28 research outputs found

    Migration from Dalmatia to South America

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    Ovaj zavrÅ”ni rad ima za cilj objasniti razloge emigriranja stanovnika Dalmacije u JuÅ£nu Ameriku; kad su se tamo poĉeli naseljavati prvi ljudi koji su potjecali iz ove regije, kakvi su Å£ivotni uvjeti tada bili, zaÅ”to su otiÅ”li baÅ” na ovaj kontinent, koliko njihovih potomaka danas ima te kako su se snaÅ”li u novoj okolini. Rad je najviÅ”e fokusiran na period kad su migracije poprimile karakter masovnosti, odnosno na kraj devetnaestog i poĉetak dvadesetog stoljeća. Tada je zapadna Europa prolazila kroz zavrÅ”nu fazu iseljavanja domicilnog stanovniÅ”tva u Novi svijet, dok su juÅ£ni i istoĉni dio Starog kontinenta bili tek zahvaćeni ovom pojavom. Hrvatske zemlje su u tom razdoblju bile u sklopu Austro-Ugarske monarhije koja nije mogla sprijeĉiti masovni odlazak ljudi iz svih dijelova svoje zemlje. Pod nazivom Dalmacija, smatra se podruĉje koje se nalazi u sastavu Republike Hrvatske, na sjeveru se proteÅ£e od otoka Paga i planine Velebit, do rta OÅ”tro, koja je najjuÅ£nija kopnena toĉka u zemlji. Ima kopnenu granicu s Bosnom i Hercegovinom i Crnom Gorom

    Migration from Dalmatia to South America

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    Ovaj zavrÅ”ni rad ima za cilj objasniti razloge emigriranja stanovnika Dalmacije u JuÅ£nu Ameriku; kad su se tamo poĉeli naseljavati prvi ljudi koji su potjecali iz ove regije, kakvi su Å£ivotni uvjeti tada bili, zaÅ”to su otiÅ”li baÅ” na ovaj kontinent, koliko njihovih potomaka danas ima te kako su se snaÅ”li u novoj okolini. Rad je najviÅ”e fokusiran na period kad su migracije poprimile karakter masovnosti, odnosno na kraj devetnaestog i poĉetak dvadesetog stoljeća. Tada je zapadna Europa prolazila kroz zavrÅ”nu fazu iseljavanja domicilnog stanovniÅ”tva u Novi svijet, dok su juÅ£ni i istoĉni dio Starog kontinenta bili tek zahvaćeni ovom pojavom. Hrvatske zemlje su u tom razdoblju bile u sklopu Austro-Ugarske monarhije koja nije mogla sprijeĉiti masovni odlazak ljudi iz svih dijelova svoje zemlje. Pod nazivom Dalmacija, smatra se podruĉje koje se nalazi u sastavu Republike Hrvatske, na sjeveru se proteÅ£e od otoka Paga i planine Velebit, do rta OÅ”tro, koja je najjuÅ£nija kopnena toĉka u zemlji. Ima kopnenu granicu s Bosnom i Hercegovinom i Crnom Gorom

    Mehanička svojstva nehrđajućeg čelika pri niskim temperaturama

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    Prijevoz ukapljenog plina brodovima ima sve značajniji udio u pomorskom prijevozu. Ukapljeni plin se prevozi u nestrukturnim tankovima na -165Ā°C te se na takve brodove postavljaju visoki zahtjevi u pogledu mehaničkih svojstava materijala. U članku su uvodno prikazani tipovi brodova za prijevoz ukapljenog plina te su navedene značajke materijala za gradnju strukture skladiÅ”nih prostora. Nadalje, navedeni su zahtjevi Hrvatskog registra za ispitivanje mehaničkih svojstava materijala na niskim temperaturama. Prikazana je oprema za ispitivanje, uzorak za testiranje te procedura ispitivanja. Uzorci su se ispitivali na 4 različite temperature od 0Ā° do -165Ā°C. Tokom ispitivanja za materijal su se određivali iznosi vlačne čvrstoće, deformacija, istezljivosti te modula elastičnosti. Zaključno su dana razmatranja o mehaničkim svojstvima materijala pri niskim temperaturama

