372 research outputs found

    Investigació-acció per a l’avaluació del programa d’agenda 21 escolar de Sant Cugat del Vallès

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    Es desenvolupa una avaluació del programa A21E de l’ajuntament de Sant Cugat, del qual n’és responsable tècnic un dels investigadors, a través d’una col·laboració entre la UAB i l’Ajuntament. Amb l’objectiu de millorar el programa i orientar l’Educació per la Sostenibilitat municipal envers la participació comunitària de les escoles, es busca comprendre en la seva complexitat els quatre primers casos des de la posada en marxa del programa. A partir d’entrevistes semi-estructurades a triplets d’actors per cada cas (mestres responsables, educadors/es ambientals que assessoren el programa i tècnics de l’ajuntament) i l’estudi de documents, s’analitzen les dades per extreure’n unes assercions que permeten comprendre els casos i orientar un nou model. Les propostes de millora es fan en el si d’un grup de treball de mestres de les escoles públiques del municipi, educadors/es ambientals i investigadors generats pel propi procés de recerca

    Theoretical design proposal for simulated hot asphalt mixture at a temperature below zero degrees Celsius

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    In the world there are adverse climates, climates that hinder the good construction and paving of roads, generating insecurity among the locals and visitors. This over time affects the economy of a country, as a road boosts tourism, transport and commerce. Therefore, a mixture was designed to mitigate a problem in the placement of hot asphalt mixture at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius. That is, a conventional mix design was proposed, but with different types of filler (lime, Portland cement type I and silica) tested with the Marshall and Lottman method which are governed according to the EG-2013 standards [1] and parameters established in the Asphalt Institute [2]. To find the optimum, it was tested with 5.0%, 5.5% 6.0% and 6.5% asphalt cement. Then with the results obtained a comparative analysis was performed. Finally, specimens without any additives were made, the specimens once prepared at 140°C were subjected to freezing, resulting in the three types of filler, that the hot asphalt mixture with incorporation of Portland cement type I to a 5, 90% of asphalt cement is the optimum since, subject to extreme temperatures below 0°C they comply with the parameters required in the standards

    Adoption of the personas technique in the open source software development process

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    The growth in the number of non-developer open source software (OSS) application users and the escalating use of these applications have led to the need and interest in developing usable OSS. OSS communities do not generally know how to apply usability techniques and are unclear about which techniques to use in each activity of the development process. The aim of our research is to adopt the Personas usability technique in the PSeInt OSS project and determine the feasibility of adapting the technique for application. To do this, we participated as volunteers in the project. We used the case study research method during technique application and participation in the community. As a result, we identified adverse conditions that were an obstacle to technique application and modified the technique to make it applicable. We can conclude from our experience that these changes were helpful for applying the technique, although it was not easy to recruit OSS users to participate in usability technique applicationThis research has been partly funded by several organizations, including the Government of Ecuador’s Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) through a scholarship and the State Technical University of Quevedo through doctoral training scholarships for university professors. Also this research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports FLEXOR and “Realizando Experimentos en la Industria del Software: Comprensión del Paso de Laboratorio a la Realidad” projects (TIN2014-52129-R and TIN2014-60490-P, respectively) and the eMadrid-CM “Investi-gación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías Educativas en la Comunidad de Madrid” project (S2013/ICE-2715


