1,791 research outputs found

    Reanimating Dissonance: Cultivating the Antecedents of Barry Harris' Concept of Movement as Multidimensional Pedagogical Tool for Ontario Post-Secondary Jazz Curricula

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    One of the challenges faced in post-secondary jazz education across the GTA is finding qualified instructors who are familiar with dialogical methods for teaching African American jazz histories. More specifically, finding and hiring African American instructors whose musical genealogy can be delineated from black oral/aural histories and can draw from these historicities. Unless the narratives of this music are unpacked, analyzed and taught from its internal elements, which embodies the symbiosis and synthesis of African American dance, theatrics, poetics and American black English that encapsulates the African American-ness in jazz, then there remains a risk that this folk music will become more and more diluted. Consequently, it is my belief that current music educators across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) should consider alternative methods of pedagogy if students are to understand the historicity the historical authenticity of this African American folk music. The idea for this study originated from my observation of a lack of African American-nessAfrican American narratives not being used as a pedagogical tool in post-secondary jazz curricula across the GTA. Therefore, this multi-case study will lead to the creation of an alternative curriculum that incorporates new teaching methods based on African American narratives. Dr. Barry Harris is one such educator who incorporates new teaching methods based on African American narratives. Therefore, I seek to unpack and analyze the musical and social upbringing that contributed to African American jazz pianist and educator Dr. Barry Harris primary contribution to jazz education, which is his concept of movement, while also expanding upon it. When these antecedents of Harris concept of movement have been analyzed, they will use them as a compliance for the cultivation and filling in of gaps in post-secondary jazz curricula across the GTA

    A New (Old) Approach to Learning Western Art Music

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    Application of the focused beam reflectance measurement method (FBRM) to the characterization of plant cells in suspension culture

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    The ability to determine biomass levels and organism morphological characteristics is of importance in many bioprocesses

    Japan’s Long-term Energy Demand and Supply Scenario to 2050 – Estimation for the Potential of Massive CO2 Mitigation

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    In this analysis, we projected Japans energy demand/supply and energy-related CO2 emissions to 2050. Our analysis of various scenarios indicated that Japans CO2 emissions in 2050 could be potentially reduced by 26-58% from the current level (FY 2005) (Figure 1). These results suggest that Japan could set a CO2 emission reduction target for 2050 at between 30% and 60%. In order to reduce CO2 emissions by 60% in 2050 from the present level, Japan will have to strongly promote energy conservation at the same pace as an annual rate of 1.9% after the oil crises (to cut primary energy demand per GDP (TPES/GDP) in 2050 by 60% from 2005) and expand the share of non-fossil energy sources in total primary energy supply in 2050 to 50% (to reduce CO2 emissions per primary energy demand (CO2/TPES) in 2050 by 40% from 2005). Concerning power generation mix in 2050, nuclear power will account for 60%, solar and other renewable energy sources for 20%, hydro power for 10% and fossil-fired generation for 10%, indicating substantial shift away from fossil fuel in electric power supply. Among the mitigation measures in the case of reducing CO2 emissions by 60% in 2050, energy conservation will make the greatest contribution to the emission reduction, being followed by solar power, nuclear power and other renewable energy sources (Figure 2). In order to realize this massive CO2 abatement, however, Japan will have to overcome technological and economic challenges including the large-scale deployment of nuclear power and renewable technologies.energy demand, energy supply, GHG emisisons, energy forecasting

    “Se queremos que tudo continue como está, é preciso que tudo mude”: Risorgimento Italiano em Il Gattopardo de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa e nos Quaderni del carcere de Antonio Gramsci

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    This article aims to approach the so-called Risorgimento Italiano from the works Il Gattopardo, by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, and Quaderni del carcere, by Antonio Gramsci. Based on the premise that literature constituted a source for the work of historians, a dialogue between a specific literary source and a political-social analysis is proposed here, with historiographical implications. The novel used in this analysis is Il Gattopardo by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, which portrays a moment of political, social and economic transformation that took place in 19th century Italy. In this literary work, the daily life of a monarchical society in decadence and the emergence of a centralized bourgeois State can be glimpsed. To compose the dialogic exercise proposed here, we use the Quaderni del carcere by the Sardo Antonio Gramsci. From these works, we seek to highlight the points of intersection between the texts so that both help in a broader understanding of what was the constitution of Italy as a National State, the Risorgimento Italiano. The intersection of these two sources makes historiographical writing possible, and provides the adoption of concepts that help in the analysis of the period, such as "passive revolution" and "transformism" proposed by Gramsci, essential for the analysis of Italian unification. The correlation between Gramsci's concepts and di Lampedusa's prose narrative is made possible with the help of György Lukács' conceptions of realism.Cet article vise à aborder le soi-disant Risorgimento Italiano à partir des œuvres Il Gattopardo, de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, et Quaderni del carcere, de Antonio Gramsci. Partant du postulat que la littérature constituait une source pour le travail des historiens, un dialogue entre une source littéraire spécifique et une analyse politico-sociale est proposé ici, avec des implications historiographiques. Le roman utilisé dans cette analyse est Il Gattopardo de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, qui dépeint un moment de transformation politique, sociale et économique qui a eu lieu dans l'Italie du XIXe siècle. Dans cette œuvre littéraire, on entrevoit le quotidien d'une société monarchique en décadence et l'émergence d'un État bourgeois centralisé. Pour composer l'exercice dialogique proposé ici, nous utilisons les Quaderni del carcere du Sardo Antonio Gramsci. À partir de ces travaux, nous cherchons à mettre en évidence les points d'intersection entre les textes afin que les deux aident à une compréhension plus large de ce qu'était la constitution de l'Italie en tant qu'État national, le Risorgimento Italiano. L'intersection de ces deux sources rend possible l'écriture historiographique et permet l'adoption de concepts qui aident à l'analyse de la période, tels que la "révolution passive" et le "transformisme" proposés par Gramsci, essentiels pour l'analyse de l'unification italienne. La corrélation entre les concepts de Gramsci et le récit en prose de di Lampedusa est rendue possible grâce aux conceptions du réalisme de György Lukács.O presente artigo tem por objetivo abordar o chamado Risorgimento Italiano a partir das obras Il Gattopardo, de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, e os Quaderni del carcere, de Antonio Gramsci. A partir da premissa de que a literatura constitui uma fonte para o trabalho de historiadores, propõe-se aqui um diálogo entre uma fonte literária específica e uma análise político-social, com implicações historiográficas. O romance utilizado nesta análise é Il Gattopardo de Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, que retrata um momento de transformação política, social e econômica ocorrida na Itália do século XIX. Vislumbra-se nessa obra literária o cotidiano de uma sociedade monárquica em decadência e o surgimento de um Estado burguês centralizado. Para compor o exercício dialógico aqui proposto, utiliza-se dos Quaderni del carcere do sardo Antonio Gramsci. A partir dessas obras, procura-se colocar em destaque os pontos de interseção entre os textos para que ambas auxiliem na compreensão mais ampla acerca do que foi a constituição da Itália como Estado Nacional, o Risorgimento Italiano. O intercruzamento dessas duas fontes viabiliza a escrita historiográfica, e proporciona a adoção de conceitos que auxiliam na análise do período, como “revolução passiva” e “transformismo” propostos por Gramsci, imprescindíveis para a análise da unificação italiana. A correlação entre tais conceitos de Gramsci com a narrativa em prosa de di Lampedusa se viabiliza com o auxílio das concepções de György Lukács sobre realismo

