146 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of designing Holistic Electronic Government Services Integration Model

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    Purpos– the aim ok this paper is to develop a Holistic Electronic Government Services Integration Model which could ensure the efficient integration of electronic government services in the local self-government level.Methodolog– the following analyses have been carried out in thirkpaper: theoretical-systematic; normative and conceptual comparative analysis of the researcha A method of modeling has also been applied.Finding– the scientific work analyzes the improvement opportunities of the models of electronic government services and their application alternatives in Lithuanian municipalities. The newly developed model of electronic government services that has been designed basng on the principle of integrating online expert consultation is primarily targeted at improvement of inside processes’ changes of an organization. Practicing the application of that model in the local self-government level starting with improvement of inside processes of an organization should help adapt more accurately and efficiently to the changing needs of the society while providing electronic government services, thus establishing a higher public value.Practical implication– the practical novelty of work is reflected not only through the integration opportunities’ assessment of the principle of online expert consultation services into the theoretical models of electronic government services that have already been developed by the scientists, but also on the basis of this principle there has been created a “Holistic Electronic Government Services Integration Model” in accordance with “E-Diamond” model basis and its practical application realization with the design of “The project of implementing the principle of online expert consultation on the model of electronic government services” for the future investigations.Originalit– the systematic, comparative analysis of the models of electronic government services carried out in the scientific work and the assessment of opportunities of their application in the self-government level have hardly been analyzed which makes the topic a novelty. With the help of the method of comparative analysis the models of electronic government services have been assessed and there has been distinguished the total of six. Two of them being the main common models of electronic government services have the features that enable the development of new models of electronic government services that are more targeted at changes taking place in public needs and inside organizational processes signifying the originality


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model penyiapan PCK calon guru dalam perkuliahan PerencanaanPengajaranFisika (PPF)yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan merancang dan mengimplementasikan pengajaran fisika padasalah satu LPTK di Malukudengan melibatkan 47 orang sampel.PenelitianinimenggunakanEmbedded Design: Experimental Modeldari Mixed Methods Researchdengan pendekatan two-phases. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh berupa model penyiapan PCK calon guru dalam bentuk program perkuliahan PPF. Calon guru dapat mengembangkan analisis konsep dengan kualifikasi cukup, menyusun peta konsep dengan kualifikasi cukup, dan mengembangkan Content Representations (CoRes) dengan kualifikasi baik; mengembangkan pra Pedagogical and Professional–Experience Repertoires (PaP-eRs) dengan kualifikasi cukup; merancang pengajaran Fisika dalam bentuk pengembangan Silabus dengan kualifikasi sangat baik dan pengembangan RPP dengan kualifikasi baik; mengimplementasikan pengajaran Fisika dalam bentuk simulasi pembelajaran pada kegiatan microteaching dengan kualifikasi baik. Model penyiapan PCK yang dihasilkan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan calon guru dalam merancang dan mengimplementasikan pengajaran Fisika.Dosen dan mahasiswa calon guru memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap implementasi model penyiapan PCK. Selainituditemukanbeberapa hal antara lainPCK merupakan hal yang baru bagi calon guru,kemampuan konten yang kurang mengakibatkan calon guru kesulitan dalam mengembangkan analisis konsep dan menyusun peta konsep, terlalu banyak jumlah sampel, serta penyiapan PCK calon guru hanya dilakukan untuk topik listrik statis saja. Untuk itu disarankan agar informasi tentang PCK perlu diperkenalkan sejak awal, perlu penambahan mata kuliah khusus yang mengakomodir peningkatan pemahaman konten fisika SMP dan SMA, melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang penyiapan PCK calon guru fisika untuk topik-topik fisika yang lain, merestrukturisasi ulang kurikulum mata kuliah PPF dengan memasukkan model penyiapan PCK. Kata kunci:Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), calon guru fisika, Perencanaan Pengajaran Fisika (PPF), kemampuan merancang dan mengimplementasikan pengajaran. The research aimed to produce a model of pre-service teachers’ PCK preparation in the course subject of Physics Teaching Planning that can improve the abilities to design and implement physics teaching in one of the teacher’s training institutes in Maluku by involving 47 students as the sample. The research adopted Embedded Design: Experimental Method of Mixed Methods Research with a two-phase approach. Research results produced a model of pre-service teachers’ PCK preparation in the form of a lecture program of Physics Teaching Planning. The pre-service teachers could develop concept analysis with quite qualification , make concept maps with quite qualification, and develop content representations (CoRes) with well qualification; they could develop pre-Pedagogical and Professional–Experience Repertoires (PaP-eRs) with quite qualification; design Physics teaching in the forms of syllabus development with very well qualificationand lesson plan development with well qualification; and implement Physics teaching in the form of instructional simulation in the microteaching activity with well qualification. The model of PCK preparation produced was effective in improving the pre-service teachers’ abilities in designing and implementing Physics teaching. Lecturers and pre-service (student) teachers responded positively to the implementation of PCK preparation model. In addition, it was also found that PCK was something novel for the pre-service teachers.However, in this research the lack of content ability caused the pre-service teachers to have difficulties in developing concept analysis and making concept maps; furthermore, the number of sample was too large, and preparing PCK for pre-service teachers could be conducted for the topic of static electricity only. Therefore, it is recommended that information concerning PCK should be introduced very early, special courses accommodating improvement in content understanding of junior and senior secondary school physics need to be added, further research on PCK preparation for physics pre-service teachers on other topics should be conducted, and restructuration of the curriculum of Physics Teaching Planning by incorporating PCK preparation model should be done. Keywords: Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), physics pre-service teachers, Physics Teaching Planning, the abilities of designing and implementing teaching

