7 research outputs found

    A Partial C4 Photosynthetic Biochemical Pathway in Rice.

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    Introduction of a C4 photosynthetic pathway into C3 rice (Oryza sativa) requires installation of a biochemical pump that concentrates CO2 at the site of carboxylation in modified bundle sheath cells. To investigate the feasibility of this, we generated a quadruple line that simultaneously accumulates four of the core C4 photosynthetic enzymes from the NADP-malic enzyme subtype, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (ZmPEPC), NADP-malate dehydrogenase (ZmNADP-MDH), NADP-malic enzyme (ZmNADP-ME), and pyruvate phosphate dikinase (ZmPPDK). This led to enhanced enzyme activity and mild phenotypic perturbations but was largely neutral in its effects on photosynthetic rate. Measurements of the flux of 13CO2 through photosynthetic metabolism revealed a significant increase in the incorporation of 13C into malate, consistent with increased fixation of 13CO2 via PEP carboxylase in lines expressing the maize PEPC enzyme. However, there was no significant differences in labeling of 3-phosphoglycerate (3PGA) indicating that there was no carbon flux through NADP-ME into the Calvin-Benson cycle. There was also no significant difference in labeling of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) indicating that there was no carbon flux through PPDK. Crossing the quadruple line with a line with reduced glycine decarboxylase H-protein (OsGDCH) abundance led to a photosynthetic phenotype characteristic of the reduced OsGDCH line and higher labeling of malate, aspartate and citrate than in the quintuple line. There was evidence of 13C labeling of aspartate indicating 13CO2 fixation into oxaloacetate by PEPC and conversion to aspartate by the endogenous aspartate aminotransferase activity. While Kranz anatomy or other anatomical modifications have not yet been installed in these plants to enable a fully functional C4 cycle, these results demonstrate for the first-time a partial flux through the carboxylation phase of NADP-ME C4 metabolism in transgenic rice containing two of the key metabolic steps in the C4 pathway

    Knockdown of glycine decarboxylase complex alters photorespiratory carbon isotope fractionation in Oryza sativa leaves

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    The influence of reduced glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC) activity on leaf atmosphere CO2 and 13CO2 exchange was tested in transgenic Oryza sativa with the GDC H-subunit knocked down in leaf mesophyll cells. Leaf measurements on transgenic gdch knockdown and wild-type plants were carried out in the light under photorespiratory and low photorespiratory conditions (i.e. 18.4 kPa and 1.84 kPa atmospheric O2 partial pressure, respectively), and in the dark. Under approximately current ambient O2 partial pressure (18.4 kPa pO2), the gdch knockdown plants showed an expected photorespiratory-deficient phenotype, with lower leaf net CO2 assimilation rates (A) than the wild-type. Additionally, under these conditions, the gdch knockdown plants had greater leaf net discrimination against 13CO2 (Δo) than the wild-type. This difference in Δo was in part due to lower 13C photorespiratory fractionation (f) ascribed to alternative decarboxylation of photorespiratory intermediates. Furthermore, the leaf dark respiration rate (Rd) was enhanced and the 13CO2 composition of respired CO2 (δ13CRd) showed a tendency to be more depleted in the gdch knockdown plants. These changes in Rd and δ13CRd were due to the amount and carbon isotopic composition of substrates available for dark respiration. These results demonstrate that impairment of the photorespiratory pathway affects leaf 13CO2 exchange, particularly the 13C decarboxylation fractionation associated with photorespiration.Research was funded by a C4 Rice Project grant from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to IRRI (2012–2015) and to the University of Oxford (2015–2019); by the National Science Foundation, grant MCB-1146928; by the National Science Foundation, grant MRI0923562; and by the Russian Science Foundation, grant 16-16-00089

    High-Throughput chlorophyll fluorescence screening of Setaria viridis for mutants with altered CO2 compensation points

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    To assist with efforts to engineer a C4 photosynthetic pathway into rice, forward-genetic approaches are being used to identify the genes modulating key C4 traits. Currently, a major challenge is how to screen for a variety of different traits in a high-throughput manner. Here we describe a method for identifying C4 mutant plants with increased CO2 compensation points. This is used as a signature for decreased photosynthetic efficiency associated with a loss of C4 function. By exposing plants to a CO2 concentration close to the CO2 compensation point of a wild-type plant, individuals can be identified from measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence. We use this method to screen a mutant population of the C4 monocot Setaria viridis (L.) P.Beauv. generated using N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU). Mutants were identified at a frequency of 1 per 157 lines screened. Forty-six candidate lines were identified and one line with a heritable homozygous phenotype selected for further characterisation. The CO2 compensation point of this mutant was increased to a value similar to that of C3 rice. Photosynthesis and growth was significantly reduced under ambient conditions. These data indicate that the screen was capable of identifying mutants with decreased photosynthetic efficiency. Characterisation and next-generation sequencing of all the mutants identified in this screen may lead to the discovery of novel genes underpinning C4 photosynthesis. These can be used to engineer a C4 photosynthetic pathway into rice.This work was supported by the International Rice Research Institute, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Department for International Development (DFID) U.K and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Translational Photosynthesis in Australia

    High-throughput chlorophyll fluorescence screening of Setaria viridis for mutants with altered CO2 compensation points

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    To assist with efforts to engineer a C4 photosynthetic pathway into rice, forward-genetic approaches are being used to identify the genes modulating key C4 traits. Currently, a major challenge is how to screen for a variety of different traits in a high-throughput manner. Here we describe a method for identifying C4 mutant plants with increased CO2 compensation points. This is used as a signature for decreased photosynthetic efficiency associated with a loss of C4 function. By exposing plants to a CO2 concentration close to the CO2 compensation point of a wild-type plant, individuals can be identified from measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence. We use this method to screen a mutant population of the C4 monocot Setaria viridis (L.)P.Beauv. generated using N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU). Mutants were identified at a frequency of 1 per 157 lines screened. Forty-six candidate lines were identified and one line with a heritable homozygous phenotype selected for further characterisation. The CO2 compensation point of this mutant was increased to a value similar to that of C3 rice. Photosynthesis and growth was significantly reduced under ambient conditions. These data indicate that the screen was capable of identifying mutants with decreased photosynthetic efficiency. Characterisation and next-generation sequencing of all the mutants identified in this screen may lead to the discovery of novel genes underpinning C4 photosynthesis. These can be used to engineer a C4 photosynthetic pathway into rice. </jats:p

    Targeted Knockdown of GDCH in Rice Leads to a Photorespiratory-Deficient Phenotype Useful as a Building Block for C4 Rice

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    The glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC) plays a critical role in the photorespiratory C2 cycle of C3 species by recovering carbon following the oxygenation reaction of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Loss of GDC from mesophyll cells (MCs) is considered a key early step in the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. To assess the impact of preferentially reducing GDC in rice MCs, we decreased the abundance of OsGDCH (Os10g37180) using an artificial microRNA (amiRNA) driven by a promoter that preferentially drives expression in MCs. GDC H- and P-proteins were undetectable in leaves of gdch lines. Plants exhibited a photorespiratory-deficient phenotype with stunted growth, accelerated leaf senescence, reduced chlorophyll, soluble protein and sugars, and increased glycine accumulation in leaves. Gas exchange measurements indicated an impaired ability to regenerate ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate in photorespiratory conditions. In addition, MCs of gdch lines exhibited a significant reduction in chloroplast area and coverage of the cell wall when grown in air, traits that occur during the later stages of C4 evolution. The presence of these two traits important for C4 photosynthesis and the non-lethal, down-regulation of the photorespiratory C2 cycle positively contribute to efforts to produce a C4 rice prototype