38 research outputs found

    Caracterización y valoración de metabolitos secundarios activos de Té Pu-Erh (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) en diferentes preparados comerciales

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    El té Pu-Erh (té rojo) es una variedad obtenida mediante procesos de fermentación a partir de hojas de té (Camellia sinensis var. assamica). Estos procesos producen cambios en la composición química. Sus efectos sobre la salud como su capacidad antioxidante son debidos a dichos metabolitos. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar e identificar cuantitativamente distintos metabolitos secundarios activos (MSA,s) del té Pu-Erh, como la cafeína (CAF) y la epigalocatequin galato (EGCG), en infusiones. METODOLOGÍA: Tres infusiones de té Pu-Erh comercializados en el supermercado (S), la herboristería (H) y la farmacia (F), a las que se les realizó una extracción de la CAF y EGCG según el procedimiento normalizado de trabajo del departamento de calidad del laboratorio KorottⓇ con las condiciones cromatográficas adaptadas de la Farmacopea Europea 9.4. RESULTADOS: Tanto la CAF como la EGCG se hallaron en los tres preparados comerciales. Entre ellos se obtuvieron diferencias en sus concentraciones: supermercado (CAF: 27,371 ± 0,392 y EGCG: 1,403 ± 0,007 mg/g), herboristería (CAF: 37,550 ± 0,068 y EGCG: 0,125 ± 0,005 mg/g) y oficina de farmacia (CAF: 17,302 ± 0,217 y EGCG: 0,637 ± 0,034 mg/g). Existen diferencias notables entre las concentraciones de CAF y EGCG entre los diferentes preparados comerciales. CONCLUSIONES: Los diferentes preparados comerciales (S, H y F) estudiados, poseen dos de los principales MSA,s mayoritarios del té Pu Erh, aunque en diferente concentración. El acondicionamiento primario y secundario carece de información para el consumidor, respecto a las concentraciones de dichos MSA,s. La falta de normativa podría dar lugar a un problema de seguridad en su consumo

    Influencia de los estilos educativos paternos en el consumo de drogas en adolescentes

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    El presente estudio pretende examinar el papel predictivo de la percepcion de la educacion paterna por parte de los hijos, en el consumo de diferentes sustancias (alcohol, cannabis y tabaco) durante la adolescencia.Método: Se administro un cuestionario anonimo desarrollado para medir la cantidad de sustancias consumidas en una semana y el tipo de educacion percibida de sus padres, asi como diferentes variables personales. La muestra estaba compuesta por 1378 sujetos, con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y los 19 anos. El analisis se realizo a traves del Modelo de Regresion de Poisson.Resultados: El tipo de educacion recibida parece influir en funcion de la sustancia analizada. Se ha encontrado que un estilo educativo democratico autoritario es protector para el consumo de drogas y un estilo permisivo correlaciona con un mayor consumo. Por otro lado, la figura paterna influye en el consumo de alcohol y la de ambos padres en el consumo de cannabis y tabaco.Discusión: El tipo de educacion que reciben los adolescentes determina la utilizacion y el consumo que hacen de las drogas. Por tanto, es importante intervenir en el ambito familiar a traves de los programas de prevencion, ensenando a los padres las pautas mas adecuadas en la educacion de sus hijos

    Drosophila melanogaster Models of Metal-Related Human Diseases and Metal Toxicity

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    Iron, copper and zinc are transition metals essential for life because they are required in a multitude of biological processes. Organisms have evolved to acquire metals from nutrition and to maintain adequate levels of each metal to avoid damaging effects associated with its deficiency, excess or misplacement. Interestingly, the main components of metal homeostatic pathways are conserved, with many orthologues of the human metal-related genes having been identified and characterized in Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila has gained appreciation as a useful model for studying human diseases, including those caused by mutations in pathways controlling cellular metal homeostasis. Flies have many advantages in the laboratory, such as a short life cycle, easy handling and inexpensive maintenance. Furthermore, they can be raised in a large number. In addition, flies are greatly appreciated because they offer a considerable number of genetic tools to address some of the unresolved questions concerning disease pathology, which in turn could contribute to our understanding of the metal metabolism and homeostasis. This review recapitulates the metabolism of the principal transition metals, namely iron, zinc and copper, in Drosophila and the utility of this organism as an experimental model to explore the role of metal dyshomeostasis in different human diseases. Finally, a summary of the contribution of Drosophila as a model for testing metal toxicity is provided

