259 research outputs found
Ciència i exili: Els científics republicans espanyols i la seua trajectòria itinerant
Science and Exile. Spanish Republican Scientists and their History of Wandering.The end of the Civil War also ended a period of scientifi c and cultural development, which had taken place during the Republic. Scientists and intellectuals who had been part of academic life, and often political life too, were faced with the choice of staying in Spain or going into exile abroad after the Francoist victory. Those deciding to stay, suffered repression under Franco and a kind of «internal exile», away from their professional career, while those who fl ed had to face the diffi culties of being in countries where there was mixed reception
Stratigraphic-sedimentary reconstruction in the Permian- Triassic succession of the Central-Eastern Southern Pyrenees: a multi-disciplinary approach
The Upper Carboniferous-Lower Triassic sedimentary record in the Central- Eastern Southern Pyrenees is organized in five formal stratigraphic units, some of them bounded by angular unconformities. Due to the complex geological setting, several approaches have been used together. The adopted method was selected in order to obtain the most detailed information and reconstruct the original conditions of these basins and their later refill. The main approach followed was based on the stratigraphy and the sedimentology studies. On this basis, other approaches, such as palynology, paleopedology, isotopic analyses and clay mineralogy from claystone, were attempted in both the Erill Castell-Estac Basin and the neighbouring basins (Castejón-Laspaúles, Gramós and Castellar-Camprodón). Detailed field made it possible to define facies, facies associations and the architectural elements of the deposits. Detailed syn-sedimentary faulting was also measured with the scope to constrain the relationship between the sedimentation and the tectonics. When the stratigraphic units were clearly characterized and their vertical and lateral relations were well established, a detailed sampling was performed for the other approaches used. The stratigraphic units were then joined in
sedimentary cycles (SC) bounded by angular unconformities. The sedimentary record of each SC shows significant changes in the paleoenvironmental conditions. The first sedimentary cycle (Late Carboniferous-Early Permian) is characterized by isolated sub- basins and it is strongly linked with intense volcanic activity. In the upper part of this cycle, fluvial and lacustrine sediments were deposited in a transtensive tectonic context, and again during a strong volcanic outpouring. In the second sedimentary cycle (Middle Permian), the sub-basins started to merge due to the continuation of transtensive tectonic context. The main deposits in this cycle represent playa-lake and fluvial environments with negligible volcanic influence. Finally, after a long-lasting stratigraphic gap, the third sedimentary cycle (Early-Middle Triassic) is represented by meandering fluvial systems with isolated lacustrine environments and no volcanic influence.
The age of the units was constrained thanks to their newly discovered palynological content. These fossils represent an important biostratigraphic tool for correlation across the SW European basins. The age obtained by one sporomorph association found in the basal Grey Unit (SC1) was Gzhelian (Upper Carboniferous). The spores and pollen contained in the Transition Unit (SC1) indicate an Asselian age (Early Permian). The second sedimentary cycle is represented by the Lower Red Unit (LRU), which was assigned to an Artinskian age, based on palynological data. Finally, the Lower Triassic deposits contained pollen and spores too, and the age ascribed was upper-middle Anisian.The Upper Carboniferous-Lower Triassic sedimentary record in the Central- Eastern Southern Pyrenees is organized in five formal stratigraphic units, some of them bounded by angular unconformities. Due to the complex geological setting, several approaches have been used together. The adopted method was selected in order to obtain the most detailed information and reconstruct the original conditions of these basins and their later refill. The main approach followed was based on the stratigraphy and the sedimentology studies. On this basis, other approaches, such as palynology, paleopedology, isotopic analyses and clay mineralogy from claystone, were attempted in both the Erill Castell-Estac Basin and the neighbouring basins (Castejón-Laspaúles, Gramós and Castellar-Camprodón). Detailed field made it possible to define facies, facies associations and the architectural elements of the deposits. Detailed syn-sedimentary faulting was also measured with the scope to constrain the relationship between the sedimentation and the tectonics. When the stratigraphic units were clearly characterized and their vertical and lateral relations were well established, a detailed sampling was performed for the other approaches used. The stratigraphic units were then joined in
sedimentary cycles (SC) bounded by angular unconformities. The sedimentary record of each SC shows significant changes in the paleoenvironmental conditions. The first sedimentary cycle (Late Carboniferous-Early Permian) is characterized by isolated sub- basins and it is strongly linked with intense volcanic activity. In the upper part of this cycle, fluvial and lacustrine sediments were deposited in a transtensive tectonic context, and again during a strong volcanic outpouring. In the second sedimentary cycle (Middle Permian), the sub-basins started to merge due to the continuation of transtensive tectonic context. The main deposits in this cycle represent playa-lake and fluvial environments with negligible volcanic influence. Finally, after a long-lasting stratigraphic gap, the third sedimentary cycle (Early-Middle Triassic) is represented by meandering fluvial systems with isolated lacustrine environments and no volcanic influence.
