8 research outputs found

    Digital photography for assessing the link between vegetation phenology and CO2 exchange in two contrasting northern ecosystems

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    Digital repeat photography has become a widely used tool for assessing the annual course of vegetation phenology of different ecosystems. By using the green chromatic coordinate (GCC) as a greenness measure, we examined the feasibility of digital repeat photography for assessing the vegetation phenology in two contrasting high-latitude ecosystems. Ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 fluxes and various meteorological variables were continuously measured at both sites. While the seasonal changes in GCC were more obvious for the ecosystem that is dominated by annual plants (open wetland), clear seasonal patterns were also observed for the evergreen ecosystem (coniferous forest). Daily and seasonal time periods with sufficient solar radiation were determined based on images of a grey reference plate. The variability in cloudiness had only a minor effect on GCC, and GCC did not depend on the sun angle and direction either. The daily GCC of wetland correlated well with the daily photosynthetic capacity estimated from the CO2 flux measurements. At the forest site, the correlation was high in 2015 but there were discernible deviations during the course of the summer of 2014. The year-to-year differences were most likely generated by meteorological conditions, with higher temperatures coinciding with higher GCCs. In addition to depicting the seasonal course of ecosystem functioning, GCC was shown to respond to environmental changes on a timescale of days. Overall, monitoring of phenological variations with digital images provides a powerful tool for linking gross primary production and phenology.Peer reviewe

    Two contrasting years of continuous N₂O and CO₂ fluxes on a shallow-peated drained agricultural boreal peatland

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    Abstract Drained agricultural boreal peatlands comprise a large source of nitrous oxide (N₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) but a small sink or source of methane (CH₄). N₂O fluxes have high spatial and temporal variability and are often measured with the chamber technique. Therefore, continuous measurements of N₂O fluxes are needed to better understand how N₂O emissions are triggered and to reduce the uncertainty of annual N₂O budget estimations. Here we present a two-year-long time series of continuous measurements of CO₂ and N₂O fluxes of a shallow-peated drained agricultural boreal peatland cultivated for grass silage. The fluxes were measured with the area-averaging eddy covariance technique. Several NO peak events were observed throughout all seasons. The peaks were associated with meteorological or management events, such as soil thawing or freezing, precipitation, fertilization and glyphosate application. The annual N₂O budget was 4.74 ±0.47 and 6.08 ±0.49 kg NO-N ha⁻Âč y⁻Âč in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The annual CO₂ budget, comprising the sum of net ecosystem exchange and biomass export, was 3.70 ±0.22 and 5.54 ±0.33 t CO₂-C ha⁻Âč y⁻Âč in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The N₂O budget during the first, warmer winter was 106% higher than during the second, meteorologically more typical winter, due to the higher frequency of soil freezing–thawing cycles. The average annual NO budget was 36%–50% lower than the IPCC Emission Factor (EF) while the CO₂ budget was in accordance with the IPCC EF. CO₂ emissions dominated the total CO₂-eq emissions of our site but N₂O also had a significant contribution of 12%. Our results also suggest that glyphosate application enhanced N₂O emissions in the last quarter of 2021. However, the full rotation should be measured to confirm whether there is a need to re-evaluate the N₂O IPCC EF for ‘grassland drained boreal’ land-use class

    Environmental drivers of Sphagnum growth in peatlands across the Holarctic region

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    The relative importance of global versus local environmental factors for growth and thus carbon uptake of the bryophyte genusSphagnum-the main peat-former and ecosystem engineer in northern peatlands-remains unclear. We measured length growth and net primary production (NPP) of two abundantSphagnumspecies across 99 Holarctic peatlands. We tested the importance of previously proposed abiotic and biotic drivers for peatland carbon uptake (climate, N deposition, water table depth and vascular plant cover) on these two responses. Employing structural equation models (SEMs), we explored both indirect and direct effects of drivers onSphagnumgrowth. Variation in growth was large, but similar within and between peatlands. Length growth showed a stronger response to predictors than NPP. Moreover, the smaller and denserSphagnum fuscumgrowing on hummocks had weaker responses to climatic variation than the larger and looserSphagnum magellanicumgrowing in the wetter conditions. Growth decreased with increasing vascular plant cover within a site. Between sites, precipitation and temperature increased growth forS. magellanicum. The SEMs indicate that indirect effects are important. For example, vascular plant cover increased with a deeper water table, increased nitrogen deposition, precipitation and temperature. These factors also influencedSphagnumgrowth indirectly by affecting moss shoot density. Synthesis. Our results imply that in a warmer climate,S. magellanicumwill increase length growth as long as precipitation is not reduced, whileS. fuscumis more resistant to decreased precipitation, but also less able to take advantage of increased precipitation and temperature. Such species-specific sensitivity to climate may affect competitive outcomes in a changing environment, and potentially the future carbon sink function of peatlands

    Environmental drivers of Sphagnum growth in peatlands across the Holarctic region

