11 research outputs found

    Intèrpret o amic? : El paper de l'intèrpret en la integració dels refugiats a la Itàlia del populisme de dretes

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    Aquest treball explorarà dues qüestions que, tot i que semblen independents, estan molt més relacionades del que ens pensem: d'una banda, els àmbits social i demogràfic i, de l'altra, la professió d'intèrpret. Concretament, es centrarà en el fenomen de la immigració a Itàlia, un assumpte molt polèmic i que, al llarg dels últims anys, ha provocat diversos escàndols internacionals: el govern d'Itàlia, un país que rep grans fluxos migratoris, lluita contra l'arribada d'immigrants sense papers. Després d'estudiar l'àmbit demogràfic, l'objectiu principal es veure com l'opinió política es reflecteix en el procés d'acollida d'aquests immigrants. Resulta especialment interessant estudiar el paper dels intèrprets, que són precisament la peça que fa d'enllaç entre unes persones que es troben en una situació molt vulnerable i l'administració italiana, que no se'n vol fer càrrec. Analitzarem en quin context i en quines condicions aquests intèrprets duen a terme la seva feina i quina seria la situació ideal perquè els poguessin desenvolupar les seves funcions tal com s'explica als manuals de la professió.Este trabajo explorará dos cuestiones que, a pesar de que parecen independientes, están mucho más relacionadas de lo que creemos: por un lado, los ámbitos social y demográfico y, por el otro, la profesión de intérprete. Concretamente, se centrará en el fenómeno de la inmigración en Italia, un asunto muy polémico y que, a lo largo de los últimos años, ha provocado varios escándalos internacionales: el gobierno de Italia, un país que recibe grandes flujos migratorios, lucha contra la llegada de inmigrantes sin papeles. Después de estudiar el ámbito demográfico, el objetivo principal será ver como la opinión política se refleja en el proceso de acogida de estos inmigrantes. Resulta especialmente interesante estudiar el papel de los intérpretes, que son precisamente la pieza que hace de enlace entre unas personas que se encuentran en una situación muy vulnerable y la administración italiana, que no se quiere hacer cargo de ellos. Analizaremos en qué contexto y en qué condiciones estos intérpretes llevan a cabo su trabajo y qué sería la situación ideal para que pudiesen desarrollar sus funciones tal y como explican los manuales de la profesión.This paper will explore two issues which, although they seem independent, are much more closely related than we think: on the one hand, the social and demographic areas and, on the other hand, the profession of the interpreter. In particular, it will focus on the phenomenon of immigration to Italy, a very controversial issue which, over the last few years, has led to several international scandals: the government of Italy, a country which receives large migratory flows, is fighting the arrival of immigrants without papers. After studying the demographic field, the main objective is to see how the political opinion is reflected in the process of receiving these immigrants. It is especially interesting to study the role of the interpreters, who are precisely the link between people who are in a very vulnerable situation and the Italian administration, which does not want to take control of them. We will look into the context and the conditions under which these interpreters carry out their work and what the ideal situation would be for the interpreters to be able to carry out their duties as the manuals of the profession explain

    C5aR1 governs Mreg migration, development, and function

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    T cell expression of C5a receptor 2 augments murine regulatory T cell (T) generation and T-dependent cardiac allograft survival

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    C5aR2 (C5L2/gp77) is a seven-transmembrane spanning receptor that binds to C5a but lacks motifs essential for G protein coupling and associated signal transduction. C5aR2 is expressed on immune cells, modulates various inflammatory diseases in mice, and has been shown to facilitate murine and human regulatory T cell (T) generation in vitro. Whether and how C5aR2 impacts in vivo Tgeneration and pathogenic T cell-dependent disease models have not been established. In this article, we show that murine T cells express and upregulate C5aR2 during induced T(iT) generation and that the absence of T cell-expressed C5aR2 limits in vivo iTgeneration following adoptive transfer of naive CD4T cells intorecipients. Using newly generated C5aR2-transgenic mice, we show that overexpression of C5aR2 in naive CD4T cells augments in vivo iTgeneration. In a model of T-dependent cardiac allograft survival, recipient C5aR2 deficiency accelerates graft rejection associated with lower T/effector T cell ratios, whereas overexpression of C5aR2 in immune cells prolongs graft survival associated with an increase in T/effector T cell ratios. T cell-expressed C5aR2 modulates Tinduction without altering effector T cell proliferation or cytokine production. Distinct from reported findings in neutrophils and macrophages, T-expressed C5aR2 does not interact with β-arrestin or inhibit ERK1/2 signaling. Rather, cumulative evidence supports the conclusion that C5aR2 limits C5aR1-initiated signals known to inhibit Tinduction. Together, the data expand the role of C5aR2 in adaptive immunity by providing in vivo evidence that T cell-expressed C5aR2 physiologically modulates iTgeneration and iT-dependent allograft survival

    Do drug transporter (ABCB1) SNPs and P-glycoprotein function influence cyclosporine and macrolides exposure in renal transplant patients? Results of the pharmacogenomic substudy within the symphony study

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    The function of the efflux pump P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and ABCB1 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) should be considered as important tools to deepen knowledge of drug nephrotoxicity and disposition mechanisms. The aim of this study is to investigate the association of C3435T, G2677T, C1236T, and T129C ABCB1 SNPs with Pgp activity and exposure to different immunosuppressive drugs in renal transplant patients. Patients included in the Symphony Pharmacogenomic substudy were genotyped for ABCB1 SNPs. According to the design, patients were randomized into four immunosuppressive regimens: low and standard dose of cyclosporine (n = 30), tacrolimus (n = 13), and sirolimus (n = 23) concomitantly with mycophenolate and steroids. Pgp activity was evaluated in PBMC using the Rhodamine 123 efflux assay. TT carrier patients on C3435T, G2677T, and C1236T SNPs (Pgp-low pumpers) showed lower Pgp activity than noncarriers. Pgp-high pumpers treated with cyclosporine showed lower values of Pgp function than macrolides. There was a negative correlation between cyclosporine AUC and Pgp activity at 3 months. Results did not show any correlation between tacrolimus and sirolimus AUC and Pgp activity at 3 months. We found an important role of the ABCB1 SNPs Pgp function in CD3+ peripheral blood lymphocytes from renal transplant recipients. Pgp activity was influenced by cyclosporine but not macrolides exposure

    Interferon-beta acts directly on T cells to prolong allograft survival by enhancing regulatory T cell induction through Foxp3 acetylation

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    Type I interferons (IFNs) are pleiotropic cytokines with potent antiviral properties that also promote protective T cell and humoral immunity. Paradoxically, type I IFNs, including the widely expressed IFN beta, also have immunosuppressive properties, including promoting persistent viral infections and treating T-cell-driven, remitting-relapsing multiple sclerosis. Although associative evidence suggests that IFN beta mediates these immunosuppressive effects by impacting regulatory T (Treg) cells, mechanistic links remain elusive. Here, we found that IFN beta enhanced graft survival in a Treg-cell-dependent murine transplant model. Genetic conditional deletion models revealed that the extended allograft survival was Treg cell-mediated and required IFN beta signaling on T cells. Using an in silico computational model and analysis of human immune cells, we found that IFN beta directly promoted Treg cell induction via STAT1- and P300-dependent Foxp3 acetylation. These findings identify a mechanistic connection between the immunosuppressive effects of IFN beta and Treg cells, with therapeutic implications for transplantation, autoimmunity, and malignancy