    Mesa de ayuda en la gestión de incidencias en la empresa transportes AIFIQUI SAC

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    La presente investigación detalla el desarrollo e implementación de una mesa de ayuda para el proceso de gestión de incidentes en la empresa transportes AIFIQUI S.A.C.; adicionalmente se implementó un chatbot para el registro de incidencias, debido a que la gestión de las incidencias se hace de manera manual lo cual genera que la respuesta y resolución tengan un retraso prolongado. De modo que el objetivo de la investigación es determinar el impacto de la mesa de ayuda en la gestión de incidencias de la empresa transportes AIFIQUI S.A.C. Por ello se describe los aspectos teóricos de la gestión de incidencias, así como también la metodología con la cual se desarrolló la mesa de ayuda la cual fue SCRUM por ser la que más se acomoda a las necesidades y etapas del proyecto. Para el proyecto se consideraron como indicadores el nivel de incidencias atendidas, el nivel de reincidencias y el ratio de impacto de incidencias, tomando como población la cantidad de 50 incidencias. Finalmente, se concluyó que el sistema de mesa de ayuda mejora el proceso de gestión de incidencias, aportando positivamente la atención de los usuarios de forma rápida y eficaz

    The incidence, risk factors, and outcomes associated with late right-sided heart failure in patients supported with an axial-flow left ventricular assist device

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    BACKGROUND: Early right-sided heart failure (RHF) after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation is associated with increased mortality, but little is known about patients who develop late RHF (LRHF). We evaluated the incidence, risk factors, and clinical impact of LRHF in patients supported by axial-flow LVADs. METHODS: Data were analyzed from 537 patients enrolled in the HeartMate II (HM II; Thoratec/St. Jude) destination therapy clinical trial. LRHF was defined as the development of clinical RHF accompanied by the need for inotropic support occurring more than 30 days after discharge from the index LVAD implant hospitalization. Clinical variables, quality of life, rehospitalizations, and survival were compared between patients with and without LRHF. RESULTS: LRHF developed in 41 patients (8%), with a median time to LRHF of 480 days. A higher preoperative blood urea nitrogen and increased central venous pressure-to-pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ratio were independent predictors of LRHF. The Michigan and HMII RHF risk scores were both associated with an increased likelihood of LRHF (p < 0.05). Patients with LRHF had worse quality of life according to the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (61 ± 26 vs 70 ± 21; p < 0.05), poorer functional capacity by 6-minute walk distance (275 ± 189 m vs 312 ± 216 m; p < 0.05), and more rehospitalizations (6 vs 3; p < 0.001). LRHF was associated with decreased survival (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: LRHF is an important complication in patients with LVADs and is associated with worse quality of life, reduced functional capacity, more frequent hospitalizations, and worse survival compared with those without LRHF

    Enamel crystals of mice susceptible or resistant to dental fluorosis: an AFM study

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    Objective: This study aimed to assess the overall apatite crystals profile in the enamel matrix of mice susceptible (A/J strain) or resistant (129P3/J strain) to dental fluorosis through analyses by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Material and Methods: Samples from the enamel matrix in the early stages of secretion and maturation were obtained from the incisors of mice from both strains. All detectable traces of matrix protein were removed from the samples by a sequential extraction procedure. The purified crystals (n=13 per strain) were analyzed qualitatively in the AFM. Surface roughness profile (Ra) was measured. Results: The mean (±SD) Ra of the crystals of A/J strain (0.58±0.15 nm) was lower than the one found for the 129P3/J strain (0.66±0.21 nm) but the difference did not reach statistical significance (t=1.187, p=0.247). Crystals of the 129P3/J strain (70.42±6.79 nm) were found to be significantly narrower (t=4.013, p=0.0013) than the same parameter measured for the A/J strain (90.42±15.86 nm). Conclusion: enamel crystals of the 129P3/J strain are narrower, which is indicative of slower crystal growth and could interfere in the occurrence of dental fluorosis