20,959 research outputs found

    The Composition of the Interstellar Medium towards the Lockman Hole. HI, UV and X-ray observations

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    The Lockman Hole is well known as the region with the lowest neutral atomic hydrogen colum density on the entire sky. We present an analysis of the soft X-ray background radiation towards the Lockman Hole using ROSAT all-sky survey data. This data is correlated with the Leiden/Dwingeloo survey (Galactic HI 21cm-line emission) in order to model the soft X-ray background by using radiative transfer calculations for four ROSAT energy bands simultaneously. It turns out, that an important gas fraction, ranging between 20-50%,of the X-ray absorbing material is not entirely traced by the HI but is in the form of ionized hydrogen. Far-ultraviolet absorption line measurements by FUSE are consistent with this finding and support an ionized hydrogen component towards the Lockman Hole.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for Publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, For full resolution images, see http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~mkappes/pub/ms3506.pd

    A 1200-micron MAMBO survey of ELAISN2 and the Lockman Hole - I. Maps, sources and number counts

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    The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com '.--Copyright Blackwell Publishing. DOI : 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2004.08235.xWe present a deep, new 1200ÎŒm survey of the ELAISN2 and Lockman Hole fields using the Max Planck Millimeter Bolometer array (MAMBO). The areas surveyed are 160 arcmin2 in ELAISN2 and 197 arcmin2 in the Lockman Hole, covering the entire SCUBA ‘8mJy Survey’. In total, 27 (44) sources have been detected at a significance 4.0 ( 3.5 ). The primary goals of the survey were to investigate the reliability of (sub)millimetre galaxy (SMG) samples, to analyse SMGs using flux ratios sensitive to redshift at z > 3, and to search for ‘SCUBA drop-outs’, i.e. galaxies at z >> 3. We present the 1200ÎŒm number counts and find evidence of a fall at bright flux levels. Employing parametric models for the evolution of the local 60ÎŒm IRAS luminosity function (LF), we are able to account simultaneously for the 1200 and 850ÎŒm counts, suggesting that the MAMBO and SCUBA sources trace the same underlying population of high-redshift, dust-enshrouded galaxies. From a nearest-neighbour clustering analysis we find tentative evidence that themost significantMAMBO sources come in pairs, typically separated by 23â€Čâ€Č. Our MAMBO observations unambiguously confirm around half of the SCUBA sources. In a robust sub-sample of 13 SMGs detected by both MAMBO and SCUBA at a significance 3.5 , only one has no radio counterpart. Furthermore, the distribution of 850/1200ÎŒmflux density ratios for this sub-sample is consistent with the spectroscopic redshift distribution of radio-detected SMGs (Chapman et al. 2003). Finally, we have searched for evidence of a high-redshift tail of SMGs amongst the 18 MAMBO sources which are not detected by SCUBA. While we cannot rule out that some of them are SCUBA drop-outs at z >> 3, their overall 850-to-1200ÎŒm flux distribution is statistically indistinguishable from that of the 13 SMGS which were robustly identified by both MAMBO and SCUBA.Peer reviewe

    Detailed modelling of a large sample of Herschel sources in the Lockman Hole: identification of cold dust and of lensing candidates through their anomalous SEDs

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    We have studied in detail a sample of 967 SPIRE sources with 5σ detections at 350 and 500 ÎŒm and associations with Spitzer-SWIRE 24 ÎŒm galaxies in the HerMES-Lockman survey area, fitting theirmid- and far-infrared, and submillimetre, spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in an automatic search with a set of six infrared templates. For almost 300 galaxies,we havemodelled their SEDs individually to ensure the physicality of the fits. We confirm the need for the new cool and cold cirrus templates, and also of the young starburst template, introduced in earlier work. We also identify 109 lensing candidates via their anomalous SEDs and provide a set of colour–redshift constraints which allow lensing candidates to be identified from combined Herschel and Spitzer data. The picture that emerges of the submillimetre galaxy population is complex, comprising ultraluminous and hyperluminous starbursts, lower luminosity galaxies dominated by interstellar dust emission, lensed galaxies and galaxies with surprisingly cold (10–13 K) dust. 11 per cent of 500 ÎŒm selected sources are lensing candidates. 70 per cent of the unlensed sources are ultraluminous infrared galaxies and 26 per cent are hyperluminous. 34 per cent are dominated by optically thin interstellar dust (‘cirrus’) emission, but most of these are due to cooler dust than is characteristic of our Galaxy. At the highest infrared luminosities we see SEDs dominated by M82, Arp 220 and young starburst types, in roughly equal proportions

