558 research outputs found

    Lorenzo Licini (1725-1802) surveyor of Dalmatia and Count of Poljica as Rubcich

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    Very little is known about the Great County of Poljica, the autonomous Croatian community in twelve counties on the Adriatic Sea situated mostly in modern Southern Croatia in eastern Dalmatia which had been long and voluntarily under the rule of the Republic of Venice at the border with Ottoman Bosnia. Now Venetian years could be reconstructed in the light of original documents in the State Archives of Zadar and Venice. The author inquires into the proper manner of signing one\u27s name to documents and maps as a pathway into higher research degrees. Focusing on representations of maritime Dalmatia by the hand of one of the twelve Poljica\u27s counts – Lorenzo as \u27Licini\u27 of Venetian nationality in the State of Dalmatia and as \u27Licini Rubcich\u27 by Croatian affiliation to Rupčići village for the Poljicans living in Poljica, Kotor and Zadar – the analysis demonstrates that maps made for the Grimani Cadastre collection in Zadar can be virtually investigated to reveal the broader organizational devices and patterns through which Venice actually structured and controlled this pivotal land in such a way as to support the economy of a rapidly modernizing State

    Iridium-mediated Bond Activation and Water Oxidation as an Exemplary Case of CARISMA, A European Network for the Development of Catalytic Routines for Small Molecule Activation

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    CARISMA is a currently running COST Action that pools leading European experts in computational and experimental chemistry to foster synergies for developing new catalytic processes for the transformation of abundant small molecules such as water, carbon dioxide, or ammonia into high-value chemicals and energy-relevant products. CARISMA promotes new collaborations, exchange of knowledge and skills, frontier training to young as well as established researchers, and a platform for the advancement of theoretical and experimental research in an iterative process, comprised of expertise in various connate domains including synthesis, catalysis, spectroscopy, kinetics, and computational chemistry. These interactions stimulate the discovery of new and efficient catalytic processes, illustrated in the second part of this contribution with the collaborative development of powerful iridium-based complexes for bond activation and water oxidation catalysis

    Small molecule activation

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    The activation of small molecules has become an increasingly popular area of research over the last years, and there are many reasons to be captivated by this fascinating topic

    Collagen and non-collagenous proteins molecular crosstalk in the pathophysiology of osteoporosis.

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    Abstract Collagenous and non-collagenous proteins (NCPs) in the extracellular matrix, as well as the coupling mechanisms between osteoclasts and osteoblasts, work together to ensure normal bone metabolism. Each protein plays one or more critical roles in bone metabolism, sometimes even contradictory, thus affecting the final mechanical, physical and chemical properties of bone tissue. Anomalies in the amount and structure of one or more of these proteins can cause abnormalities in bone formation and resorption, which consequently leads to malformations and defects, such as osteoporosis (OP). The connections between key proteins involved in matrix formation and resorption are far from being elucidated. In this review, we resume knowledge on the crosstalk between collagen type I and selected NCPs (Transforming Growth Factor-β, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, Decorin, Osteonectin, Osteopontin, Bone Sialoprotein and Osteocalcin) of bone matrix, focusing on their possible involvement and role in OP. The different elements of this network can be pharmacologically targeted or used for the design/development of innovative regenerative strategies to modulate a feedback loop in bone remodelling

    KUINKA AVUSTAN LÄHEISTÄNI? : Toiminnallinen iltapäivä omaishoitajille ergonomisesta työskentelystä

