593 research outputs found

    Selection of yeast species for hydrocarbons and phenolic compounds degradation

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    [Excerpt] 1. Introduction. Large amounts of pollutant compounds are present in industrial effluents and, often, they are not totally degraded by physical and/or chemical methods before the discharge into the environment. Hydrocarbons and phenolic compounds are two examples of pollutants present in agro-industrial effluents, respectively in petroleum refinery effluents and olive mill wastewater (OMW). Biodegradation strategies involving microorganisms to simultaneously degrade these wastes and obtain high added-value products become an interesting approach, since the abundance of these compounds ensures the economic viability of bioprocesses while prevents major environmental problems. This work address the study of the ability of yeast species to grow on hydrocarbons and phenolic compounds as sole carbon and energy source. Moreover, the production of valuable compounds from these wastes was also assessed. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Salivary IgA Responses During a Week of Training In Under-15 Soccer Players

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    Introduction There is an apparent consensus around the idea that light exercise can improve the immune response whilst strenuous exercise can depress the defense system, including the mucosal immune system, with reduction of salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels. Salivary IgA acts as a main barrier against the colonization of infectious agents. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence in the pattern of salivary IgA responses in an under-15 soccer team, during a training week. Methods The study was performed during the winter training season, in the competitive period. The training sessions were planned by the coaches without any interference from the researchers. Thirteen players (13 to 15 years) were tested before each of four training sessions during a week period. Before and after training, saliva samples were collected and salivary IgA concentrations and secretion rates determined by ELISA. Thirty minutes after each session, rated perceived effort (RPE) was assessed to quantify training load. Changes in pre-training IgA responses were examined based on multilevel modeling regression using polynomial model (model I). Influence of training load was explored including the explanatory variable at level 2 (model lI). Results Multilevel regression analysis showed no differences between training sessions throughout the week. However, significant residual variance at level I (within-individuals) and at level II (between-individuals), in the intercept and slope (i.e., training sessions). Although limited by the small sample size, a curvilinear trend in pre-training IgA response became apparent when individual athletes´ training loads were controlled in the model. The results showed a significant decrement in IgA response pre-training from the first to the second training session (p \u3c 0.05), and a significant exponential increase in IgA response in the next two training sessions (p \u3c 0.05). The significant random effects at level I suggest that the fit of individual responses may need to be validated in larger samples, although the non significant random effects at level II suggest that the mean responses accounting individual training loads describes well the group behavior in pre training IgA responses. Conclusion The specific relationship that appears to be linked to the intensity, duration and type of physical activity were detected in our study. Monitoring mucosal immune parameters during training periods may provide an assessment of the risk status of these young athletes for upper respiratory tract Infections and allow the coach to have an effective management of periodization

    Dados normativos do teste Fuld Object Memory Evaluation para a populaçāo de idosos brasileiros

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    Objetivo: este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar dados normativos para o teste de Fuld Object Memory Evaluation estratificada por sexo, idade e educação para a população idosa brasileira. Método: foram avaliados 2.132 idosos saudáveis de ambos os sexos com idade média de 70,30 anos (± 7,28) a partir de duas amostras de base comunitária no Brasil provenientes de diferentes áreas economicas que foram selecionados com testes cognitivos e funcionais e o teste de memória. Resultados: as análises estatísticas mostraram que os escores de memória tendem a melhorar significativamente com o aumento de anos de educação e diminuir significativamente o aumento da idade. Conclusão: conclui-se que gênero , escolaridade e idade tem efeito sobre o desempenho no teste Fuld Object Memory Evaluation nesta amostra da comunidade brasileira.Objective: this study aims to present normative data for Fuld Object Memory Evaluation test stratified by sex, gender, age, and education for the Brazilian elderly population. Method: we evaluated 2.132 healthy elderly both genders, with a mean age of 70.30 years (± 7.28) from two community-based samples in Brazil drawn from different economic areas who were screened with cognitive and functional tests and the memory test. Statistical analyses were performed by independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance and multiple linear regression. Results: statistical analyses showed that memory scores tend to improve significantly with increasing years of education and decrease significantly as age increased. Conclusion: we conclude that gender, education and age had effect on the Fuld Object Memory Evaluation performance in this Brazilian community-based sample

