236 research outputs found

    The use of subcritical water extraction for the recovery of protein from sardine residues

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    Nowadays, due to the growing world population, we face sustainability issues caused by animal protein shortage and environmental impact of animal protein-based industries [1]. This rose the need of full usage of high-quality protein sources, capable of being produced on a commercial scale and minimizing environmental impact. The design of extraction methodologies to recover protein from underused biomasses, using sustainable approaches, emerges to create value- added ingredients for food and feed applications, easing these sustainability problems. The present work aimed to recover and solubilize protein-rich fractions from sardine heads residues, using subcritical water extraction. Extractions were performed at temperatures ranging from 150 to 250 oC. Further, a sequential treatment with two steps was also tested: the first one at 120 oC, to recover soluble protein, followed by a second one at 180 oC, to hydrolyse and solubilise the remaining insoluble protein. The protein fractions were analysed for their lipid, protein and ash contents, and their potential antioxidant activity with colorimetric assays. For protein quantification, sardine residues samples were freeze-dried and analysed by Kjeldahl and the protein solubilized fractions were analysed by Bradford. The ash content was obtained with a muffle furnace and the lipid content by the Bligh and Dyer method. The protein solubilization of the fractions and their protein content increased with the increase of temperature. Moreover, the colorimetric assays revealed that all samples presented antioxidant activities, being the 250 oC sample the one presenting the highest antioxidant activity. Further, the sequential process allowed the recovery of two fractions with different functionalities. Taken together, the use of subcritical water extraction has proved to be an efficient and sustainable method to recover and solubilize protein from sardine residues, and that these residues have great potential to be included in food and feed formulation as a protein-rich and bioactive fraction.This work was financially supported by the project BioEcoNorte - Water and nutrients management based on BIOrefinery and circular ECOnomy towards a sustainable agri-food system of the NORTE of Portugal (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000070) co-funded by CCDR-N - Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte, Portugal 2020, Norte 2020, and the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). The work was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the strategic funding of the UID/BIO/04469/2020 unit and LABBELS – Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechnaical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Heterologous expression and functional characterization of a GH10 endoxylanase from \u3ci\u3eAspergillus fumigatus\u3c/i\u3e var. \u3ci\u3eniveus\u3c/i\u3e with potential biotechnological application

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    Xylanases decrease the xylan content in pretreated biomass releasing it from hemicellulose, thus improving the accessibility of cellulose for cellulases. In this work, an endo-β-1,4-xylanase from Aspergillus fumigatus var. niveus (AFUMN-GH10) was successfully expressed. The structural analysis and biochemical characterization showed this AFUMN-GH10 does not contain a carbohydrate-binding module. The enzyme retained its activity in a pH range from 4.5 to 7.0, with an optimal temperature at 60°C. AFUMN-GH10 showed the highest activity in beechwood xylan. The mode of action of AFUMNGH10 was investigated by hydrolysis of APTS-labeled xylohexaose, which resulted in xylotriose and xylobiose as the main products. AFUMN-GH10 released 27% of residual xylan from hydrothermally-pretreated corn stover and 14% of residual xylan from hydrothermally-pretreated sugarcane bagasse. The results showed that environmentally friendly pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis with AFUMN-GH10 in low concentration is a suitable method to remove part of residual and recalcitrant hemicellulose from biomass

    Prognostic implications of the ID1 expression in acute myeloid leukemia patients treated in a resource-constrained setting

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    Introduction: The aberrant expression of the inhibitor of DNA binding (ID1) gene has been frequently associated with the leukemogenesis and prognostication acute myeloid leukemia (AML), although its clinical importance has never been investigated in patients treated outside well-controlled clinical trials. Methods: Using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, we investigated the role of the ID1 expression in the clinical outcomes of non-selected patients with acute myeloid leukemia treated in a real-life setting. Results: Overall, 128 patients were enrolled. Patients with high ID1 expression had a lower 3-year overall survival (OS) rate of 9%, with the 95% confidence interval (95%CI) at 3 to 20%, compared to patients with a low ID1 expression (22%, 95%CI: 11 - 34%) (p = 0.037), although these findings did not retain significance after adjustment (hazard ratio (HR): 1.5, 95%CI: 0.98 - 2.28; p = 0.057). The ID1 expression had no impact on post-induction outcomes (disease-free survival, p = 0.648; cumulative incidence of relapse, p = 0.584). Conclusions: Although we are aware thar our data are confronted with many variables that cannot be fully controlled, including drug unavailability, risk-adapted treatment, comorbidities and the time from diagnosis to treatment initiation, we are firm believers that such an initiative can provide more realistic data on understudied populations, in particular those from low- and middle-income countries.</p

    Heterologous expression and functional characterization of a GH10 endoxylanase from \u3ci\u3eAspergillus fumigatus\u3c/i\u3e var. \u3ci\u3eniveus\u3c/i\u3e with potential biotechnological application

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    Xylanases decrease the xylan content in pretreated biomass releasing it from hemicellulose, thus improving the accessibility of cellulose for cellulases. In this work, an endo-β-1,4-xylanase from Aspergillus fumigatus var. niveus (AFUMN-GH10) was successfully expressed. The structural analysis and biochemical characterization showed this AFUMN-GH10 does not contain a carbohydrate-binding module. The enzyme retained its activity in a pH range from 4.5 to 7.0, with an optimal temperature at 60°C. AFUMN-GH10 showed the highest activity in beechwood xylan. The mode of action of AFUMNGH10 was investigated by hydrolysis of APTS-labeled xylohexaose, which resulted in xylotriose and xylobiose as the main products. AFUMN-GH10 released 27% of residual xylan from hydrothermally-pretreated corn stover and 14% of residual xylan from hydrothermally-pretreated sugarcane bagasse. The results showed that environmentally friendly pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis with AFUMN-GH10 in low concentration is a suitable method to remove part of residual and recalcitrant hemicellulose from biomass

