32 research outputs found

    Unstressed Vowel Reduction Across Majorcan Catalan Dialects: Production and Spoken Word Recognition

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    This study investigates the production and auditory lexical processing of words involved in a patterned phonological alternation in two dialects of Catalan spoken on the island of Majorca, Spain. One of these dialects, that of Palma, merges /?/ and /o/ as [o] in unstressed position, and it maintains /u/ as an independent category, [u]. In the dialect of Soller, a small village, speakers merge unstressed /?/, /o/, and /u/ to [u]. First, a production study asks whether the discrete, rule-based descriptions of the vowel alternations provided in the dialectological literature are able to account adequately for these processes: are mergers complete? Results show that mergers are complete with regards to the main acoustic cue to these vowel contrasts, that is, F1. However, minor differences are maintained for F2 and vowel duration. Second, a lexical decision task using cross-modal priming investigates the strength with which words produced in the phonetic form of the neighboring (versus one's own) dialect activate the listeners' lexical representations during spoken word recognition: are words within and across dialects accessed efficiently? The study finds that listeners from one of these dialects, Soller, process their own and the neighboring forms equally efficiently, while listeners from the other one, Palma, process their own forms more efficiently than those of the neighboring dialect. This study has implications for our understanding of the role of lifelong linguistic experience on speech performance

    Un pedreny mallorquí famós

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    Redundancy can hinder adult L2 grammar learning: evidence from case markers of varying salience levels

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    Grammatical redundancy is a widespread feature across languages. Although redundant cues can be seen to increase the complexity and processing burden of structures, it has been suggested that they can assist language acquisition. Here, we explored if this learning benefit can be observed from the very initial stages of second language (L2) acquisition and whether the effect of redundancy is modulated by the perceptual salience of the redundant linguistic cues. Across two experiments, three groups of adult native speakers of English were incidentally exposed to three different artificial languages; one that had a fixed word order, Verb-Object-Subject, and two in which thematic role assignment was additionally determined by a low-salient (Experiment 1) or a high-salient (Experiment 2) redundant case marker. While all groups managed to learn the novel language, our results pointed towards a hindering role of redundancy, with participants in the non-redundant condition achieving greater learning outcomes compared to those in both redundant conditions. Results also revealed that this impeding effect of redundancy on L2 learners can be attenuated by the salience of the redundant cue (Experiment 2). In conjunction with earlier findings, the present results suggest that the effect of redundancy on L2 acquisition can be differentially manifested depending on the stage of L2 development, learners’ first language biases and age

    Redundancy can hinder adult L2 grammar learning: evidence from case markers of varying salience levels

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    Grammatical redundancy is a widespread feature across languages. Although redundant cues can be seen to increase the complexity and processing burden of structures, it has been suggested that they can assist language acquisition. Here, we explored if this learning benefit can be observed from the very initial stages of second language (L2) acquisition and whether the effect of redundancy is modulated by the perceptual salience of the redundant linguistic cues. Across two experiments, three groups of adult native speakers of English were incidentally exposed to three different artificial languages; one that had a fixed word order, Verb-Object-Subject, and two in which thematic role assignment was additionally determined by a low-salient (Experiment 1) or a high-salient (Experiment 2) redundant case marker. While all groups managed to learn the novel language, our results pointed towards a hindering role of redundancy, with participants in the non-redundant condition achieving greater learning outcomes compared to those in both redundant conditions. Results also revealed that this impeding effect of redundancy on L2 learners can be attenuated by the salience of the redundant cue (Experiment 2). In conjunction with earlier findings, the present results suggest that the effect of redundancy on L2 acquisition can be differentially manifested depending on the stage of L2 development, learners’ first language biases and age

    Differences in metabolic and physiological responses between local and widespread grapevine cultivars underwater deficit stress

