740 research outputs found

    Reheating in a Brane Monodromy Inflation Model

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    We study reheating in a recently proposed brane "monodromy inflation" model in which the inflaton is the position of a D4 brane on a "twisted torus". Specifically, we study the repeated collisions between the D4 brane and a D6 brane (on which the Standard Model fields are assumed to be localized) at a fixed position along the monodromy direction as the D4 brane rolls down its potential. We find that there is no trapping of the rolling D4 brane until it reaches the bottom of its potential, and that reheating is entirely described by the last brane encounter. Previous collisions have negligible effect on the brane velocity and hence on the reheat temperature. In the context of our setup, reheating is efficient and the reheat temperature is therefore high.Comment: 13 pages, reference adde

    Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex contributes to the impaired behavioral adaptation in alcohol dependence

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    Substance-dependent individuals often lack the ability to adjust decisions flexibly in response to the changes in reward contingencies. Prediction errors (PEs) are thought to mediate flexible decision-making by updating the reward values associated with available actions. In this study, we explored whether the neurobiological correlates of PEs are altered in alcohol dependence. Behavioral, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were simultaneously acquired from 34 abstinent alcohol-dependent patients (ADP) and 26 healthy controls (HC) during a probabilistic reward-guided decision-making task with dynamically changing reinforcement contingencies. A hierarchical Bayesian inference method was used to fit and compare learning models with different assumptions about the amount of task-related information subjects may have inferred during the experiment. Here, we observed that the best-fitting model was a modified Rescorla-Wagner type model, the “double-update” model, which assumes that subjects infer the knowledge that reward contingencies are anti-correlated, and integrate both actual and hypothetical outcomes into their decisions. Moreover, comparison of the best-fitting model's parameters showed that ADP were less sensitive to punishments compared to HC. Hence, decisions of ADP after punishments were loosely coupled with the expected reward values assigned to them. A correlation analysis between the model-generated PEs and the fMRI data revealed a reduced association between these PEs and the BOLD activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of ADP. A hemispheric asymmetry was observed in the DLPFC when positive and negative PE signals were analyzed separately. The right DLPFC activity in ADP showed a reduced correlation with positive PEs. On the other hand, ADP, particularly the patients with high dependence severity, recruited the left DLPFC to a lesser extent than HC for processing negative PE signals. These results suggest that the DLPFC, which has been linked to adaptive control of action selection, may play an important role in cognitive inflexibility observed in alcohol dependence when reinforcement contingencies change. Particularly, the left DLPFC may contribute to this impaired behavioral adaptation, possibly by impeding the extinction of the actions that no longer lead to a reward

    Does Feedback-Related Brain Response during Reinforcement Learning Predict Socio-motivational (In-)dependence in Adolescence?

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    This multi-methodological study applied functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate neural activation in a group of adolescent students (N = 88) during a probabilistic reinforcement learning task. We related patterns of emerging brain activity and individual learning rates to socio-motivational (in-)dependence manifested in four different motivation types (MTs): (1) peer-dependent MT, (2) teacher-dependent MT, (3) peer-and-teacher-dependent MT, (4) peer-and-teacher-independent MT. A multinomial regression analysis revealed that the individual learning rate predicts students’ membership to the independent MT, or the peer-and-teacher-dependent MT. Additionally, the striatum, a brain region associated with behavioral adaptation and flexibility, showed increased learning-related activation in students with motivational independence. Moreover, the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in behavioral control, was more active in students of the peer-and-teacher-dependent MT. Overall, this study offers new insights into the interplay of motivation and learning with (1) a focus on inter-individual differences in the role of peers and teachers as source of students’ individual motivation and (2) its potential neurobiological basis

    Interrelations of vegetation growth and water scarcity in Iran revealed by satellite time series

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    Iran has experienced a drastic increase in water scarcity in the last decades. The main driver has been the substantial unsustainable water consumption of the agricultural sector. This study quantifies the spatiotemporal dynamics of Iran’s hydrometeorological water availability, land cover, and vegetation growth and evaluates their interrelations with a special focus on agricultural vegetation developments. It analyzes globally available reanalysis climate data and satellite time series data and products, allowing a country-wide investigation of recent 20+ years at detailed spatial and temporal scales. The results reveal a wide-spread agricultural expansion (27,000 km2^2) and a significant cultivation intensification (48,000 km2^2). At the same time, we observe a substantial decline in total water storage that is not represented by a decrease of meteorological water input, confirming an unsustainable use of groundwater mainly for agricultural irrigation. As consequence of water scarcity, we identify agricultural areas with a loss or reduction of vegetation growth (10,000 km2^2), especially in irrigated agricultural areas under (hyper-)arid conditions. In Iran’s natural biomes, the results show declining trends in vegetation growth and land cover degradation from sparse vegetation to barren land in 40,000 km2^2, mainly along the western plains and foothills of the Zagros Mountains, and at the same time wide-spread greening trends, particularly in regions of higher altitudes. Overall, the findings provide detailed insights in vegetation-related causes and consequences of Iran’s anthropogenic drought and can support sustainable management plans for Iran or other semi-arid regions worldwide, often facing similar conditions

    Universality of the excess number of clusters and the crossing probability function in three-dimensional percolation

