231 research outputs found

    Kajian Kecelakaan Kapal Di Pelabuhan Banten Menggunakan Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS)

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    Kecelakaan kapal yang tercatat dalam Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Kelas 1 Banten periode Desember 2012 hingga Januari 2014 menyatakan bahwa jenis kecelakaan yang terjadi di Pelabuhan Banten berupa tubrukan atau benturan, kebakaran, kandas dan tenggelam. Kecelakaan kapal jenis tubrukan merupakan kecelakaan yang sering terjadi di Pelabuhan Banten dengan presentase sebesar 63,64% sebanyak 7 kejadian. Penelitan ini memfokuskan terhadap jenis kecelakaan tubrukan kapal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengklasifikasikan penyebab tubrukan kapal kedalam HFACS dan menentukan rating penyebab tubrukan kapal berdasarkan AHP. Hasilidentifikasi dan klasifikasi penyebab tubrukan kapal berdasarkan faktor HFACS yaitu, unsafe acts (tindakan tidak aman) sebanyak 6 penyebab atau 40% dengan rating AHP sbesar 12.24%, preconditions for unsafe acts (kondisi tertentu penyebab tindakan tidak aman) sebanyak 4 penyebabatau 27% dengan rating AHP sebesar 8.51%, unsafe supervision (kesalahan pada pengawasan) sebanyak 2 penyebab atau 13% dengan rating AHP sebesar 8.24% dan organizational influences (pengaruh organisasi) sebanyak 3 penyebab atau 20% dengan rating AHP sebesar 10.84%

    A Grassmann integral equation

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    The present study introduces and investigates a new type of equation which is called Grassmann integral equation in analogy to integral equations studied in real analysis. A Grassmann integral equation is an equation which involves Grassmann integrations and which is to be obeyed by an unknown function over a (finite-dimensional) Grassmann algebra G_m. A particular type of Grassmann integral equations is explicitly studied for certain low-dimensional Grassmann algebras. The choice of the equation under investigation is motivated by the effective action formalism of (lattice) quantum field theory. In a very general setting, for the Grassmann algebras G_2n, n = 2,3,4, the finite-dimensional analogues of the generating functionals of the Green functions are worked out explicitly by solving a coupled system of nonlinear matrix equations. Finally, by imposing the condition G[{\bar\Psi},{\Psi}] = G_0[{\lambda\bar\Psi}, {\lambda\Psi}] + const., 0<\lambda\in R (\bar\Psi_k, \Psi_k, k=1,...,n, are the generators of the Grassmann algebra G_2n), between the finite-dimensional analogues G_0 and G of the (``classical'') action and effective action functionals, respectively, a special Grassmann integral equation is being established and solved which also is equivalent to a coupled system of nonlinear matrix equations. If \lambda \not= 1, solutions to this Grassmann integral equation exist for n=2 (and consequently, also for any even value of n, specifically, for n=4) but not for n=3. If \lambda=1, the considered Grassmann integral equation has always a solution which corresponds to a Gaussian integral, but remarkably in the case n=4 a further solution is found which corresponds to a non-Gaussian integral. The investigation sheds light on the structures to be met for Grassmann algebras G_2n with arbitrarily chosen n.Comment: 58 pages LaTeX (v2: mainly, minor updates and corrections to the reference section; v3: references [4], [17]-[21], [39], [46], [49]-[54], [61], [64], [139] added

    Cell morphology governs directional control in swimming bacteria

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    The ability to rapidly detect and track nutrient gradients is key to the ecological success of motile bacteria in aquatic systems. Consequently, bacteria have evolved a number of chemotactic strategies that consist of sequences of straight runs and reorientations. Theoretically, both phases are affected by fluid drag and Brownian motion, which are themselves governed by cell geometry. Here, we experimentally explore the effect of cell length on control of swimming direction. We subjected Escherichia coli to an antibiotic to obtain motile cells of different lengths, and characterized their swimming patterns in a homogeneous medium. As cells elongated, angles between runs became smaller, forcing a change from a run-and-tumble to a run-and-stop/reverse pattern. Our results show that changes in the motility pattern of microorganisms can be induced by simple morphological variation, and raise the possibility that changes in swimming pattern may be triggered by both morphological plasticity and selection on morphology

    Haloarchaea swim slowly for optimal chemotactic efficiency in low nutrient environments

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    Archaea have evolved to survive in some of the most extreme environments on earth. Life in extreme, nutrient-poor conditions gives the opportunity to probe fundamental energy limitations on movement and response to stimuli, two essential markers of living systems. Here we use three-dimensional holographic microscopy and computer simulations to reveal that halophilic archaea achieve chemotaxis with power requirements one hundred-fold lower than common eubacterial model systems. Their swimming direction is stabilised by their flagella (archaella), enhancing directional persistence in a manner similar to that displayed by eubacteria, albeit with a different motility apparatus. Our experiments and simulations reveal that the cells are capable of slow but deterministic chemotaxis up a chemical gradient, in a biased random walk at the thermodynamic limit

    There and back again: historical perspective and future directions for Vaccinium breeding and research studies

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    The genus Vaccinium L. (Ericaceae) contains a wide diversity of culturally and economically important berry crop species. Consumer demand and scientific research in blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) and cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) have increased worldwide over the crops' relatively short domestication history (~100&nbsp;years). Other species, including bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), and ohelo berry (Vaccinium reticulatum) are largely still harvested from the wild but with crop improvement efforts underway. Here, we present a review article on these Vaccinium berry crops on topics that span taxonomy to genetics and genomics to breeding. We highlight the accomplishments made thus far for each of these crops, along their journey from the wild, and propose research areas and questions that will require investments by the community over the coming decades to guide future crop improvement efforts. New tools and resources are needed to underpin the development of superior cultivars that are not only more resilient to various environmental stresses and higher yielding, but also produce fruit that continue to meet a variety of consumer preferences, including fruit quality and health related trait

    Syndromics: A Bioinformatics Approach for Neurotrauma Research

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    Substantial scientific progress has been made in the past 50 years in delineating many of the biological mechanisms involved in the primary and secondary injuries following trauma to the spinal cord and brain. These advances have highlighted numerous potential therapeutic approaches that may help restore function after injury. Despite these advances, bench-to-bedside translation has remained elusive. Translational testing of novel therapies requires standardized measures of function for comparison across different laboratories, paradigms, and species. Although numerous functional assessments have been developed in animal models, it remains unclear how to best integrate this information to describe the complete translational “syndrome” produced by neurotrauma. The present paper describes a multivariate statistical framework for integrating diverse neurotrauma data and reviews the few papers to date that have taken an information-intensive approach for basic neurotrauma research. We argue that these papers can be described as the seminal works of a new field that we call “syndromics”, which aim to apply informatics tools to disease models to characterize the full set of mechanistic inter-relationships from multi-scale data. In the future, centralized databases of raw neurotrauma data will enable better syndromic approaches and aid future translational research, leading to more efficient testing regimens and more clinically relevant findings
