. This paper proposes a set of class mutation operators related to this language and its particular object-oriented (OO) features. In addition, an implementation technique to apply mutation testing based on the traversal of the abstract syntax tree (AST) is presented. Finally, an experiment is conducted to study the operator behaviour with different C++ programs, suggesting their usefulness in the creation of complete test suites. The analysis includes a Web service (WS) library, one of the domains where this technique can prove useful, considering its challenging testing phase and that C++ is still a reference language for critical distributed systems WS

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil Contains a Phenolic Inhibitor of the Histone Demethylase LSD1/KDM1A

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    The lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A (LSD1) also known as lysine (K)-specific demethylase 1A (KDM1A) is a central epigenetic regulator of metabolic reprogramming in obesity-associated diseases, neurological disorders, and cancer. Here, we evaluated the ability of oleacein, a biophenol secoiridoid naturally present in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), to target LSD1. Molecular docking and dynamic simulation approaches revealed that oleacein could target the binding site of the LSD1 cofactor flavin adenosine dinucleotide with high affinity and at low concentrations. At higher concentrations, oleacein was predicted to target the interaction of LSD1 with histone H3 and the LSD1 co-repressor (RCOR1/CoREST), likely disturbing the anchorage of LSD1 to chromatin. AlphaScreen-based in vitro assays confirmed the ability of oleacein to act as a direct inhibitor of recombinant LSD1, with an IC50 as low as 2.5 umol/L. Further, oleacein fully suppressed the expression of the transcription factor SOX2 (SEX determining Region Y-box 2) in cancer stem-like and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, which specifically occurs under the control of an LSD1-targeted distal enhancer. Conversely, oleacein failed to modify ectopic SOX2 overexpression driven by a constitutive promoter. Overall, our findings provide the first evidence that EVOO contains a naturally occurring phenolic inhibitor of LSD1, and support the use of oleacein as a template to design new secoiridoid-based LSD1 inhibitors.Work in the Menendez laboratory is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant SAF2016-80639-P, Plan Nacional de l+D+I, founded by the European Regional Development Fund, Spain) and by an unrestricted research grant from the Fundació Oncolliga Girona (Lliga catalana d’ajuda al malalt de càncer, Girona). The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Project RTI2018-096724-B-C21) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2016/006) supports work in the Encinar laborator

    Smart biosensing device for tracking fish behaviour

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    Biosensor technology for tracking individual challenged fish behaviour has the potential to revolutionize aquaculture, allowing farmers and breeders to orientate selective breeding towards more robust and efficient fish or improve culture conditions for a more sustainable and ethical production. The proposed solution within the AQUAEXCEL2020 EU project is a stand-alone, small and light (1 g) device (AEFishBIT), based on a tri-axial accelerometer and a microprocessor. It is externally attached to the operculum to monitor physical activity by mapping accelerations in x- and y-axes, while operculum beats (z-axis) serve as a measurement of respiratory frequency. The conducted operculum attachment protocol does not show signs of tissue damage or growth impairment in active feeding gilthead sea bream. AEFishBIT offers a wide range of new information based on individual behaviour, allowing to point out the asynchrony of movements as an indirect measure of aging and adaptability to farming environment, as well as to discriminate different coping behaviour (proactive or reactive) of gilthead sea bream challenged with low water oxygen concentrations. AEFishBIT also provides reliable information of disease outcome in fish parasitized with an intestinal myxozoan, emerging as a powerful tool for sensing the quality of the environment and improving selective breeding protocols.The study has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, GA no 652831 (AQUAEXCEL2020)

    Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions at root s=900 GeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    The first measurements from proton-proton collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. Data were collected in December 2009 using a minimum-bias trigger during collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 900 GeV. The charged-particle multiplicity, its dependence on transverse momentum and pseudorapidity, and the relationship between mean transverse momentum and charged-particle multiplicity are measured for events with at least one charged particle in the kinematic range |eta|500 MeV. The measurements are compared to Monte Carlo models of proton-proton collisions and to results from other experiments at the same centre-of-mass energy. The charged-particle multiplicity per event and unit of pseudorapidity at eta = 0 is measured to be 1.333 +/- 0.003 (stat.) +/- 0.040 (syst.), which is 5-15% higher than the Monte Carlo models predict

    Formulación y ajuste de estructuras reguladoras para el manejo de aguas en las sabanas de Arauca y su efecto sobre la producción en el sistema de explotación de bovinos de cría: informe anual

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    Las actividades de este proyecto se desarrollaron en la vereda Bogotá, a los 6° 51' de latitud norte y 70° 24 de longitud oeste, a una altura de 128 msnm, municipio de Arauca, en la llanura aluvial de desborde, durante el penado comprendido entre enero de 1998 y diciembre de 2001.El estudio agroeconómico realizado en el área de influencia del proyecto, indica que el 70% de los propletanos son onundos del muniCipio de Arauca, predomina la unión libre Las diez familias encuestadas suman un total de 56 personas El 80% de los usuarios tienen educación primaria y 20% secundaria El 100% de los productores encuestados son propietarios y administran personalmente sus fincas.Ganadería bovin