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    Extensive Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to evaluate the excess number of clusters and the crossing probability function for three-dimensional percolation on the simple cubic (s.c.), face-centered cubic (f.c.c.), and body-centered cubic (b.c.c.) lattices. Systems L x L x L' with L' >> L were studied for both bond (s.c., f.c.c., b.c.c.) and site (f.c.c.) percolation. The excess number of clusters b~\tilde {b} per unit length was confirmed to be a universal quantity with a value b~0.412\tilde {b} \approx 0.412. Likewise, the critical crossing probability in the L' direction, with periodic boundary conditions in the L x L plane, was found to follow a universal exponential decay as a function of r = L'/L for large r. Simulations were also carried out to find new precise values of the critical thresholds for site percolation on the f.c.c. and b.c.c. lattices, yielding pc(f.c.c.)=0.1992365±0.0000010p_c(f.c.c.)= 0.199 236 5 \pm 0.000 001 0, pc(b.c.c.)=0.2459615±0.0000010p_c(b.c.c.)= 0.245 961 5\pm 0.000 001 0.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Gen, added references, corrected typo

    2-Phenyl-3-(trimethyl­sil­yl)propan-1-aminium chloride

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    The title compound, C12H22NSi+·Cl−, contains two formula units in the asymmetric unit and is a hydro­chloride salt in which the amine N atom is protonated and the NH3 + group forms hydrogen bonds with the Cl− anion, forming a ribbon in the c-axis direction

    Informing wetland management with waterfowl movement and sanctuary use responses to human-induced disturbance

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    Long-term environmental management to prevent waterfowl population declines is informed by ecology, movement behavior and habitat use patterns. Extrinsic factors, such as human-induced disturbance, can cause behavioral changes which may influence movement and resource needs, driving variation that affects management efficacy. To better understand the relationship between human-based disturbance and animal movement and habitat use, and their potential effects on management, we GPS tracked 15 dabbling ducks in California over ~4-weeks before, during and after the start of a recreational hunting season in October/November 2018. We recorded locations at 2-min intervals across three separate 24-h tracking phases: Phase 1) two weeks before the start of the hunting season (control (undisturbed) movement); Phase 2) the hunting season opening weekend; and Phase 3) a hunting weekend two weeks after opening weekend. We used GLMM models to analyze variation in movement and habitat use under hunting pressure compared with ‘normal’ observed patterns prior to commencement of hunting. We also compared responses to differing levels of disturbance related to the time of day (high - shooting/~daytime); moderate - non-lethal (~crepuscular); and low - night). During opening weekend flight (% time and distance) more than doubled during moderate and low disturbance and increased by ~50% during high disturbance compared with the pre-season weekend. Sanctuary use tripled during moderate and low disturbance and increased ~50% during high disturbance. Two weeks later flight decreased in all disturbance levels but was only less than the pre-season levels during high disturbance. In contrast, sanctuary use only decreased at night, although not to pre-season levels, while daytime doubled from ~45% to \u3e80%. Birds adjust rapidly to disturbance and our results have implications for energetics models that estimate population food requirements. Management would benefit from reassessing the juxtaposition of essential sanctuary and feeding habitats to optimize wetland management for waterfowl

    Integralni pristup sustavima energetske elektronike

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    Today\u27s power electronics systems are typically manufactured using non-standard parts, resulting in labor-intensive manufacturing processes, increased cost and poor reliability. As a possible way to overcome these problems, this paper discusses an integrated approach to design and manufacture power electronics systems to improve performance, reliability and cost effectiveness. Addressed in the paper are the technologies being developed for integration of both power supplies and motor drives. These technologies include the planar metalization to eliminate bonding wires, the integration of power passives, the integration of current sensors, the development of power devices to facilitate integration as well as to improve performance, and the integration of necessary CAD tools to address the multidisciplinary aspects of integrated systems. The development of Integrated Power Electronics Modules (IPEMs) is demonstrated for two applications: (1) 1 kW asymmetrical half-bridge DC-DC converter and (2) 1–3 kW motor drive for heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). Electrical and thermal design tradeoffs of IPEMs and related enabling technologies are described in the paper.Današnji sustavi energetske elektronike se obično proizvode iz nestandardnih dijelova. Posljedica toga je laboratorijska proizvodnja elektroničkih učinskih pretvarača, povećani troškovi i smanjena pouzdanost. Jedan od mogućih načina prevladavanja ovih poteškoća jest integralni pristup projektiranju i proizvodnji sustava energetske elektronike. Posebice se razmatraju tehnologije razvijene za integraciju učinskih krugova i motora. Ove tehnologije uključuju postupke planarne metalizacije za izbjegavanje žičanih vodova, integraciju pasivnih dijelova učinskih krugova, integraciju strujnih senzora, te razvoj takvih poluvodičkih komponenata koje olakšavaju integraciju i poboljšavaju karakteristike uređaja. Pri projektiranju, zbog multidisciplinarnih aspekata integriranih sustava, treba primijeniti nužne CAD alate. Razvoj integriranih modula elektroničkih učinskih pretvarača (engl. integrated power electronics modules, IPEM) ilustriran je na dvije primjene: (1) istosmjerni pretvarač snage 1 kW u asimetričnom polumosnom spoju i (2) elektromotorni pogon snage 1 . . . 3 kW za grijanje, ventilaciju i klimatizaciju (engl. heating, ventilation and air conditioning, HVAC). Na IPEM-u objašnjeni su projektantski i tehnološki kompromisi električkog i toplinskog projekta

    2-(4-Hy­droxy­phen­yl)-3-(trimethyl­sil­yl)propanaminium chloride

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    In the title crystal structure, C12H22NOSi+·Cl−, anions and cations are linked via O—H⋯Cl, N—H⋯Cl and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds to form a two-dimensional network parallel to (101). Within the hydrogen-bonded network, R 4 2(22) ring motifs are stacked along [010]