84 research outputs found

    the physical work load equal for ageing and young blue-collar workers

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to quantify physical work load of blue-collar workers and to compare the work load factors between ageing (45#years) and young workers. The subjects included 63 men (41 construction workers and 22 vehicle inspectors). The mean age of the ageing and young subjects was 52 and 33 years, respectively. The dynamic (Edholm scale and HR), static postural (OWAS method) and perceived (RPEs) work loads were assessed at work sites. Energy expenditure, HR and the proportions of poor work postures were similar when the ageing and young subjects were compared in their occupational groups. During work, RPEs varied from`very lighta to`fairly harda regardless of age. The di!erences in physical work load between the ageing and young construction workers and vehicle inspectors were small. The results suggest that the physical work load of blue-collar workers is not a!ected by age. Relevance to industry This study introduces some simple "eld methods which are relevant and often needed before planning and directing ergonomic, organisational and/or individual measures for adjusting physical work load of blue-collar workers and, particularly, ageing ones

    Implementation of Physical Employment Standards for Physically Demanding Occupations

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    Objective: The aim of this paper was to describe an approach to implementing and integrating physical employment standards into an organisational procedure, to ensure the safe and effective supervision of physical fitness of workers in a physically demanding occupation, using a real-world example. Methods: Using previously published cardiorespiratory, muscular strength and endurance physical demands data from UK firefighters, a process to manage all levels of physical capability was developed with industry stakeholders. Results: Performance standards and associated cut-scores relating to acceptable, uncertain, and unacceptable job performance, using a traffic-light style process, were agreed by stakeholders to ensure the safe and effective management of incumbent’s physical fitness. Conclusions: This paper describes the processes involved in implementing a physical capability management procedure, for the administration of routine in-service physical employment standards and tests in the UK Fire & Rescue Service

    Using Kinect sensor in observational methods for assessing postures at work

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    This paper examines the potential use of Kinect range sensor in observational methods for assessing postural loads. Range sensors can detect the position of the joints at high sampling rates without attaching sensors or markers directly to the subject under study. First, a computerized OWAS ergonomic assessment system was implemented to permit the data acquisition from Kinect and data processing in order to identify the risk level of each recorded postures. Output data were compared with the results provided by human observers, and were used to determine the influence of the sensor view angle relative to the worker. The tests show high inter-method agreement in the classification of risk categories (Proportion agreement index = 0.89 k = 0.83) when the tracked subject is facing the sensor. The camera’s point of view relative to the position of the tracked subject significantly affects the correct classification of the postures. Although the results are promising, some aspects involved in the use of low-cost range sensors should be further studied for their use in real environmentsDiego-Mas, JA.; Alcaide Marzal, J. (2014). Using Kinect sensor in observational methods for assessing postures at work. Applied Ergonomics. 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2013.12.001S11

    Behaviour of motor unit action potential rate, estimated from surface EMG, as a measure of muscle activation level

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    BACKGROUND: Surface electromyography (EMG) parameters such as root-mean-square value (RMS) are commonly used to assess the muscle activation level that is imposed by the central nervous system (CNS). However, RMS is influenced not only by motor control aspects, but also by peripheral properties of the muscle and recording setup. To assess motor control separately, the number of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) per second, or MUAP Rate (MR) is a potentially useful measure. MR is the sum of the firing rates of the contributing MUs and as such reflects the two parameters that the CNS uses for motor control: number of MUs and firing rate. MR can be estimated from multi-channel surface EMG recordings. The objective of this study was to explore the behaviour of estimated MR (eMR) in relation to number of active MUs and firing rate. Furthermore, the influence of parameters related to peripheral muscle properties and recording setup (number of fibers per MU, fiber diameter, thickness of the subcutaneous layer, signal-to-noise-ratio) on eMR was compared with their influence on RMS. METHODS: Physiological parameters were varied in a simulation model that generated multi-channel EMG signals. The behaviour of eMR in simulated conditions was compared with its behaviour in experimental conditions. Experimental data was obtained from the upper trapezius muscle during a shoulder elevation task (20–100 N). RESULTS: The simulations showed strong, monotonously increasing relations between eMR and number of active MUs and firing rate (r(2 )> 0.95). Because of unrecognized superimpositions of MUAPs, eMR was substantially lower than the actual MUAP Rate (aMR). The percentage of detected MUAPs decreased with aMR, but the relation between eMR and aMR was rather stable in all simulated conditions. In contrast to RMS, eMR was not affected by number of fibers per MU, fiber diameter and thickness of the subcutaneous layer. Experimental data showed a strong relation between eMR and force (individual second order polynomial regression: 0.96 < r(2 )< 0.99). CONCLUSION: Although the actual number of MUAPs in the signal cannot be accurately extracted with the present method, the stability of the relation between eMR and aMR and its independence of muscle properties make eMR a suitable parameter to assess the input from the CNS to the muscle at low contraction levels non-invasively

    Physiological response to firefighting activities of various work cycles using extended duration and prototype SCBA