    Análisis de Costes y de Coste/Eficacia de las Pautas Recomendadas por GESIDA/Plan Nacional sobre el Sida en 2018 Para el Tratamiento Antirretroviral Inicial en Adultos Infectados Por el VIH

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    [Background]: The GESIDA/National AIDS Plan expert panel recommended preferred regimens (PR), alternative regimens (AR) and other regimens (OR) for antiretroviral treatment (ART) as initial therapy in HIV-infected patients for 2018. The objective of this study was to evaluate the costs and the efficiency of initiating treatment with PR and AR. [Methods]: Economic assessment of costs and efficiency (cost-effectiveness) based on decision tree analyses. Effectiveness was defined as the probability of reporting a viral load <50 copies/mL at week 48, in an intention-to-treat analysis. Cost of initiating treatment with an ART regimen was defined as the costs of ART and its consequences (adverse effects, changes of ART regimen, and drug-resistance studies) over the first 48 weeks. The payer perspective (National Health System) was applied considering only differential direct costs: ART (official prices), management of adverse effects, studies of resistance, and HLA B*5701 testing. The setting was Spain and the costs correspond to those of 2018. A deterministic sensitivity analysis was conducted, building three scenarios for each regimen: base case, most favourable and least favourable. [Results]: In the base-case scenario, the cost of initiating treatment ranges from 6788 euros for TAF/FTC/RPV (AR) to 10,649 euros for TAF/FTC + RAL (PR). The effectiveness varies from 0.82 for TAF/FTC + DRV/r (AR) to 0.91 for TAF/FTC + DTG (PR). The efficiency, in terms of cost-effectiveness, ranges from 7814 to 12,412 euros per responder at 48 weeks, for ABC/3TC/DTG (PR) and TAF/FTC + RAL (PR), respectively. [Conclusion]: Considering ART official prices, the most efficient regimen was ABC/3TC/DTG (PR), followed by TAF/FTC/RPV (AR) and TAF/FTC/EVG/COBI (AR).[Introducción]: El panel de expertos de GESIDA/Plan Nacional del Sida ha recomendado pautas preferentes (PP), pautas alternativas (PA) y otras pautas (OP) para el tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR) como terapia de inicio en pacientes infectados por VIH para 2018. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar los costes y la eficiencia de iniciar tratamiento con PP y PA. [Métodos]: Evaluación económica de costes y eficiencia (coste/eficacia) mediante construcción de árboles de decisión. Se definió eficacia como la probabilidad de tener carga viral <50 copias/ml en la semana 48 en análisis por intención de tratar. Se definió coste de iniciar tratamiento con una pauta como los costes del TAR y de todas sus consecuencias (efectos adversos, cambios de pauta y estudio de resistencias) que se producen en las siguientes 48 semanas. Se utilizó la perspectiva del Sistema Nacional de Salud, considerando solo costes directos diferenciales: TAR (a precio oficial), manejo de efectos adversos, estudios de resistencias y determinación de HLA-B*5701. El ámbito es España, con costes de 2018. Se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad determinista construyendo 3 escenarios para cada pauta: basal, más favorable y más desfavorable. [Resultados]: En el escenario basal, los costes de iniciar tratamiento oscilaron entre 6.788 para TAF/FTC/RPV (PA) y 10.649 para TAF/FTC + RAL (PP). La eficacia osciló entre 0,82 para TAF/FTC + DRV/r (PA) y 0,91 para TAF/FTC + DTG (PP). La eficiencia, en términos de coste/eficacia, osciló entre 7.814 y 12.412 por respondedor a las 48 semanas, para ABC/3TC/DTG (PP) y TAF/FTC + RAL (PP), respectivamente. [Conclusión]: Considerando el precio oficial del TAR, la pauta más eficiente fue ABC/3TC/DTG (PP), seguida de TAF/FTC/RPV (PA) y TAF/FTC/EVG/COBI (PA)