    Suicide deaths and substance use in the Galician provinces between 2006 and 2020

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    [Abstract] Background: Suicide is a serious public health problem that affects our entire country, including the Galician provinces. The aim of this research was to study the variation in completed suicide rates, between 2006 and 2020, in the different Galician provinces and their relationship with the consumption of addictive substances. Methods: Completed suicide data from the Spanish Office for National Statistics and the Institute of Legal Medicine of Galicia were analyzed with a Joinpoint regression model to determine time trends. The relationship between the variation in completed suicide rates with sociodemographic variables obtained from the Spanish Office for National Statistics and variables related to the consumption of substances obtained from the survey on alcohol and other drugs in Spain (EDADES) of the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs was also analyzed. Results: The Joinpoint regression model did not reveal any point of significant change in the period studied for any Galician province. The following variables correlated positively with the variation in completed suicide rates in the Galician provinces: masculinity ratio, average age, daily alcohol consumption and daily illegal substance consumption. Conclusion: Applying preventive strategies on the daily consumption of alcohol and illegal substances would help reduce the rates of completed suicide in the Galician provinces.Principado de Asturias; PCTI-2021-2023 IDI/2021/11

    Valorisation of Camellia sinensis branches as a raw product with green technology extraction methods

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    This work deals with the study of tea stalks from pruning debris using environmental friendly extraction technology to offer new healthy properties. In the manufacturing tea industry, tea trees require to be pruned every year and most of their remains are discarded as a waste with no economic value. Microwave aqueous extraction and pressurized hot water extraction process (autohydrolysis) were used to recover bioactive compounds from the tea branches. Operating at a fixed solid: liquid ratio (1:15), the effect of the maximum heating temperatures from 140 to 220 °C was studied. Liquid extracts were analysed for total phenolic, oligosaccharides, protein, mineral and heavy metals content, as well as for antioxidant capacity. The antitumoral possibilities were also determined for selected samples. The obtained results indicated that both processes could be used as an alternative to recover bioactive compounds from tea wastes, although microwave-assisted extraction allowed saving time when compared with autohydrolysis processing. The temperature exhibited a relevant effect on the total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity, decreasing with the microwave treatment and increasing with the autohydrolysis temperature. The obtained extracts could be adequate for incorporation in food and non-food fields.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. IJCI-2016-27535Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. RYC2018- 024454-

    Development and Validation of a Questionnaire of the Perioperative Nursing Competencies in Patient Safety

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    Delphi method; Competencies; Psychometric propertiesMètode Delphi; Competències; Propietats psicomètriquesMétodo Delphi; Competencias; Propiedades psicométricas(1) Background: This research presents the CUCEQS© (Spanish acronym for Questionnaire of Perioperative Nursing Safety Competencies), which evaluates the perception of perioperative nurses about their competencies related to surgical patient safety. The aim of the present study was to design, validate, and analyze the psychometric properties of the CUCEQS©. (2) Methods: We devised an instrumental, quantitative, and descriptive study divided into two phases: in the first, the questionnaire was designed through a Delphi method developed by perioperative nurses and experts in patient safety. In the second, the reliability, validity, and internal structure of the tool were evaluated. (3) Results: In the first phase, the items kept were those that obtained a mean equal to or higher than four out of five in the expert consensus, and a Content Validity Index higher than 0.78. In the second phase, at the global level, a Stratified Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.992 was obtained, and for each competency, Cronbach’s Alpha values between 0.81 and 0.97 were found. A first-order confirmatory factor analysis of the 17 subscales (RMSEA 0.028, (IC 90% = 0.026–0.029) and its observed measures was performed for the 164 items, as well as a second-order analysis of the four competencies (RMSEA = 0.034, (IC90% = 0.033–0.035). (4) Conclusions: The questionnaire is a valid tool for measuring the perceived level of competency by the perioperative nurses in surgical patient safety. This is the first questionnaire developed for this purpose, and the results obtained will facilitate the identification of areas to be improved by health professionals in patient safet

