649 research outputs found

    A joint replenishment competitive location problem

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    Competitive Location Models seek the positions which maximize the market captured by an entrant firm from previously positioned competitors. Nevertheless, strategic location decisions may have a significant impact on inventory and shipment costs in the future affecting the firm’s competitive advantages. In this work we describe a model for the joint replenishment competitive location problem which considers both market capture and replenishment costs in order to choose the firm’s locations. We also present an metaherusitic method to solve it based on the Viswanathan’s (1996) algorithm to solve the Replenishment Problem and an Iterative Local Search Procedure to solve the Location Problem.N/

    A regret model applied to the maximum coverage location problem with queue discipline

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    This article discusses issues related to the location and allocation problems where is intended to demonstrate, through the random number generation, the influence of congestion of such systems in the final solutions. It is presented an algorithm that, in addition to the GRASP, incorporates the Regret with the pminmax method to evaluate the heuristic solution obtained in regard to its robustness for different scenarios. To the well know Maximum Coverage Location Problem from Church and Revelle [1] an alternative perspective is added in which the choice behavior of the server does not only depend on the elapsed time from the demand point looking to the center, but also includes the waiting time for service conditioned by a waiting queue.N/

    A regret model applied to the facility location problem with limited capacity facilities

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    This article addresses issues related to location and allocation problems. Herein, we intend to demonstrate the influence of congestion, through the random number generation, of such systems in final solutions. An algorithm is presented which, in addition to the GRASP, incorporates the Regret with the pminmax method to evaluate the heuristic solution obtained with regard to its robustness for different scenarios. Taking as our point of departure the Facility Location Problem proposed by Balinski [27], an alternative perspective is added associating regret values to particular solutions.N/

    A regret model applied to the maximum capture location problem

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    This article addresses issues related to location and allocation problems. Herein, we intend to demonstrate the influence of congestion, through the random number generation, of such systems in final solutions. An algorithm is presented which, in addition to the GRASP, incorporates the Regret with the pminmax method to evaluate the heuristic solution obtained with regard to its robustness for different scenarios. Taking as our point of departure the Maximum Capture Location Problem proposed by Church and Revelle [1, 26], an alternative perspective is added in which the choice behavior of the server does not depend only on the elapsed time from the demand point looking to the center, but includes also the service waiting time.N/


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    Introdução à obra: Correspondência Inédita Dirigida a D. Frei Manuel Do Cenáculo – As Cartas de Joaquim Sá e Alexandre Faria Manuel, em que se transcrevem dois importantes fundos da epistolografia de D. frei Manuel do Cenáculo, as cartas de Joaquim José da Costa Sá e de Alexandre Faria Manuel. Caracteriza-se esta epistolografia e salienta-se o seu valor como fontes históricas, particularmente, para a História do Livro e para a Micro-história

    The historical importance of the manuscripts of the Public Library of Évora. The example of the correspondance of D. Manuel do Cenáculo (1724-1814)

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    The Public Library of Évora has a rich and important collection of manuscripts assembled by its founder, the Archbishop D. Manuel do Cenáculo and cataloged by Cunha Rivara in the nineteenth century. A substantial part of this collection includes the bibliographic heritage of the founder and the correspondence sent to him by several national and foreign personalities. Nevertheless, part of the correspondence fund is not included in the Correspondence Catalogue that Armando Guzmão assembled. The current work examines two codices of unpublished letters that were not cataloged and were, thus, far unknown to the researchers. The letters were sent to the Archbishop Cenáculo between 1772-1803, by Joaquim Sá, Regius Professor of Latin at the College of Nobles of Lisbon and, by Alexandre Manuel, Secretary of the Royal Censorship Bureau. This work aims to highlight the historical importance of this kind of primary source, namely the documentary value to understand the political conjuncture at the end of ancient regime, the educational reforms of the government of Pombal, the censorship of books and cultural events, everyday life and mentalities in the eighteenth-century Portugal

    A Importancia Histórica dos Manuscritos da Biblioteca Pública de Évora - O exemplo da correspondência de Frei Manuel do Cenáculo

