504 research outputs found

    Mitos femeninos que transformaron la visión cultural

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    <span>Lidia Blanco explains the efforts she repeatedly made to try to find some new feminine “models” that could successfuly do away with stereotypical gendered behaviours and conventions. However, she acknowledges that she did not succeed, or that she only succeeded </span><em>while</em><span> looking for them as, at the end of the day, substituting one model for another leads to nothing but to homogeneity and conformism. As she says, “Re-creating, then, one mythology of woman was the same as creating a class of special beings... a new and distant Heaven... in which one should believe and which one should worship”. On the other hand, Blanco talks about the progressively political nature of culture. She ends her article saying that in order to fight for equality, women have often forgotten about her differences and uniqueness. Equality is not to be confused with sameness, Blanco suggests.</span

    The Substantial Modification of Works Conditions: A Comparative Study

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    [Resumen] En el presente trabajo se llevara a cabo un análisis comparado de la modificación sustancial de las condiciones de trabajo en España y en cinco países de la Unión Europea. Estos países serán Alemania, Francia, Reino Unido, Italia y Portugal, en los cuales la legislación correspondiente, en relación al presente tema, establecerá diferentes pautas o condiciones necesarias para lograr adecuadamente tal proceso. Tras el análisis de los seis países, anteriormente mencionados, se procederá a realizar la correspondiente comparación para establecer las conclusiones del trabajo.[Abstract] In the present work a comparative analysis of the substantial modification of working conditions in Spain and in five other countries of the European Union are going to be carried out. These countries are Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy and Portugal in which corresponding legislation, in relation to the present theme, will establish different patterns or conditions necessary to properly accomplish such a process. After analysing the six countries, mentioned above, proceed to make the appropriate comparison to establish the conclusion of work.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCT). Relacións laborais e recursos humanos. Curso 2015/201

    How do companies implement process management? : the case of cantabrian companies.

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    The constant, and sometimes radical, changes that are taking place in the business environment demand that companies develop more agile mechanisms and management systems that enable them to adapt and, above all, to be competitive. All this means that companies must be able to continuously and quickly adapt to change. In order to do this, they need to develop agile and flexible structures. Process management is a mechanism that arises to meet these new needs, giving the company the flexibility to develop their business in today's competitive environment. Despite the importance of process management techniques, several authors affirm that a high percentage of process management initiatives fail. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse how companies implement process management. Specifically, we would like to know who the people responsible for the implementation were and which phases or steps they followed. In order to achieve this aim, a survey was conducted among companies over 20 employees from Cantabria (a region in the North of Spain) which practised process management. Results show that a high percentage of companies sought external consultancy when implementing process management, especially during the initial stages. Concerning the implementation stages, an implementation methodology is proposed. Results show that it may be considered as appropriate due to the fact that all the stages are frequently used. Overall, we consider that from a theoretical point of view this study adds value to the field as it offers, first, a review gathering together the main implementation methodologies identified along the literature; and secondly it describes the results of an empirical study based on Spain, covering an existing gap. On the other side, from the practitioners’ point of view, this study could be used as guide for them. Not only because of the literature review, but especially because of the empirical case. From the obtained result managers could learn what other companies did when implementing process management. And, specially, they can identify what other companies did wrong in order not to repeat it

    Process management implementation level. A case study from Cantabria.

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    Nowadays companies need to efficiently and quickly allocate their resources in order to be competitive and survive. Process management is one of the mechanisms that arise to meet these new needs, giving the company the flexibility to develop their business in today's competitive environment. However, despite companies are aware of the importance of process management, a high percentage of process management initiatives fail. Therefore more research should be done. In this study, the implementation level achieved by companies when implementing process management will be analysed. Results show that the Operations area is the one with most processes defined. Additionally, it may be concluded that it exists an unequal development of process management depending on the functional area

    Spanish efl teachers and ict tools. A survey-based analysis

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    In the last few years, teachers in Spain have experienced numerous changes in their methodology due to the implementation of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in education. This research provides a survey-based analysis of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers that assesses their attitude towards digital resources and the current state of affairs in Spain concerning digital tools. Results indicate that despite receiving training in digital skills, teachers still need more support from their educational centres and that the technical equipment available is limited. Besides, they use more often ICT tools for practicing listening and evaluate favourably collaboration among teaching staff and the figure of the ICT coordinato

    Three decades of continuous improvement.

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    The aim of this study is to provide a literature review on continuous improvement analysing the evolution of the field by combining quantitative and qualitative analysis. More than 1,000 articles have been reviewed. The articles have been collected through the prestigious database Web of Knowledge (Thomson Scientific). The results show an increasing interest in the field of continuous improvement over the past 30 years. The most discussed topics have been “implementation of continuous improvement systems” and “methodologies”. Other findings from the study are: the existence of regional differences in research on continuous improvement, the predominance of the case study and the survey as research methodologies, and the positioning of Total Quality Management and Business Excellence as the lead scientific publication in continuous improvement areas. The present review adds value to other studies on the same topic due to number of items used (1090), the time period covered (1980-2011), the prestigious database used (Web of Knowledge) and the combination of different analysis (quantitative and qualitative)

