278 research outputs found

    Metastatic congenital neuroblastoma associated with in situ neuroblastoma: case report and review of literature

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    Although neonatal tumors are rare, neuroblastoma is the most common neoplasia among them. These tumors, which usually involve children in early infancy, are derived from neural crest cells of adrenal gland medulla or sympathetic ganglia. Even though congenital metastatic neuroblastoma presents a favorable prognosis, it may lead to death if not recognized and treated early on. The authors report the case of a 2-month-old child who was born from in vitro fertilization, and whose diagnosis was made after birth. The form of presentation of this case as a metastatic disease concerning this age group is noteworthy

    Investigação criminal: uma proposta de situação-problema para o ensino de química

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Neste trabalho é exposta uma proposta criada por uma bolsista do projeto PIBID da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Apucarana. Nele é apresentado o uso da organização curricular Situação de Estudo (SE), como forma de ensino dos temas pH e indicadores ácido e base e reações de óxido-redução. Observando-se o notável interesse de adolescentes por séries de cunho criminal, optou-se pela elaboração de uma situação de estudo que partisse de apurações de fatos investigativos criminais, a fim de se abordar técnicas e fundamentos da perícia, elucidando a ciência envolvida nas investigações criminai


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    The paper analyses the financial fragility of Brazilian open-capital non-financial enterprises between 2010 and 2016 according to the typology suggested byMinsky (1992). Applying the methodology from Bacic (1990), the profile of 19 of the 20economic sectors listed by the Economatica software was analyzed. Concerning theselected period, which was characterized by the reduction of commodities prices, currency depreciation, deceleration of economic growth at the global and domestic levels,and worsening of the financial sources, it was possible to identify a reduction of firmsin hedge position and an increase in the number of speculative and ponzi enterprises. However, there are specific sectorial patterns that suggest that some sectors are moreresilient than others. This analysis supports the conclusion that, during the reversal ofeconomic cycle, the overall financial fragility of open-capital enterprises increased.O presente artigo examina a fragilidade financeira das empresas não-financeiras de capital aberto no Brasil entre 2010 e 2016 a partir da tipologia proposta por Minsky (1992). Com base na metodologia proposta por Bacic (1990), foi analisado o perfil de dezenove dos vinte setores econômicos do sistema Economatica. Foi possível constatar que, para o período observado, marcado pela queda dos preços das commodities, desaceleração da economia internacional e da economia brasileira e deterioração das fontes de financiamento, houve uma redução das firmas em posição hedge e, como contrapartida, houve um aumento de empresas especulativas e ponzi. Entretanto, há padrões setoriais específicos que sugerem que alguns setores são mais resilientes do que outros. Assim, existem indícios que permitem afirmar que, durante o período de reversão do ciclo econômico, aumentou-se a fragilidade financeira das empresas não-financeiras de capital aberto no país.

    A eficácia do ácido tranexâmico tópico no tratamento do melasma: evidências clínicas

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    Introdução: o melasma é uma desordem hiperpigmentar adquirida, crônica, clinicamente caracterizada como máculas acastanhadascom contornos irregulares e limites claros. O tratamento apresenta diferentes modalidades que incluem a eliminação de possíveisfatores causais, como o uso de protetor solar, além de agentes despigmentantes. O ácido tranexâmico, fármaco tradicionalmenteantifibrinolítico, tem sido utilizado nas lesões do melasma devido ao seu efeito hipopigmentador e também na prevenção dahiperpigmentação induzida por UV. Objetivo: realizar uma investigação qualitativa bibliográfica acerca do mecanismo de ação doácido tranexâmico e sua eficácia no tratamento tópico do melasma, baseada em evidências clínicas. Metodologia: foi realizada umabusca nas bases Pubmed e Embase limitada aos últimos 10 anos, na língua inglesa, utilizando os termos ‘melasma’ e ‘tranexamicacid’. Resultados: foram encontrados sete ensaios clínicos que avaliaram a eficácia do ácido tranexâmico em formulações tópicas comconcentração variando de 2 a 5%. O AT exerce seu mecanismo de ação bloqueando reversivelmente a conversão de plasminogênioem plasmina. Como os ativadores de plasminogênio são gerados pelos queratinócitos, o ácido tranexâmico afeta a função dosqueratinócitos. Conclusão: o ácido tranexamico mostrou-se seguro e promissor no tratamento de melasma, tanto em comparação aoplacebo quanto em relação a outros despigmentantes, sendo bem tolerado e sem ocorrências de reações adversas severas. Contudo,ensaios clinicos controlados e randomizados com avaliação em larga escala e estudos observacionais de longo prazo são necessáriospara que a terapia a longo prazo e a ação em combinação a outras terapias e outros medicamentos fiquem bem esclarecidos

    Facebook as a virtual action space: An analysis of the discursive reactions in the fan page of an environmental movement

