56 research outputs found

    ScanMaris (Safer Seas 2007)

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    International audienceThe SCANMARIS project is a software workshop conceived to develop and evaluate solutions of prevention and monitoring the maritime borders. It relies on tactical picture exploitation tools, known as enriched for resulting from the continuous treatment of important volumes of heterogeneous data gathered in real time and differed time. SCANMARIS allow supervising the permanent evolutions traffic on a global maritime zone in order to follow the flow of transported goods (bulk, containers, energy, chemical....) according to various routes (corridor, coastal traffic...) and to automatically detect criminal traffics of illicit products. SCANMARIS uses data treatment tools to merge ship's data kinematics and other information to establish and maintain a global enriched tactical picture compilation of the traffic, the training methods and the models which exploit the tactical picture. This increase a permanent knowledge of the goods flows, to improve its follow-up, and the rules of investigation organised to detect irregularities like the illicit products flows, disasters, regulation violations, etc. SCANMARIS project involves functions that improve the effectiveness of a global surveillance of the contraveners. They will contribute to set up optimal answers and intervention means well fitting the struggle against terrorist threats, illicit activities and maritime violations

    ScanMaris (Safer Seas 2007)

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    International audienceThe SCANMARIS project is a software workshop conceived to develop and evaluate solutions of prevention and monitoring the maritime borders. It relies on tactical picture exploitation tools, known as enriched for resulting from the continuous treatment of important volumes of heterogeneous data gathered in real time and differed time. SCANMARIS allow supervising the permanent evolutions traffic on a global maritime zone in order to follow the flow of transported goods (bulk, containers, energy, chemical....) according to various routes (corridor, coastal traffic...) and to automatically detect criminal traffics of illicit products. SCANMARIS uses data treatment tools to merge ship's data kinematics and other information to establish and maintain a global enriched tactical picture compilation of the traffic, the training methods and the models which exploit the tactical picture. This increase a permanent knowledge of the goods flows, to improve its follow-up, and the rules of investigation organised to detect irregularities like the illicit products flows, disasters, regulation violations, etc. SCANMARIS project involves functions that improve the effectiveness of a global surveillance of the contraveners. They will contribute to set up optimal answers and intervention means well fitting the struggle against terrorist threats, illicit activities and maritime violations

    ScanMaris : automatic detection of abnormal vessel behaviours

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    International audienceThe ScanMaris project is a software workshop designed to develop and evaluate solutions for thread prevention and maritime border monitoring. It relies on enriched tactical picture exploitation tools resulting from the continuous treatment of important volumes of heterogeneous data gathered in real time and differed time. ScanMaris will enable the supervision of the permanent evolving traffic on a global maritime zone in order to follow the flow of transported goods (bulk, containers, energy, chemical....) according to various routes (corridor, coastal traffic...) and to automatically detect criminal traffic of illicit products. ScanMaris will use data treatment tools to merge ship's kinematic data and other information to establish and maintain a global enriched tactical picture compilation of the traffic, the training methods and the models which exploit the tactical picture. This produces a permanent knowledge of goods flows, improves its follow-up and the rules of investigation organised to detect irregularities like illicit products flows, disasters, regulation violations, etc. The ScanMaris project will involve functions that improve the effectiveness of a global surveillance of the contraveners. They will contribute to set up optimal answers and intervention means adequately fitting the struggle against illicit activities and maritime violations

    Toward a complete system for surveillance of the whole EEZ: ScanMaris and associated projects

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    International audienceThere is currently an undeniable increase of maritime goods exchanges. As a consequence, maritime threats and risks are also rising. Innovative solution has to be developed to improve the security of this huge economic activity. Future generation of maritime surveillance system should allow: permanent and all weather coverage of maritime border areas, continuous collection of heterogeneous data provided by various sources, automatic detection of abnormal vessel behaviors, understanding of suspicious events, and early identification of threats. No equipment and information system deployments are at present able to answer all these requirements. We propose here an integrated system with relevant innovative technologies and capacities. The integrated system includes existing conventional and innovative sensors networks as well as new functionalities to track vessel movements and activities or detect abnormal vessel behaviors. The proposed high level engineering architecture is able to generate documented alarms using abnormal events. Those events are extracted from our intelligent maritime traffic picture. Thus, we aim to validate an end to end surveillance chain for future operational sea border surveillanc