    A Study of Cultural Hybridity and Liminality in the Works of Hala Alyan

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    The concept of Liminality emerged from the anthropological works of Arnold Van Gennep and Victor Turner. Liminality refers to the "threshold". The liminal stage is a transitional or in-between phase of different characters and situations. In the era of postcolonialism, liminality has been applied in the context of culture. Concept of hybridity was at first used in the field of science and later in postcolonial scenario, it got associated with the mixing of cultures. Liminality theory has put a significant impact on postcolonial studies because it provides a framework for understanding the complex experiences of people who have been displaced and dislocated. In the postcolonial context, liminality and cultural hybridity are often experienced by people who have migrated from one place to another. The migrants face the challenge of adapting to a new culture while also maintaining their own cultural identity. They may also find themselves caught in a liminal state, in between two cultures, feeling like they don't fully belong to either one. On the other hand, they may feel that they belong to both cultures in equal measure and form a new hybrid culture which is mixture of the culture of their homeland and native state. The Palestinian American writer Hala Alyan’s novels and poems are full of such characters and situations which explore the themes of liminality and cultural hybridity.&nbsp

    Pengaruh Keterbatasan Sistem Informasi dan Otoritas Pengambilan Keputusan terhadap Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah Daerah

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    This study aims to empirically analyze the influence of information system limitations and decision making authority on performance accountability of local government agencies by using quantitative approach and is tested using SPSS 24. This research was conducted in 10 districts/ cities in Maluku province with the sample amounted to 96 employees. Sampling technique used purposive sampling method. The results of this study show that the information system limitations do not affect the performance accountability of local government, while the decision making authority affect the performance accountability of local government at the 5% significance level

