1,202 research outputs found

    Enhancement of the indistinguishability of single photon emitters coupled to photonic waveguides

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    One of the main steps towards large-scale quantum photonics consists of the integration of single photon sources (SPS) with photonic integrated circuits (PICs). For that purpose, the PICs should offer an efficient light coupling and a high preservation of the indistinguishability of photons. Therefore, optimization of the indistinguishability through waveguide design is especially relevant. In this work we have developed an analytical model to calculate the coupling and the indistinguishability of an ideal point-source quantum emitter coupled to a photonic waveguide depending on source orientation and position. The model has been numerically evaluated through finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations showing consistent results. The maximum coupling is achieved when the emitter is embedded in the center of the waveguide but somewhat surprisingly the maximum indistinguishability appears when the emitter is placed at the edge of the waveguide where the electric field is stronger due to the surface discontinuity

    The Gypsy Database (GyDB) of mobile genetic elements: release 2.0

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    This article introduces the second release of the Gypsy Database of Mobile Genetic Elements (GyDB 2.0): a research project devoted to the evolutionary dynamics of viruses and transposable elements based on their phylogenetic classification (per lineage and protein domain). The Gypsy Database (GyDB) is a long-term project that is continuously progressing, and that owing to the high molecular diversity of mobile elements requires to be completed in several stages. GyDB 2.0 has been powered with a wiki to allow other researchers participate in the project. The current database stage and scope are long terminal repeats (LTR) retroelements and relatives. GyDB 2.0 is an update based on the analysis of Ty3/Gypsy, Retroviridae, Ty1/Copia and Bel/Pao LTR retroelements and the Caulimoviridae pararetroviruses of plants. Among other features, in terms of the aforementioned topics, this update adds: (i) a variety of descriptions and reviews distributed in multiple web pages; (ii) protein-based phylogenies, where phylogenetic levels are assigned to distinct classified elements; (iii) a collection of multiple alignments, lineage-specific hidden Markov models and consensus sequences, called GyDB collection; (iv) updated RefSeq databases and BLAST and HMM servers to facilitate sequence characterization of new LTR retroelement and caulimovirus queries; and (v) a bibliographic server. GyDB 2.0 is available at http://gydb.org

    Valorization of Ferulic Acid from Agro-Industrial by-Products for Application in Agriculture

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    The use of bioplastic mulch in agriculture has increased dramatically in the last years throughout the world. Nowadays, biodegradable materials for mulching films strive to constitute a reliable and more sustainable alternative to classical materials such as polyethylene (PE). The main challenge is to improve their durability in the soil to meet the required service length for crop farming by using benign and sustainable antioxidant systems. Here, we report the design and fabrication of biodegradable materials based on polybutylene (succinate adipate) (PBSA) for mulching applications, incorporating a fully biobased polymeric antioxidant deriving from ferulic acid, which can be extracted from an industrial by-product. Poly-dihydro (ethylene ferulate) (PHEF) from ferulic acid was synthesized by a two-step polymerization process. It is characterized by improved thermal stability in comparison with ferulic acid monomer and therefore suitable for common industrial processing conditions. Different blends of PBSA and PHEF obtained by melt mixing or by reactive extrusion were prepared and analyzed to understand the effect of the presence of PHEF. The results demonstrate that PHEF, when processed by reactive extrusion, presents a remarkable antioxidant effect, even in comparison with commercial additives, preserving a high level of the mechanical properties of the PBSA matrix without affecting the biodegradable character of the blend

    Initiation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Transcription is Inhibited by Noncytolytic CD8+ Suppression

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    The replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can be inhibited by noncytolytic CD8+ T cell mediated suppression, an immune response that specifically targets HIV-1 gene expression. Clinical studies demonstrate that this immune response may play an important role in the host defense against HIV infection. In this study, we examined the distinct steps in viral gene expression for inhibition by noncytolytic CD8+ T cells. A primary HIV-1 infection system of CD4+ enriched peripheral blood mononuclear cells was utilized to examine the HIV-1 life cycle as a relevant ex vivo system. Established CD8+ T cell lines from two HIV+ long-term nonprogressors were used to examine differences at the level of transcriptional initiation and elongation of the HIV genome. This infection system coupled with the results from real-time measurement of newly transcribed RNA transcripts determined that there was a significant decrease (5-8 fold) in short intracellular viral RNA transcripts. These data strongly favor a role for the initiation of virus transcription in noncytolytic CD8+ T cell mediated suppression