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    Opinnäytetyön tilaaja oli Kokkolan vanhuspalvelut. Kotihoidon työntekijät olivat huomanneet puutteita omaishoitajien työergonomiassa ja tuoneet esiin tarpeen järjestää heille aiheesta koulutusta. Omaishoito ja omaishoitajien jaksaminen on ajankohtainen asia. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin projektina yhteistyössä Kokkolan vanhuspalveluiden ja SenioriKaste-hankkeen kanssa. Projektin tarkoituksena oli järjestää Kokkolan seudun omaishoitajille toiminnallinen iltapäivä ergonomisesta työskentelystä. Projektin tavoitteena oli vähentää omaishoitajien työn kuormittavuutta opettamalla heitä hyödyntämään oman kehon painopisteitä ja luonnollisia liikeratoja avustamis- ja hoitotoimenpiteissä. Projekti sisälsi toiminnallisten iltapäivien suunnittelun, toteutuksen ja kirjallisen osuuden. Tietoperustassa käsittelimme omaishoitoa ja ergonomiaa. Projektin suunnittelu-osiossa selvitimme myös ohjausmenetelmiä omaishoitajille. Toiminnallisia iltapäiviä järjestettiin kolme samanlaista kevään 2016 aikana Kokkolassa, kaksi suomenkielistä ja yksi ruotsinkielinen. Omaishoitajat kutsuttiin tilaisuuteen kirjeillä. Toiminnalliset iltapäivät rakentuivat luennosta, apuväline-esittelystä ja käytännön harjoitteista. Luennoitsijoina toimivat alan asiantuntijat. Lopuksi omaishoitajat vastasivat palautekyselyyn. Omaishoitajilla ei ollut ennestään tietoa perusergonomiasta. Apuvälineiden tuntemuksessa oli myös puutteita. Saamamme palautteen perusteella omaishoitajat kokivat toiminnallisen iltapäivän hyödyllisenä. Se antoi heille perustietoa ergonomiasta ja toimintamalleja käytännön harjoitteiden avulla. Omaishoitajat saivat tiedon lisäksi myös vertaistukea. SenioriKaste-hankkeen asiantuntijat kokivat toiminnallisten iltapäivien järjestämisen tärkeäksi myös tulevaisuudessa.The subscriber for this thesis was the Elderly Care of Kokkola. The workers of the Home Care Unit had noticed lacking skills in work ergonomics of the caregivers and had brought up the need for training. Coping with workload is a current issue among caregivers. The thesis was executed in co-operation with the Elderly Care of Kokkola and the SenioriKaste project. The purpose of the project was to organize a functional afternoon for the caregivers of Kokkola region regarding ergonomic ways of working. The aim of the project was to reduce workload of the caregivers by educating them how to utilize natural trajectories of their body when assisting and giving treatment. The project included planning and executing the functional afternoon as well as the written part. In the knowledge base we covered care and ergonomics. In the planning part we explained training methods for carers. During the spring of 2016 we organized three similar functional afternoons, out of which 2 were conducted in Finnish and one in Swedish. Carers were invited by letters. The functional afternoon consisted of: lecture, presentation of technical aids and practical exercises. As lecturers we had professionals in the field. As an ending the carers answered a feedback questionnaire. The carers had no previous knowledge regarding basic ergonomic working methods. There was also lack of knowledge regarding technical aids. According to the feedback the carers experienced the afternoon to be useful. It gave them basic information regarding ergonomics and procedures through practical exercises. In addition to information the carers also received peer support from other participants. The experts from the SenioriKaste project also supported organizing similar days in the future

    Tripodal gold(I) polypyridyl complexes and their Cu+ and Zn2+ heterometallic derivatives. Effects on luminescence

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    Three gold(I) tripodal complexes containing the tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (TPA) ligand coordinated to Au-PR3 moieties (PR3 = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphatricyclo[]decane, PTA (1), 3,7-diacetyl-1,3,7-triaza-5-phosphabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane, DAPTA (2) and triphenylphosphane (3)) were prepared together with a cage-like structure containing triphosphane 1,1,1-tris(diphenylphosphinomethyl)ethane (4). The luminescence of these complexes has been studied and they show a red shift upon the formation of heterometallic complexes by reaction with Zn(NO3)2, CuCl and [Cu(CH3CN)4]BF4. The different coordination motifs of the Zn2+ and Cu+ heterometallic species and the resulting changes in the recorded absorption, emission and NMR spectra were analysed and supported by TD-DFT calculations