    Perangkat Pembelajaran Usaha dan Energi Berbasis STEM Terintegrasi Kearifan Lokal Timba Laor di Desa Allang Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    21st-century learning should include STEM to grow interested in the Indonesian nation to love and master science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. They are included in it for physics learning. STEM is a practical learning approach because it combines knowledge, mathematics, technology, and techniques. This aim to make students as problem-solvers, inventors, have innovation, independent logical thinking, technological literacy, connect their culture and history with education, and apply their knowledge in real life. Thus, it is necessary to implement STEM-based learning integrated lokal wisdom /culture of the community in which the learners are located. One of the lokal wisdom of coastal communities in Maluku is Timba Laor. This research aims to develop a High School Physics Learning Tool business concept, and STEM-based Energy integrated lokal wisdom Timba Laor in the village of Allang Central Maluku district, a valid, practical, and effective Plomp model. The stages of mining carried out in this research activity are the development of high school physics learning tools business concept and STEM-based Energy integrated lokal wisdom Timba Laor in the village of Allang Central Maluku District. Test models by providing surveys of physics teachers to empirically validate the learning devices that have been compiled, analyzed, and revised. The resulting product is a learning device physics high school concept business, and energy-based STEM integrated lokal wisdom. Keywords : Business and Energy, Learning Tools, STEM, Timba Laor &nbsp

    The spectrum of dermatological disorders found in patients with sarcoidosis presenting to the dermatology outpatient clinic at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Medicine in the branch of Internal Medicine (Dermatology). Johannesburg 2017.Backgrounds There is a paucity of studies on cutaneous sarcoidosis in the South African setting, with the last study published 18 years ago. More studies are needed to explore these gaps to inform referral policy and guidelines for early diagnosis and management of cutaneous sarcoidosis in the country. Objectives The study focuses on the patterns of cutaneous sarcoidosis, demographic features, and histological associations with the clinical patterns of skin sarcoidosisfound in patients with sarcoidosis presenting to the dermatology outpatient clinic at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic hospital. In addition, the pattern, chronicity and severity of the cutaneous manifestations were described. Furthermore, the co-existence of HIV/AIDS and sarcoidosis was also examined. Methods A retrospective descriptive studythat spans from 1991 to 2015, was carried out which included cases that had a definitive diagnosis of sarcoidosis. One hundred case records of patients with cutaneous sarcoidosis that attended the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic, from the study site in Soweto, in the south of Johannesburg, were collected and transferred to a collection data sheet. Results In this predominantly Black African population, women above 45 years old (70%), were most commonly affected. Papules (68.8%) and plaques (27.1%) were the most frequent skin findings in Black Africans. The most frequent extra-cutaneous organ affected was the lung (53%). Subcutaneous lesions were found to be significantly associated (p-value <0. 012) with Scadding stage 0 and stage 4 lung involvement. On histology 70% of the cases had clean granulomas, frequently associated with papules clinically. HIV seropositive and sarcoidosis cases demonstrated an inversely proportional association with the CD4 count, with disease progression noted with CD4 increments after initiation of therapy. Conclusion The variations in the patterns of presentation revealed in this study can improve our knowledge of cutaneous patterns of sarcoidosis in this study population and assist with the development of prompt diagnosis and early treatment intervention.LG201

    Cryptocurrency as Disruptive Technology: Theoretical Insighs

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    Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technologies are widely discussed nowadays. The Bitcoin market value is discussed in top magazines, the names of people who earned money from cryptocurrencies are on the Richest People list. The Blockchain technology is said to be a one of disruption pioneers on the one hand, and cryptocurrency is said to be an illegal phenomenon on the other hand. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is based on digitalized industry is changing the power centres. Will cryptocurrency disrupt the financial sector? Or perhaps it will disrupt the retail market or global monetary policy. Disruptive technologies together with the Internet, Mobile Internet and Internet of Things are changing our world. While society has gained simple and reachable comfort for a cheaper price on the one hand, many people have lost their jobs on the other. Consequently, the authors presuppose discussion about the phenomenon of cryptocurrency through the context of social phenomena and legal regulation: divulge definitions, principles, relating to the topic; identify possible tendencies according to legal regulation and its practical realization

    Towards Sustainable Cryptocurrency: Risk Mitigations from a Perspective of National Security