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    Firefighters’ self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) protects the respiratory system during firefighting but increases the physiological burden. Extended duration SCBA (>30 min) have increased air supply, potentially increasing the duration of firefighting work cycles. To examine the effects of SCBA configuration and work cycle (length and rest), 30 firefighters completed seven trials using different SCBA and one or two bouts of simulated firefighting following work cycles common in the United States. Heart rate, core temperature, oxygen consumption, work output and self-reported perceptions were recorded during all activities. Varying SCBA resulted in few differences in these parameters. However, during a second bout, work output significantly declined while heart rates and core temperatures were elevated relative to a single bout. Thirty seven per cent of the subjects were unable to complete the second bout in at least one of the two-bout conditions. These firefighters had lower fitness and higher body mass than those who completed all assigned tasks. Practitioner Summary: The effects of extended duration SCBA and work/rest cycles on physiological parameters and work output have not been examined. Cylinder size had minimal effects, but extended work cycles with no rest resulted in increased physiological strain and decreased work output. This effect was more pronounced in firefighters with lower fitness.This work was supported by the Department of Homeland Security Fire Prevention and Safety, Federal Emergency Management Agency [grant number EMW-2010-FP-01606].Ope

    Biosignaalimittaukset osana suurkeittiötyön fyysisen kuormittavuuden hallintaa tulevaisuudessa - case Myontec Oy

