11 research outputs found

    Impact of Physical Exercise Alone or in Combination with Cognitive Remediation on Cognitive Functions in People with Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Critical Review

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    : Physical exercise and cognitive remediation represent the psychosocial interventions with the largest basis of evidence attesting their effectiveness in improving cognitive performance in people living with schizophrenia according to recent international guidance. The aims of this review are to provide an overview of the literature on physical exercise as a treatment for cognitive impairment in schizophrenia and of the studies that have combined physical exercise and cognitive remediation as an integrated rehabilitation intervention. Nine meta-analyses and systematic reviews on physical exercise alone and seven studies on interventions combining physical exercise and cognitive remediation are discussed. The efficacy of physical exercise in improving cognitive performance in people living with schizophrenia is well documented, but more research focused on identifying moderators of participants response and optimal modalities of delivery is required. Studies investigating the effectiveness of integrated interventions report that combining physical exercise and cognitive remediation provides superior benefits and quicker improvements compared to cognitive remediation alone, but most studies included small samples and did not explore long-term effects. While physical exercise and its combination with cognitive remediation appear to represent effective treatments for cognitive impairment in people living with schizophrenia, more evidence is currently needed to better understand how to implement these treatments in psychiatric rehabilitation practice

    The Elephant in the Room: A Cross-Sectional Study on the Stressful Psychological Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mental Healthcare Workers

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    Despite extensive research on COVID-19’s impact on healthcare workers, few studies have targeted mental health workers (MHWs) and none have investigated previous traumatic events. We investigated psychological distress in MHWs after the first lockdown in Italy to understand which COVID-19, sociodemographic, and professional variables represented greater effects, and the role of previous trauma. The survey included sociodemographic and professional questions, COVID-19 variables, and the questionnaires Life Events Checklist for DSM-5 (LEC-5), Impact of Event Scale—Revised (IES-R), and Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21 (DASS-21). On the 271 MHWs who completed the survey (73.1% female; mean age 45.37), we obtained significant effects for contagion fear, experience of patients’ death, increased workload, and worse team relationship during the first wave. Nurses were more affected and showed more post-traumatic stress symptoms, assessed by IES-R, and more depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms, assessed by DASS-21. The strongest risk factors for distress were greater age, professional role, increased workload, worse team relationship, and separation from family members. Previous experience of severe human suffering and unwanted sexual experiences negatively impacted IES-R and DASS-21 scores. Being a psychiatrist or psychologist/psychotherapist and good team relationships were protective factors. Recent but also previous severe stressful events might represent relevant risk factors for distress, reducing resilience skills. Identifying vulnerable factors and professional categories may help in the development of dedicated measures to prevent emotional burden and support psychological health. Highlights: Psychological distress in mental health workers in the COVID-19 pandemic is more frequent in nurses, who experience more depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress symptoms. Previous and recent stressful events are risk factors for distress and should guide intervention strategies

    Looking through autistic features in schizophrenia using the PANSS Autism Severity Score (PAUSS)

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia share several features. However, the assessment of ASD in schizophrenia is difficult. Aim of this study is to investigate the possibility to use the PANSS Autism Severity Score (PAUSS) to recognize autistic features in schizophrenia. The PAUSS was administered to 75 patients with schizophrenia, previously assessed with ASD diagnostic scales. PAUSS total scores were higher in patients with ASD, compared to those without ASD. Patients with PAUSS score higher than the cut-off proposed for ASD showed specific neuropsychological and functional characteristics. The PAUSS may be useful to identify patients with schizophrenia autistic features

    Autistic Symptoms in Schizophrenia: Impact on Internalized Stigma, Well-Being, Clinical and Functional Characteristics

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    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) symptoms and internalized stigma (or self-stigma) can have a negative impact on cognitive and functional outcomes in people living with schizophrenia. Aim of the present study were to assess and compare internalized stigma, subjective well-being and other socio-demographic, clinical and functional characteristics in people diagnosed with schizophrenia with and without prominent autistic features. Ninety-four inpatients were assessed with measures of internalized stigma, subjective well-being, global clinical severity, schizophrenia symptoms severity, real-world functioning, medication side effects and attitude toward prescribed medications. Subjects with high levels of ASD symptoms were identified with the PANSS Autism Severity Score and compared to other participants. Predictors of prominent ASD features were also assessed. Thirteen patients showed prominent ASD symptoms. They were characterized by fewer years of education, worse real-world functioning and greater symptoms severity. No between-group differences were observed regarding subjective well-being and global internalized stigma severity; however, participants in the "autistic schizophrenia" group showed better stigma resistance. A worse clinical condition and fewer years of education emerged as predictors of autistic schizophrenia. Despite showing a more severe clinical presentation of the disorder and worse functional impairment, participants with prominent ASD symptoms do not present worse subjective well-being or more severe internalized stigma; on the contrary, they show better stigma resistance. ASD symptoms could therefore play a protective role in the internalization of stigma

    Current Evidence and Theories in Understanding the Relationship between Cognition and Depression in Childhood and Adolescence: A Narrative Review

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    The present narrative review has covered the current evidence regarding the role of cognitive impairments during the early phase of major depressive disorder (MDD), attempting to describe the cognitive features in childhood, adolescence and in at-risk individuals. These issues were analyzed considering the trait, scar and state hypotheses of MDD by examining the cold and hot dimensions, the latter explained in relation to the current psychological theoretical models of MDD. This search was performed on several electronic databases up to August 2022. Although the present review is the first to have analyzed both cold and hot cognitive impairments considering the trait, scar and state hypotheses, we found that current evidence did not allow to exclusively confirm the validity of one specific hypothesis since several equivocal and discordant results have been proposed in childhood and adolescence samples. Further studies are needed to better characterize possible cognitive dysfunctions assessing more systematically the impairments of cold, hot and social cognition domains and their possible interaction in a developmental perspective. An increased knowledge on these topics will improve the definition of clinical endophenotypes of enhanced risk to progression to MDD and, to hypothesize preventive and therapeutic strategies to reduce negative influences on psychosocial functioning and well-being