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    Com este trabalho procede-se à análise de uma parte substancial da colecção dos manuscritos, coligidos e reunidos pelo fundador da Biblioteca, catalogados pelos bibliotecários e colocados desde início ao serviço dos leitores. Utilizámos como ponto de partida os resultados conseguidos com um projecto concluído em 2009, em torno de dois fundos importantes: o Diário de Frei Manuel do Cenáculo e a correspondência, as numerosas cartas que lhe enviaram diferentes personalidades, as cópias e rascunhos das que o próprio Cenáculo escreveu e que na sua grande maioria se encontram na colecção da Biblioteca Pública de Évora


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    Neste trabalho analisamos a organização do ensino na Universidade de Évora, fundada em 1559 e confiada aos padres da Companhia de Jesus, tendo como principal documento os Estatutos, que estiveram em vigor até 1759. Os Estatutos constituem um documento privilegiado para o estudo do ensino universitário, nomeadamente no que se refere à vida administrativa, ao plano de estudos e a outros aspectos da vida académica, como a utilização da biblioteca, os costumes dos estudantes, as festas, actos públicos e o intercâmbio internacional. Com a leitura e análise a um dos documentos mais relevantes da história da Universidade, pretendemos dar um contributo para a história do ensino universitário em Portugal e traçar a evolução da universidade durante os duzentos anos de ensino dos jesuítas/ In this paper we examined the organization of teaching at the University of Évora, founded in 1559 and entrusted to the priests of the Society of Jesus, with the main documentary source Statutes that were in force until 1759. The statutes are a prime source for the study of university education in particular as regards the administrative life, the syllabus and the other aspects of academic life, such as the use of the library, the customs of the students, the parties, public events and international exchange. With reading and analysis of the most relevant documents of the University of history, we intend to make a contribution to the history of university education in Portugal and trace the evolution of the university during the two hundred years of Jesuit education. Key-words: statutes, university education, directors, public acts, student parties

    Em Beja Com os Olhos no Mundo: O papel dos meios de Informação no Episcopado de Frei Manuel do Cenáculo

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    D. Manuel do Cenáculo Villas Boas joined the diocese in March 1777 with a reformist program that it had in the media of his time the support necessary for its implementation. Indeed, from his letters underscores the desire to make Beja a kind of cultural centre, as if he wants to put the city on the map, not only national but also European. With the presence of the prelate, Beja won a surprising cultural dynamism, with the various initiatives and projects he has undertaken. They are proof of this new dynamic the many national and foreign visitors passing through town during his episcopate, studies establishing for their pastors, church conferences, the creation of a library-museum that opened to the public, archaeological projects in developing ground, in particular, Sines and Troia. We have argued in previous work that Cenáculo was a man of projects, and that with his action in favour of science and culture became a real Prince of Letters of Alentejo, a patron of all who ventured on the roads of Fine Arts and Fine Letters and resorted to their sponsorship. With this paper we seek to take stock of scientific and cultural dynamism that the Alentejo town now has during his episcopate and to assess the importance of correspondence, books and other media had to put the projects on the ground of the Bishop

    A Biblioteca de um Diplomata Português do Século XVIII

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    As análises em busca do perfil de leitor, tendo em vista fazer uma História do Livro e da Leitura, recorrem com frequência às bibliotecas privadas, embora sejam também conhecidas as dificuldades inerentes a estudos deste género. Na verdade, o facto de possuir uma boa biblioteca não é sinónimo de ser um grande leitor, num contexto em que o livro ainda se pode considerar como objecto de luxo e, com a importante excepção da Bibliotheque bleu, longe do alcance dos grupos populares. Mas não há também dúvidas que, desde a revolução da imprensa, se afirma a difusão crescente do livro pelos estratos sociais e proliferam, tal como refere Roger Chartier, «tantas operações para ordenação do mundo dos livros: classificar, atribuir autores, e o livro é chamado a desempenhar um papel determinante na transformação dos modos de sociabilidade, na afirmação de novas ideias e na modificação das relações de poder». Com este estudo, centrado no catálogo da biblioteca de Pedro José da Silva Botelho, procuramos traçar o perfil de livros e leituras que interessavam a este diplomata português, bem como dar um contributo para o estudo da bibliofilia, que consideramos ter uma grande adesão das nossas elites setecentista, e aferir a organização do conhecimento, que preside a arrumação dos títulos e obras