108 research outputs found

    Makanan Tabu pada Ibu Hamil Suku Tengger

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    Ibu hamil merupakan salah satu kelompok berisiko kekurangan gizi karena tabu terhadap makanan masih banyak dijumpai pada masyarakat dengan etnis budaya yang masih kuat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makanan tabu dan alasannya pada ibu hamil suku Tengger di Ngadas, Malang. Desain studi yang adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok terarah pada ibu hamil dan wawancara mendalam dengan tetua masyarakat, keluarga, serta petugas kesehatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makanan yang ditabukan meliputi kelompok buah-buahan, lauk, sayuran, makanan yang dianggap panas, dan makanan yang dianggap tidak lazim, seperti makanan dempet atau kembar. Alasan tabu makanan di Tengger Ngadas karena adanya pendekatan secara simbolik, fungsional, dan nilai atau keagamaan. Diperlukan penyuluhan oleh bidan desa terkait gizi kehamilan pada ibu hamil, kader posyandu, tetua masyarakat, dan keluarga. Ibu hamil perlu didorong untuk mengonsumsi makanan yang bergizi dan tidak memantang makanan yang dapat mengeksklusikan zat gizi tertentu dari dietnya.Pregnant woman is a risk group of malnutrition because of food. Food taboo is still exist in the community with strong culture. This study aimed to know the food taboo among pregnant woman in Tengger in Ngadas, Malang and its reason. Study design used is descriptive qualitative by focus group disscussion method with pregnant woman and indepth interview with elders, family, and health worker. The result shows that food taboo including fruits, side dish, vegetables, ‘hot foods\u27 group, and unusual foods such as food that stuck together. The reasons for avoiding food are symbolic approach, functional approach, and value or religion. It\u27s recommended for midwife in village to give information about maternal nutrition to pregnant women, elders, posyandu kader, and family. Pregnant women needs to be encouraged to consume nutritional food and avoid food taboo that can excluse some nutrients from the diet

    Gambaran Motivasi Kerja Dan Pelayanan Prima Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Umum Bethesda Gmim Tomohon

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    :Motivation of nurses is the important thing because motivation is the one of caused, to lead, and human support for someone to do the best and get the best result. Excellent Service is the first element in the hospital and health sector, that the patients need. The aims of the research to see the picture of work motivation and excellent service of nurses at Bethesda GMIM Tomohon Hospital. Desain research The study was descriptive-qualitative, the population was all of nurses and patients in Bethesda GMIM Tomohon Hospital This research sample 60 respondent (nurse and patient), with the purposive sampling. Data analysis used of this study was data processor software SPSS. The result: The result of the study showed that intrinsic motivation of good category (48,3%), less category (51,7%), extrinsic motivation of good category (50%), less category (50%). Excellent service nurse when first meet the patient of good category (71,7%), less category (28,3%), when will start of good category (53,3%), less category (46,7%), and after they do the excellent service in good category (70%), less category (30%). The conclution more nurses are motivated by extrisic than intrinsic, and patiens feel that is provided nurses already do the excellent service. Advice would be able to add more information to researcher and to the hospital to maintain the excellent service provided to patients

    Meteoric 10Be as a tracer of subglacial processes and interglacial surface exposure in Greenland

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    In order to test whether sediment emerging from presently glaciated areas of Greenland was exposed near or at Earth's surface during previous interglacial periods, we measured the rare isotope 10Be contained in grain coatings of sediment collected at five ice marginal sites. Such grain coatings contain meteoric 10Be (10Bemet), which forms in the atmosphere and is deposited onto Earth's surface. Samples include sediment entrained in ice, glaciofluvial sediment collected at the ice margin, and subglacial sediment extracted during hot water drilling in the ablation zone. Due to burial by ice, contemporary subglacial sediment could only have acquired substantial 10Bemet concentrations during periods in the past when the Greenland Ice Sheet was less extensive than present. The highest measured 10Bemet concentrations are comparable to those found in well-developed, long-exposed soils, suggesting subglacial preservation and glacial transport of sediment exposed during preglacial or interglacial periods. Ice-bound sediment has significantly higher 10Bemet concentrations than glaciofluvial sediment, suggesting that glaciofluvial processes are sufficiently erosive to remove tracers of previous interglacial exposures. Northern Greenland sites where ice and sediment are supplied from the ice sheet's central main dome have significantly higher 10Bemet concentrations than sites in southern Greenland, indicating greater preglacial or interglacial landscape preservation in central Greenland than in the south. Because southern Greenland has more frequent and spatially extensive periods of glacial retreat but nevertheless has less evidence of past subaerial exposure, we suggest that 10Bemet measurements in glacial sediment are primarily controlled by erosional efficiency rather than interglacial exposure length

