191 research outputs found

    Direct low field J-edited diffusional proton NMR spectroscopic measurement of COVID-19 inflammatory biomarkers in human serum.

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    A JEDI NMR pulse experiment incorporating relaxational, diffusional and J-modulation peak editing has been implemented for a low field (80 MHz proton resonance frequency) spectrometer system to measure quantitatively two recently discovered plasma markers of SARS-CoV-2 infection and general inflammation. JEDI spectra capture a unique signature of two biomarker signals from acetylated glycoproteins (Glyc) and the supramolecular phospholipid composite (SPC) signals that are relatively enhanced by the combination of relaxation, diffusion and J-editing properties of the JEDI experiment that strongly attenuate contributions from the other molecular species in plasma. The SPC/Glyc ratio data were essentially identical in the 600 MHz and 80 MHz spectra obtained (R2 = 0.97) and showed significantly different ratios for control (n = 28) versus SARS-CoV-2 positive patients (n = 29) (p = 5.2 × 10-8 and 3.7 × 10-8 respectively). Simplification of the sample preparation allows for data acquisition in a similar time frame to high field machines (∼4 min) and a high-throughput version with 1 min experiment time could be feasible. These data show that these newly discovered inflammatory biomarkers can be measured effectively on low field NMR instruments that do not not require housing in a complex laboratory environment, thus lowering the barrier to clinical translation of this diagnostic technology

    Leibniz, Acosmism, and Incompossibility

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    Leibniz claims that God acts in the best possible way, and that this includes creating exactly one world. But worlds are aggregates, and aggregates have a low degree of reality or metaphysical perfection, perhaps none at all. This is Leibniz’s tendency toward acosmism, or the view that there this no such thing as creation-as-a-whole. Many interpreters reconcile Leibniz’s acosmist tendency with the high value of worlds by proposing that God sums the value of each substance created, so that the best world is just the world with the most substances. I call this way of determining the value of a world the Additive Theory of Value (ATV), and argue that it leads to the current and insoluble form of the problem of incompossibility. To avoid the problem, I read “possible worlds” in “God chooses the best of all possible worlds” as referring to God’s ideas of worlds. These ideas, though built up from essences, are themselves unities and so well suited to be the value bearers that Leibniz’s theodicy requires. They have their own value, thanks to their unity, and that unity is not preserved when more essences are added

    Low volume in vitro diagnostic proton NMR spectroscopy of human blood plasma for lipoprotein and metabolite analysis: application to SARS-CoV-2 biomarkers.

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    The utility of low sample volume in vitro diagnostic (IVDr) proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopic experiments on blood plasma for information recovery from limited availability or high value samples was exemplified using plasma from patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and normal controls. 1H NMR spectra were obtained using solvent-suppressed 1D, spin-echo (CPMG), and 2-dimensional J-resolved (JRES) spectroscopy using both 3 mm outer diameter SampleJet NMR tubes (100 μL plasma) and 5 mm SampleJet NMR tubes (300 μL plasma) under in vitro diagnostic conditions. We noted near identical diagnostic models in both standard and low volume IVDr lipoprotein analysis (measuring 112 lipoprotein parameters) with a comparison of the two tubes yielding R2 values ranging between 0.82 and 0.99 for the 40 paired lipoprotein parameters samples. Lipoprotein measurements for the 3 mm tubes were achieved without time penalty over the 5 mm tubes as defined by biomarker recovery for SARS-CoV-2. Overall, biomarker pattern recovery for the lipoproteins was extremely similar, but there were some small positive offsets in the linear equations for several variables due to small shimming artifacts, but there was minimal degradation of the biological information. For the standard untargeted 1D, CPMG, and JRES NMR experiments on the same samples, the reduced signal-to-noise was more constraining and required greater scanning times to achieve similar differential diagnostic performance (15 min per sample per experiment for 3 mm 1D and CPMG, compared to 4 min for the 5 mm tubes). We conclude that the 3 mm IVDr method is fit-for-purpose for quantitative lipoprotein measurements, allowing the preparation of smaller volumes for high value or limited volume samples that is common in clinical studies. If there are no analytical time constraints, the lower volume experiments are equally informative for untargeted profiling

    Hypoxia upregulates neutrophil degranulation and potential for tissue injury.