    Studentsā€™ attitudes on persons suffering from psychological malfunctions: addition to stereotype research

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    Introduction: This paper deals with studentā€™s attitudes towards the persons suffering from mental disorders and addicts to PAS ā€“ alcohol and drugs. It was our desire to introduce changes to the Mental Disorders Sociology Course based on the given answers. The main aim of the research was to study so-called social representation that future professionals have on those categories of the mentally ill. We also tried to establish the link between attitude direction and some socio-demographic characteristics of the researched families. We used questionnaires about socio-demographic characteristics of the responders, the typical perception of the mentally ill, drug addicts and alcoholics, and, using the Lickert type scale, the attitudes towards the mentally ill. The study included 63 responders. The mentally ill are seen as: aggressive, unpredictable and secluded. 60% of responders agreed that the mentally ill need to be intellectually active, 1/3 were undecided, while less than 10% believe that such activity is unnecessary. About 70% stated that they would accept a person who is seeking treatment for mental disorder as a co-worker, less than Ā¼, were undecided, and about 8% stated that they would not be able to work with a mentally ill person. It appears that tolerance for the mentally ill has increased, while on the other hand the stereotype of a drug addict and a alcoholic is still connected with appearance, aggressiveness and psychological features more than with social and moral failing as research by Popovic et al. has shown in the 80ā€™s

    Quality Management: Patients Reflections on Health Care at Outpatient Clinic of Internal Medicine Department

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    Middle and older age group relative share in the community permanently grows. Those are commonly burdened with several chronic health conditions or elevated incidence of acute ones and in more frequent need for consulting health services. In the era of modern technical medicine, it is important to increase quality of services particularly patients orientated. Department of Internal medicine developed questionnaire to assess reflections on medical care from the receiver of medical services point of view. Sample was formed from individuals that visited outpatient triage Unit (OTU) and voluntary enrolled, during period April 1 ā€“ August 31 2008 for any medical reason. Study population structure had similarly equally of both genders, socio-economical background, and was in age range 18ā€“87. Questionnaire was developed by team of experienced personnel covering satisfaction on received medical care. There were 279 returned formulary in a sample of 6700 patients (4.18%). Patients visited OTU chiefly on behalf medical condition secondary to address of residency, followed by personal choice, on advice given by general practitioner, by emergency transportation services, or just due to earlier experiences. Regarding provided medical care extent, 4/5 of patients were examined in lesser than 2 hours, while total workup lasted mostly for 2ā€“4, followed by over four. Over half of patients were moderate toward highly satisfied with provided medical information, personnel communication style and general reflection on all services while being in the Department premises. Astonishing proportion of patients (93%) was satisfied with positive personnel communication. Integration of patientsā€™ self-perceived reports about medical services in organizing process is inevitable for augmenting content and at the same time valuable for developing overall quality of treatment. Communication excellence is of premier importance and unavoidable for giving additional positive effect to remain health status or to ease the healing process of individual and their families

    Position of Intragastric Balloons in Global Initiative for Obesity Treatment

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    Obesity is chronic disease with multiple health consequences and among the most severe health problems worldwide. According to public health records around 65% of population in Croatia are overweight and 20% obese. National physicians chamber with support of Health and Social Welfare Ministry gave recommendations on diagnosing and treating of obesity in form of national consensus. Treatment of obesity is complex and enrolls multiple clinical specialties. Change of life style, strenuous physical activity and pharmacotherapy are part of conservative treatments. Patients are treated more efficiently by minimally invasive endoscopic procedures or bariatric surgery depending on starting body mass index score. Implantation of intragastric balloons is conceptually simple method of obesity treatment. Modern devices as Bio- Enterics intragastric balloons (BIBĀ®), (Inamed Health, USA) are gaining wide popularity among both patients and physicians. BIB intragastric offers the best gains with individuals ranging BMI from 35 to 40. Efficiency has relative timeline dependance from 85% at 6 months to 24% at 36 months. BIB offers substantial ameliorative influence on obesity comorbidities, particularly cardiovascular risk. Treatment with BIB is also efficient but transient treatment modality in morbidly and superobese individuals to reduce preoperative risks of general and bariatric surgery. Obesity treatment with BIB is well tolerated and safe, offering better quality of life. Nevertheless, due to relative poor results of conservative obesity treatments on long term follow up further investigations defining new clinical parameters for solving treatment resistance. In order to provide resourcefully individualized approach modern perspectives are focused on endocrine constitutes of obesity. Hormonal effects of BIB treatment in compare to bariatric surgery are potentially interesting for the prospect studies