The age of the units was constrained thanks to their newly discovered palynological content. These fossils represent an important biostratigraphic tool for correlation across the SW European basins. The age obtained by one sporomorph association found in the basal Grey Unit (SC1) was Gzhelian (Upper Carboniferous). The spores and pollen contained in the Transition Unit (SC1) indicate an Asselian age (Early Permian). The second sedimentary cycle is represented by the Lower Red Unit (LRU), which was assigned to an Artinskian age, based on palynological data. Finally, the Lower Triassic deposits contained pollen and spores too, and the age ascribed was upper-middle Anisian
José María Bengoa Lecanda: L’exili d’un metge basc
El 1938, dos anys després d’obtenir la seua llicenciatura en medicina, José María Bengoa Lecanda (Bilbao, 1913) es va exiliar a Veneçuela fugint de la Guerra Civil. Allí va ser nomenat metge del poble rural de Sanare, on va iniciar la seua intensa i fecunda trajectòria en la lluita contra la desnutrició i la fam. Considerat un expert internacional en nutrició, el doctor Bengoa va col·laborar amb el Ministeri de Sanitat i Assistència Social veneçolà i, més tard, amb l’Organització Mundial de la Salut (OMS), des d’on va impulsar activitats de nutrició en comunitats, principalment rurals, de països en desenvolupament on es concentraven els problemes de nutrició greu. Nova tornar a Espanya fi ns a la dècada dels vuitanta, amb els inicis de la democràcia, per participar com assessor de la Conselleria de Sanitat del que seria el primer govern basc des de la Guerra civil
La historiografía sobre el exilio científico tras la IIª República
RevisiónNoFecha 2014-07-30.--Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500.--Unidad técnica IHMC.--Archivo depósito IHMC.--Solo se permite el uso con fines educativos y de investigació
A jugaaaar!. Expressió del gènere a través de la pràctica artística.
[ES] La razón de este trabajo final de grado es realizar la memoria de una práctica
artística multidisciplinar construida mediante el juego libre y la experimentación
con algunos de los juguetes de mi infancia y la reflexión que sobre
mi género ha provocado esta exploración.
El juego libre es aquel que está emancipado de cualquier norma o regla.
En el juego libre, el individuo es activo y espontáneo, no debe ganar ni perder,
simplemente, disfruta del juego por el juego. Se crea un universo donde
todo es posible, en el que el imaginario personal se mueve entre mundos de
fantasía, imaginación y experimentación. El estado de bienestar que proporciona
al que juega ha sido el espacio desde el que se han desarrollado las
propuestas plásticas que aquí presentamos. Estos trabajos, desde diferentes
disciplinas, han contribuido a generar un imaginario personal. Esta práctica
ha desembocado en un proceso de introspección que ha atendido a aquellas
vivencias, preguntas y reflexiones que giran alrededor de la necesidad de entender
mi propio género y poder expresarlo.
Aunque cada vez esté más presente en el ámbito social, es difícil situarse
en el espacio que queda entre el binarismo hombre - mujer, sobre todo por
el señalamiento que conlleva. Pero, aun así, querer hacerlo supone la aceptación
de esta dificultad y la búsqueda de una identidad de género personal.
Esta búsqueda ha supuesto el descubrimiento de un espacio indefinido que
participa de ambos y que se puede expresar en el mundo del arte a través de
los objetos de la exposición ¡A jugaaaar!.[EN] The reason for this final degree project is to make the memory of an multidisciplinary
artistic practice built through free play and experimentation with
some of the toys of my childhood and the reflection that this exploration has
provoked on my gender.
Free play is play that is emancipated from any norm or rule. In free play,
the individual is active and spontaneous, he/she does not have to win or lose,
he/she simply enjoys playing for the sake of playing. A universe is created
where everything is possible, where the personal imagination moves between
worlds of fantasy, imagination and experimentation. The state of wellbeing
that it provides for those who play has been the space from which the
plastic proposals that we present here have been developed. These works,
from different disciplines, have contributed to generate a personal imaginary.
This practice has led to a process of introspection that has addressed those
experiences, questions and reflections that revolve around the need to understand
my own gender and to be able to express it.