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    BACKGROUND: The inflamed bronchial mucosal surface is a profoundly hypoxic environment. Neutrophilic airway inflammation and neutrophil-derived proteases have been linked to disease progression in conditions such as COPD and cystic fibrosis, but the effects of hypoxia on potentially harmful neutrophil functional responses such as degranulation are unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Following exposure to hypoxia (0.8% oxygen, 3 kPa for 4 h), neutrophils stimulated with inflammatory agonists (granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor or platelet-activating factor and formylated peptide) displayed a markedly augmented (twofold to sixfold) release of azurophilic (neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase), specific (lactoferrin) and gelatinase (matrix metalloproteinase-9) granule contents. Neutrophil supernatants derived under hypoxic but not normoxic conditions induced extensive airway epithelial cell detachment and death, which was prevented by coincubation with the antiprotease α-1 antitrypsin; both normoxic and hypoxic supernatants impaired ciliary function. Surprisingly, the hypoxic upregulation of neutrophil degranulation was not dependent on hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), nor was it fully reversed by inhibition of phospholipase C signalling. Hypoxia augmented the resting and cytokine-stimulated phosphorylation of AKT, and inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)γ (but not other PI3K isoforms) prevented the hypoxic upregulation of neutrophil elastase release. CONCLUSION: Hypoxia augments neutrophil degranulation and confers enhanced potential for damage to respiratory airway epithelial cells in a HIF-independent but PI3Kγ-dependent fashion.Supported by the British Lung Foundation, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, BBSRC and the Cambridge NIHR-Biomedical Research Centre. CS was funded by Wellcome Trust Early Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for Clinician Scientists (WT101692MA).This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by BMJ Publishing Group

    Quantitative lipoprotein subclass and low molecular weight metabolite analysis in human serum and plasma by 1H NMR spectroscopy in a multilaboratory trial

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    We report an extensive 600 MHz NMR trial of a quantitative lipoprotein and small molecule measurements in human blood serum and plasma. Five centers with eleven 600 MHz NMR spectrometers were used to analyze 98 samples including: 20 QCs, 37 commercially sourced, paired serum and plasma samples and 2 National Institute of Science and Technology, NIST, reference material 1951c replicates. Samples were analyzed using rigorous protocols for sample preparation and experimental acquisition. A commercial lipoprotein subclass analysis was used to quantify 105 lipoprotein subclasses and 24 low molecular weight metabolites from the nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR, spectra. For all spectrometers, the instrument specific variance in measuring internal quality controls, QCs, was lower than the percentage described by the National Cholesterol Education Program, NCEP, criteria for lipid testing (triglycerides<2.7%, cholesterol<2.8%; LDL-cholesterol<2.8%; HDL-cholesterol<2.3%), showing exceptional reproducibility for direct quantitation of lipoproteins in both matrices. The average RSD for the 105 lipoprotein parameters in the 11 instruments was 4.6% and 3.9% for the two NIST samples while it was 38% and 40% for the 37 commercially sourced plasmas and sera, respectively, showing negligible analytical compared to biological variation. The coefficient of variance, CV, obtained for the quantification of the small molecules across the 11 spectrometers was below 15% for 20 out of the 24 metabolites analyzed. This study provides further evidence of the suitability of NMR for high-throughput lipoprotein subcomponent analysis and small molecule quantitation with the exceptional reproducibility required for clinical and other regulatory settings

    Quantum-chemical investigation of the structure and the antioxidant properties of α-lipoic acid and its metabolites

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    Quantum-chemical computations were used to investigate the structure–antioxidant parameter relationships of α-lipoic acid and its natural metabolites bisnorlipoic acid and tetranorlipoic acid in their oxidized and reduced forms. The enantiomers of lipoic and dihydrolipoic acid were optimized using the B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p), B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ and MP2(full)/6-31+G(d,p) levels of theory as isolated molecules and in the presence of water. The geometries of the metabolites and the values of their antioxidant parameters (proton affinity, bond dissociation enthalpy, adiabatic ionization potential, spin density, and the highest occupied molecular orbital energy) were calculated at the B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p) level of theory. The results obtained reveal similarities between these structures: a pentatomic, nonaromatic ring is present in the oxidized forms, while an unbranched aliphatic chain (as found in saturated fatty acids) is present in both the oxidized and the reduced forms. Analysis of the spin density and the highest occupied molecular orbital energy revealed that the SH groups exhibited the greatest electron-donating activities. The values obtained for the proton affinity, bond dissociation enthalpy and adiabatic ionization potential indicate that the preferred antioxidant mechanisms for α-lipoic acid and its metabolites are sequential proton loss electron transfer in polar media and hydrogen atom transfer in vacuum

    From uncertainty to reward: BOLD characteristics differentiate signaling pathways

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reward value and uncertainty are represented by dopamine neurons in monkeys by distinct phasic and tonic firing rates. Knowledge about the underlying differential dopaminergic pathways is crucial for a better understanding of dopamine-related processes. Using functional magnetic resonance blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) imaging we analyzed brain activation in 15 healthy, male subjects performing a gambling task, upon expectation of potential monetary rewards at different reward values and levels of uncertainty.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Consistent with previous studies, ventral striatal activation was related to both reward magnitudes and values. Activation in medial and lateral orbitofrontal brain areas was best predicted by reward uncertainty. Moreover, late BOLD responses relative to trial onset were due to expectation of different reward values and likely to represent phasic dopaminergic signaling. Early BOLD responses were due to different levels of reward uncertainty and likely to represent tonic dopaminergic signals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that differential dopaminergic signaling as revealed in animal studies is not only represented locally by involvement of distinct brain regions but also by distinct BOLD signal characteristics.</p

    Distinguishing Asthma Phenotypes Using Machine Learning Approaches.