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    The relative importance of global versus local environmental factors for growth and thus carbon uptake of the bryophyte genus Sphagnum – the main peat-former and ecosystem engineer in northern peatlands – remains unclear. 2) We measured length growth and net primary production (NPP) of two abundant Sphagnum species across 99 Holarctic peatlands. We tested the importance of previously proposed abiotic and biotic drivers for peatland carbon uptake (climate, N deposition, water table depth, and vascular plant cover) on these two responses. Employing structural equation models, we explored both indirect and direct effects of drivers on Sphagnum growth. 3) Variation in growth was large, but similar within and between peatlands. Length growth showed a stronger response to predictors than NPP. Moreover, the smaller and denser Sphagnum fuscum growing on hummocks had weaker responses to climatic variation than the larger and looser S. magellanicum growing in the wetter conditions. Growth decreased with increasing vascular plant cover within a site. Between sites, precipitation and temperature increased growth for S. magellanicum. The structural equation models indicated that indirect effects are important. For example, vascular plant cover increased with a deeper water table, increased nitrogen deposition, precipitation and temperature. These factors also influenced Sphagnum growth indirectly by affecting moss shoot density. 4) Synthesis Our results imply that in a warmer climate, S. magellanicum will increase length growth as long as precipitation is not reduced, while S. fuscum is more resistant to decreased precipitation, but also less able to take advantage of increased precipitation and temperature. Such species-specific sensitivity to climate may affect competitive outcomes in a changing environment, and potentially the future carbon sink function of peatlands

    Environmental and taxonomic controls of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition in Sphagnum across broad climatic and geographic ranges

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    Rain-fed peatlands are dominated by peat mosses (Sphagnum sp.), which for their growth depend on nutrients, water and CO2 uptake from the atmosphere. As the isotopic composition of carbon (12,13C) and oxygen (16,18O) of these Sphagnum mosses are affected by environmental conditions, Sphagnum tissue accumulated in peat constitutes a potential long-term archive that can be used for climate reconstruction. However, there is inadequate understanding of how isotope values are influenced by environmental conditions, which restricts their current use as environmental and palaeoenvironmental indicators. Here we tested (i) to what extent C and O isotopic variation in living tissue of Sphagnum is species-specific and associated with local hydrological gradients, climatic gradients (evapotranspiration, temperature, precipitation) and elevation; (ii) whether the C isotopic signature can be a proxy for net primary productivity (NPP) of Sphagnum; and (iii) to what extent Sphagnum tissue ή18O tracks the ή18O isotope signature of precipitation. In total, we analysed 337 samples from 93 sites across North America and Eurasia using two important peat-forming Sphagnum species (S. magellanicum, S. fuscum) common to the Holarctic realm. There were differences in ή13C values between species. For S. magellanicum ή13C decreased with increasing height above the water table (HWT, R2 =17%) and was positively correlated to productivity (R2 = 7%). Together these two variables explained 46% of the between-site variation in ή13C values. For S. fuscum, productivity was the only significant predictor of ή13C but had low explanatory power (total R2 = 6%). For ή18O values, approximately 90% of the variation was found between sites. Globally modelled annual ή18O values in precipitation explained 69% of the between-site variation in tissue ή18O. S. magellanicum showed lower ή18O enrichment than S. fuscum (-0.83 ‰ lower). Elevation and climatic variables were weak predictors of tissue ή18O values after controlling for ή18O values of the precipitation. To summarize, our study provides evidence for (a) good predictability of tissue ή18O values from modelled annual ή18O values in precipitation, and (b) the possibility of relating tissue ή13C values to HWT and NPP, but this appears to be species-dependent. These results suggest that isotope composition can be used on a large scale for climatic reconstructions but that such models should be species-specific.</p

    Environmental drivers of Sphagnum growth in peatlands across the Holarctic region

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    Abstract 1. The relative importance of global versus local environmental factors for growth and thus carbon uptake of the bryophyte genus Sphagnum—the main peat‐former and ecosystem engineer in northern peatlands—remains unclear. 2. We measured length growth and net primary production (NPP) of two abundant Sphagnum species across 99 Holarctic peatlands. We tested the importance of previously proposed abiotic and biotic drivers for peatland carbon uptake (climate, N deposition, water table depth and vascular plant cover) on these two responses. Employing structural equation models (SEMs), we explored both indirect and direct effects of drivers on Sphagnum growth. 3. Variation in growth was large, but similar within and between peatlands. Length growth showed a stronger response to predictors than NPP. Moreover, the smaller and denser Sphagnum fuscum growing on hummocks had weaker responses to climatic variation than the larger and looser Sphagnum magellanicum growing in the wetter conditions. Growth decreased with increasing vascular plant cover within a site. Between sites, precipitation and temperature increased growth for S. magellanicum. The SEMs indicate that indirect effects are important. For example, vascular plant cover increased with a deeper water table, increased nitrogen deposition, precipitation and temperature. These factors also influenced Sphagnum growth indirectly by affecting moss shoot density. 4. Synthesis. Our results imply that in a warmer climate, S. magellanicum will increase length growth as long as precipitation is not reduced, while S. fuscum is more resistant to decreased precipitation, but also less able to take advantage of increased precipitation and temperature. Such species‐specific sensitivity to climate may affect competitive outcomes in a changing environment, and potentially the future carbon sink function of peatlands