    Dinosaur bonebed amber from an original swamp forest soil

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    Dinosaur bonebeds with amber content, yet scarce, offer a superior wealth and quality of data on ancient terrestrial ecosystems. However, the preserved palaeodiversity and/or taphonomic characteristics of these exceptional localities had hitherto limited their palaeobiological potential. Here, we describe the amber from the Lower Cretaceous dinosaur bonebed of Ariño (Teruel, Spain) using a multidisciplinary approach. Amber is found in both a root layer with amber strictly in situ and a litter layer mainly composed of aerial pieces unusually rich in bioinclusions, encompassing 11 insect orders, arachnids, and a few plant and vertebrate remains, including a feather. Additional palaeontological data—charophytes, palynomorphs, ostracods— are provided. Ariño arguably represents the most prolific and palaeobiologically diverse locality in which fossiliferous amber and a dinosaur bonebed have been found in association, and the only one known where the vast majority of the palaeontological assemblage suffered no or low-grade pre-burial transport. This has unlocked unprecedentedly complete and reliable palaeoecological data out of two complementary windows of preservation—the bonebed and the amber—from the same site.European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)/FEDERMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)/FEDERGeneralitat de CatalunyaGeneralitat de Catalunya/FEDERMMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)Oxford UniversityAustrian Academy of SciencesUniversité de TunisGeneralitat ValencianaDepto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions at root s=900 GeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC

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    22 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 tabla.-- et al.(ATLAS Collaboration).-- arXiv:1003.3124v2The first measurements from proton-proton collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. Data were collected in December 2009 using a minimum-bias trigger during collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 900 GeV. The charged-particle multiplicity, its dependence on transverse momentum and pseudorapidity. and the relationship between mean transverse momentum and charged-particle multiplicity are measured for events with at least one charged particle in the kinematic range vertical bar eta vertical bar 500 MeV. The measurements are compared to Monte Carlo models of proton-proton collisions and to results from other experiments at the same centre-of-mass energy. The charged-particle multiplicity per event and unit of pseudorapidity eta = 0 is measured to be 1.333 +/- 0.003(stat.) +/- 0.040(syst.), which is 5-15% higher than the Monte Carlo models predict.We are greatly indebted to all CERN’s departments and to the LHC project for their immense efforts not only in building the LHC, but also for their direct contributions to the construction and installation of the ATLAS detector and its infrastructure. All our congratulations go to the LHC operation team for the superb performance during this initial data-taking period. We acknowledge equally warmly all our technical colleagues in the collaborating Institutions without whom the ATLAS detector could not have been built. Furthermore we are grateful to all the funding agencies which supported generously the construction and the commissioning of the ATLAS detector and also provided the computing infrastructure. The ATLAS detector design and construction has taken about fifteen years, and our thoughts are with all our colleagues who sadly could not see its final realisation. We acknowledge the support of ANPCyT, Argentina; Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia; ARC and DEST, Australia; Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Austria; National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan; State Committee on Science & Technologies of the Republic of Belarus; CNPq and FINEP, Brazil; NSERC, NRC, and CFI, Canada; CERN; CONICYT, Chile; NSFC, China; COLCIENCIAS, Colombia; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, and Committee for Collaboration of the Czech Republic with CERN; Danish Natural Science Research Council and the Lundbeck Foundation; European Commission, through the ARTEMIS Research Training Network; IN2P3-CNRS and Dapnia-CEA, France; Georgian Academy of Sciences; BMBF, HGF, DFG and MPG, Germany; Ministry of Education and Religion, through the EPEAEK program PYTHAGORAS II and GSRT, Greece; ISF, MINERVA, GIF, DIP, and Benoziyo Center, Israel; INFN, Italy; MEXT, Japan; CNRST, Morocco; FOM and NWO, Netherlands; The Research Council of Norway; Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland; GRICES and FCT, Portugal; Ministry of Education and Research, Romania; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”; JINR; Ministry of Science, Serbia; Department of International Science and Technology Cooperation, Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic; Slovenian Research Agency, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Slovenia; Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain; The Swedish Research Council, The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden; State Secretariat for Education and Science, Swiss National Science Foundation, and Cantons of Bern and Geneva, Switzerland; National Science Council, Taiwan; TAEK, Turkey; The Science and Technology Facilities Council and The Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom; DOE and NSF, United States of America.Peer reviewe

    Resumen ejecutivo del documento de consenso sobre el manejo de la patología renal en pacientes con infección por VIH

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    El objetivo de este documento es actualizar las recomendaciones sobre la evaluación y el manejo de la afectación renal en pacientes con infección por el VIH del año 2010. La función renal debe monitorizarse en todos los pacientes e incluir la medida de la concentración sérica de creatinina, la estimación del filtrado glomerular (ecuación CKD-EPI), la medida del cociente proteína/creatinina en orina y un sedimento urinario. El estudio básico de la función tubular ha de incluir la concentración sérica de fosfato y la tira reactiva de orina (glucosuria). En ausencia de alteraciones, el cribado será anual. En pacientes tratados con tenofovir o con factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), se recomienda una evaluación más frecuente. Se debe evitar el uso de antirretrovirales potencialmente nefrotóxicos en pacientes con ERC o factores de riesgo para evitar su progresión. También se revisan las indicaciones de la biopsia renal, cuándo enviar el paciente al nefrólogo y las indicaciones, evaluación y manejo del paciente en diálisis o del trasplante renal