    Shear localisation in anisotropic, non-linear viscous materials that develop a CPO: A numerical study

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    Localisation of ductile deformation in rocks is commonly found at all scales from crustal shear zones down to grain scale shear bands. Of the various mechanisms for localisation, mechanical anisotropy has received relatively little attention, especially in numerical modelling. Mechanical anisotropy can be due to dislocation creep of minerals (e.g. ice or mica) and/or layering in rocks (e.g. bedding, cleavage). We simulated simple-shear deformation of a locally anisotropic, single-phase power-law rheology material up to shear strain of five. Localisation of shear rate in narrow shear bands occurs, depending on the magnitude of anisotropy and the stress exponent. At high anisotropy values, strain-rate frequency distributions become approximately log-normal with heavy, exponential tails. Localisation due to anisotropy is scale-independent and thus provides a single mechanism for a self-organised hierarchy of shear bands and zones from mm-to km-scales. The numerical simulations are compared with the natural example of the Northern Shear Belt at Cap de Creus, NE Spain

    Free Zn2+ determination in natural freshwater of the Pyrenees: towards on-site measurements with AGNES

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    An on-site methodology has been developed for the direct determination of free Zn2+ with AGNES (Absence of Gradients and Nernstian Equilibrium Stripping) in freshwaters. This implementation includes: i) the use of screen printed electrodes, which provide good limits of detection and easy transportation and deployment; ii) no need for sample purging; iii) a calibration in a synthetic river solution that reproduces well the speciation changes of the natural samples and allows the oxygen interferences to be minimised; iv) the addition of a background electrolyte up to 0.01 mol L-1 in both the calibration and freshwater samples; v) chemical stripping chronopotentiometry as the quantification stage of AGNES. This procedure minimizes the effects of working at low ionic strength and in the presence of dissolved oxygen. In the laboratory, the methodology was checked with different natural samples taken from rivers Garonne, Gave de Cauterets and Gave de Pau in the Pyrenees. Results appeared in good agreement with theoretical estimations computed from Visual Minteq. On-site measurements were performed for the first time with AGNES in the Gave de Cauterets in Soulom (France) and the results were corroborated with purged measurements performed in the laboratory.English language editing by Holly Pearson is acknowledged. The authors acknowledge support for this research from the Communaut e d’Agglom eration de Pau Pyr en ees (CDAPP), from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n (project numbers CTM2012–39183 and CTM2013– 48967), from the European Community EFA15/08 (PyrMet) and from the Comissionat d’Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya (project number 2014SGR1132)

    Responses to salt stress in Juncus acutus and J. maritimus during seed germination and vegetative plant growth

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    [EN] Responses to increasing salinity, during seed germination and vegetative plant growth, were studied in two related species of Juncus, J. maritimus and J. acutus. In both species, germination was optimal in the absence of salt, reduced by about 50% in the presence of 200 mM NaCl, and completely inhibited by NaCl concentrations above 300 mM. Previous exposure of the seeds to salt, up to 500 mM NaCl, did not affect the germination capacity in J. acutus, and clearly enhanced it in J. maritimus. A concentration-dependent inhibition of plant growth was observed in the presence of NaCl for both species, together with the parallel accumulation of sodium ions in the leaves, as determined by cation exchange HPLC. Regarding the levels of divalent cations, in J. acutus Ca2+ and Mg2+ increased up to about two-fold in plants treated with 500 mM NaCl, as compared to control plants, whereas in J. maritimus they were three-to four-fold higher than in J. acutus in the absence of salt, and did not change significantly with increasing NaCl concentrations. These results suggest that Ca2+ and Mg2+ participate in defence mechanisms against salt stress, which would be constitutive in J. maritimus and salt-inducible in J. acutus.Boscaiu Neagu, MT.; Ballesteros Amat, G.; Naranjo Olivero, MA.; Vicente Meana, Ó.; Boira Tortajada, H. (2011). Responses to salt stress in Juncus acutus and J. maritimus during seed germination and vegetative plant growth. Plant Biosystems. 145(4):770-777. doi:10.1080/11263504.2011.628446S770777145