288 research outputs found

    A field study of an EU antidumping proceeding. - The case of Vietnamese footwear.

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    This thesis describes the antidumping duty imposed towards Vietnam on certain footwear and the implications that follows the measure. In an antidumping investigation it is of great importance to establish whether the exporting country is a market economy or not. The EC decision to impose a provisional antidumping duty on imports of certain footwear with uppers of leather originating in Vietnam was based on the conclusion that Vietnam is a Non-Market Economy. The idea of Non-Market Economy (NME) treatment is based on the system where free trade only works if the trading is maintained on a free market. A company can be granted Market Economy Treatment (MET) by the EU and when granted this treatment it will be considered as situated in a market economy even though the country is treated as a Non-Market Economy. No company was granted such treatment in the described case based on the fact that the Vietnamese companies did not pay market rent for the land on which their facilities are situated. The term Non-Market Economy is not widely used which also complicates the implementation. Member States within the European Union (EU) have agreed on a common commercial policy in trade with non Member States (third countries). Articles 131- 134 of the EC Treaty provide for the legal basis for this policy. The EU and its Member States are all Members of the World Trade Organization, WTO, and consequently need to follow the regulations in several international trade agreements (WTO law). EC Courts have however so far sustained that GATT and WTO law does not have direct effect in the EC legal system. Vietnam was recently accessed to the WTO and became the 150th Member. When accessing WTO the main challenge is that it will force the enterprises in the Member state to increase their competiveness and that is especially due to small and medium sized enterprises as the footwear companies. The companies have to meet the demands on international standards and the implementation of certain legislation will increase. The predictability is also an important issue and how the importers and exporters can predict the tariffs on certain goods. Within the WTO there is a right to dispute trial and the AD Agreement also states that all national legislation includes rules that all members should have a trial organ when it comes to final decisions on anti dumping tariffs. In the WTO dispute settlement procedure there is a huge difference though and that is that individual companies cannot have their cases tried, only member states. But this is further complicated by the fact that the EU does not give direct effect to the WTO Law. The EU also gives contradictory conclusions on trade since it embraces free trade but at the same time use trade defence instruments. It is difficult to estimate the effects on exports of Vietnamese footwear but according to the Leather and Footwear Association, LEFASO and the Ministry of Trade in Vietnam, the export will decline. There are also risks that foreign investors will move their production to other countries. The costs for the companies will be much higher for the producing companies in Vietnam that have made investments than the actual positive effects from measures for the Common Industry in the EU

    Safeguard Measures : A non-discriminative measure applicable to all?

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    Maldi matrices for the analysis of low molecular weight compounds: rational design, challenges and perspectives

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    The analysis of low molecular weight (LMW) compounds is of great interest to detect small pharmaceutical drugs rapidly and sensitively, or to trace and understand metabolic pathways. Matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) plays a central role in the analysis of high molecular weight (bio)molecules. However, its application for LMW compounds is restricted by spectral interferences in the low m/z region, which are produced by conventional organic matrices. Several strategies regarding sample preparation have been investigated to overcome this problem. A different rationale is centred on developing new matrices which not only meet the fundamental requirements of good absorption and high ionization efficiency, but are also vacuum stable and “MALDI silent”, i. e., do not give matrix‐related signals in the LMW area. This review gives an overview on the rational design strategies used to develop matrix systems for the analysis of LMW compounds, focusing on (i) the modification of well‐known matrices, (ii) the search for high molecular weight matrices, (iii) the development of binary, hybrid and nanomaterial‐based matrices, (iv) the advance of reactive matrices and (v) the progress made regarding matrices for negative or dual polarity mode.To use MALDI MS and MS imaging for the analysis of low molecular weight (LMW) analytes, new matrix systems are needed which combine suitable absorption and high ionization efficiency in dual polarity mode with being vacuum stable and “MALDI silent”, i.e., enabling noise‐free measurements in the LMW area. This Minireview summarizes recent research regarding the design and synthesis of such matrices, and discusses recurring design strategies and motifs. imag

    Über die Reaktion von [alpha]- und [beta]-Tetralon mit Kaliumsuperoxid

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    Lissel M. Über die Reaktion von [alpha]- und [beta]-Tetralon mit Kaliumsuperoxid. Tetrahedron Letters. 1984;25(21):2213-2214.The reaction of [alpha]- and [beta]-tetralone with potassium superoxide is described. In addition to 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone [alpha]-naphthol is formed from [alpha]-tetralone and [beta]-naphthol and 2-carboxy-benzenepropionic acid from [beta]-tetralone

    Alkylation of ketones by use of solid KOH in dimethyl sulfoxide

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    A mixture of solid KOH in dimethyl sulfoxide has a strong basicity, but only a low nucleophilicity and is used for methylation of ketones. With this simple and inexpensive reagent complete methylation with yields up to 90% can be achieved

    Field-induced Conductance Switching by Charge-state Alternation in Organometallic Single-Molecule Junctions

