71 research outputs found


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    Members of the Catholic Church believe the Churchs teaching on Eucharistic celebration as the summit and the fount of the Churchs life. They even believe that the Eucharist is the summit and the fount of their faith lives. Unfortunately, the real meaning of this belief oftentimes is not well understood. As a result, the Eucharistic celebration does not really influence their way of thinking and their way of lives. This article tries to discover and present such meaning, with the hope that by having such understanding all members of the Catholic Churchincluding religious and priestswill make it as their way of thinking and living. The Eucharistic celebration will become the summit of the Churchs life if those who celebrate it have already tried to build a communion before the celebration takes place. It will become the fount of the Churchs life if those who celebrate it will try their best to become a Eucharistic people by becoming promotors of peace and solidarity


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    Land registration is an important thing to do because land parcels that have been registered will get a certificate and legal certainty. Therefore, the government held a land registration activity called a complete systematic land registration. Complete systematic land registration or PTSL is a land registration activity for the first time that is carried out simultaneously for all objects of land registration throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in one village/kelurahan area or other name equivalent to that, which includes the collection of physical data and juridical data regarding one or several objects of Land Registration for the purposes of its registration. This research was conducted to find out the Implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration in Banyumas Regency, with the formulation of the problem How to implement Property Rights Registration through PTSL according to the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs/Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2018 in Banyumas Regency. The conclusion of this study is that PTSL has been carried out since 2017 and runs well every year and in its implementation it is also in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs / Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2018 concerningPTSL


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    Pandemi Covid-19 yang sedang dialami dunia membuat berbagai sektor terpuruk. Berbagai macam cara dilakukan untuk menekan penyebaran Covid-19 salah satunya yaitu pemberlakuan lockdown. Menurut data yang didapatkan melalui kursioner menunjukan bahwa 80% responden mengalami rasa bosan. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi rasa bosan bagi dewasa muda yang sedang mengalami dan menjalankan lockdown. Melalui perancangan Komik ini diharapkan dapat terancangnya komik yang dapat mengatasi rasa bosan selama pandemi atau lockdown. Kata kunci : Komik, Pandemi, Bosa

    Coaching module development to become tough persons for sixth-grade elementary school students (based on Ignasian spirituality)

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    From the results of pre-study questionnaires distributed to seventeen sixth-grade elementary students of SD Sanjaya Tritis Pakem District and SD Cahaya Bangsa Utama Yogyakarta, researchers obtained data that they had difficulty concentrating in learning because they prefer to play games. In fact, they will face the Regional Education Standardization Assessment (ASPD). Researchers were encouraged to help them doing mindfulness exercises so that they can exercise self-control when facing difficulties or temptations, with the guidance of “Becoming a tough person based on Ignatian Spirituality” module developed by the researchers. The development of the coaching module was carried out by researchers using the five-step ADDIE model, namely: (1) Analysis: distributing questionnaires to obtain information about the duration of time the sixth-grade elementary students spent to study and play games; (2) Design: compiling a grid of coaching modules. (3) Development: compiling a coaching module which then validated by a lecturer and teacher. The average score of the two validators showed a good result, which is 3.4 (from a range of values 1-4), meaning that the coaching module can be tested and published. (4) Implementation: the researchers conducted a trial at SD Sanjaya Tritis Pakem District which was attended by 15 students. (5) Evaluation: from the results of reflection, the students wrote down their intentions to manage the desire to play so they can focus on learning.


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    Since 1996 Directorate General of Ministry of Elementary and Secondary Education has been emphasizing the importance of giving ecological education so that pupils will have concern for caring and keeping the integrity of creation. This is in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church, which is strengthened by Pope Francis in his encyclical letter, Laudato Si’, published on May 24, 2015. From answers to questionnaires distributed to five Catholic teachers teaching at urban schools can be concluded that (1) ecological spirituality should become foundation of ecological education, (2) themes on ecological education found in elementary school thematic lessons should be understood as efforts to build ecological morality, and (3) the need for providing an example of a drama script which can be used by teachers as a method of teaching materials on ecological education. This research aimed at developing a book prototype entitled Caring for the Earth as Our “Common Home”: A Reflection on Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ (for Elementary School Teachers). This book prototype has articles on ecological spirituality and ecological education as well as a drama script which can be used by teachers of fifth grade to teach third theme “Healthy Food,” second sub-theme “The Importance of healthy food for human body.” The development of this book prototype utilizes five of ten steps of Research and Development according to Borg & Gall: (1) analyzing the needs of developing a book prototype of ecological education, (2) studies on ecological education found in thematic lessons at elementary school, (3) developing a book prototype, (4) validation of the book prototype, and (5) revision of the book prototype. Findings of the research showed that the book prototype could be published. This was shown by evaluation given by a lecturer of biology with a mean score of 3.5 and evaluation given by a five grade teacher with a mean score 3.75. These mean scores are very high

    Perencanaan usaha Ebi Furai “OISHI EBI" dengan kapasitas produksi 10 kg bahan baku/hari

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    Ebi furai is a shrimp-based food which has been extended and breaded with bread crumb. This food comes from Japan, and has been eaten in many other countries, including Indonesia. The process of making ebi furai begins with the preparation of raw materials such as washing and removing inedible parts. The next important step is breading where the shrimp will be coated with predust and battermix before finally it is coated with bread crumb. After breaded, the ebi furai will be frozen and packed so that the ebi furai can be stored in a long time without a decreasing quality. Ebi furai will be marketed with the merk of “Oishi Ebi” and as a frozen food. “Oishi ebi” has a characteristics of crispy and juicy inside. Ebi furai “Oishi Ebi” is produced with a household scale industry which is located at Jalan Mulyosari Baru no. 133, Surabaya with a workforce of 3 people. The process will be proceeded 5 hours a day, 5 days in a week. The selling price of "Oishi Ebi" is Rp. 32,500.00 per pack which contains 10 pcs. The product is marketed using specific social media such as Instagram, Whatsapp, and Line. The results of the feasibility evaluation of the business "Oishi Ebi" have a ROR after tax of 187.08%, POT after tax of 6.37 months, and BEP of 46.27%

    The Spiritual Exercises Of Saint Ignatius Of Loyola

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    Londonxxxiv, 351 p.; 21 c

    Latihan Rohani

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    Yogyakarta256 hal.; 18 c
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