
Microfluidic Platform for Adherent Single Cell High-Throughput Screening


This paper was presented at the 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2014), which was held at University College, London, UK. The conference was organised by Brunel University and supported by the Italian Union of Thermofluiddynamics, IPEM, the Process Intensification Network, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Heat Transfer Society, HEXAG - the Heat Exchange Action Group, and the Energy Institute, ASME Press, LCN London Centre for Nanotechnology, UCL University College London, UCL Engineering, the International NanoScience Community,, in vitro investigations on biology and physiology of cells rely on averaging the responses eliciting from heterogeneous cell populations, thus being unsuitable for assessing individual cell behaviors in response to external stimulations. In the last years, great interest has thus been focused on single cell analysis and screening, which represents a promising tool aiming at pursuing the direct and deterministic control over cause-effect relationships guiding cell behavior. In this regard, a high-throughput microfluidic platform for trapping and culturing adherent single cells was presented. A single cell trapping mechanism was implemented based on dynamic variation of fluidic resistances. A round-shaped culture chamber (Φ=250μm, h=25μm) was conceived presenting two connections with a main fluidic path: (i) an upper wide opening, and (ii) a bottom trapping junction which modulates the hydraulic resistance. Several layouts of the chamber were designed and computationally validated for the optimization of the single cell trapping efficacy. The optimized chamber layouts were integrated in a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic platform presenting two main functionalities: (i) 288 chambers for trapping single cells, and (ii) a chaoticmixer based serial dilution generator for delivering both soluble factors and non-diffusive molecules under spatio-temporally controlled chemical patterns. The devices were experimentally validated and allowed for trapping individual U87-MG (human glioblastoma-astrocytoma epithelial-like) cells and culturing them up to 3 days

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