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    Climate change forecasts suggest temperature increases and lower rainfall rates, both of which challenge viticulture, particularly in semi-arid areas where water availability is critical. In this scenario, tlx-use of tlx-genetic variability in grapevine varieties reported around the world represents an important strategy for the selection of climate-resilient cultivars. In this work, physiological and metabolomics analyses were conducted to Compare the water deficit stress (VVIJS) responses of red and white, local and widespread grapevines cultivars. Leaf gas exchange, water use efficiency (WUK) and water relation parameters were determined in plants under well-watered and WDS conditions alongside assessment of the levels of foliar primary metabolites using gas-chromatography coupled to mass-spectrometry. Results denote that red and white local cultivars displayed more adapted physiological performance under WDS as Compared to the widely-distributed ones. Multivariate analyses and specific changes in leaf primary metabolites indicate genotype-specific responses of local cultivars as Compared to widespread ones. Differences in ascorbate-related and shikimate/phenylpropanoid metabolism could explain the better physiological performance under WDS in red local as Compared to widespread cultivars. On the other hand, coordinated changes in respiratory- A nd stress-related sugars and amino acids Could underlie the better WUK under WDS in tlx-white local Cultivar. All these results suggest several metabolic targets that Could be useful as metabolic markers or for metabolic engineering in grapevine breeding programs to improve drought tolerance

    Efficiency of water usage in plants

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    La disponibilidad de agua es el principal factor limitante de la producción agrícola y ganadera en ambientes de clima mediterráneo. Limitación que, ante las previsiones de Cambio Climático Global realizadas por organismo internacionales, serán mucho mayores en los próximos años. En este escenario, la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos hídricos debe ser un aspecto transversal de las políticas públicas que debe, por tanto, ser afrontado desde diversos puntos de vista. En este sentido, uno de los temas claves a considerar es la eficiencia con la que las plantas usan el agua. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una revisión de los diferentes aspectos relacionados con este tema, considerando las diferentes escalas a las que se estudia la eficiencia en el uso del agua por las plantas (EUA), desde la hoja hasta el cultivo o el ecosistema. Así, se abordan las dificultades técnicas que existen para medir, de una forma precisa, la EUA de un cultivo o de un ecosistema, la importancia del ambiente y de las prácticas agronómicas como determinantes de la EUA, la diversidad genética inter e intraespecífica, y las implicaciones prácticas de estos factores a la hora de incrementar la EUA.Water availability is the most important limiting factor in plant and animal production under Mediterranean conditions. In a Global Climate Change scenario, this limitation will be even greater in the following years, according to the International Institutions predictions. In this sense, the efficiency of water resources utilization should be a key point of public policies that must be discussed from different points of view. One of these is Plant Water Use Efficiency (WUE). The objective of this paper is to review the different aspects related to WUE, considering the approach levels, from leaf to crop or ecosystem. The technical difficulties to measure accurately WUE at crop or ecosystem level, the environment and agronomical practices importance in WUE determination, the inter and intraspecific plant genetic diversity, as well as the practical implications of each factor to increase WUE are discussed.Los trabajos realizados por el Grup de Biologia de les plantes en condicions mediterrànies sobre eficiencia en el uso del agua forman parte de los proyectos: PRIB-2004-10144, financiado por el Govern de les Illes Balears, e INCO-PERMED (PL 509140), financiado por la Unión Europea

    Assessment of a laboratory critical risk result notification protocol in a tertiary care hospital and their use in clinical decision making

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    Introduction: Communication of laboratory critical risk results is essential for patient safety, as it allows early decision making. Our aims were: 1) to retrospectively evaluate the current protocol for telephone notification of critical risk results in terms of rates, efficiency and recipient satisfaction, 2) to assess their use in clinical decision making and 3) to suggest alternative tools for a better assessment of notification protocols. Materials and methods: The biochemical critical risk result notifications reported during 12 months by routine and STAT laboratories in a tertiary care hospital were reviewed. Total number of reports, time for the notification and main magnitudes with critical risk results were calculated. The use of notifications in clinical decision making was assessed by reviewing medical records. Satisfaction with the notification protocol was assessed through an online questionnaire to requesting physicians and nurses. Results: Critical result was yielded by 0.1% of total laboratory tests. Median time for notification was 3.2 min (STAT) and 16.9 min (routine). The magnitudes with a greater number of critical results were glucose and potassium for routine analyses, and troponin, sodium for STAT. Most notifications were not reflected in the medical records. Overall mean satisfaction with the protocol was 4.2/5. Conclusion: The results obtained indicate that the current protocol is appropriate. Nevertheless, there are some limitations that hamper the evaluation of the impact on clinical decision making. Alternatives were proposed for a proper and precise evaluation

    Caracterització municipal del sector agrari de les Illes Balears. Evolució del subsector agrícola de l'illa de Mallorca (2002-2015)