    Preservation of a Preglacial Landscape Under the Center of the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    Continental ice sheets typically sculpt landscapes via erosion; under certain conditions, ancient landscapes can be preserved beneath ice and can survive extensive and repeated glaciation. We used concentrations of atmospherically produced cosmogenic beryllium-10, carbon, and nitrogen to show that ancient soil has been preserved in basal ice for millions of years at the center of the ice sheet at Summit, Greenland. This finding suggests ice sheet stability through the Pleistocene (i.e., the past 2.7 million years). The preservation of this soil implies that the ice has been non-erosive and frozen to the bed for much of that time, that there was no substantial exposure of central Greenland once the ice sheet became fully established, and that preglacial landscapes can remain preserved for long periods under continental ice sheet

    Detection of Antibiotic Residues in Chicken Meat and Eggs from Traditional Markets at Yogyakarta City Using Bioassay Method

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    Studies on antibiotic residues content in food of animal origin are currently needed to support veterinary public health programs. The present study was described bioassay method for the detection of antibiotic residues in chicken meat and eggs from traditional market at Yogyakarta City. A number of twenty-four chicken meat samples and 24 egg samples were taken from 8 traditional markets in Yogyakarta city. Samples were examined at Centre for Veterinary Wates, Yogyakarta, Indonesia using bioassay method for screening detection of penicillin, aminoglycoside, macrolide and tetracycline residues. This bioassay method using some bacteria, such as Bacillus stearothermophillus, B. cereus, B. subtilis, and Kocuria rizophila. A percentage of the results showed that 8.33% (2/24) samples of chickens tested positively contained the oxytetracycline antibiotic residues. Meanwhile, as much as 75% (18/24) samples of positive eggs contain penicillin antibiotic residues, positive residues of aminoglycoside amounted to 12.5% (3/24) and the positive residues of oxytetracycline also amounted to 12.5% (3/24)

    Early Cretaceous vegetation and climate change at high latitude: Palynological evidence from Isachsen Formation, Arctic Canada

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    Quantitative palynology of the marginal marine and deltaic-fluvial Isachsen Formation of the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic, provides insight into high latitude climate during much of the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian to early Aptian). Detrended Correspondence Analysis of main pollen and spore taxa is used to derive three ecological groupings influenced by moisture and disturbance based on the botanical affinities of palynomorphs: 1) a mixed coniferous assemblage containing both lowland and upland components; 2) a conifer-filicopsid community that likely grew in dynamic lowland habitats; and, 3) a mature dry lowland community composed of Cheirolepidiaceans. Stratigraphic changes in the relative abundance of pollen and spore taxa reflect climate variability in this polar region during the ~20 Mya history of the Isachsen Formation. The late Valanginian was relatively cool and moist and promoted lowland conifer-filicopsid communities. Warming in the Hauterivian resulted in the expansion coniferous communities in well-drained or arid hinterlands. A return to relatively cool and moist conditions in the Barremian resulted in the expansion of mixed lowland communities. This work demonstrates the utility of a multivariate statistical approach to palynology to provide insight into the composition and dynamics of ecosystems and climate of high latitude regions during the Early Cretaceous

    Impaired health-related quality of life in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies: a cross-sectional analysis from the COVAD-2 e-survey

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    Objectives To investigate health-related quality of life in patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) compared with those with non-IIM autoimmune rheumatic diseases (AIRDs), non-rheumatic autoimmune diseases (nrAIDs) and without autoimmune diseases (controls) using Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS) instrument data obtained from the second COVID-19 vaccination in autoimmune disease (COVAD-2) e-survey database. Methods Demographics, diagnosis, comorbidities, disease activity, treatments and PROMIS instrument data were analysed. Primary outcomes were PROMIS Global Physical Health (GPH) and Global Mental Health (GMH) scores. Factors affecting GPH and GMH scores in IIMs were identified using multivariable regression analysis. Results We analysed responses from 1582 IIM, 4700 non-IIM AIRD and 545 nrAID patients and 3675 controls gathered through 23 May 2022. The median GPH scores were the lowest in IIM and non-IIM AIRD patients {13 [interquartile range (IQR) 10–15] IIMs vs 13 [11–15] non-IIM AIRDs vs 15 [13–17] nrAIDs vs 17 [15–18] controls, P < 0.001}. The median GMH scores in IIM patients were also significantly lower compared with those without autoimmune diseases [13 (IQR 10–15) IIMs vs 15 (13–17) controls, P < 0.001]. Inclusion body myositis, comorbidities, active disease and glucocorticoid use were the determinants of lower GPH scores, whereas overlap myositis, interstitial lung disease, depression, active disease, lower PROMIS Physical Function 10a and higher PROMIS Fatigue 4a scores were associated with lower GMH scores in IIM patients. Conclusion Both physical and mental health are significantly impaired in IIM patients, particularly in those with comorbidities and increased fatigue, emphasizing the importance of patient-reported experiences and optimized multidisciplinary care to enhance well-being in people with IIMs