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    Asthma is not a single disease, but an umbrella term for a number of distinct diseases, each of which are caused by a distinct underlying pathophysiological mechanism. These discrete disease entities are often labelled as asthma endotypes. The discovery of different asthma subtypes has moved from subjective approaches in which putative phenotypes are assigned by experts to data-driven ones which incorporate machine learning. This review focuses on the methodological developments of one such machine learning technique-latent class analysis-and how it has contributed to distinguishing asthma and wheezing subtypes in childhood. It also gives a clinical perspective, presenting the findings of studies from the past 5 years that used this approach. The identification of true asthma endotypes may be a crucial step towards understanding their distinct pathophysiological mechanisms, which could ultimately lead to more precise prevention strategies, identification of novel therapeutic targets and the development of effective personalized therapies

    Diffusion and relaxation edited proton NMR spectroscopy of plasma reveals a high-fidelity supramolecular biomarker signature of SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    We have applied nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy based plasma phenotyping to reveal diagnostic molecular signatures of SARS-CoV-2 infection via combined diffusional and relaxation editing (DIRE). We compared plasma from healthy age-matched controls (n = 26) with SARS-CoV-2 negative non-hospitalized respiratory patients and hospitalized respiratory patients (n = 23 and 11 respectively) with SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR positive respiratory patients (n = 17, with longitudinal sampling time-points). DIRE data were modelled using principal component analysis and orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (O-PLS-DA), with statistical cross-validation indices indicating excellent model generalization for the classification of SARS-CoV-2 positivity for all comparator groups (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve = 1). DIRE spectra show biomarker signal combinations conferred by differential concentrations of metabolites with selected molecular mobility properties. These comprise the following: (a) composite N-acetyl signals from α-1-acid glycoprotein and other glycoproteins (designated GlycA and GlycB) that were elevated in SARS-CoV-2 positive patients [p = 2.52 × 10–10 (GlycA) and 1.25 × 10–9 (GlycB) vs controls], (b) two diagnostic supramolecular phospholipid composite signals that were identified (SPC-A and SPC-B) from the –+N–(CH3)3 choline headgroups of lysophosphatidylcholines carried on plasma glycoproteins and from phospholipids in high-density lipoprotein subfractions (SPC-A) together with a phospholipid component of low-density lipoprotein (SPC–B). The integrals of the summed SPC signals (SPCtotal) were reduced in SARS-CoV-2 positive patients relative to both controls (p = 1.40 × 10–7) and SARS-CoV-2 negative patients (p = 4.52 × 10–8) but were not significantly different between controls and SARS-CoV-2 negative patients. The identity of the SPC signal components was determined using one and two dimensional diffusional, relaxation, and statistical spectroscopic experiments. The SPCtotal/GlycA ratios were also significantly different for control versus SARS-CoV-2 positive patients (p = 1.23 × 10–10) and for SARS-CoV-2 negatives versus positives (p = 1.60 × 10–9). Thus, plasma SPCtotal and SPCtotal/GlycA are proposed as sensitive molecular markers for SARS-CoV-2 positivity that could effectively augment current COVID-19 diagnostics and may have value in functional assessment of the disease recovery process in patients with long-term symptoms

    Analysis of the genome and transcriptome of Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii reveals complex RNA expression and microevolution leading to virulence attenuation.

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic basidiomycetous yeast responsible for more than 600,000 deaths each year. It occurs as two serotypes (A and D) representing two varieties (i.e. grubii and neoformans, respectively). Here, we sequenced the genome and performed an RNA-Seq-based analysis of the C. neoformans var. grubii transcriptome structure. We determined the chromosomal locations, analyzed the sequence/structural features of the centromeres, and identified origins of replication. The genome was annotated based on automated and manual curation. More than 40,000 introns populating more than 99% of the expressed genes were identified. Although most of these introns are located in the coding DNA sequences (CDS), over 2,000 introns in the untranslated regions (UTRs) were also identified. Poly(A)-containing reads were employed to locate the polyadenylation sites of more than 80% of the genes. Examination of the sequences around these sites revealed a new poly(A)-site-associated motif (AUGHAH). In addition, 1,197 miscRNAs were identified. These miscRNAs can be spliced and/or polyadenylated, but do not appear to have obvious coding capacities. Finally, this genome sequence enabled a comparative analysis of strain H99 variants obtained after laboratory passage. The spectrum of mutations identified provides insights into the genetics underlying the micro-evolution of a laboratory strain, and identifies mutations involved in stress responses, mating efficiency, and virulence