    The choice of screening instrument matters: the case of problematic cannabis use screening in spanish population of adolescents

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    The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility of problem cannabis use screening instruments administration within wide school surveys, their psychometric properties, overlaps, and relationships with other variables. Students from 7 Spanish regions, aged 14-18, who attended secondary schools were sampled by two-stage cluster sampling (net sample 14,589). Standardized, anonymous questionnaire including DSM-IV cannabis abuse criteria, Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST), and Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) was self-completed with paper and pencil in the selected classrooms. Data was analysed using classical psychometric theory, bivariate tests, and multinomial logistic regression analysis. Not responding to instruments' items (10.5-12.3%) was associated with reporting less frequent cannabis use. The instruments overlapped partially, with 16.1% of positives being positive on all three. SDS was more likely to identify younger users with lower frequency of use who thought habitual cannabis use posed a considerable problem. CAST positivity was associated with frequent cannabis use and related problems. It is feasible to use short psychometric scales in wide school surveys, but one must carefully choose the screening instrument, as different instruments identify different groups of users. These may correspond to different types of problematic cannabis use; however, measurement bias seems to play a role too.This study was conducted with financial support of Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (DGPNSD), Madrid, Spain, and European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Lisbon, Portugal.The authors would like to acknowledge Colin Taylor for providing useful advice and comments throughout the paper preparation.S

    Predictors of driving after alcohol and drug use among adolescents in Valencia (Spain).

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    Producción CientíficaBackground: Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs has been identified as a risk factor for road traffic crashes. We have assessed the prevalence and predictor factors for driving after alcohol and drug use by adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional survey involving 11,239 students aged 14–18 years from 252 private and public schools in the Valencia region of Spain was conducted. The prevalence and predictors of driving after alcohol use, alcohol and drug use, or drug use during the previous 6 months were measured. Results: Of the students who reported driving (20%), 45.1% indicated driving after alcohol and drug use. The consumption of various drugs was higher among students who drove a vehicle compared with those whodid not. The likelihood of driving after consuming alcohol, or alcohol and drugs, increased in line with the number of standard drink units per week, reports of any lifetime alcohol- or drug-related problems, and poor family relationship. In addition, masculine gender and early alcohol use increased the likelihood of driving after consuming alcohol. Conclusions: Driving after alcohol and drug use is quite prevalent among adolescents in the Valencia region of Spain. There is a need for implementation of targeted policies for adolescents. This should focus on education and information on alcohol/drug use and driving

    Seismic emergency planning in the municipalities of Elche and Alicante, Spain: first step for disaster management

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    The south and south-east of Spain are the regions with a higher seismic hazard in Spain. However, although a regional normative focused on the importance of developing seismic emergency planning in many of the municipalities of the Valencian Community was established in 2011, only Elche and Alicante have started to compute the seismic risk and it is planned that their emergency plans will be finished before the end of 2019. The seismic hazard update in the region has shown that the main earthquake scenarios, which will hit both cities, correspond to the Crevillente and the Bajo Segura faults (also responsible of damaging historical earthquakes). The main goal of the developed emergency planning (PAM) is to provide a fast, effective and coordinate response from the public and private stakeholders when a damaging earthquake happen. Assuring, therefore, the maximum protection to the inhabitants and infrastructures in the urban area. The basic functions of the PAM are: a) To establish clearly the organizational and functional structure for intervention in emergencies due to earthquakes that affect the territory; b) To assure the coordination between the emergency agencies at the national, regional and urban level; c) To map a seismic risk zonation that can be used to plan the intervention and locate non-damage infrastructures to be used in the emergency; d) To Increase the population resilience through emergency procedure and education.The present research has been funded by the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (CGL2016-77688-R AEI/FEDER,UE), the Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2016/098) and the cooperation and funding of the Elche and Alicante municipalities