157 research outputs found

    Treatment of hypertrophic granulation in burns : review of the literature

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    Poster presentation at Health Sciences research day, University of Missouri Columbia: Hypertrophic granulation in burns: Review of the literature. Also presented at the 50th Annual Meeting American Burn Association, Chicago Illinois: Treatment of hypertrophic granulation in burns: Review of the literature.Introduction: Hypertrophic granulation (HG) is defined as abnormal granulation tissue, raised above the level of surrounding skin. HG often occurs with delayed healing, or in areas of graft failure in burns. HG impedes wound healing. Treatment may vary by practitioner. Includes chemical cautery with silver nitrate sticks, topical steroids, and dressing strategies.Paul Linneman, RN, Jeff Litt, DO, Carolyn Crumley, DNP (Sinclair School of Nursing, University of Missouri Health Care

    The Apotheosis of the Apothecary: Retailing and Consuming the Meaning of a Historic Site

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    This paper examines how history is interpreted and understood at the Niagara Apothecary, an early 1970s heritage restoration project that is operated as a Victorian-era pharmacy museum in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. It recounts the history of the restoration of this historic site to show the variety of influences and interests that have shaped the history it presents. The apothecary's setting in Niagara-on-the-Lake, a mecca for heritage tourism and consumerism, makes it an interesting case study of how history is communicated to a popular audience. To this end, the nature of the tourist experience at Niagara-on-the-Lake in general and the apothecary in particular are explored. The paper contrasts the professional historian's emphasis on objectivity and context with the material, romantic, specialised and consumer-friendly strategies that are employed in the presentation of the past at the apothecary.L'auteur examine ici la façon dont on s'est servi de l'histoire pour rénover la pharmacie de Niagara, qui fut l'un des premiers édifices à faire l'objet de restauration patrimoniale dans les années 1970. La pharmacie-musée, replantée dans son décor de l'ère victorienne, se trouve à Niagara-on-the-Lake, en Ontario. Paul Litt rappelle les étapes de la restauration de ce site historique et explique comment la tranche d'histoire qu'on y fait revivre a été modelée par diverses considérations. Parce que la pharmacie est située à Niagara-on-the-Lake, la Mecque du tourisme patrimonial et du consumérisme, il est possible de faire ici une intéressante étude de cas sur la façon dont on présente l'histoire au grand public. L'auteur étudie de façon générale la nature du tourisme à Niagara-on-the-Lake et analyse de plus près la clientèle touristique qui visite la pharmacie. Il montre comment s'affrontent, dans la recréation du passé de la pharmacie, l’historien professionnel, en quête d'objectivité, et les promoteurs du site, aux prises avec des réalités matérielles et des stratégies de marketing axées sur le romantisme, la spécialisation et la convivialité

    Is the brain a quantum computer

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    Abstract We argue that computation via quantum mechanical processes is irrelevant to explaining how brains produce thought, contrary to the ongoing speculations of many theorists. First, quantum effects do not have the temporal properties required for neural information processing. Second, there are substantial physical obstacles to any organic instantiation of quantum computation. Third, there is no psychological evidence that such mental phenomena as consciousness and mathematical thinking require explanation via quantum theory. We conclude that understanding brain function is unlikely to require quantum computation or similar mechanisms

    Effects of labeling a product eco-friendly and genetically modified: A cross-cultural comparison for estimates of taste, willingness to pay and health consequences

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    As the demand for eco-friendly food-produced without pesticides and environmentally harmful chemicals-increases, the need to develop genetically modified (GM) organisms that are more resistant to parasites and other environmental crop threats may increase. Because of this, products labeled both "eco-friendly" and "genetically modified" could become commonly available on the market. In this paper, we explore-in a Swedish and a UK sample-the consequences of combining eco-labeling and GM-labeling to judgments of taste, health consequences and willingness to pay for raisins. Participants tasted and evaluated four categories of raisins (eco-labeled and GM-labeled; eco-labeled; GM-labeled; and neither eco-labeled nor GM-labeled). The results suggest that there is a cost associated with adding a GM-label to an eco-labeled product: The GM-label removes the psychological benefits of the eco-label. This negative effect of the GM-label was larger among Swedish participants in comparison with UK participants, because the magnitude of the positive effect of the eco-label was larger in the Swedish sample and, hence, the negative effects of the GM-label became more pronounced (especially for health estimates). The roles of individual differences in attitudes, environmental concern and socially desirable responding in relation to the label effects are discussed

