204 research outputs found

    Los toros y San Pedro Regalado

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    Clero y pasión taurina en Valladolid. Siglos XVI-XVIII

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    Valladolid, a Festival Town (17th-18th Centuries)

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    The festival was a great sociocultural event whose dimensions reached their maximum evolution in Early Modern Spain, especially in the 17th and 18th centuries and in its urban centres. This was the «festive society» par excellence, because of the frequency of the celebrations and the multiplicity of meanings, implications and consequences. Society and power, ultimately, were represented at the festival. In this context, the specific case of Valladolid demonstrates both its character as a germane model, applicable to any other town, and its uniqueness. Significantly, in the early 17th century it was once again the seat of the Court and yet even after being abandoned by Philip III in 1606, it continued to be one of the most important towns of Castile, the seat of the Royal Chancellery.La fiesta es un hecho sociocultural total cuyas virtualidades alcanzaron su máximo desarrollo en la España Moderna, especialmente en los siglos XVII y XVIII y en su ámbito urbano. Se trataba de la «sociedad festiva» por excelencia, tanto por la frecuencia de las celebraciones, como por la multiplicidad de sus significaciones, implicaciones y efectos. Sociedad y poder, en última instancia, se representaban en la fiesta. En este contexto, el caso concreto de Valladolid conjuga su carácter de modelo, aplicable a cualquier otra urbe, y su excepcionalidad. No en vano, a principios del siglo XVII, volvía a ser corte y, aún abandonada por Felipe III, en 1606, continuó siendo una de las ciudades más importantes de Castilla, como sede de la Real Chancillería

    La otra imagen del héroe. El Grand Condé como aliado del rey de España (1651-1659)

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    Luis II de Borbón, conocido como el Grand Condé, es uno de los principales nobles y jefes de armas de la Historia de Francia. Sin embargo, sus años de alianza con España, que abarcan su intervención en la Fronda y su exilio en Flandes (1651-1659), no han gozado de suficiente atención por parte de los investigadores. Interesa ahora la representación construida en torno a su figura, en el corazón de la Monarquía Hispánica: el reino de Castilla y, particularmente, la corte madrileña, es decir, en el centro del poder. Aquí se analizan la visión que sobre él se tenía en el círculo cortesano, con don Luis de Haro a la cabeza; el importante papel jugado, en su conformación, por los agentes del Príncipe enviados a Madrid; y, por último, su transmisión a la incipiente opinión pública mediante los impresos de relaciones de sucesos. El héroe de Rocroi acabó revestido de una imagen gloriosa, similar a la que todavía le otorga buena parte de la historiografía francesa cuando trata sus años de exilio. Algo nada baladí, pues contribuye a explicar el apoyo que disfrutó de Felipe IV, hasta la firma de la Paz de los Pirineos

    Valladolid sede de la justicia. Los alcaldes del crimen durante el Antiguo Régimen

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    In the Old Regime, even abandoned by the court in 1606, Valladolid was a second court, as seat of the Royal Chancery. This study focuses on the impact caused by the Chancery in the town and its surroundings -the five leagues−, through criminal judges. They were superior judges in criminal cases and they had other responsibilities in justice, government and police. So there were frequent conflicts with various urban institutions. Moreover, criminal judges expanded and strengthened their power in the second half of the eighteenth century, during the Enlightenment, and they became the highest guarantors of public order in Valladolid.En el Antiguo Régimen, aun abandonada por la corte en 1606, Valladolid era una segunda corte, como sede de la Real Chancillería. Este estudio se centra en el impacto causado por la Chancillería en la ciudad y su contorno -las cinco leguas−, a través de los alcaldes del crimen. Eran jueces superiores en materia criminal y reunían además otras competencias en asuntos de justicia, gobierno y policía, por lo que fueron frecuentes los conflictos con diversas instituciones urbanas. Es más, las facultades de los alcaldes del crimen se ampliaron y reforzaron en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, en tiempos de la Ilustración, erigiéndose definitivamente en los máximos garantes del orden público en la capital del Pisuerga

    Assessment on proximate composition, dietary fiber, phytic acid and protein hydrolysis of germinated Ecuatorian brown rice

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    Germinated brown rice (GBR) is considered healthier than brown rice (BR) but its nutritive value has been hardly studied. Since nutritive quality of GBR depends on genetic diversity and germination conditions, six Ecuadorian BR varieties were germinated at 28 and 34 ºC for 48 and 96 h in darkness and proximate composition, dietary fiber fractions, phytic acid content as well as degree of protein hydrolysis and peptide content were studied. Protein, lipids, ash and available carbohydrate ranged 7.3-10.4%, 2.0-4.0%, 0.8-1.5% and 71.6 to 84.0%, respectively, in GBR seedlings. Total dietary fiber increased during germination (6.1-13.6%), with a large proportion of insoluble fraction, and phytic acid was reduced noticeably. In general, protein hydrolysis occurred during germination was more accused at 28 ºC for 48 h. These results suggest that GBR can be consumed directly as nutritive staple food for a large population worldwide contributing to their nutritional requirements.This work was partly funded by AGL2010-16310 Project from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Maximising the phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of Ecuadorian brown rice sprouts through optimal germination conditions