    Territorio distante y Ensayos pedagógicos

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    La reflexión, el análisis, la crítica y la profundización en los distintos tópicos que se manejan en nuestras sociedades, son una labor obligada si queremos mantenernos lúcidos ante la permanente manipulación que de esos tópicos realizan los distintos poderes

    El protagonismo femenino en obras literarias para niños y jóvenes

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    Resumen: En el presente artículo se analizan representaciones de lo femenino en distintas obras de la literatura para niños y jóvenes: El año de la Vaca, de Márgara Averbach, La señora Planchita y un cuento de hadas pero no tanto, de Graciela Cabal, Lejos como mi querer y otros cuentos, de Marina Colasanti, La casita azul, de Sandra Comino, Matilda, de Roald Dahl, Momo, de Michael Ende, de Ana Frank, Finis Mundi, de Laura Gallego García, Un puñado de Semillas, de Mónica Hughes, Pluma de ganso, de Nilma Lacerda, La fábrica de cristal, de Lilia Lardone, Irulana y el Ogronte (un cuento de mucho miedo), de Graciela Montes y La marca en la tierra, de Graciela Rendón. Modelos de mujer que se reconfiguran a contrapelo de uno “ideal”.Palabras clave: literatura para niños y jóvenes, representación, mujer. Abstract: In this article we analyze representations of the feminine in different works of literature for children and young people: El año de la Vaca, by Márgara Averbach, La señora Planchita y un cuento de hadas pero no tanto, by Graciela Cabal, Lejos como mi querer y otros cuentos, by Marina Colasanti, La casita azul, by Sandra Comino, Matilda by Roald Dahl, Momo by Michael Ende, by Anne Frank, Finis Mundi by Laura Gallego García, A Handful of Seeds, by Monica Hughes, Pena de ganso, by Nilma Lacerda, La fábrica de cristal, by Lilia Lardone, Irulana y el Ogronte (un cuento de mucho miedo=, by Graciela Montes and La marca en la tierra, by Graciela Rendón. Models of women that reconfigure against the grain of an "ideal".Keywords: literature for children and youth, representation, woman.

    Marketing Estratégico : Estrategias de Marketing

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    El marketing estratégico parte del análisis de las necesidades de los individuos y de las organizaciones. Al comprar un producto el consumidor busca la solución a un problema o el beneficio que puede proporcionarle, y no el producto como tal; igualmente, el conocimiento de los recursos y capacidades de la empresa constituye un aspecto fundamental de la metodología para alcanzar ventajas competitivas sostenibles a largo plazo. Los diferentes productos/mercados representan oportunidades que la empresa analiza y cuyo atractivo es preciso evaluar. Para una empresa determinada, el atractivo de un producto/mercado depende de su capacidad para atraer mejor que sus competidores la demanda de los compradores. Esta competitividad existirá en la medida que la empresa posea una ventaja competitiva por la presencia de una diferenciación valorada por los consumidores o por ventaja en costes. La función de marketing estratégico orienta a la empresa hacia oportunidades económicas atractivas en función de sus capacidades, recursos, y el entorno competitivo y que ofrece un potencial de crecimiento y rentabilidad. La gestión del marketing estratégico se sitúa en el medio y largo plazo, definiendo los objetivos, elaborando una estrategia de desarrollo y manteniendo una estructura equilibrada de la cartera de productos. El marketing estratégico interviene activamente en la orientación y formulación de la estrategia de la empresa. Facilita información sobre la evolución de la demanda, la segmentación del mercado, las posiciones competitivas y la existencia de oportunidades y amenazas. Igualmente, analiza las capacidades y recursos para adaptar la empresa al entorno y situarla en una posición de ventaja competitiva sostenible

    Port System of the Spanish Mediterranean Coast Side

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    ABSTRACT: This study aims at doing a comparative analysis of the Mediterranean Port Authorities and their positioning based on their perception about the "innovative effort they have made". In order to achieve this aim, first, a comparative analysis has been carried out in order to obtain an overview of the Mediterranean watershed; secondly, the strengths and weaknesses of each Port Authority have been identified based on the variable "perceived innovative effort". The main results obtained have allowed us to detect the existing expertise on the Mediterranean Port Authorities. For instance, Tarragona is specialized in coal traffic, while Barcelona is specialized in natural gas and oil. Valencia holds the first position regarding traffic of goods. It also shares the first position with Barcelona in reference to container traffic. From the infrastructure analysis, it has been concluded that Tarragona is the Port Authority with a higher number of specialized facilities, followed by Barcelona, Castellón and Valencia. In addition, a detailed analysis of the specific facilities of each Port Authority has allowed us to get more information about the specialization of Port Authorities. Thus, it has been found that Tarragona is the only one that has coal facilities, Baleares is the only one with a dock for unloading butane and Barcelona is the only one with specific facilities dedicated to food (soybean, cocoa, coffee ...). Finally, the strengths and weaknesses analysis provides an overview of the situation of each Port Authority, indicating the potential lines of action and improvement that they can follow. We consider that this study may be useful for the Port Authority managers and policy makers due to it offers an overview of the situation of the Port Authority compared to its nearest competitors, helping with decision making and resource allocation