2,633 research outputs found

    Quão islâmico é o Estado Islâmico? A guerra do fim dos tempos: o Estado Islâmico e o mundo que ele quer

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    Perception of Health Care Workers Regarding Ludic Activities in Pediatric Hospitals

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    Infant hospitalization is a difficult process for a developing child because it is related to a series of losses and trauma. In this sense, ludic treatment contributes to ease hospital permanence, thus favoring child development and, in certain aspects, even the cure. The sense of life finitude afflicts the child, the family, and those that accompany it during hospitalization. In this context, the perceptions of workers composing the multidisciplinary health care team regarding the application of ludic activities in pediatric public hospitals in São Luís/MA were investigated. Therefore, a descriptive exploratory research was carried out in two hospitals that had a pediatric treatment macrostructure within their functional dependencies with all medical and complementary specialties available for the infant public, thus comprising a multidisciplinary health team. Participants comprised 8 workers (2 doctors, 2 nurses, 2 psychologists and 2 occupational therapists), including 6 women and 2 men with an average of 6 years of professional experience in pediatric hospitals. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Results indicated that ludic activities are relevant for children socialization and integration in the hospitalization reality. The health care workers from the multidisciplinary health team emphasize that ludic such activities in pediatric hospitals contribute to the child’s health recovery and therefore to the pathology treatment

    In Vitro Digestion Assays Using Dynamic Models for Essential Minerals in Brazilian Goat Cheeses

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    Goat cheeses have important nutritional properties, with an emphasis on proteins, lipids (high digestibility), and essential minerals. This study analyzes the bioavailability of Ca, Mg, and Zn in Brazilian cheeses using an in vitro dynamic digestion method. Two self-produced fresh cheeses, cow and goat Minas frescal cheese, and two commercial matured goat cheeses, Blue and Pyramid, were analyzed. Brazilian goat cheeses are potential sources of essential minerals (Ca, Mg, and Zn). Variations of 103–598 mg/100 g for Ca, 13.62–41.64 mg/100 g for Mg, and 9.79–13.23 mg/100 g for Zn were observed in the studied samples. The pH concentration, enzyme performance, and protein and lipid content of Brazilian cheeses affected the solubility of essential minerals in the intestinal fraction. The percentages of minerals found in the permeate stream, equivalent to absorption of Ca and Zn, were lower in Minas frescal goat cheese than Minas frescal cow cheese, whereas that of Mg was higher. Pyramid and Minas frescal goat cheeses had the higher values of Mg and Zn bioavailability, respectively. This study supports, for the first time, the usefulness of the dynamic simulation of the human gastrointestinal tract for the study of mineral bioavailability in cheeses.The authors would like to thank the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) for the scholarship grant of PhD student José Teixeira, and for the research internship abroad (regular scholarship n° 2018/08864–8 and BEPE—n° 2019/13600–2). Juliana Azevedo Lima Pallone would like to thank the financial support of Brazil (FAPESP 2018/09759–3). The Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) (Financial Code 001)

    Evaluation of the central activity of the ethanolic extract of Acosmium subelegans (Mohlenbr) in mice

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    The ethanolic extract (EE) of Acosmium subelegans (Mohlenbr) Yakovl (perobinha-do-campo) was tested to behavioral paradigms in mice to investigate its putative central depressant effect. Oral pretreatment with the EE significantly reduced in a dose-dependent way the locomotor activity and increased by 30-55% the barbiturate sleep duration relatively to control values. At the highest dose (1,0 g.kg-1) it decreased the extension time/flexion time ratio of the maximal electroshockinduced convulsions, enhanced the latency to the pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions and diminished by 26% the number of seizures, indicating an anticonvulsant action. No changes were observed in the motor coordination, the core temperature, climbing behavior, catalepsy and the plus-maze performance. The preliminary results indicate that the EE of A. subelegans induce a CNS depressant effect, more specifically an anticonvulsant effect that deserve a thorough investigation.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina CCB Department of PharmacologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Department of PharmacologyUNIFESP, EPM, Department of PharmacologySciEL

    Brazil’s Stealth Military Intervention

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    Between 2016 and 2020, a group of activist generals successfully plotted the Brazilian military's gradual return to the political center stage with powers unseen since the dictatorship. They achieved this without formally breaking the law, suspending the democratic process or overthrowing the government. We call this a “stealth intervention,” an incremental yet systematic attempt to redesign politics without causing a rupture, that fits neither in the existing typology of coups nor in the literature on democratic backsliding. We argue that Brazil’s stealth intervention, built upon the military’s existing tutelary prerogatives and driven by an unreformed praetorian worldview that resurfaced amidst a sustained crisis of democracy, challenges the prevalent view of the armed forces as a reactive force that intervenes in civilian politics only when its institutional interests are threatened. Finally, we show that democratic backsliding in Brazil started under Bolsonaro’s predecessor, Michel Temer, and point to the generals’ understudied role in this process

