372 research outputs found

    Massive photons: an infrared regularization scheme for lattice QCD+QED

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    Standard methods for including electromagnetic interactions in lattice quantum chromodynamics calculations result in power-law finite-volume corrections to physical quantities. Removing these by extrapolation requires costly computations at multiple volumes. We introduce a photon mass to alternatively regulate the infrared, and rely on effective field theory to remove its unphysical effects. Electromagnetic modifications to the hadron spectrum are reliably estimated with a precision and cost comparable to conventional approaches that utilize multiple larger volumes. A significant overall cost advantage emerges when accounting for ensemble generation. The proposed method may benefit lattice calculations involving multiple charged hadrons, as well as quantum many-body computations with long-range Coulomb interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables; significant revisions to abstract and main text; revised presentation of results for clarity (results unchanged); acknowledgements updated; matches published versio

    Universality of Mixed Action Extrapolation Formulae

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    Mixed action theories with chirally symmetric valence fermions exhibit very desirable features both at the level of the lattice calculations as well as in the construction and implementation of the low energy mixed action effective field theory. In this work we show that when such a mixed action effective field theory is projected onto the valence sector, both the Lagrangian and the extrapolation formulae become universal in form through next to leading order, for all variants of discretization methods used for the sea fermions. Our conclusion relies on the chiral nature of the valence quarks. The result implies that for all sea quark methods which are in the same universality class as QCD, the numerical values of the physical coefficients in the various mixed action chiral Lagrangians will be the same up to lattice spacing dependent corrections. This allows us to construct a prescription to determine the mixed action extrapolation formulae for a large class of hadronic correlation functions computed in partially quenched chiral perturbation theory at the one-loop level. For specific examples, we apply this prescription to the nucleon twist--2 matrix elements and the nucleon--nucleon system. In addition, we determine the mixed action extrapolation formula for the neutron EDM as this provides a nice example of a theta-dependent observable; these observables are exceptions to our prescription.Comment: 36 pages, appendix on twisted mass sea fermions added, expanded discussion of NLO operators, version published in JHEP; typographical errors corrected in Eqs. (68) and (69

    Estoire d’ Eracles: the Old French Continuation of William of Tyre

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    This translation relates to The Crusades

    Mixed Meson Masses with Domain-Wall Valence and Staggered Sea Fermions

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    Mixed action lattice calculations allow for an additive lattice spacing dependent mass renormalization of mesons composed of one sea and one valence quark, regardless of the type of fermion discretization methods used in the valence and sea sectors. The value of the mass renormalization depends upon the lattice actions used. This mixed meson mass shift is an important lattice artifact to determine for mixed action calculations; because it modifies the pion mass, it plays a central role in the low energy dynamics of all hadronic correlation functions. We determine the leading order, O(a2)\mathcal{O}(a^2), and next to leading order, O(a2mπ2)\mathcal{O}(a^2 m_\pi^2), additive mass shift of \textit{valence-sea} mesons for a mixed lattice action with domain-wall valence fermions and rooted staggered sea fermions, relevant to the majority of current large scale mixed action lattice efforts. We find that on the asqtad improved coarse MILC lattices, this additive mass shift is well parameterized in lattice units by Δ(am)2=0.034(2)−0.06(2)(amπ)2\Delta(am)^2 = 0.034(2) -0.06(2) (a m_\pi)^2, which in physical units, using a=0.125a=0.125 fm, corresponds to Δ(m)2=(291±8MeV)2−0.06(2)mπ2\Delta(m)^2 = (291\pm 8 \textrm{MeV})^2 -0.06(2) m_\pi^2. In terms of the mixed action effective field theory parameters, the corresponding mass shift is given by a2ΔMix=(316±4MeV)2a^2 \Delta_\mathrm{Mix} = (316 \pm 4 \textrm{MeV})^2 at leading order plus next-to-leading order corrections including the necessary chiral logarithms for this mixed action calculation, determined in this work. Within the precision of our calculation, one can not distinguish between the full next-to-leading order effective field theory analysis of this additive mixed meson mass shift and the parameterization given above.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, 5 table