Although it is increasingly present in the social sphere, it is difficult to
place oneself in the space that remains between the man-woman binarism,
especially because of the signaling that it entails. But even so, wanting to do
so implies the acceptance of this difficulty and the search for a personal gender
identity. This search has meant the discovery of an indefinite space that
participates in both and that can be expressed in the world of art through the
objects of the exhibition ¡A jugaaaar! .Lloret Sánchez, J. (2022). ¡A jugaaaar!. Expresión del género a través de la práctica artística. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/184526TFG
Takknemlighet og selvstendighet. En kvalitativ studie om norskfødte jenter med innvandrerbakgrunn og deres valg av høyere utdanning.
Revidert versjon av oppgaven. Retting av språklige feil.This master thesis is a qualitative study about Norwegian-born girls with immigrant parents (second-generation immigrant) and their reflections on their opportunities and choices in higher education. This study consists of seven qualitative interviews with female students who are currently seeking degrees in higher education. The interview informants were born and raised in Norway and have parents who emigrated from countries in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. The goal of this study is to understand the driving force behind their educational choices, and the familial response to their choice of study. Several studies show that it is more common among second-generation immigrants to take higher education than in the rest of the Norwegian population. This qualitative study attempts to give a voice to some of the people behind these statistics. The informants in this study come with unique stories. Their stories about educational choices may not be so different from other students with majority backgrounds, but they may experience some challenges that create a form of identification with other female students with an immigrant background. Educational choices have not been easy for everyone and not every course of study is appreciated by the parents. Some of informants tell how their parents and the immigrant community do not appreciate all courses of study, such as getting a teaching degree. Some informants tell that they continue with their desired course of study, even if their parents are critical of that choice. At the same time, the study shows that the informants feel guilty and gratefulness about their parent's migration to Norway. The study shows that the subjects are conscious about the possibilities they have in Norway in relation to the parents' country of origin. Some of the parents come with some critical comments about their choice of education, but the informants are grateful for all that, they have done for them. The informants in this study do not hide the fact that education is highly valued in the family and that education is the way for better quality of life. Although parents may come with some skeptical comments, informants point out that they support their choice of education. In such situations, siblings have been helpful and shown understanding.Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ studie om norskfødte jenter med innvandrerbakgrunn og deres refleksjoner om valg av høyere utdanning. Oppgaven baserer seg på syv kvalitative intervjuer av kvinnelige studenter som er under høyere utdanning. Informantene er født og oppvokst i Norge, og har foreldre med innvandrerbakgrunn fra land i Sørøst-Asia og Midtøsten. Målsettingen har vært å søke forståelse for hvilken drivkraft som ligger bak deres utdanningsvalg, og hva slags opplevelser de fikk fra familien om deres valg av studieretning. En rekke studier viser at det er vanligere blant norskfødte jenter med innvandrerbakgrunn å ta høyere utdanning enn det er i den øvrige befolkningen. Denne kvalitative studien ønsker å få fram stemmene til disse jentene. Informantene i denne studien har unike historier. Deres historier om utdanningsvalg er kanskje ikke så ulik fra andre studenter med majoritetsbakgrunn, men noen av informantene opplever noen utfordringer som skaper en identifikasjon med andre kvinnelige studenter med innvandrerbakgrunn. Studien viser at utdanningsvalg er ikke like lett for alle, og ikke alle valg er i tråd med foreldrenes ambisjoner. Enkelte av informantene forteller hvordan foreldrene, og spesielt «innvandrermiljøet», stiller seg kritisk til noen utdanninger, som for eksempel pedagogiske utdanninger. Noen av informantene nevner at selv om noen av foreldrene er kritiske til deres valg av studie, går de videre med eget utdanningsønske. Samtidig viser denne studien at informantene knytter skyldfølelse og takknemlighet til egne foreldres migrasjon til Norge. En takknemlighet om bedre muligheter. Studien viser at informantene er bevisste på utdanningsmuligheten de har i Norge sett i forhold til foreldrenes opprinnelsesland. Dette påpekes ikke bare av foreldrene, men også av informantene selv. Enkelte av foreldrene kommer med noen kritiske kommentarer om døtrenes valg av utdanning, men informantene er takknemlige for alt foreldrene har gjort for dem. Informantene i denne studien legger ikke skjul på at utdanning er høyt verdsatt i familien, og at utdanning er veien til bedre livskvalitet. Selv om foreldrene kan komme med noen skeptiske kommentarer, påpeker informantene at de støtter deres valg av utdanning. I slike situasjoner har søsken vært forståelsesfulle og støttende.Masteroppgave i pedagogikkPED395MAPS-PE
Caracterització i estudi d’enllaços HVDC
El present document es presenta com: caracterització i estudi sobre la tecnologia d’enllaços HVDC, d’acord al seu títol.
