Perencanaan usaha Ebi Furai “OISHI EBI" dengan kapasitas produksi 10 kg bahan baku/hari


Ebi furai is a shrimp-based food which has been extended and breaded with bread crumb. This food comes from Japan, and has been eaten in many other countries, including Indonesia. The process of making ebi furai begins with the preparation of raw materials such as washing and removing inedible parts. The next important step is breading where the shrimp will be coated with predust and battermix before finally it is coated with bread crumb. After breaded, the ebi furai will be frozen and packed so that the ebi furai can be stored in a long time without a decreasing quality. Ebi furai will be marketed with the merk of “Oishi Ebi” and as a frozen food. “Oishi ebi” has a characteristics of crispy and juicy inside. Ebi furai “Oishi Ebi” is produced with a household scale industry which is located at Jalan Mulyosari Baru no. 133, Surabaya with a workforce of 3 people. The process will be proceeded 5 hours a day, 5 days in a week. The selling price of "Oishi Ebi" is Rp. 32,500.00 per pack which contains 10 pcs. The product is marketed using specific social media such as Instagram, Whatsapp, and Line. The results of the feasibility evaluation of the business "Oishi Ebi" have a ROR after tax of 187.08%, POT after tax of 6.37 months, and BEP of 46.27%

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