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    The present investigation entitled “Stress Level and Coping Strategies in Nursing Students At The Unsa Faculty, Arequipa 2006,” had as its aim to determine the relationship between stress level and coping strategies, to this effect a cross-sectional type study with correlation design was made. The sample under study was 234 students from 1st to 4th year, selected through a grouped probability sampling. For the gathering of information, the survey was used as a method; a questionnaire as the technique, and the Social Readjustment Rating Scale of Holmes and Rahe and the COPE's Questionnaire of Coping Estimation as instruments, which consider problem focused strategies, emotion and perception. The conclusions obtained are: 1) the majority of the studied population was of female gender, with an age range from 19 to 20 years, the year of study noted a higher number of students and higher level of stress the 1st year, followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th year. The great the majority of students reported regular enrolment, 2) The stress level was severe (29.91%). 3) The most utilized strategies directed at the problem were "planning" and "active coping," aimed at emotion: "positive reinterpretation and growth" and "denial," and targeted to perception: "mental misunderstanding" and "focusing and release of emotions." Finally, the statistical test of correlation of F statistic was used for hypothesis verification, and it concluded that there is a relationship between the level of stress and coping strategies.La presente investigación titulada “Nivel de estrés y Estrategias de Afrontamiento en estudiantes de la Facultad de Enfermería-UNSA. Arequipa 2006”, tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el nivel de estrés y las estrategias de afrontamiento, para tal efecto se realizó un estudio de tipo transeccional con diseño correlacional, la muestra en estudio fue de 234 estudiantes de primero a cuarto año, seleccionada mediante un muestreo probabilístico estratificado. Para la recolección de información se utilizó como método, la encuesta; técnica el cuestionario y como instrumentos: la Escala de Estrés de Holmes y Rahe y el Cuestionario de estimación de Afrontamiento de COPE, que considera estrategias enfocadas al problema, emoción y percepción. Como conclusiones se obtuvo que: 1) la mayor parte de la población estudiada fue de sexo femenino, con rango de edad de 19 a 20 años, el año de estudio que apuntó mayor número de estudiantes y mayor nivel de estrés fue el primer año, seguido de segundo, tercero y cuarto año; además la gran mayoría de estudiantes registra matrícula regular, 2) El nivel de estrés se encontró severo (29.91%). 3) Las estrategias más utilizadas orientadas al problema fueron: “planificación” y “afrontamiento activo”; orientadas a la emoción: “reinterpretación positiva y crecimiento” y “negación” y orientadas a la percepción: “desentendimiento mental” y “enfocar y liberar emociones”.Finalmente, se hizo uso de la prueba estadística de correlación del estadístico F para la comprobación de la hipótesis, concluyendo que existe relación entre el nivel de estrés y las estrategias de afrontamiento

    Kahoot! A Digital Tool for Learning Vocabulary in a language classroom

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    Integrating technology in the classroom has increased in the last few years. Previous studies on the interactive response system (IRS) have generally being in mind of instructors of languages to facilitate teaching and learning process. The purpose of the present study was therefore to explore the use of the online platform Kahoot! As a tool for teaching and learning vocabulary in an English Class. A quasi experimental design process was developed throughout a period of time to see how helpful this tool was in the learning vocabulary process in English Language classroom. The results support previous studies which found that using IRS improved learners”™ engagement and interaction. They also provide further evidence that the use of Kahoot! Increased motivation and improved acquisition of vocabulary for later exams. The results of the students”™ satisfaction survey indicated that students enjoyed playing Kahoot! And found it easy to use. It is necessary to use classroom technology in language classrooms to improve learning, and gamification is one of the latest approaches used in language classes. Kahoot! is a platform that can be used also for informal assessment

    VEGF-related polymorphisms identified by GWAS and risk for major depression

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    La depresión es una enfermedad mental común, grave e incapacitante que afecta a millones de personas de todas las edades en todo el mundo. Varios estudios han demostrado que los factores neurotróficos / de crecimiento tienen un papel clave en la depresión y, más específicamente, el factor de crecimiento endotelial vascular (VEGF) está implicado en la patogénesis de la depresión. El propósito de este estudio fue investigar los posibles vínculos entre cuatro polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP) relacionados con VEGF, previamente identificados a través de un estudio de asociación de genoma completo (GWAS) y la depresión. Los efectos directos y las interacciones epistáticas de los cuatro SNP relacionados con VEGF (rs10738760, rs6921438, rs6993770 y rs4416670) sobre la depresión se investigaron a través de un estudio de casos y controles que incluyó a 437 personas diagnosticadas con depresión y 477 voluntarios sanos como controles. El sexo, la edad y la influencia del índice de masa corporal se analizaron adicionalmente. El SNP rs4416670 se asoció con un mayor riesgo de depresión (OR: 1.60, P: 0.010). Este resultado demuestra la existencia de relaciones entre los determinantes genéticos del VEGF y la depresión. Esta novedosa asociación revela nuevos mecanismos moleculares que sugieren el papel potencial del VEGF en el desarrollo de la depresión que podría ayudar a promover una predicción personalizada para esta enfermedad común grave.Depression is a common, severe, disabling mental disease that affects millions of people of all ages worldwide. Various studies have shown that neurotrophic/growth factors have a key role in depression and, more specifically, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is implicated in the pathogenesis of depression. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential links between four VEGF-related single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), previously identified through a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and depression. The direct effects and epistatic interactions of the four VEGF-related SNPs (rs10738760, rs6921438, rs6993770 and rs4416670) on depression were investigated through a case–control study including 437 individuals diagnosed with depression and 477 healthy volunteers as controls. Gender, age and body mass index influence was additionally analyzed. The SNP rs4416670 was associated with increased risk for depression (OR: 1.60, P: 0.010). This result demonstrates the existence of relationships between VEGF genetic determinants and depression. This novel association reveals new molecular mechanisms suggesting the potential role of VEGF in depression development that could help to promote a personalized prediction for this severe common disease.• Région Lorraine y Fondo Social Europeo. Ayuda • Junta de Extremadura. Ayuda TE14002, para Áura Delgado Regalado • Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Programa Sara Borrell. Proyecto CD13/00348, para Fernando de Andrés SegurapeerReviewe