    The PEP Survey: evidence for intense star-forming activity in the majority of radio-selected AGN at z>~1

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    In order to investigate the FIR properties of radio-active AGN, we have considered three different fields where both radio and FIR observations are the deepest to-date: GOODS-South, GOODS-North and the Lockman Hole. Out of a total of 92 radio-selected AGN, ~64% are found to have a counterpart in Herschel maps. The percentage is maximum in the GOODS-North (72%) and minimum (~50%) in the Lockman Hole, where FIR observations are shallower. Our study shows that in all cases FIR emission is associated to star-forming activity within the host galaxy. Such an activity can even be extremely intense, with star-forming rates as high as ~10^3-10^4 Msun/yr. AGN activity does not inhibit star formation in the host galaxy, just as on-site star-formation does not seem to affect AGN properties, at least those detected at radio wavelengths and for z>~1. Furthermore, physical properties such as the mass and age distributions of the galaxies hosting a radio-active AGN do not seem to be affected by the presence of an ongoing star-forming event. Given the very high rate of FIR detections, we stress that this refers to the majority of the sample: most radio-active AGN are associated with intense episodes of star-formation. However, the two processes proceed independently within the same galaxy, at all redshifts but in the local universe, where powerful enough radio activity reaches the necessary strength to switch off the on-site star formation. Our data also show that for z>~1 the hosts of radio-selected star-forming galaxies and AGN are indistinguishable from each other both in terms of mass and IR luminosity distributions. The two populations only differentiate in the very local universe, whereby the few AGN which are still FIR-active are found in galaxies with much higher masses and luminosities.Comment: 20 pages, 22 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Clustering of star-forming galaxies detected in mid-infrared with the Spitzer wide-area survey

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    We discuss the clustering properties of galaxies with signs of ongoing star formation detected by the Spitzer Space Telescope at 24mum band in the SWIRE Lockman Hole field. The sample of mid-IR-selected galaxies includes ~20,000 objects detected above a flux threshold of S24mum=310muJy. We adopt optical/near-IR color selection criteria to split the sample into the lower-redshift and higher-redshift galaxy populations. We measure the angular correlation function on scales of theta=0.01-3.5 deg, from which, using the Limber inversion along with the redshift distribution established for similarly selected source populations in the GOODS fields (Rodighiero et al. 2010), we obtain comoving correlation lengths of r0=4.98+-0.28 h^-1 Mpc and r0 =8.04+-0.69 h^-1 Mpc for the low-z (=0.7) and high-z (=1.7) subsamples, respectively. Comparing these measurements with the correlation functions of dark matter halos identified in the Bolshoi cosmological simulation (Klypin et al. 2011}, we find that the high-redshift objects reside in progressively more massive halos reaching Mtot>3e12 h^-1 Msun, compared to Mtot>7e11 h^-1 Msun for the low-redshift population. Approximate estimates of the IR luminosities based on the catalogs of 24mum sources in the GOODS fields show that our high-z subsample represents a population of "distant ULIRGs" with LIR>10^12Lsun, while the low-z subsample mainly consists of "LIRGs", LIR~10^11Lsun. The comparison of number density of the 24mum selected galaxies and of dark matter halos with derived minimum mass Mtot shows that only 20% of such halos may host star-forming galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Properties of extra-planar HI clouds in the outer part of the Milky Way