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    Cryptocurrency market is developing fast during the past few years. Cryptocurrency now is available as a form of payment for retail goods, as an instrument for a wholesale international transaction a mean of exchange for whatever goods and is available through ATM’s. Moreover, it is developing as a possibility for fundraising a) as a private debt b) as seed capital. Companies like Facebook are discussing launching own cryptocurrency. Bank UBS is developing its blockchain based virtual currency as well. However, scientist agrees that cryptocurrency has an important impact to national security. It became a relevant instrument for illegal good transactions, a mean of exchange in the darknet and an instrument for money laundering or infrastructure for new kind of money-laundering practices (for example- “Smurfing” phenomena (EU Observer, 2019)) European Union is launching AML and KYC procedures for the cryptocurrency market. Would it be efficient? Why are we implementing KYC and AML procedures for cryptocurrency? Is it able to minimize risks

    Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Penjualan dan Tingkat Hutang terhadap Kesulitan Keuangan pada Sektor Industri terdampak Pandemi Covid-19

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    AbstrakPandemi Covid-19 membawa dampak terhadap industri tertentu yang memperngaruhi kesehatan keuangan perusahaan-perusahaan di industri tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh pertumbuhan penjualan dan tingkat hutang terhadap kesulitan keuangan pada perusahaan di sektor industi yang terdampak pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian in merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang berasal dari laporan keuangan perusahaan-perusahaan dari industri terdampak pandemi Covid-19 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode tahun 2020-2021. Berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan peneliti, diperoleh sampel penelitian sebanyak 124 observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan penjualan dan tingkat hutang berpengaruh positif terhadap kesulitan keuangan. 

    Elektroninės valdžios paslaugų pakopų modeliai: jų lyginamoji analizė

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    Straipsnyje atskleisti elektroninės valdžios paslaugų pakopų modelių kūrimo ir taikymo ypatumai,&nbsp;atlikta elektroninės valdžios paslaugų pakopų modelių lyginamoji analizė. Remiantis užsienio mokslo&nbsp;autorių darbais, detaliai išanalizuoti ir įvertinti elektroninės valdžios paslaugų pakopų modeliai –&nbsp;„ANAO“, „SAFAD“, „Lee &amp; Layne“, „Viešojo sektoriaus procesų atkūrimo“, „Hiller &amp; Belanger“. Darbo&nbsp;naujumą ir originalumą sudaro įvairių elektroninės valdžios paslaugų pakopų modelių sisteminė analizė&nbsp;ir šių modelių bendrųjų pranašumų ir trūkumų išskyrimas lyginamuoju aspektu, elektroninės valdžios&nbsp;paslaugų pakopų modelių tobulinimo perspektyva. Straipsnyje siūloma elektroninės valdžios paslaugų&nbsp;pakopų modelius papildyti nauju įtinklinto ekspertinio konsultavimo paslaugų lygio fragmentu.Maturity Models of Electronic Government Services: Their Comparative AnalysisTadas Limba SummaryNowadays electronic government starts dominating&nbsp;in all world countries. Some states are more experienced,&nbsp;while others just started implementing it. Nevertheless,&nbsp;which models the country had reached, all&nbsp;of them should make the progress. It is important to try&nbsp;to overlook and analyse in essence the e-government&nbsp;services maturity models at the public administration&nbsp;level, that are used in various countries.&nbsp;The fi rst stage model that we analyse, is “ANAO”&nbsp;model. Another models are – “SAFAD”, “Lee&amp;Layne”,&nbsp;“Hiller and Belanger” and “Public sector processes rebuilding”&nbsp;models. The comparative analysis of the stages&nbsp;models is also carried out ant presented in this article.&nbsp;All in all, despite which model is used, there are&nbsp;lots of areas, where governments should improve their&nbsp;actions. They should look ahead, if they want to do&nbsp;their best at e-government policy