Primerament s’estudien els enllaços d’una manera genèrica a través d’una introducció històrica que mostra tant l’evolució de les tecnologies que envolten l’energia elèctrica, com la història d’aquestes enllaços en particular. També, es procedeix a introduir dins un marc teòric els conceptes més tècnics en referencia als enllaços HVDC (com les aplicacions, el funcionament o les diferents tecnologies existents). És conclou aquest apartat plantejant una esquematització genèrica per a enllaços HVDC-VSC.
Seguidament, es procedeix a caracteritzar tres enllaços HVDC-VSC reals i en funcionament a partir d’una base de dades de la forma més extensa i precisa possible, donant valors numèrics a cada element que conforma l’enllaç.
Finalment, per tal de demostrar la utilitat de la prèvia caracterització, es realitza un estudi d’estabilitat d’un enllaç HVDC amb dades provinents d’un article per a poder extreure’n unes conclusions.
Aquest projecte pot ser utilitzat en un futur com a base per comprendre els enllaços HVDC.El presente documento se presenta como: caracterización y estudio sobre la tecnología de enlaces HVDC, de acuerdo con su título.
Primeramente, se estudian los enlaces de una manera genérica a través de una introducción histórica que muestra tanto la evolución de las tecnologías que rodean la energía eléctrica, como la historia de estos enlaces en particular. También, se procede a introducir dentro de un marco teórico los conceptos más técnicos en referencia a los enlaces HVDC (como las aplicaciones, el funcionamiento o las diferentes tecnologías existentes). Se concluye este apartado planteando una esquematización genérica para enlaces HVDC-VSC.
Seguidamente, se procede a caracterizar tres enlaces HVDC-VSC reales y en funcionamiento a partir de una base de datos de la manera más extensa y precisa posible, dando valores numéricos a cada elemento que forma el enlace.
Finalmente, para demostrar la utilidad de la previa caracterización, se realiza un estudio de estabilidad de un enlace HVDC con datos procedentes de un artículo para poder extraer unas conclusiones.
Este proyecto puede ser usado en un futuro como base para comprender los enlaces HVDC.This paper is presented as a characterization and study of HVDC link technology, according to its title.
Firstly, the links are studied in a generic way through a historical introduction that shows both the evolution of the technologies surrounding electric energy and the history of these links. It also proceeds to introduce within a theoretical framework the more technical concepts related to HVDC links (such as applications, operation, types, or the different existing technologies). This section concludes with a generic schematization for HVDC-VSC links.
Then, we proceed to characterize three HVDC-VSC links which are real and currently on use form a database as extensively and accurately as possible, giving numerical values to each link element.
Finally, to demonstrate the usefulness of the previous characterization, a study of the stability of a HVDC link with data obtained from a paper is carried out in order to draw some conclusions.
This project can be used in the future as a base for understanding HVDC links
Amber imitation? Two unusual cases of Pinus resin-coated beads in Iberian Late Prehistory (3rd and 2nd millennia BC)
A group of beads from the artificial cave of La Molina (Lora de Estepa, Sevilla) and Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona) were made from a biogenic raw material and intentionally covered by a layer of resin. This is the first time this type of treatment has been documented on elements of adornment in the Late Prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula. The composition and nature of the coatings are analysed and the symbolic role of such alterations and imitations of prehistoric adornments is discussed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad HAR2012- 34620, HAR2017-83474-
chroGPS, a global chromatin positioning system for the functional analysis and visualization of the epigenome
Development of tools to jointly visualize the genome and the epigenome remains a challenge. chroGPS is a computational approach that addresses this question. chroGPS uses multidimensional scaling techniques to represent similarity between epigenetic factors, or between genetic elements on the basis of their epigenetic state, in 2D/3D reference maps. We emphasize biological interpretability, statistical robustness, integration of genetic and epigenetic data from heterogeneous sources, and computational feasibility. Although chroGPS is a general methodology to create reference maps and study the epigenetic state of any class of genetic element or genomic region, we focus on two specific kinds of maps: chroGPSfactors, which visualizes functional similarities between epigenetic factors, and chroGPSgenes, which describes the epigenetic state of genes and integrates gene expression and other functional data. We use data from the modENCODE project on the genomic distribution of a large collection of epigenetic factors in Drosophila, a model system extensively used to study genome organization and function. Our results show that the maps allow straightforward visualization of relationships between factors and elements, capturing relevant information about their functional properties that helps to interpret epigenetic information in a functional context and derive testable hypotheses
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