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena on selvittää suurkeittiöissä tehtävän työn erityispiirteet sekä tarkastella suurkeittiötä toimintaympäristönä. Aihetta on rajattu siten, että esiin on tuotu erityisesti työn ja työympäristön kuormitustekijät. Tavoitteena on löytää vastaus siihen, miten suurkeittiötyön fyysinen kuormittavuus tulevaisuudessa muuttuu ja kuinka biosignaalimittauksia voidaan hyödyntää kuormituksen hallinnassa. Anturivaatteiden avulla tapahtuvat biosignaalimittaukset ovat työelämäkumppanimme Myontec Oy:n erityisosaamisaluetta. Opinnäytetyössä on tiedonhankintamenetelminä käytetty kirjallisuuskatsausta ja asiantuntijahaastatteluita. Tulevaisuudentutkimusta on tehty TopTen-listauksen, tulevaisuustaulukon ja skenaariomenetelmän avulla. Kerätyn teorian sekä asiantuntijahaastatteluiden pohjalta on muodostettu kolme erilaista tulevaisuuden skenaariota. Suurkeittiötyön kuormittavuus syntyy työn ja työympäristön yhteisvaikutuksesta. Työssä kuormittavat erityisesti toistotyö ja taakkojen nostot sekä siirrot. Työympäristö on myös haasteellinen, koska työtä tehdään olosuhteissa, joissa on merkittäviä lämpötilanvaihteluita, kosteutta, vetoisuutta ja melua. Myös työtapaturmariski on korkea. Suurkeittiöissä tehtävä työ on muuttunut vain hieman viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Merkittävimpiä muutoksia on aiheuttanut keittiöteknologian kehitys. Myös tulevaisuudessa uudella keittiöteknologialla saattaa olla merkittävä rooli työn kuormituksen kannalta. Ensimmäinen vaihtoehtoinen tulevaisuudenkuva on teknologia-skenaario, jossa teknologian merkitys keittiöiden tuotantoprosesseissa korostuu. Toinen skenaarioista on todennäköinen tulevaisuusskenaario, jossa muuttujien kehityksen oletetaan jatkuvan samansuuntaisena tulevaisuudessakin. Skenaariossa korostuvat pula osaavasta työvoimasta ja väestön ikääntyminen, mutta toisaalta myös yleisen hyvinvoinnin lisääntyminen. Kolmas skenaarioista on uhkaskenaario. Ravitsemusalan ongelmia ovat muun muassa huono imago ja työntekijöiden heikko työkyky, joka vaikuttaa myös ruoan laatuun ja tätä kautta asiakasmääriin. Työntekijöiden työhyvinvoinnin merkitys tulee kasvamaan tulevaisuudessa. Myös tietoisuus uusien teknologisten sovellusten, kuten anturivaatteiden olemassaolosta lisääntyy. Lisääntyvä tieto ja kiinnostus edistää myös sulautetun tietotekniikan tuotekehitystä. Anturivaatteet tullaan näkemään tehokkaana keinona monitoroida työn kuormittavuutta työsuorituksen aikana. Anturivaatteiden toimivuutta keittiötyön kuormituksen tarkkailussa on jo alustavasti kartoitettu. Mittaustuloksista saatiin työsuorituksen kannalta merkittävää tietoa ja myös opinnäytetyömme tulokset vahvistavat ravitsemusalan olevan ehdottomasti alue, jolla anturivaateteknologiaa voidaan myös tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää.Managing Physical Workloads in Catering Kitchens in The Future With The Help of Bio-Signal Measurements – Case Myontec Oy The aim of the thesis is to find out the special features of work done in catering kitchens and focus on catering kitchens as operational environments. The emphasis is on stress caused by work conditions and workloads. The objective is to discover how physical workloads in catering kitchens will change in the future, and how workload management can benefit from biosignal measurements. These measurements, which are done by using sensor clothes, are the specialty of our working life partner Myontec Oy. The data for the thesis is acquired from literature and through specialist interviews. The future scenario has been researched by using Top Ten listings, future tables and scenario method. Three different future scenarios have been built based on theory and specialist interviews. Workloads in catering kitchens are a combination of work and working environment. Especially straining are repetition in movements and lifting and transferring heavy loads. Work environment is also challenging as the working conditions have significant changes in room temperature, humid air, draft and noise. The risk of possible accidents happening is elevated. Work done in catering kitchens has gone through minor alterations during the last decades. The development of technology in kitchen appliances has brought about the most significant changes. Kitchen technology can play a major role in decreasing workloads in the future. The first alternative future scenario is the technology scenario, where the significance of technology in kitchen manufacturing processes is emphasized. The second is the most likely future scenario, where the development of variables is expected to continue as it has so far. In this scenario, competent work force shortage and the aging of population are emphasized. On the other hand, also general wellbeing is increased. The third scenario is the threat scenario, where the catering industry’s problems are emphasized. These are for example bad image and staff’s weak ability to work, which in turn have an effect on the quality of food and the number of clients. The significance of the wellbeing of employees will increase in the future. Also, awareness of the existence of new technological applications, such as sensor clothes, will grow. The growth in knowledge and general interest will further the development of embedded technology. The sensor clothes will be seen as an efficient way to monitor workloads during work performance. The functionality of sensor clothes in measuring workloads in kitchen work has already been analyzed. The measuring results shed significant light to the work performance. Also, this thesis supports the results that catering work can benefit from sensor clothes in the future.Biosingnalmätningarna som en del av undersökningen av den fysiska belastningen i storköksarbetet i framtiden – case Myontec Oy Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att utreda de särskilda drag som arbetet i ett storkök har och att granska storkök som verksamhetsomgivning. Ämnet har avgränsats så att man främst tagit upp de belastningsfaktorer som arbetet och arbetsomgivningen medför. Syftet är att finna svar på hur den fysiska belastningen i storköksarbetet kommer att ändras i framtiden och hur man kan utnyttja biosignalmätningar vid kontroll av belastningen. Biosignalmätningarna som sker med hjälp av sensorkläder hör till vår arbetslivspartner Myontec Oy:s specialkunnande. I examensarbetet har en litteraturöversikt och intervjuer av sakkunniga använts som metod för informationsåtervinning. Framtidsundersökningar har gjorts med hjälp av en TopTen-lista, en framtidstabell och en scenariometod. Utgående från den insamlade teorin och intervjuerna av sakkunniga har tre olika scenarier om framtiden bildats. Belastningen av arbetet i ett storkök uppkommer genom samverkan mellan arbetet och arbetsmiljön. Belastningsfaktorerna i arbetet utgörs särskilt av det repetitiva arbetet samt av lyftningar och flyttningar av bördor. Arbetsmiljön är också utmanande, eftersom arbetet utförs i förhållanden med betydande temperaturväxlingar, fukt, drag och buller. Risken för olycksfall i arbetet är också hög. Arbetet som görs i storkök har genomgått endast små ändringar under de senaste årtiondena. De mest betydande ändringarna har förorsakats av utvecklingen av köksteknologin. Också i framtiden kan den nya köksteknologin spela en betydande roll med tanke på belastningen. Den första alternativa framtidsbilden utgörs av teknologi-scenariot, där teknologins betydelse i kökens produktionsprocess accentueras. Det andra av scenarierna är sannolik framtid-scenariot, där variablernas utveckling antas fortsätta i samma riktning också i framtiden. I scenariot accentueras bristen på kunnig arbetskraft och befolkningens föråldrande, men å andra sidan också det ökade allmänna välmåendet. Det tredje scenariot är hot-scenariot. Problemen inom restaurangbranschen är bl.a. en dålig image och arbetstagarnas svaga arbetsförmåga, vilket inverkar också på matens kvalitet och därigenom också på antalet kunder. Betydelsen av arbetstagarnas välmående i arbetet kommer att öka i framtiden. Också kännedomen om nya teknologiska tillämpningar, såsom förekomsten av sensorkläder, ökar. Ökande kunskaper och intresse befrämjar också produktutvecklingen av inbyggd datateknik. Sensorkläderna kommer att ses som ett effektivt sätt att övervaka belastningen av arbetet under arbetsprestationen. Det har redan preliminärt kartlagts hur sensorkläderna fungerar vid kontroll av belastningarna i köksarbetet. Betydande uppgifter om mätningsresultaten erhölls med tanke på arbetsprestationen och likaså bekräftar resultaten från vårt examensarbete att restaurangbranschen otvivelaktigt är ett område, där sensorklädernas teknologi också i framtiden kan utnyttjas

    Cardiorespiratory Strain during Floor Mopping with Different Methods

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