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    Germinated brown rice (GBR) is considered a healthy alternative to white rice in the fight against chronic diseases. As the functional quality of GBR depends on genotype and germination conditions, the objectives were to identify suitable Ecuadorian brown rice cultivars and optimal germination time and temperature to maximise γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), total phenolics compounds (TPC) and antioxidant activity of GBR. Regression models for the prediction of phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity in GBR were also obtained. Germination improved GABA, TPC and antioxidant activity in all cultivars. Maximum GABA and antioxidant activity were attained at 34 C for 96 h, while the highest TPC was found at 28 C for 96 h in all cultivars. GBR cv. GO displayed the highest antioxidant activity and cv. 15 was the most effective at accumulating GABA and TPC in the optimal germination conditions. Therefore, Ecuadorian GBR could be used for the preparation of functional foods serving as preventative strategies in combating chronic diseases. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was financially supported by AGL2010-16310 Project from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Un precedente al control de las haciendasmunicipales por la corona a finales delsiglo XVII : la creación de la «juntade la posada» en Valladolid

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    El deterioro de la hacienda municipal de la ciudad de Valladolid generado durante el siglo XVI, y fundamentalmente en los seis años que a principios del Siglo XVII fijó su residencia la Corte de Felipe III en la ciudad, ocasionaron la toma de decisiones drásticas en el terreno del control de la hacienda municipal por parte de la Corona. De este modo hay que entender la puesta en funcionamiento de la conocida como Junta de la Posada establecida desde 1693 en la ciudad del Pisuerga para controlar diferentes efectos de la hacienda local. Sus funciones, lejos de disminuir, irán aumentando a lo largo de la primera mitad del siglo XVIII, como claro antecedente de la reforma de las haciendas municipales llevada a cabo por los Borbones en 1768.The deterioration of the municipal estate of the city of Valladolid generated during the 16th century, and fundamentally in six years that at the beginning of the 17th century your residence fixed the Court of Philip III in the city, they caused the capture of drastic decisions in the area of the control of the municipal estate on the part of the Wreath. Thus it is necessary to understand the putting in functioning of the known one as Junta de la Posada established from 1693 in the city of the Pisuerga to control different effects of the local estate. Your functions, far from diminishing, will be increasing along the first half of the 18th century, as clear precedent of the reform of the municipal household tasks carried out by the Borbones in 1768

    Riparian or phreatophile woodland and shrubland vegetation in the Central Chilean biogeographic region: phytosociological study

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    The Mediterranean territory in Chile is an extensive area whose natural vegetation has suffered the impact of man-made activities far more severely than anywhere else in the country. Its northernmost section (the Atacama and Coquimbo regions) is characterised by ombroclimates that range from ultra-hyperarid to arid, and by highly irregular river courses with limited spaces for phreatophilic vegetation that have been exploited by humans as fertile farmlands. However, in the river valleys of the Central Chilean biogeographic province, where the ombroclimate is at least semiarid, there may be permanent watercourses that drain from the Andean mountain range towards the Pacific Ocean that contain representations of riparian or phreatophilic vegetation linked to riverbanks or alluvial terraces, in spite of the inevitable human influence. We studied the most conspicuous plant communities with the most highly developed biomass in these riparian environments, namely willow stands dominated by Salix humboldtiana and accompanied by some autochthonous woody species, in order to clarify their floristic composition and their correct ordination within the syntaxonomy of Chilean vegetation. The data collected suggest the existence of a phytosociological association: Otholobio glandulosi-Salicetum humboldtianae ass. nova, as the majority association in the Central Chilean province. Another possible association which replaces this (Baccharido salicifoliae-Myrceugenietum lanceolatae prov.) is also proposed in the transition to a humid ombroclimate and Temperate macrobioclimate.The floristic contents of these Chilean communities are compared with other associations dominated by Salix humboldtiana described for other territories bordering Chile: Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. However, given that they are all located in a Tropical macrobioclimate and their companion flora is therefore clearly different from the flora present in the Chilean communities, we propose the creation of a new phytosociological class to include these syntaxonomically: Mayteno boariae-Salicetea humboldtianae class. nova. This work also ascribes the association Tessario absinthioidis-Baccharidetum marginalis (representing a prior dynamic stage to Otholobio glandulosi-Salicetum humboldtianae) to the class Tessario integrifoliae-Baccharideteasalicifoliae.S