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    This article aims to map the discursive reactions found in reviews of internet-readers in a post of the environmental movement Greenpeace Brazil on Facebook and evaluates primarily how such reactions might interfere in the public visibility and legitimacy of the movement built by the speech published on the site. The hypothesis of this work is that, by the reactions, surfers can conquer the political expression they want, but have limited levels of conversation and participation and may be unable to contribute to the visibility and legitimacy of the institution. We sought to identify the characteristics of reactions and levels of the detached participation and, finally, analyze primarily the interference of such reactions. For this, we adopted as the theoretical assumptions the Semiolinguistics Theory of Patrick Charaudeau and other theorists on digital subjectivity, as well as some more philosophical discussions on the scope of social networks.Keywords: social network, environmental movement, discursive reactions.</p

    Facebook como espaço de ação virtual: uma análise sobre as reações discursivas na fan page de um movimento ambiental

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    This article aims to map the discursive reactions found in reviews of internet-readers in a post of the environmental movement Greenpeace Brazil on Facebook and evaluates primarily how such reactions might interfere in the public visibility and legitimacy of the movement built by the speech published on the site. The hypothesis of this work is that, by the reactions, surfers can conquer the political expression they want, but have limited levels of conversation and participation and may be unable to contribute to the visibility and legitimacy of the institution. We sought to identify the characteristics of reactions and levels of the detached participation and, finally, analyze primarily the interference of such reactions. For this, we adopted as the theoretical assumptions the Semiolinguistics Theory of Patrick Charaudeau and other theorists on digital subjectivity, as well as some more philosophical discussions on the scope of social networks.Keywords: social network, environmental movement, discursive reactions.Este artigo tem como finalidade mapear as reações discursivas encontradas em comentários de internautas-leitores em um post do movimento ambiental Greenpeace Brasil no Facebook e avalia, primariamente, como tais reações podem vir a interferir na visibilidade pública e legitimidade do movimento, construídas pelo discurso publicado no site. A hipótese do trabalho é a de que, pelas reações, os internautas podem conquistar a expressão política que desejam, porém, possuem níveis limitados de conversação e participação, podendo ser incapazes de contribuir para a visibilidade e legitimidade da instituição. Buscamos identificar as características das reações e os níveis de participação depreendidos e, por fim, analisar, primariamente, a interferência de tais reações. Para isso, adotamos como pressupostos teóricos a Teoria Semiolinguística de Patrick Charaudeau e outras teorias sobre a subjetividade digital, bem como algumas discussões mais filosóficas sobre o alcance das redes sociais.Palavras-chave: rede social, movimento ambiental, reações discursivas

    Individual Behavioral differences and health of golden-headed lion tamarins, Leontopithecus chrysomelas

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    Individual behavioral differences may influence how animals cope with altered environments. Depending on their behavioral traits, individuals may thus vary in how their health is affected by environmental conditions. We investigated the relationship between individual behavior of free-living golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) responding to a novel object (to assess exploration-avoidance), and their habitat use and health status (endoparasitism; clinical measures: biometric data, heart rate, respiratory frequency, and temperature; fecal glucocorticoid metabolites). As parasite transmission can be affected by individual variation in social contact and social grooming, we also evaluated whether more sociable individuals show higher endoparasite loads compared with less sociable animals. Four groups living in landscapes with different levels of human disturbance were investigated: two in degraded forest fragments in an agricultural matrix (DFAM-higher disturbance), and two in a cocoa agroforestry system (cabruca-lower disturbance) in the Atlantic forest of South Bahia, Brazil. Using a subjective ratings approach, highly correlated adjective descriptors were combined to produce z-score ratings of one derived variable ("confidence"), which was selected to characterize the tamarins' exploration/avoidance responses during a novel object test. The higher the confidence score, the longer female tamarins spent foraging for prey independent of landscape, and the greater their body mass independent of sex and landscape. Only DFAM individuals showed intestinal parasite infection. Endoparasite loads were positively correlated with the number of grooming partners, suggesting an association between social grooming and transmission (more groomers = more endoparasites). Individual behavior, including in a test situation, may thus have some predictive value for behavior in a free-living context, and for its health consequences

    Relationship between intact HIV-1 proviruses in circulating CD4+ T cells and rebound viruses emerging during treatment interruption.

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    Combination antiretroviral therapy controls but does not cure HIV-1 infection because a small fraction of cells harbor latent viruses that can produce rebound viremia when therapy is interrupted. The circulating latent virus reservoir has been documented by a variety of methods, most prominently by viral outgrowth assays (VOAs) in which CD4+ T cells are activated to produce virus in vitro, or more recently by amplifying proviral near full-length (NFL) sequences from DNA. Analysis of samples obtained in clinical studies in which individuals underwent analytical treatment interruption (ATI), showed little if any overlap between circulating latent viruses obtained from outgrowth cultures and rebound viruses from plasma. To determine whether intact proviruses amplified from DNA are more closely related to rebound viruses than those obtained from VOAs, we assayed 12 individuals who underwent ATI after infusion of a combination of two monoclonal anti-HIV-1 antibodies. A total of 435 intact proviruses obtained by NFL sequencing were compared with 650 latent viruses from VOAs and 246 plasma rebound viruses. Although, intact NFL and outgrowth culture sequences showed similar levels of stability and diversity with 39% overlap, the size of the reservoir estimated from NFL sequencing was larger than and did not correlate with VOAs. Finally, intact proviruses documented by NFL sequencing showed no sequence overlap with rebound viruses; however, they appear to contribute to recombinant viruses found in plasma during rebound