    Determinación de propiedades mecánicas en materiales laminares a partir de un ensayo vibroacústico

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    Una de las limitaciones que nos encontramos al trabajar con materiales laminares (tipo film) es la correcta determinación de sus propiedades mecánicas. Los ensayos experimentales usuales como el de tracción no son siempre adecuados para evaluarlas, existiendo casos donde el propio procedimiento del ensayo afecta a la validez de los resultados. En este trabajo se propone una metodología no destructiva para caracterizar estos materiales a partir de ensayos vibro-acústicos. En general una membrana de un material dado responde a una excitación acústica (presión sonora) vibrando en un rango de pequeñas deformaciones. La vibración de la membrana es función de sus características dinámicas, a nivel de frecuencias y de modos de vibración propios. Esta respuesta, controlada la excitación a la que se somete la membrana, es medible, y por tanto puede ayudarnos a inferir sus características mecánicas. Sin embargo, esto no es inmediato. La interacción entre las ondas sonoras y la respuesta de la membrana (acoplamiento mecánico-acústico) es compleja y requiere un estudio cuidadoso, ya que puede verse afectada por multitud de factores como las fuentes de sonido, los puntos de toma de medida o las magnitudes de las mismas, entre otros. En este artículo se desarrolla una propuesta de ensayo experimental en la cual, analizados estos factores, nos permite dar respuesta al problema y obtener las propiedades mecánicas con una precisión mayor que en la de los ensayos clásicos. Se presentan además algunos ensayos preliminares que justifican la propuesta de trabajo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.TEP-6604 Junta de Andalucia

    Mudanças no uso da terra depois do período de aumento de preço das commodities no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    At the end of the 20th and early 21st century, agricultural systems incorporated definitively a new mission: to generate goods for a world population that continues to grow and whose way of life demand food with low environmental impact. Soybean is the main raw material for the production of biodiesel in Brazil, accountably responsible for 82.4% of the total produced between 2006 and 2013. The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), which is formed by the Pampa and the Atlantic forest biomes, was responsible for 35.7% of the country’s biodiesel production in the referred period. The aim of this paper was to verify the impact of the increased area of soybean cultivation in land use in Rio Grande do Sul State, in the period between 1990 and 2015, considering separately its two biomes (Pampa and Atlantic Forest) original areas, using both census dataset and satellite images. We used the period from 1990 to 2000 as before commodity rising price (BCRP) and the period from 2000 to 2013 as commodity rising price (CRP). The 505,162 ha from Atlantic Forest biome and 1,192,115ha from Pampa biome were added to soybean production in the CRP period. In the Atlantic Forest, this enlargement occurred in the border of the main production area, while in Pampa biome conversion of natural grassland to corp land was the main reason for the large increment in the cultivated area.No final do século XX e início do século XXI, os sistemas agrícolas incorporaram definitivamente uma nova missão: gerar energia para uma população mundial que continua a crescer e que demanda por seu modo de vida, não só alimentos, mas também, cada vez mais energia, principalmente, energia com baixo impacto ambiental. A soja permaneceu a principal matéria-prima para a produção de biodiesel no Brasil, no período de 2006 a 2013, em que foi responsável por 82,4%, sendo o estado do RS responsável por 35,7% do total da produção brasileira de biodiesel. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar o impacto do aumento da área de cultivo de soja no uso da terra no Rio Grande do Sul, no período entre 1990 e 2015. Considera-se, separadamente, as áreas originais de seus dois biomas (Pampa e Mata Atlântica), usando o conjunto de dados do IBGE e imagens de satélite. Utilizou-se o período de 1990 a 2000 como o período anterior ao da suba de preços de commodities (BCRP) e, o período de 2000 a 2013 como período de aumento do preço das commodities (CRP). Um total de 505.162ha do bioma Mata Atlântica e de 1.192.115ha do bioma Pampa foram incorporados à produção de soja no período CRP. No bioma Mata Atlântica, o aumento ocorreu nos limites da área cultivada, enquanto que no bioma Pampa através da conversãod a área com pastagem nativa

    Description of the female of Poeciloxestia plagiata (Waterhouse, 1880), and of the male of Iuati spinithorax Martins & Galileo, 2010 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

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    Based on material recently collected in Peru (Loreto department) the female of Poeciloxestia plagiata (Waterhouse, 1880), and the male of Iuati spinithorax Martins & Galileo, 2010 are described and figured for the first time. Both species are recorded for the first time from Peru
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