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    Charge transport through single molecules can be influenced by the charge and spin states of redox-active metal centres placed in the transport pathway. These molecular intrinsic properties are usually addressed by varying the molecules electrochemical and magnetic environment, a procedure that requires complex setups with multiple terminals. Here we show that oxidation and reduction of organometallic compounds containing either Fe, Ru or Mo centres can solely be triggered by the electric field applied to a two-terminal molecular junction. Whereas all compounds exhibit bias-dependent hysteresis, the Mo-containing compound additionally shows an abrupt voltage-induced conductance switching, yielding high to low current ratios exceeding 1000 at voltage stimuli of less than 1.0 V. DFT calculations identify a localized, redox active molecular orbital that is weakly coupled to the electrodes and closely aligned with the Fermi energy of the leads because of the spin-polarised ground state unique to the Mo centre. This situation opens an additional slow and incoherent hopping channel for transport, triggering a transient charging effect of the entire molecule and a strong hysteresis with unprecedented high low-to-high current ratios.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Empoderamiento del personal asistencial y su compromiso organizacional de los puestos de control COVID19, Piura – 2022

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    La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de establecer la relación del empoderamiento del personal asistencial y el compromiso organizacional de los puestos de control COVID19, Piura – 2022. El enfoque fue cuantitativo de tipo básica, correlacional causal y diseño no experimental, la muestra fue de 120 personal asistencial de los puestos de control COVID19-Piura, para la recolección de los datos se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta a través del cuestionario, se emplearon como instrumentos la escala de empoderamiento psicológico y la escala de compromiso organizacional. Los resultados evidenciaron que existe una relación significativa y que el 89.2% del personal asistencial se encuentra empoderado en el nivel alto, al igual que en sus dimensiones de significado, competencia, autodeterminación, impacto y seguridad con un porcentaje mayor al 84%; además en cuanto a su compromiso con la organización y sus dimensiones de compromiso afectivo, compromiso continuo y compromiso normativo puntuaron un nivel alto siendo un porcentaje mayor al 70% y el 85%. Se concluyó que existe una relación significativa entre el empoderamiento y el compromiso organizacional junto a un nivel alto en ambas variables por parte del personal asistencial en los puestos de control COVID19, Piura

    La innovación en prácticas de comunicación para la PYME colombiana : la Collecció

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    El presente trabajo se basa en una investigación realizada con el fin de sistematizar las prácticas de comunicación de la PYME colombiana La Collecció, para que de esta forma se pueda comprender el papel de la innovación en comunicación organizacional dentro de la organización. De tal manera que se realizaron una serie de entrevistas en las cuales se dieron a conocer las prácticas de comunicación que usa la empresa para tener contacto con sus clientes. A partir de esto se realiza un análisis de las entrevistas realizadas a los públicos que conforman la empresa y se hace una matriz DOFA en la cual se proponen recomendaciones que debe tener en cuenta La Collecció para seguir incursionando en el mercado.The present work is based on a research carried out in order to systematize the communication practices of the Colombian SME La Collecció, so that in this way the role of innovation in organizational communication within the organization can be understood. In such a way that a series of interviews were carried out in which the communication practices that the company uses to have contact with its clients were made known. Based on this, an analysis of the interviews carried out with the public that make up the company is carried out and a DOFA matrix is created in which recommendations are proposed that La Collecció must take into account in order to continué entering the trade.Comunicador (a) SocialPregrad

    Prospects of Coupled Organic–Inorganic Nanostructures for Charge and Energy Transfer Applications

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    We review the field of organic–inorganic nanocomposites with a focus on materials that exhibit a significant degree of electronic coupling across the hybrid interface. These nanocomposites undergo a variety of charge and energy transfer processes, enabling optoelectronic applications in devices which exploit singlet fission, triplet energy harvesting, photon upconversion or hot charge carrier transfer. We discuss the physical chemistry of the most common organic and inorganic components. Based on those we derive synthesis and assembly strategies and design criteria on material and device level with a focus on photovoltaics, spin memories or optical upconverters. We conclude that future research in the field should be directed towards an improved understanding of the binding motif and molecular orientation at the hybrid interface. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Gmb

    Influencia del coaching educativo en las competencias profesionales de estudiantes del cuarto año de la Licenciatura en Inglés en el Centro Regional San Miguelito 2022

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    El propósito de la investigación fue analizar la influencia del coaching educativo en las competencias profesionales de estudiantes del cuarto año de la Licenciatura en Inglés del Centro Regional San Miguelito, para el año 2022. En cuanto a la metodología, el paradigma utilizado es cuantitativo, el tipo de investigación descriptiva y de campo, apoyado en un diseño no experimental, transversal y documental. La muestra objeto de estudio la conformaron (34) estudiantes. La técnica utilizada es la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario. Este fue validado a través de juicios de expertos y la confiabilidad se obtuvo por el coeficiente de Cronbach (Alfa). Como conclusiones se determinó que los estudiantes no tienen conocimiento sobre el coaching educativo. El asesoramiento está asociado a las prácticas tutoriales que desarrollan los docentes, por lo general de manera grupal. Por otra parte, las competencias profesionales relevantes desde el punto de vista de la profesión no se están desarrollando en el nivel deseado por los estudiantes. Se confirmó una influencia positiva entre las variables de estudio. Finalmente, se diseñó una propuesta con base a los resultados del diagnóstico orientados hacia tres áreas fundamentales: Escenario metodológico (aplicación en organizaciones inteligentes); Cognitivo (gestión del conocimiento) y, Desarrollo profesional y personal. Estas acciones de formación se desarrollan a través de una programación en la cual se consideran los elementos logísticos y operativos de recursos humanos, materiales y económicos