    Ecofog - Gagner en compétitivité et réduire les impacts environnementaux de la filière foie gras

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    On a worldwide scale, France is the leading producer of foie gras. To maintain this leadership, the sector must remain competitive and control its production costs while meeting specific societal and environmental expectations such as preservation of product quality, respect for animal welfare or limited use of natural resources. The aim of the project was to develop innovative production systems that would limit the impacts of feed and its surrounding practices on the competitiveness of the sector and the environment. An experimental approach was associated with a multi-criteria sustainability assessment (farm level), complemented by an analysis of production cost (farm level) and environmental impacts (product level). Two domains were studied: one related to feed, and the other related to ambient conditions during breeding and force-feeding. Several issues have been identified to progress. Reducing the amount of food distributed (-10%) appears as a possible solution to reduce feeding costs during rearing. The use of sorghum is also of interest but its use should be limited to the rearing phase. Lastly, semi-open air system, compared to open-air system, helps to improve IC (Consumption Index) and reduces animal heterogeneity and mortality. This project also provided original results related to the understanding of mechanisms involved in body temperature regulation of ducks on the one hand and on the other hand to LCA results of different innovations. Lastly, it contributed to the creation of two tools: one to drill ventilation ducts and another to calculate production costs. The results were disseminated to the professionals throughout the project in order to make all data available.À l’échelle mondiale, la France est le premier producteur de foie gras. Afin de conserver ce leadership, la filière doit rester compétitive et maîtriser ses coûts de production tout en répondant à des attentes sociétales et environnementales spécifiques telles que la préservation de la qualité des produits, le respect du bien-être animal ou la gestion économe des ressources. Le projet ECOFOG avait pour objectif de développer des systèmes de production innovants, permettant de limiter l’impact de l’alimentation des canards et des pratiques qui l’entourent pour gagner en compétitivité de la filière et diminuer l’impact environnemental de la filière. La démarche expérimentale a été associée à une démarche d’évaluation multicritère de la durabilité à l’échelle de l’atelier, complétée par une analyse des coûts de production à l’échelle de l’atelier et des impacts environnementaux à l’échelle du produit. Deux axes d’étude ont en particulier été développés : l’un autour de l’aliment, et l’autre autour des conditions d’ambiance en élevage et en gavage.Plusieurs pistes ont été identifiées pour progresser. La réduction de la quantité d’aliment distribué (-10%) est une solution possible pour réduire les coûts d'alimentation. L’utilisation de sorgho présente par ailleurs un intérêt environnemental mais son utilisation devrait être limitée à la phase d’élevage. En termes de bâtiments enfin, le système semi plein-air, comparé au système plein-air, contribue à améliorer l’IC (Indice de Consommation) et réduit les écarts de poids entre les animaux et la mortalité. Ce projet a permis d’obtenir des résultats originaux sur les mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de la température corporelle des canards. Il a aussi permis d’évaluer les impacts environnementaux de la production de foie gras, et d’analyser les conséquences des différents systèmes de production innovants sur les performances, les coûts et la durabilité de la production. Il a enfin contribué à la création de deux outils utiles pour la filière : un outil d’aide au perçage des gaines de ventilation en atelier de gavage et un outil de calcul du coût de production. Ces résultats ont été largement diffusés vers les professionnels afin de rendre l’ensemble de ces données disponibles

    Pandemic gardening:A narrative review, vignettes and implications for future research

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    There is a significant amount of evidence highlighting the health, wellbeing and social benefits of gardening during previous periods of crises. These benefits were also evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper presents a narrative review exploring gardening during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic to understand the different forms of gardening that took place during this crisis and key elements of this activity. Research about gardening during the pandemic focused on food (in)security and disrupted food systems, the health and wellbeing benefits of gardening, and the social dimensions of gardening. We offer three vignettes of our own research to highlight key insights from local, national and international perspectives of gardening during the pandemic. The paper's conclusion outlines how researchers, policy makers and public health practitioners can harness what has been learned from gardening during the pandemic to ensure these benefits are more widely available and do not exacerbate already entrenched health inequalities in society.</p
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