    Pathogen- and Host-Directed Antileishmanial Effects Mediated by Polyhexanide (PHMB)

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    BACKGROUND:Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a neglected tropical disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. CL causes enormous suffering in many countries worldwide. There is no licensed vaccine against CL, and the chemotherapy options show limited efficacy and high toxicity. Localization of the parasites inside host cells is a barrier to most standard chemo- and immune-based interventions. Hence, novel drugs, which are safe, effective and readily accessible to third-world countries and/or drug delivery technologies for effective CL treatments are desperately needed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Here we evaluated the antileishmanial properties and delivery potential of polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB; polyhexanide), a widely used antimicrobial and wound antiseptic, in the Leishmania model. PHMB showed an inherent antileishmanial activity at submicromolar concentrations. Our data revealed that PHMB kills Leishmania major (L. major) via a dual mechanism involving disruption of membrane integrity and selective chromosome condensation and damage. PHMB's DNA binding and host cell entry properties were further exploited to improve the delivery and immunomodulatory activities of unmethylated cytosine-phosphate-guanine oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG ODN). PHMB spontaneously bound CpG ODN, forming stable nanopolyplexes that enhanced uptake of CpG ODN, potentiated antimicrobial killing and reduced host cell toxicity of PHMB. CONCLUSIONS:Given its low cost and long history of safe topical use, PHMB holds promise as a drug for CL therapy and delivery vehicle for nucleic acid immunomodulators

    Communication in health practices: integrative literature review

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    Objectivethis study aims to describe the main thematic axes explored in the communication field in health practices in the scenarios of the Unified Health System (SUS). Methodintegrative literature review conducted by means of search for articles in the databases Latin American Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), International Literature on Health Sciences (MedLine), and Science Direct, using the descriptors: health communication or communication. A crossing of the descriptors communication and health education was provided. Resultfour themes were constructed: 1) communication to establish relationships between health professionals and users; 2) (in)communication: barriers to the communicative act, 3) communication and health professional education; and 4) communicative health models: search for the dialogic model. Conclusionby understanding dialogic communication, which must be observed in communication, the new requirements posed by the legalization of SUS have shown weaknesses of the single-line and vertical communication model and the need to provide health professionals, since the undergraduate course, with knowledge that enable dialogic communication practices. The challenge of reflective and participatory experiences in the various health care settings still remains, in order to promote a sharing of knowledge that leads to understanding between the interlocutors involved in the communicative act.Objetivoeste artigo tem por objetivo descrever os principais eixos temáticos explorados no campo da comunicação nas práticas em saúde nos cenários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Métodorevisão integrativa da literatura realizada a partir da busca de artigos nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs), Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde (MedLine) e Science Direct, utilizando os descritores: comunicação em saúde ou comunicação. Procedeu-se ao cruzamento dos descritores comunicação e educação em saúde. Resultadoforam construídas quatro temáticas: 1) a comunicação no estabelecimento de relações entre profissionais da saúde e usuários; 2) (des)comunicação: barreiras ao ato comunicativo; 3) comunicação e formação do profissional da saúde; e 4) modelos comunicativos em saúde: a busca pelo modelo dialógico. Conclusãoa partir do entendimento da comunicação dialógica, que deve estar presente na comunicação, as novas demandas da legalização do SUS vêm mostrando fragilidades do modelo unilinear e verticalizado de comunicação e a necessidade de instrumentalizar os profissionais da saúde, desde a graduação, com saberes que proporcionem práticas comunicativas dialógicas. Persiste o desafio de vivências reflexivas e participativas nos vários cenários de assistência à saúde, de forma a promover um compartilhamento de saberes que conduza ao entendimento entre os interlocutores envolvidos no ato comunicativo.Universidade Federal de PernambucoUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco Departamento de FonoaudiologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior em SaúdeUniversidade Federal de Pernambuco Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Centro de Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior em SaúdeSciEL

    Genetic diversity in natural populations of Jacaranda decurrens Cham. determined using RAPD and AFLP markers

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    Jacaranda decurrens (Bignoniaceae) is an endemic species of the Cerrado with validated antitumoral activity. The genetic diversity of six populations of J. decurrens located in the State of São Paulo was determined in this study by using molecular markers for randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Following optimization of the amplification reaction, 10 selected primers generated 78 reproducible RAPD fragments that were mostly (69.2%) polymorphic. Two hundred and five reproducible AFLP fragments were generated by using four selected primer combinations; 46.3% of these fragments were polymorphic, indicating a considerable level of genetic diversity. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) using these two groups of markers indicated that variability was strongly structured amongst populations. The unweighted pair group method with arithmatic mean (UPGMA) and Pearson's correlation coefficient (RAPD -0.16, p = 0.2082; AFLP 0.37, p = 0.1006) between genetic matrices and geographic distances suggested that the population structure followed an island model in which a single population of infinite size gave rise to the current populations of J. decurrens, independently of their spatial position. The results of this study indicate that RAPD and AFLP markers were similarly efficient in measuring the genetic variability amongst natural populations of J. decurrens. These data may be useful for developing strategies for the preservation of this medicinal species in the Cerrado