1,044 research outputs found

    Admission Control and Scheduling for High-Performance WWW Servers

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    In this paper we examine a number of admission control and scheduling protocols for high-performance web servers based on a 2-phase policy for serving HTTP requests. The first "registration" phase involves establishing the TCP connection for the HTTP request and parsing/interpreting its arguments, whereas the second "service" phase involves the service/transmission of data in response to the HTTP request. By introducing a delay between these two phases, we show that the performance of a web server could be potentially improved through the adoption of a number of scheduling policies that optimize the utilization of various system components (e.g. memory cache and I/O). In addition, to its premise for improving the performance of a single web server, the delineation between the registration and service phases of an HTTP request may be useful for load balancing purposes on clusters of web servers. We are investigating the use of such a mechanism as part of the Commonwealth testbed being developed at Boston University

    Estimación paramétrica del modelo de un mini-helicóptero robot usando un algoritmo genético y Matlab-Simulink

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    Basándose en el modelo matemático para un mini-helicóptero robot implementado en Matlab-Simulink y métodos heurísticos, específicamente un algoritmo genético (AG), se logro hacer la estimación de 16 parámetros en forma simultánea a nivel de simulación. Los resultados son altamente satisfactorios, teniendo en cuenta que fueron estimados con 12 salidas

    Festival cities and tourism: challenges and prospects.

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    This paper provides an introduction to the special issue of the Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events on Festival Cities and Tourism. It provides a contextualisation of the conversations surrounding the relationship between cities and their festivals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Focussing on the ‘festival city’ of Edinburgh, we examine how festival organisers reacted to the challenges of the pandemic, and how they strove to maintain contact with audiences and other stakeholders. We then review the different contributions to the special issue, ranging from festivalisation and suburban food festivals in Barcelona to an art festival in Dublin, the European Capital of Culture in Hungary and the festival portfolio of Hong Kong

    Modelación matemática en el aula clase: una producción de modelos lineales desde el contexto del cultivo de plátano

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    Este artículo presenta algunos resultados de investigación, que se viene desarrollando bajo el método de estudio de caso en una institución rural de la Región de Urabá, con el propósito de analizar un proceso de modelación matemática. Esto fue posible, al permitirles a los estudiantes generar modelos lineales desde una situación en el contexto del cultivo plátano. Y al final, se presentan algunos resultados, resaltando el papel del contexto cotidiano incluido en la enseñanza de las Matemáticas, para mediar el uso de las letras como variables, en correspondencia entre el contexto cotidiano y las matemáticas

    Circulating Glycated Albumin and Glomerular Anionic Charges

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    Aiming to discern the mechanisms by which circulating glycated albumin alters the glomerular filtration properties that lead to glomerular dysfunction in diabetes, the authors studied the distribution and densities of anionic charges through the rat glomerular wall upon intravascular infusion of Amadori products, as well as in various conditions of increased glomerular permselectivity. Polylysine-gold was used as the probe to reveal the anionic charges. The study was carried on renal tissue sections of bovine serum albumin (BSA)- and glycated BSA–injected, normoglycemic animals. Results were generated through morphometrical evaluations of the gold labeling. Changes in glomerular anionic distribution were corroborated on renal tissue sections of short- and long-term diabetic rats and of normal newborn rats, situations known for abnormal glomerular filtration. Altered renal function in these conditions was clearly associated with changes in glomerular anionic charges. On the other hand, the infusion of glycated albumin in the circulation of normal rats, though altering glomerular filtration properties, did not modify the distribution and density of the polylysine-gold labeling through the glomerular basement membrane. Thus, anionic charges seem not to be the factor involved in the early changes of glomerular permeability induced by circulating glycated albumin

    Experimental Issues in Testing a Semiactive Technique to Control Earthquake Induced Vibration

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    This work focuses on the issues to deal with when approaching experimental testing of structures equipped with semiactive control (SA) systems. It starts from practical experience authors gained in a recent wide campaign on a large scale steel frame structure provided with a control system based on magnetorheological dampers. The latter are special devices able to achieve a wide range of physical behaviours using low-power electrical currents. Experimental activities involving the use of controllable devices require special attention in solving specific aspects that characterize each of the three phases of the SA control loop: acquisition, processing, and command. Most of them are uncommon to any other type of structural testing. This paper emphasizes the importance of the experimental assessment of SA systems and shows how many problematic issues likely to happen in real applications are also present when testing these systems experimentally. This paper highlights several problematic aspects and illustrates how they can be addressed in order to achieve a more realistic evaluation of the effectiveness of SA control solutions. Undesired and unavoidable effects like delays and control malfunction are also remarked. A discussion on the way to reduce their incidence is also offered