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    There is mounting evidence for an extra-planar gas layer around the Milky Way disk, similar to the anomalous HI gas detected in a few other galaxies. As much as 10% of the gas may be in this phase. We analyze HI clouds located in the disk-halo interface outside the solar circle to probe the properties of the extra-planar HI gas, which is following Galactic rotation. We use the Leiden/Argentine/Bonn (LAB) 21-cm line survey to search for HI clouds which take part in the rotation of the Galactic plane, but are located above the disk layer. Selected regions are mapped with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. Two of the HI halo clouds are studied in detail for their small scale structure using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). Data from the 100m telescope allow for the parameterization of 25 distinct HI halo clouds at Galactocentric radii 10 kpc <R<15 kpc and heights 1 kpc <z<5 kpc. The clouds have a median temperature of 620 K, column densities of NH~10E19 cm^-2, and most of them are surrounded by an extended envelope of warmer HI gas. Interferometer observations for two selected regions resolve the HI clouds into several arc-minute sized cores. These cores show narrow line widths (FWHM ~3 km/s), they have volume densities of n > 1.3 cm^-3, masses up to 24 M_{sol}, and are on average in pressure equilibrium with the surrounding envelopes. Pressures and densities fall within the expectations from theoretical phase diagrams (P vs ). The HI cores tend to be unstable if one assumes a thermally bistable medium, but are in better agreement with models that predict thermal fragmentation driven by a turbulent flow.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in A&

    Interstellar H-Alpha Line Profiles toward HD 93521 and the Lockman Window

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    We have used the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) facility to measure the interstellar H-Alpha emission toward the high Galactic latitude O star HD 93521 (l = 183.1, b = +62.2). Three emission components were detected having radial velocities of -10 km s^{-1}, -51 km s^{-1}, and -90 km s^{-1} with respect to the local standard of rest (LSR) and H-Alpha intensities of 0.20 R, 0.15 R, and 0.023 R, respectively, corresponding to emission measures of 0.55 cm^{-6} pc, 0.42 cm^{-6} pc, and 0.06 cm^{-6} pc. We have also detected an H-Alpha emission component at -1 km s^{-1} (LSR) with an intensity of 0.20 R (0.55 cm^{-6} pc) toward the direction l = 148.5, b = +53.0, which lies in the region of exceptionally low H I column density known as the Lockman Window. In addition, we studied the direction l = 163.5, b = +53.5. Upper limits on the possible intensity of Galactic emission toward this direction are 0.11 R at the LSR and 0.06 R at -50 km s^{-1}. We also detected and characterized twelve faint (~0.03-0.15 R), unidentified atmospheric lines present in WHAM H-Alpha spectra. Lastly, we have used WHAM to obtain [O I] 6300 spectra along the line of sight toward HD 93521. We place an upper limit of 0.060 R on the [O I] intensity of the -51 km s^{-1} component. If the temperature of the gas is 10,000 K within the H-Alpha emitting region, the hydrogen ionization fraction n(H+)/n(H_total) > 0.6.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. Acccepted for publication in the 1 Feb issue of The Astronomical Journa

    HerMES: The submillimeter spectral energy distributions of Herschel/SPIRE-detected galaxies

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    We present colours of sources detected with the Herschel/SPIRE instrument in deep extragalactic surveys of the Lockman Hole, Spitzer-FLS, and GOODS-N fields in three photometric bands at 250, 350 and 500 ÎŒm. We compare these with expectations from the literature and discuss associated uncertainties and biases in the SPIRE data. We identify a 500 ÎŒm flux limited selection of sources from the HerMES point source catalogue that appears free from neighbouring/blended sources in all three SPIRE bands. We compare the colours with redshift tracks of various contemporary models. Based on these spectral templates we show that regions corresponding to specific population types and redshifts can be identified better in colour-flux space. The redshift tracks as well as the colour-flux plots imply a majority of detected objects with redshifts at 1 < z < 3.5, somewhat depending on the group of model SEDs used. We also find that a population of sources with S_(250)/S_(350) < 0.8 at fluxes above 50 mJy as observed by SPIRE are not well represented by contemporary models and could consist of a mix of cold and lensed galaxies