    Use of a single air segment to minimise dispersion and improve mixing in sequential injection: turbidimetric determination of sulphate in waters

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    In this work, we propose the use of an air segment in a sequential injection system to simultaneously improve the overlapping of the stacked zones and minimise dispersion. This strategy was developed for the determination of sulphate in natural and wastewaters. Barium chloride was used as a precipitating agent and the turbidity of the suspension formed was measured at 420 nm. Analysis was performed without sample pre-treatment and the system was able to monitor sulphate concentration at a rate of at least 20 determinations per hour. Slightly different analytical sequences were developed for natural and wastewaters in order to minimise specific interferences. Direct determination of sulphate was possible within a concentration range of 10–100 and 16–100 mg SO42− L−1 for natural and wastewaters, respectively. Results obtained were comparable with those of the reference method with relative deviations lower than 5%. Relative standard deviations between 1.6% and 3.3% were found

    Dor abdominal recorrente: quando suspeitar de crise epiléptica?

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    Recurrent episodes of abdominal pain are common in childhood. Among the diagnostic possibilities are migraine and abdominal epilepsy (AE). AE is an infrequent syndrome with paroxystic episodes of abdominal pain, awareness disturbance, EEG abnormalities and positive results with the introduction of antiepileptic drugs. We present one 6 year-old girl who had short episodes of abdominal pain since the age of 4. The pain was followed by cry, fear and occasionally secondary generalization. MRI showed tumor in the left temporal region. As a differential diagnosis, we report a 10 year-old boy who had long episodes of abdominal pain accompanied by blurring of vision, vertigo, gait ataxia, dysarthria, acroparesthesias and vomiting. He received the diagnosis of basilar migraine. In our opinion, AE is part of a large group (partial epilepsies) and does not require a special classification. Pediatric neurologists must be aware of these two entities that may cause abdominal pain.Episódios recorrentes de dor abdominal são freqüentes na infância e entre as causas neurológicas há migrânea e epilepsia abdominal (EA). EA é uma síndrome que consiste de episódios paroxísticos de dor abdominal associada à alteração de consciência, anormalidades eletrencefalográficas e boa resposta à terapia anticonvulsivante. Apresentamos uma menina de 6 anos que tinha desde os 4 anos episódios de curta duração de dor abdominal, seguidos por choro, medo e ocasional generalização secundária. A RM mostrou a presença de um tumor em região temporal esquerda. Como diagnóstico diferencial, apresentamos um menino de 10 anos que há 12 meses referia episódios de dor abdominal de longa duração acompanhados por turvação visual, vertigem, marcha atáxica, disartria, acroparestesia e vômito, recebendo posteriormente o diagnóstico de migrânia basilar. Em nossa opinião, EA faz parte de um grande grupo (epilepsias parciais) e não requer uma classificação especial. O neuropediatra deve estar alerta para essas duas entidades que podem cursar com dor abdominal.62863