    Validación y ajuste del modelo hidrogeológico conceptual de un humedal de la Llanura Pampeana, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Comprender el funcionamiento hidrológico y la interacción de los diferentes cuerpos de agua presentes en un área específica son temas esenciales a la hora de planificar el uso racional del recurso hídrico. El objetivo de este trabajo es validar y ajustar el modelo hidrogeológico conceptual de un humedal de la llanura Pampeana Bonaerense mediante técnicas hidrogeoquími­cas e isotópicas. Se ha seleccionado la cuenca de la laguna La Brava (53.6 km2). La misma es una laguna permanente y somera con una superficie de 4.0 km2 y una profundidad máxima de 4.57 m. Se tomaron muestras para análisis fisicoquímico e isotópico en el agua subterránea, en la laguna y en los arroyos afluente y e.fluente a la misma. Para el muestreo en la laguna se diseñó una malla de muestreo regular en la cual se midieron in situ los principales parámetros fisicoquímicos a 5 profundidades diferentes y se tomaron muestras. La composición química del agua de la cuenca es de tipo bicarbonatada sódica. El carácter efluente-influente de este humedal pudo ser confirmado a través de las mediciones isotópicas e hidroquími­caso El análisis de la conductividad eléctrica en el humedal a diferentes profundidades hace pensar en una zona de recarga preferencial en el contacto de la laguna con el faldeo oriental de la Sierra La Brava, donde se evidencia una disminución importante de este parámetro. La información obtenida indica que la recarga al acu(fero en esta zona es influenciada por: la precipitación, la descarga proveniente del humedal, la concentración del escurrimiento superficial desde el frente montañoso hacia las depresiones interserranas y el aporte de agua proveniente del sistema de jisuras presente en las ortocuarcitas.Understanding the hydrological functioning and the interaction among the different water bodies present in a specific area are essential when planning the rational use of the hydric resource. The aim of the present paper is to validate and adjust the conceptual hydrogeological model for a wetland of the Buenos Aires Pampa Plain through hydrochemical and isotopic techniques. La Brava Wetland Basin (53.6 km2) has been selected. La Brava is a shallow and permanent wetland with an area of 4.0 km2 and a maximum depth of 4.57 m. Samples for physicochemical and isotopic analyses were taken from groundwater, the wetland, and in the inflow and outflow streams. A regular grid was designed for the wetland sampling to measure in situ the main physical and chemical parameters at 5 different depths. The chemical composition of the water in the basin is of sodium bicarbonate type. Hydrochemical and isotopic data allowed the confirmation of the effiuent-influent behavior of this wetland. Electrical conductivity analysis in the wetland at different depths shows a possible preferential recharge zone in the contact of the wetland with La Brava Hill, where an important decrease in this parameter was detected. The information obtained indicates that the recharge to the aquifer is influenced by: the rainfall, the wetland discharge, the concentration of surface ron-off from the range fringes to inter-range depressions and water input from the fault system present in the quartzites

    Chofer vendedor : industria cervecera

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    El documento contiene las unidades 1 a la 11 del programa de entrenamiento de chofer vendedor , se describe el oficio, conocimiento del vehículo, partes del vehículo, revisión del vehículo antes de iniciar un viaje, partes del motor, sistemas de alimentación de combustible, forma más adecuada de encender el motor, forma de efectuar el arranque, clases de frenos y precauciones de frenado, técnicas de manejo, averías y reparaciones menores y manejo de programas de mantenimiento preventivoThe document contains units 1 to 11 of the driver driver sales program, describes the trade, knowledge of the vehicle, vehicle parts, vehicle review before starting a trip, engine parts, fuel supply systems, form more suitable to start the engine, how to start, brake classes and braking precautions, handling techniques, minor repairs and failures and management of preventive maintenance programsDefinición técnica del oficio -- La empresa y el trabajador -- Conocimiento del vehículo -- Revisión inicial -- El motor, estructura y principios -- Sistemas de combustible y corriente -- Puesta en marcha, revisión y calentamiento -- Arranque del vehículo -- Frenado -- Conducción del vehículo -- Técnicas del manejo – Averías, localización y preparación -- Mantenimiento preventivona116 página

    Ketorolac, a new non-opioid analgesic: a single-blind trial versus buprenorphine in pain after orthopaedic surgery

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    A randomized single-blind, double-observer trial was performed to evaluate the efficacy of a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic drug, ketorolac, in the treatment of post-orthopaedic surgery pain. Sixty patients with moderate to severe pain were studied; 30 patients were treated with ketorolac at a dose of 30 mg intramuscularly up to 4-times a day, whilst the other 30 patients received 0.3 mg buprenorphine intramuscularly up to 4-times a day. A significant reduction in the severity of the pain was recorded in both groups. Throughout the study, comparable efficacy was found between the two therapies although buprenorphine showed greater efficacy during the first 8 hours. Interestingly, the withdrawals due to adverse events were significantly less in the ketorolac group (p less than 0.001). This study, therefore, suggests that ketorolac may be a useful and more acceptable alternative to buprenorphine in the treatment of post-orthopaedic surgery pain

    Enfermedad carcinoide cardiaca multivalvular

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    ResumenHombre de 67 años de edad, enviado a valoración ecocardiográfica por cuadro clínico de 6meses de evolución con: disnea de esfuerzo, edemas de miembros inferiores y fatiga. Se encuentra doble lesión de la válvula tricúspide con: estenosis e insuficiencia severa, insuficiencia pulmonar severa; y compromiso valvular izquierdo con: insuficiencia mitral y aórtica severas, asociadas a engrosamiento y rigidez valvular. El paciente tenía como antecedente tumor neuroendocrino de íleon, metastásico a pulmón e hígado.En este caso se discuten los hallazgos ecocardiográficos característicos del síndrome carcinoide con compromiso multivalvular como hallazgo inusual de este raro síndrome.AbstractA 67 year-old man is sent to echocardiographic assessment for 6 month history of exertional: dyspnea, edema of the lower extremities, fatigue, double lesions in tricuspid valve with: severe stenosis and severe regurgitation, severe pulmonary valve regurgitation; and left side valvular disease with: severe aortic regurgitation and severe mitral regurgitation, all of them associated with valvular thickening, rigidity, in a patient with history of neuroendocrine tumor, with lung and liver metastases.This case discuss the echocardiographic findings suggestive of carcinoid multivalvular and left side valvular disease as unusual finding in this rare syndrome