    Massive Photons: An Infrared Regularization Scheme for Lattice QCD plus QED

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    Standard methods for including electromagnetic interactions in lattice quantum chromodynamics calculations result in power-law finite-volume corrections to physical quantities. Removing these by extrapolation requires costly computations at multiple volumes. We introduce a photon mass to alternatively regulate the infrared, and rely on effective field theory to remove its unphysical effects. Electromagnetic modifications to the hadron spectrum are reliably estimated with a precision and cost comparable to conventional approaches that utilize multiple larger volumes. A significant overall cost advantage emerges when accounting for ensemble generation. The proposed method may benefit lattice calculations involving multiple charged hadrons, as well as quantum many-body computations with long-range Coulomb interactions

    Two Meson Systems with Ginsparg-Wilson Valence Quarks

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    Unphysical effects associated with finite lattice spacing and partial quenching may lead to the presence of unphysical terms in chiral extrapolation formulae. These unphysical terms must then be removed during data analysis before physical predictions can be made. In this work, we show that through next-to-leading order, there are no unphysical counterterms in the extrapolation formulae, expressed in lattice-physical parameters, for meson scattering lengths in theories with Ginsparg-Wilson valence quarks. Our work applies to most sea quark discretization, provided that chiral perturbation theory is a valid approximation. We demonstrate our results with explicit computations and show that, in favorable circumstances, the extrapolation formulae do not depend on the unknown constant C_Mix appearing at lowest order in the mixed action chiral Lagrangian. We show that the I=1 KK scattering length does not depend on C_Mix in contrast to the I=3/2 K-pi scattering length. In addition, we show that these observables combined with f_K / f_pi and the I=2 pi-pi scattering length share only two linearly independent sets of counterterms, providing a means to test the mixed action theory at one lattice spacing. We therefore make a prediction for the I=1 KK scattering length.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. Version to be published in PRD. Improved discussion in Sec. III B. Added reference

    The K+K+ Scattering Length from Lattice QCD

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    The K+K+ scattering length is calculated in fully-dynamical lattice QCD with domain-wall valence quarks on the MILC asqtad-improved gauge configurations with rooted staggered sea quarks. Three-flavor mixed-action chiral perturbation theory at next-to-leading order, which includes the leading effects of the finite lattice spacing, is used to extrapolate the results of the lattice calculation to the physical value of m_{K+}/f_{K+}. We find m_{K+} a_{K+K+} = -0.352 +- 0.016, where the statistical and systematic errors have been combined in quadrature.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. NPLQCD collaboratio

    Precise Determination of the I=2 pipi Scattering Length from Mixed-Action Lattice QCD

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    The I=2 pipi scattering length is calculated in fully-dynamical lattice QCD with domain-wall valence quarks on the asqtad-improved coarse MILC configurations (with fourth-rooted staggered sea quarks) at four light-quark masses. Two- and three-flavor mixed-action chiral perturbation theory at next-to-leading order is used to perform the chiral and continuum extrapolations. At the physical charged pion mass, we find m_pi a_pipi(I=2) = -0.04330 +- 0.00042, where the error bar combines the statistical and systematic uncertainties in quadrature.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Meson and baryon spectrum for QCD with two light dynamical quarks

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    We present results of meson and baryon spectroscopy using the Chirally Improved Dirac operator on lattices of size 16**3 x 32 with two mass-degenerate light sea quarks. Three ensembles with pion masses of 322(5), 470(4) and 525(7) MeV and lattice spacings close to 0.15 fm are investigated. Results on ground and excited states for several channels are given, including spin two mesons and hadrons with strange valence quarks. The analysis of the states is done with the variational method, including two kinds of Gaussian sources and derivative sources. We obtain several ground states fairly precisely and find radial excitations in various channels. Excited baryon results seem to suffer from finite size effects, in particular at small pion masses. We discuss the possible appearance of scattering states in various channels, considering masses and eigenvectors. Partially quenched results in the scalar channel suggest the presence of a 2-particle state, however, in most channels we cannot identify them. Where available, we compare our results to results of quenched simulations using the same action.Comment: 27 pages, 29 figures, 11 table

    Composing and Factoring Generalized Green's Operators and Ordinary Boundary Problems

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    We consider solution operators of linear ordinary boundary problems with "too many" boundary conditions, which are not always solvable. These generalized Green's operators are a certain kind of generalized inverses of differential operators. We answer the question when the product of two generalized Green's operators is again a generalized Green's operator for the product of the corresponding differential operators and which boundary problem it solves. Moreover, we show that---provided a factorization of the underlying differential operator---a generalized boundary problem can be factored into lower order problems corresponding to a factorization of the respective Green's operators. We illustrate our results by examples using the Maple package IntDiffOp, where the presented algorithms are implemented.Comment: 19 page
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