    Intensive care of postoperative patients in bariatric surgery

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Obesity is an epidemic disease reaching more than 300 million people all over the world. Its prevalence has increased during the past few years and according to some studies its mortality in the critically ill patient seems to be much higher, especially among patients who were submitted to surgery. This study has as objective to discuss some particularities of managing obese patients in the intensive care unit after bariatric surgery. CONTENTS: The rate of obese patient in the ICU ranges from 9% to 26% and the increase in the number of bariatric surgeries has raised the number of obese patients in the ICU. It is important to know the physiopathology of obesity and to treat its particularities during the postoperative care. Such as pulmonary restriction, that causes an increase in pulmonary complications, coronary artery disease and thromboembolic events. CONCLUSIONS: The number of patients that undergo to bariatric surgery has increased; therefore, the number of obese patients in the ICU has also risen. Different physiological events and complications in obese patients are challenges to clinical practice. The knowledge of obese physiopathology helps in the managing routine procedures and complications after bariatric surgery.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A obesidade é considerada uma epidemia e afeta mais de 300 milhões de pessoas no mundo. A sua prevalência vem aumentando significativamente nos últimos anos e a mortalidade do paciente obeso crítico, em alguns estudos, mostra-se maior, especialmente em pacientes cirúrgicos que necessitam de UTI. Este estudo teve como objetivo ressaltar as particularidades das condutas em Medicina Intensiva no pós-operatório do paciente obeso submetido à cirurgia bariátrica. CONTEÚDO: A taxa dos pacientes obesos na UTI é de 9% a 26% e o aumento no número de cirurgias bariá­tricas tem elevado o fluxo de obesos internados em UTI. A obesidade tem várias particularidades fisiopatológicas que devem ser conhecidas para melhor manuseio pós-operatório. Entre elas estão as restrições pulmonares, que leva ao aumento do número de complicações, o fator de risco para síndrome coronariana aguda eventos trombóticos. CONCLUSÕES: O número de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica está aumentando, o que leva a maior número de pacientes obesos internados na UTI. As alterações fisiológicas da obesidade, juntamente com as complicações de um paciente crítico, são desafios para a prática médica. Portanto, é relevante conhecer a fisiopatologia da obesidade, o tratamento rotineiro das complicações no pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica.UNIFESP Clínica MédicaClínica Médica da UNIFESP UTIAMIB-AMBInstituto Dante Pazzanese de CardiologiaUNIFESP, Clínica MédicaClínica Médica da UNIFESP, UTISciEL

    Simultaneous degradation of hydrocarbons and production of valuable compounds by Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Hydrocarbons are dangerous pollutants and great amounts of these compounds are released to the environment, due to the inadequate handling in the petroleum extraction or in the effluents of industries that use petroleum or its derivatives. The ability of Yarrowia lipolytica to efficiently degrade hydrocarbons (herein demonstrated with hexadecane and hexadecene) and use them as carbon source to grow and produce valuable compounds was demonstrated. In hexadecane-based medium, Y. lipolytica W29 cells were able to accumulate up to 16 % of their cellular dry weight as intracellular lipids. Due to its composition, similar to that of vegetable oils, these microbial lipids can be used as feedstock for biodiesel production. Moreover, the simultaneous production of lipase (2730 U·L-1), which market demand is increasing due to its application in the field of bioenergy, represents an economic advantage. Thus, it is possible to valorize wastes contaminated with hydrocarbons with this bioprocess.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the project TÜBITAK 2014 (TUBITAK/0009/2014) and of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145- FEDER-006684), Post-Doctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/101034/2014) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Early-life stress affects drug abuse susceptibility in adolescent rat model independently of depression vulnerability

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    The development of substance abuse problems occurs due to a diverse combination of risk factors. Among these risks, studies have reported depression and early-life stress as of importance. These two factors often occur simultaneously, however, there is a lack of understanding of how their combined effect may impact vulnerability to drug abuse in adolescence. The present study used rats with different vulnerability to depression (Wistar and Wistar-Kyoto) to investigate the impact of maternal separation (MS) on emotional state and drug addiction vulnerability during the adolescence period. Mothers and their litters were subjected to MS (180 min/day) from postnatal day 2 to 14. The offspring emotional state was assessed by observing their exploratory behavior. Drug abuse vulnerability was assessed through conditioning to cocaine. MS impacted the emotional state in both strains. Wistar responded with increased exploration, while Wistar-Kyoto increased anxiety-like behaviours. Despite the different coping strategies displayed by the two strains when challenged with the behavioural tests, drug conditioning was equally impacted by MS in both strains. Early-life stress appears to affect drug abuse vulnerability in adolescence independently of a depression background, suggesting emotional state as the main driving risk factor.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento cognitivo e social do portador de deficiência auditiva numa perspectiva humanista: uma análise de caso na escola

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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar um caso de um estudante privado de audição do ensino médio de uma escola pública da cidade de Ponte Nova - MG levando em consideração os aspectos relativos ao desenvolvimento cognitivo e social do mesmo. O presente trabalho teve como referência a abordagem Humanista Centrada na Pessoa utilizando este viés para a análise dos dados obtidos. Esta teoria afirma que as deficiências de desenvolvimento, às vezes apresentadas pelo indivíduo portador de surdez, são muito mais por consequências de uma carência de afeto do que por causa de causas inerentes a própria surdez