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    [cat] S’estudia el sector agrari de les Illes Balears a partir de les dades de l’any 2015 procedents de la Política Agrària Comuna (PAC), del Servei de Ramaderia, del Servei de Gestió Forestal i Protecció del Sòl, del Registre Vitícola de les Illes Balears i les superfícies del cultiu de l'olivera procedents del Sistema d'Identificació Geogràfica de Parcel·les Agrícoles (SIGPAC Oleícola). En aquest treball es combina l'anàlisi multivariant, Clúster i Components Principals (PCA), amb la tecnologia aportada pel Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (GIS), obtenint una eina molt útil per a la presa de decisions en benefici del sector. A partir de les dades a escala municipal de l'ús del sòl, vegetació natural i censos ramaders, es realitza una anàlisi Clúster i els resultats obtinguts es representen en un dendrograma, el que permet agrupar els municipis amb similars característiques i posteriorment generar mapes amb aquests resultats. Les anàlisis es realitzen de cada illa, i de forma conjunta amb tots els municipis de l’arxipèlag. Per altra banda, a partir de les dades de l’illa de Mallorca de la Política Agrària Comuna de l’any 2002, juntament amb les de l’any 2015 es realitza una estadística descriptiva per estudiar l’evolució del subsector agrícola. Les principals diferències entre municipis responen principalment a la seva importància ramadera, especialment en Unitats de Bestiar Gros (UBG). Finalment, les diferències entre les superfícies conreades a l’any 2002 i 2015 responen bàsicament a canvis normatius a la Política Agrària Comuna (PAC)

    Caracterització del sector agrari de les Illes Balears a partir de criteris agrícoles, forestals i ramaders

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    [cat] S’estudia el sector agrari de les Illes Balears a partir de criteris forestals, agrícoles i ramaders. Les dades procedeixen de la Política Agrària Comuna, del Servei de Ramaderia, del Servei de Gestió Forestal i Protecció del Sòl i de l’Institut d’Estadística de les Illes Balears. Una vegada elaborada la base de dades, aquesta s’analitza i es millora amb dades precedents d’altres fonts. Per una banda, es corregeix la superfície de l’olivar i la de la vinya per a vinificació. Per altra banda, s’afegeix el cens de reproductores de la raça frisona i el del porc negre. A continuació, es realitza una estadística descriptiva que permet la caracterització del subsector agrícola i del ramader, efectuant una anàlisi més profunda d’aquest darrer, estudiant l’estructura de les explotacions ramaderes de cada espècie, calculant la càrrega ramadera per illes i avaluant l’evolució del cens ramader per espècies i per illes. El subsector agrícola de les Illes Balears presenta una realitat molt diferenciada entre illes, especialment pel que fa als cultius i al nombre i dimensió de les explotacions agrícoles. Mallorca i les Pitiüses tenen una distribució similar respecte als cultius, mentre que a Menorca quasi la totalitat de la superfície agrària es troba destinada a pastures. El subsector ramader de les Illes Balears presenta una realitat molt diferenciada entre illes, pel que fa al cens i al nombre i dimensió de les explotacions ramaderes. A més, l’evolució del cens és molt diferent entre espècies, disminuint a totes, a excepció de l’equí.[eng] The agricultural sector of the Balearic Islands is studied on the basis of forestry, agricultural and livestock criteria. The origin of the data is Common Agricultural Policy, Cattle Service, Forest Management and Soil Protection Service, and Statistical Institute of the Balearic Islands. Once the database is prepared, it is analyzed and improved with data from other sources. On the one hand, it corrects the surface pf the olive grove and vineyard for wine making. On the other hand, is added to the players the Frisian and the Black Pig. Next, a descriptive statistic is made that allows the characterization of the agricultural sub-sector and the cattle rancher, making a deeper analysis of the latter, studying the structure of the cattle of every kind, calculating the livestock load for islands and evaluating the evolution of the livestock census for spices and islands. The agricultural sub-sector of the Balearic Islands has a distinct reality islands, especially with regard to crops and to the number and size of the farms. Majorca and Pitiüses Islands have a similar distribution with respect to crops. Almost all the agricultural surface of Menorca is destined to pastures. The livestock sub-sector of the Balearic Islands has a distinct reality islands, as of the census and the number and size of the farms. The evolution of the livestock census is very different between species, diminishing at all except for the horses