    Extraction of Suspicious Behavior of Vessels in the Exclusive Economic Zone

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    Available: http://ap-s.ei.tuat.ac.jp/isapx/2008/pdf/1645005.pdfInternational audienceIntroduction: Constant growth of world maritime transport and significant economic stakes of territorial water management have prompted the international community to invest in maritime global security research. In this context, the ScanMaris project, which is founded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), aims to continuously monitor activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) activities and detect abnormal behavior using both observation systems and external data sources

    Sense, enrich and classify: The scanmaris workshop for assessment of vessel's abnormal behavior in the EEZ

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    International audienceConstant monitoring of the Exclusive Economic Zone cannot be performed only using high performance sensors. On the one hand, all available information on the observed area as juridical history of vessels or delineation of fishing zone is not necessarily measurable. On the other hand, even if the large amount of available information could be caught out they would be useless if none thorough sorting and analysis are carried on. So, we propose to sense vessel trail in Exclusive Economic Zone, to enrich the trail with the relevant non-measurable information and to use this material to classify vessel behaviors. The main issues of this approach are the selection of the relevant detailswhich point to uncommon behaviors and the definition of the criteria which allow differentiating uncommon behavior and fraudulent one. Thus, the challenge is to deal with multidisciplinary information (i.e. bathymetry, radar tracks, insurance database, weather, etc.) and multi-domain criteria (i.e. juridical, behavioral, zonal, temporal, etc.). The architecture presented here aims to overcome both the issues

    TAMARIS : Traitement et Authentification des MenAces et RISques en mer (2009)

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    International audienceL'objectif du projet de dĂ©monstrateur proposĂ© TAMARIS, est d'intĂ©grer un processus et des outils innovants de traitement de l'information pour l'analyse d'une situation qui est une sĂ©rie d'alertes correspondant Ă  un comportement suspect de navire. Ce comportement suspect peut se dĂ©rouler dans le temps (sur plusieurs jours, voir mois) et sur un espace maritime Ă©tendu (plusieurs centaines de miles nautiques). L'analyse est traduite par l'Ă©laboration en temps rĂ©el d'un dossier d'enquĂȘte Ă©lectronique. Ce dossier standardisĂ©, permet de rassembler l'ensemble des informations (des connections Ă  des bases de donnĂ©es et Ă  Internet permettent ce renseignement) et l'analyse sur un seul support rĂ©actualisĂ© au fil du dĂ©roulement de la situation. Ce dossier peut ĂȘtre transmis aux autoritĂ©s dĂ©cisionnelles afin de suivre en permanence les Ă©volutions et d'ĂȘtre informĂ©es de l'authentification progressive du comportement suspect durant son dĂ©roulement. Ce dossier est constituĂ© et visualisĂ© sur une table tactile, ce qui permet Ă  une Ă©quipe d'experts de diffĂ©rentes organisations de travailler ensemble et en direct de façon interactive. Ce dossier constitue une archive quasi complĂšte et chronologique qui peut ĂȘtre transmise Ă©galement Ă  des enquĂȘteurs pour mener des investigations ultĂ©rieures

    Position, swimming direction and group size of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the presence of a fast-ferry in the Bay of Biscay

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    We analyze group size, swimming direction and the orientation of fin whales relative to a fast ferry in the Bay of Biscay. Fin whale groups (≄3 individuals) were on average closer to the vessel than single individuals and pairs (F1,114 = 4.94, p = 0.028) and were more often observed within a high-risk angle ahead of the ferry (binomial probability: p = 7.60 × 10−11). Also, small groups tend to swim in the opposite direction (heading of 180°) of the ferry at the starboard side (binomial test: p = 6.86 × 10−5) and at the portside (binomial test: p = 0.0156). These findings provide valuable information to improve shipping management procedures in areas at high risk for collisions

    Trafic Maritime : détection des comportements anormaux des navires

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    International audiencePour garantir aujourd'hui des conditions sécuritaires de passage dans les eaux territoriales et exclusives économiques françaises, le dispositif de surveillance maritime s'est renforcé en utilisant de maniÚre optimale la synergie de ses différentes composantes : CROSS (Centre Régionaux Opérationnels de Surveillance et de Sauvetage), sémaphores, moyens nautiques et aériens des administrations en mer. Toutefois, le nombre de mobiles circulant sur certaines zones maritimes est en constante augmentation et les demandes d'assistance en cas de difficultés ont changé ; les grosses unités commerciales tardent, pour des raisons économiques, à signaler une avarie et tendent à en minimiser l'importance. Les actes illicites suivent des protocoles de plus en plus perfectionnés pour échapper à la surveillance. Le développement des activités nautiques de loisirs engorge les centres de surveillance et de sauvetage ..
