161 research outputs found

    Colocalization of tyrosine hydroxylase and Fos in the male Syrian hamster brain following different states of arousal

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    In an investigation of the role that central tyrosine hydroxylase-(TH) containing neurons play in copulation in the male Syrian hamster, The induction of Fos protein was used as an index of neuronal activation. With a double immunoperoxidase technique, the activation of TH neurons was compared in hamsters from three experimental groups: (1) mated in a new cage; (2) handled controls placed in a new cage, and (3) unhandled controls. Although mating selectively induces Fos production in the medial amygdaloid nucleus (Me), more than half of the TH neurons in Me (a region outside of the classical catecholamine systems) expressed Fos equally in all of the experimental groups. In the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN), TH neurons were activated equivalently in mated and handled control animals compared to unhandled controls. TH neurons in the neucleus of the solitary tract (NST) were also activated in handled control animals, and mating further enhanced the level of Fos immunostaining in these neurons above both groups of nonmated animals. Although not quantified, co-localization of Fos and TH was also observed in all experimental groups in the olfactory bulbs and the interfascicular nucleus, and in the horizontal limb of the diagonal band of Broca and the cerebral cortex, regions which contain TH neurons but are not part of the classically described TH cell groups. Few, if any, TH neurons in other catecholaminergic brain regions, such as the substantia nigra and locus coeruleus, produced Fos in any of the experimental groups. These results suggest that TH neurons in the PVN and NST may be activated during different states of arousal, and that nonclassical TH neurons in the amygdala produce high levels of Fos even in unstimulated animals. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/50083/1/480250207_ftp.pd

    A Systems Biology Approach Reveals the Role of a Novel Methyltransferase in Response to Chemical Stress and Lipid Homeostasis

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    Using small molecule probes to understand gene function is an attractive approach that allows functional characterization of genes that are dispensable in standard laboratory conditions and provides insight into the mode of action of these compounds. Using chemogenomic assays we previously identified yeast Crg1, an uncharacterized SAM-dependent methyltransferase, as a novel interactor of the protein phosphatase inhibitor cantharidin. In this study we used a combinatorial approach that exploits contemporary high-throughput techniques available in Saccharomyces cerevisiae combined with rigorous biological follow-up to characterize the interaction of Crg1 with cantharidin. Biochemical analysis of this enzyme followed by a systematic analysis of the interactome and lipidome of CRG1 mutants revealed that Crg1, a stress-responsive SAM-dependent methyltransferase, methylates cantharidin in vitro. Chemogenomic assays uncovered that lipid-related processes are essential for cantharidin resistance in cells sensitized by deletion of the CRG1 gene. Lipidome-wide analysis of mutants further showed that cantharidin induces alterations in glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid abundance in a Crg1-dependent manner. We propose that Crg1 is a small molecule methyltransferase important for maintaining lipid homeostasis in response to drug perturbation. This approach demonstrates the value of combining chemical genomics with other systems-based methods for characterizing proteins and elucidating previously unknown mechanisms of action of small molecule inhibitors

    Metsislased, nende bioloogia, ohustatus ja arvukuse hindamine Eestis

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    Problems and Solutions for Appraisal and Attestation of Soldiers in National Armed Forces of Latvia

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    Šajā zinātniskajā darbā pievērsta uzmanība personāla vērtēšanas problēmām Latvijas Nacionālajos bruņotajos spēkos, analizējot iemeslus, kādēļ šajā organizācijā 15 gadu laikā kopš tās nodibināšanas neveiksmi pēc kārtas piedzīvojuši jau 5 dažādi personāla vērtēšanas modeļi, un piedāvājot iespējamo risinājumu, kas balstīts uz Latvijas aizsardzības sistēmas vadīšanas attiecību un vajadzību analīzi, kā arī uz vērtēšanas teorētiskajiem principiem un starptautiski atzītiem personāla vērtēšanas labas prakses standartiem. Izmantojot kvalitatīvās izpētes metodes, darba ietvaros analizēta līdzšinējā personāla vērtēšanas prakse Latvijā un citās NATO dalībvalstīs, aplūkojot svarīgākos personāla vērtēšanas sistēmu darbības efektivitātes un ilgtspējības nosacījumus. Izpētes rezultātā sintezēts Latvijas Nacionālajiem bruņotajiem spēkiem ieteicamais personāla vērtēšanas sistēmas modelis un priekšlikumi par tā ieteicamo ieviešanas gaitu.This research paper addresses problems of personnel evaluation in the National Armed Forces of Latvia, providing analysis of reasons for consequtive failure of 5 different personnel evaluation models that were introduced by this organization, and offering a possible solution that is based on assessment of management relations and needs of the defence system of Latvia, as well as the theorethical principles of evaluation and internationally recognized good practice standards of personnel evaluations. This paper uses qualitative research methods to analyze the existing practice of personnel evaluation in Latvia and other NATO member countries by looking at the key factors that determine effectiveness and sustainability of personnel evaluation systems. The research generates the most appropriate personnel evaluation model for the National Armed Forces of Latvia and provides suggestions for optimal implementation of the model

    UNIX-like microkernel operating system on FPGA processor

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    Risinājumos, kuros izmanto programmējamo loģisko mezglu masīvu (FPGA) procesorus, programmatūras pieejamība ir svarīga, lai samazinātu galaprodukta iegūšanai nepieciešamo laiku. Plašu programmatūras atbalstu ir ieguvušas UNIX veida operētājsistēmas. To kombinācija ar FPGA procesoriem spēj nodrošināt vēlamo izstrādes ātrumu. Lai apmierinātu kvalitātes prasības, tiek piedāvāts izmantot mikrokodola operētājsistēmu. Darbā tiek apskatīta sistēmas mikroshēmā izveide darbībai ar „Minix 3“ mikrokodola operētājsistēmu.Software support is important for Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) soft processor applications for reduced product time-to-market. UNIX-like operating systems have gained wide software availability. Using in combination with FPGA processors, the demanded development speed can be achieved. To assure the quality demands, use of microkernel operating system is suggested. This paper covers design of system-on-chip for operation with "Minix 3" microkernel operating system