8,144 research outputs found

    Universality of holomorphic functions bounded on closed sets

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    In this note, the existence of translation-universal entire functions which are bounded on certain closed subsets is characterized in terms of topological and geometrical properties of such subsets. Corresponding results are also stated in the space of holomorphic functions on the unit disk and in the space of harmonic functions on the plane. Moreover, it is shown the existence of entire functions which are bounded on many rays and, simultaneously, are universal with respect to a prescribed infinite-order differential operator.Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Junta de Andalucía)Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior (DGES). EspañaMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). EspañaEuropean Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER

    Exponential type of hypercyclic entire functions

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    In this paper the exponential type of hypercyclic entire functions with respect to a sequence (Φn(D)) of differential operators is considered, where every Φn is an entire function of exponential type. We prove that under suitable conditions certain rates of growth are possible for hypercyclicity while others are not. In particular, our statements extend the negative part of a sharp result on growth of D-hypercyclic entire functions due to Grosse-Erdmann, and are related to a result by Chan and Shapiro about the existence of Φ(D)-hypercyclic functions in certain Hilbert spaces of entire functions.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior (DGES). EspañaJunta de Andalucí

    Families of strongly annular functions: linear structure

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    A function f holomorphic in the unit disk D is called strongly annular if there exists a sequence of concentric circles in D expanding out to the unit circle such that f goes to infinity as |z| goes to 1 through these circles. The residuality of the family of strongly annular functions in the space of holomorphic functions on D is well known, and it is extended here to certain classes of functions. This important topological property is enriched in this paper by studying algebraic-topological properties of the mentioned family, in the modern setting of lineability. Namely, we prove that although this family is clearly nonlinear, it contains, except for the zero function, large vector subspaces as well as infinitely generated algebras. Similar results are obtained for strongly annular functions on the whole complex plane and for weighted Bergman spaces.Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Junta de Andalucía)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). EspañaMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). EspañaEuropean Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER

    Automatic code generation for ATLAS communications drivers

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    ATLAS is a software development platform created in our Department. Among other benefits, it provides support to easily distribute applications over a network. In these applications, communications issues among the different processes should be faced. Pursuing to isolate application developers from the intricacies of these issues, communication drivers are automatically generated from an interface declaration of each process. This automatic code generation --not unlike the generation of stubs in CORBA from the IDL specification-- is the main topic of this report.Postprint (published version

    On the growth of zero-free MacLane-universal entire functions

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    We show that exponential growth is the critical discrete rate of growth for zero-free entire functions which are universal in the sense of MacLane. Specifically, it is proved that if the lower exponential growth order of a zero-free entire function f is finite, then f cannot be hypercyclic for the derivative operator; and, if a positive function ϕ having infinite exponential growth is fixed, then there exist zero-free hypercyclic functions which are controlled by ϕ along a sequence of radii tending to infinity.Plan Andaluz de Investigación (Junta de Andalucía)Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). EspañaEuropean Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)European Social Fund and National Resources PYTHAGORA

    Las haciendas en Venezuela: Territorio y memoria histórica

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    El presente trabajo estudia la hacienda venezolana como elemento fundamental del patrimonio del país. La hacienda es examinada a través de varias de sus dimensiones históricas: como elemento articulador del territorio, como unidad de desarrollo económico y social tradicional, y como tema de composición arquitectónica.Especial énfasis se brinda a las respuestas que la hacienda ha brindado a las condiciones geográficas, económicas y sociales de la formación histórica de la Región Central del país. En tal sentido, se resalta el importante proceso de síntesis que se logró en estos microcosmos, en los cuales se daban cita edificaciones, sociedad y paisaje. El trabajo presenta también algunos de los problemas relacionados con la preservación de estos elementos patrimoniales, en virtud de la gradual desaparición de la estructura económica y del orden social que les dio origen

    Generalized cliticization and agreement asymmetries in Asturian possessive DPs

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    This paper explores the generalization of the Affix Support condition to clitics, in order to explain the most distinctive properties of the different kinds of possessive DPs in Asturian. In doing so, the paper also unveils some derivational mechanisms with the potential of explaining the different kinds of agreement asymmetries typical of possessive DPs in this Romance language. From a broader theoretical perspective, the paper is also aimed as a contribution capable of offering some conceptual and empirical support to a model of the Syntax-Phonology interface which downsizes the degree of encapsulation and domain-specificity of the computational and externalization dimensions of the faculty of language