    No strong dependence of Lyman continuum leakage on physical properties of star-forming galaxies at 3.1 ≲ z ≲ 3.5

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    We present Lyman continuum (LyC) radiation escape fraction (fesc) measurements for 183 spectroscopically confirmed star-forming galaxies in the redshift range 3.11 300 Å. For candidate LyC leakers, we find a weak negative correlation between fesc and galaxy stellar masses, no correlation between fesc and specific star-formation rates (sSFRs) and a positive correlation between fesc and EW0([O III] + Hβ). The weak/no correlations between stellar mass and sSFRs may be explained by misaligned viewing angles and/or non-coincident timescales of starburst activity and periods of high fesc. Alternatively, escaping radiation may predominantly occur in highly localised star-forming regions, or fesc measurements may be impacted by stochasticity of the intervening neutral medium, obscuring any global trends with galaxy properties. These hypotheses have important consequences for models of reionisation

    The VANDELS survey: Global properties of CIII]lambda 1908 angstrom emitting star-forming galaxies at z similar to 3

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    Context. Strong nebular emission is ubiquitous in galaxies that contribute to cosmic reionization at redshift za a 6. High-ionization UV metal lines, such as CIII]λ1908 A, show high equivalent widths (EW) in these early galaxies, suggesting harder radiation fields at low metallicity than low-z galaxies of similar stellar mass. Understanding the physical properties driving the observed UV nebular line emission at high-z requires large and very deep spectroscopic surveys, which are now only accessible out to za a a 4. Aims. We study the mean properties of a large representative sample of 217 galaxies showing CIII] emission at 2a <a za <a 4, selected from a parent sample of a 750 main-sequence star-forming galaxies in the VANDELS survey. These CIII] emitters have a broad range of UV luminosities, allowing for a detailed stacking analysis to characterize their stellar mass, star formation rate (SFR), and metallicity as a function of the UV emission line ratios, EWs, and the carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) abundance ratio. Methods. Stacking provides unprecedented high signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra for CIII] emitters over more than three decades in luminosity, stellar mass, and SFR. This enables a full spectral fitting to derive stellar metallicities for each stack. Moreover, we use diagnostics based on photoionization models and UV line ratios to constrain the ionization sources of the galaxies and derive the C/O abundance. Results. Reliable CIII] detections (S/Na a ¥a 3) represent a 30% of the parent sample. However, stacked spectra of non-detections (S/Na <a 3) show weak (EW a 2 A) CIII] emission, suggesting that this line is common in normal star-forming galaxies at za a a 3. On the other hand, extreme CIII] emitters (EW(CIII]) a 8 A) are exceedingly rare (a 3%) in VANDELS. The UV line ratios of the sample suggest no ionization source other than massive stars. Stacks with larger EW(CIII]) show larger EW(Lyα) and lower metallicity, but not all CIII] emitters are Lyα emitters. The stellar metallicities of CIII] emitters are not significantly different from that of the parent sample, increasing from a 10% to a 40% solar for stellar masses log(Ma/Ma) a 9a? 10.5. The stellar mass-metallicity relation of the CIII] emitters is consistent with previous works, exhibiting a strong evolution from za =a 0 to za a a 3. The C/O abundances of the sample range between 35%a? 150% solar, with a noticeable increase with FUV luminosity and a smooth decrease with the CIII] EW. Here, we discuss the CIII] emitters in the C/Oa Fe/H and the C/Oa O/H planes and we find that they follow stellar and nebular abundance trends consistent with those of Milky Way halo and thick-disk stars and local HII galaxies, respectively. A qualitative agreement is also found with chemical evolution models, which suggests that CIII] emitters at za a a 3 are experiencing an active phase of chemical enrichment. Conclusions. Our results provide new insights into the nature of UV line emitters at za a a 2a 4, paving the way for future studies at higher z using the James Webb Space Telescope

    Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC) Guideline for CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 Genotypes and Dosing of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

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    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are primary treatment options for major depressive and anxiety disorders. CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 polymorphisms can influence the metabolism of SSRIs, thereby affecting drug efficacy and safety. We summarize evidence from the published literature supporting these associations and provide dosing recommendations for fluvoxamine, paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, and sertraline based on CYP2D6 and/or CYP2C19 genotype (updates at www.pharmgkb.org)