    Buckwheat yield traits response as influenced by row spacing, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium management

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    Buckwheat is an economically important gluten free cereal, and it is a good source of protein, fiber, and energy. The field experiments with buckwheat variety ā€œNovosadskaā€ were set in two experimental years in Pancevo, Serbia. The aim of this study was to determine the most optimal technology for buckwheat production. The study aims were to investigate the effects of (1) row spacing: RS1-25 cm and RS2-50 cm; (2) nutrition variants: (N1) 0 kg haāˆ’1 NPK; (N2) NPK 30 kg haāˆ’1; (N3) NPK 60 kg haāˆ’1; and (N4) NPK 90 kg haāˆ’1; (3) environment: Y1-2018 and Y2-2019; and their interactions on the plant height (PH), number of lateral branches (NoLB), mass of seeds per plant (MSP), number of seeds per plant (NoSP), buckwheat grain yield (GY); and (4) the correlations among these traits. All tested parameters of buckwheat significantly varied across row spacing, environment, and nutrition. The average grain yield in the row spacing, RD1-25 cm, was significantly higher than in the wider spacing, RD2-50 cm, and in 2018 than 2019 as well as with the nutrition NPK applied in the amount of 90 kg haāˆ’1 in relation with all the other nutrition variants. All the studied agronomic traits were positively and strongly correlated with GY

    Smjernice za vestibularnu rehabilitaciju jednostranih i obostranih vestibularnih oÅ”tećenja*

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    Vestibularna rehabilitacija jest planirani, individualno prilagođen sustav vježbi kojima se ubrzava proces srediÅ”nje kompenzacije oÅ”tećenoga vestibularnog sustava. U medicinu ju uvode Cawthorne i Cooksey sredinom proÅ”loga stoljeća. Godinama su postojali prijepori o značenju i učinkovitosti ovoga načina liječenja. Provedene su brojne randomizirane prospektivne kliničke studije, koje su dokazale važnost vestibularnih vježbi, kao i njihov povoljan učinak na brzinu i stupanj oporavka bolesnika, tako da one posljednjih desetljeća zauzimaju sve značajnije mjesto u liječenju vrtoglavica. Vestibularna hipofunkcija, bilo da je riječ o akutnome ili kroničnom poremećaju, ili pak o jednostranome ili obostranom oÅ”tećenju, predstavlja dosta čest problem za liječnika praktičara, osobito onoga koji se bavi problemima vrtoglavica. Premda je vestibularna rehabilitacija za većinu poremećaja ravnoteže metoda izbora u liječenju, ona je kod nas joÅ” uvijek podosta zapostavljena i neopravdano podcijenjena. Cilj ovih Smjernica za kliničku praksu jest pomoći liječnicima i fizioterapeutima pri ujednačavanju pristupa pacijentima s jednostranim i obostranim vestibularnim oÅ”tećenjima, izbjegavajući nepotrebne varijacije u primjeni vestibularnih vježbi. One nisu udžbenik niti jedini i neupitni izvor znanja, već pružaju okvir za strategiju kod donoÅ”enja odluka, ne zamjenjujući pritom značenje kliničke prosudbe. Vestibularnim vježbama značajno se ubrzava oporavak bolesnika s vestibularnom hipofunkcijom i njihov povratak uobičajenim životnim aktivnostima. Svrha ovih Smjernica jest utvrditi koga, kada, kako i koliko dugo liječiti, kao i kako otkloniti nepotrebne varijacije u pristupu rehabilitaciji pacijenata s vestibularnom hipofunkcijom. One se zasnivaju na dokazima dobivenim metaanalizom podataka iz dostupne medicinske literature, oslanjajući se pored toga i na naÅ”e dugogodiÅ”nje iskustvo u radu s vertiginoznim pacijentima